I Am Struggling to Quit Smoking While Pregnant: Will My Baby Be OK?


“Hi, I’ve been having trouble quitting smoking, and I’m 9 weeks pregnant. If I stop now, do you think my baby will be okay?”

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“I smoked a pack a day and quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant with my first. My sister in law smokes less and has never succeeded at quitting after 4 pregnancies. It is NOT an indication of how much or little you love your child. It is really, really hard. You CAN do this. (Hugs).”

“Please just stop. There is absolutely no proof that quitting stresses your baby. That is simply not true.”

" Talk with you obgyn. Maybe patches could help you?

I smoked during pregnancy and my son was perfect. He was born at 41 weeks and weighed nearly 9 pounds. However, quitting sooner than later is best for both youth and baby! Hypnosis could also help if you’re open to it. Good luck momma!"

“I was a smoker, and I did not know I was pregnant with my first LO until 6 weeks. I quit cold turkey as soon as I found out and he is perfectly healthy. Just quit ASAP.”

“Yes. You are early enough. I get it’s hard. But your child’s health is more important than a bad habit.”

“If you cant quit, cut back, relax. While not good to smoke, there is a whole bunch of us out here that did and had no problems.”

“You’re a mom now. There are just some things you have to do for your kids. Quit asap. I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I cried for a few days but I did it. And I had a hell of a stressful pregnancy but if I can, anyone can!”

“This was my biggest struggle while pregnant. I was never able to completely quit. I did cut back to almost nothing. My kids are now 17,15,12. They are extremely healthy. I was also pregnant during the time when the doctors didn’t recommend you quit cold turkey, they recommended to slow down first. I know things have changed in the last decade. This was just my experience.”

“Cutting back helped me this time around like every two days I’d cut out a cigarette and only smoke half cuz that second half normally smells and turns me away. The farther you get into it the harder it gets because it’ll become a craving outside of the habit itself. I smoked with my first two and my daughter was born purple having trouble breathing and my son came out fine. It’s really not something I suggest you allow to be really ok in your head, you know? But I believe the ob can help get into support groups and my ob said if I can’t hang with those then she can give me a safe prescription to help quit. I also suggest if the actual urge to do the “ritual” ie lighting the cigarette; holding it in your hand and so on, find an alternative. Like I’ll hold a pencil in between my fingers. I’ll just light the lighter. I won’t go near the areas that I would normally go to smoke. I pretty much treated it like when I hit addiction recovery. I also always ask “do I NEED this or do I WANT this” if I have to ask then I definitely do NOT need it. And I try to find something to sit through the urge. The urge itself will pass. You just gotta really sit through it. And the mood swing part is kinda fitting since you are already pregnant and hormonal lol.”

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Talk with you obgyn. Maybe patches could help you?
I smoked during pregnancy and my son was perfect. He was born at 41 weeks and weighed nearly 9 pounds. However, quitting sooner than later is best for both youth and baby! Hypnosis could also help if you’re open to it. Good luck momma!


You will be fine I found the chewing gum was the only thing that helped x

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I was a smoker, and I did not know I was pregnant with my first LO until 6 weeks. I quit cold turkey as soon as I found out and he is perfectly healthy. Just quit ASAP.


The sooner the better.


I’m 30 weeks with my 5th and quitting has been hard I tried every pregnancy. My dr says just try to cut back a few a day and maybe you’ll work your way into quitting also she said I could try nicotine gum or patches they are better than all the other chemicals you get with smoking

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Try chantix it worked for me

If you cant quit, cut back, relax. While not good to smoke, there is a whole bunch of us out here that did and had no problems.


I smoked a pack a day and quit cold turkey at 9 weeks and baby was just fine! It was hard but the guilt while smoking knowing I was pregnant was even harder. Suckers and gum!!!


This was my biggest struggle while pregnant. I was never able to completely quit. I did cut back to almost nothing. My kids are now 17,15,12. They are extremely healthy. I was also pregnant during the time when the doctors didn’t recommend you quit cold turkey, they recommended to slow down first. I know things have changed in the last decade. This was just my experience.


How much do you smoke would determine it for me. I’ve quit several times and the last time I quit was the cycle I got pregnant. I used a calendar and marked the amount I cut down to that week. So down to how many in an hour eventually down to 1 at wake up, 10am 1 pm, just like every 4 hours. The hardest to kick was the morning wake up and before bed. Switch off of menthols if you smoke those. Work with your doctor too.

Talk with your doctors. Please God do it slowly.

I tried and tried. But could not manage. Baby girl is perfect


Drink lots of water. Don’t smoke with your coffee or other caffeine. Drop the unimportant ones first ( after a meal, when you get up, those are “important “. 10 am, not so much ). I smoked 2 1/2 packs a day for YEARS, quit over about 6 weeks.

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My best advice is to quit cold turkey. The reason I say that I was with a man who is trying to quit in the patches never worked for him his stepmother was trying to quit paying two or $300 for that little pill I mean it was a little bottle of pills it was supposed to help her quit smoking and she’s standing there with a cigarette lit pop in the pill and telling me it’s to help me quit smoking and I’m like but you’re smoking lol omg I tried to quit one time I got down to three cigarettes a day and then my husband went to jail for some stupid crap and that went right out the window and then I started smoking more. I know something when A girlfriend of mine had to quit smoking cigarettes,do to them finding a hole in her heart apparently had been there for years of her life and they had to split her chest open she quit smoking okay and started chewing gum sucking on Candy jolly ranchers peppermints. that just crossed my mind as I was telling you my comment

I smoked a pack a day and quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant with my first. My sister in law smokes less and has never succeeded at quitting after 4 pregnancies. It is NOT an indication of how much or little you love your child. It is really, really hard. You CAN do this. (Hugs)


I had a friend in school whose mother I saw smoke literally a pack a day while pregnant with her youngest child … thankfully nothing negative happened to her, but she didn’t even make an attempt to stop it. She said she smoked with all 4 pregnancies and it was the only thing that helped with her symptoms. :woman_shrugging:


I just found out I’m pregnant as well and as soon as it was a for sure thing I stopped smoking all together sometimes it’s easier for others sometimes it’s not but gum does help, my aunt kept a bag of baby carrots to help her quit and it worked for her !

When I had to quit OB suggested weaning down. So each week I cut I half what I was smoking until I didnt smoke anymore. Only took about 3 weeks. Now the smell bothers the hell out of me

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Yes. You are early enough. I get it’s hard. But your child’s health is more important than a bad habit


I tried to quit and couldn’t. The further along you get and try to quit, it’ll stress the baby out from you stressing. If you wanna do it, do it soon. If not just cut back as much as you can. I smoked my whole pregnancy and had a healthy 7 lb 4.7 oz baby girl. I felt guilty but I just couldn’t quit. I worked full time in a factory too so that helped me not smoke so much.

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Yes. Your baby will be fine if you quit now. Smoking while pregnant causes black spots to appear in the baby’s lungs, even in yours.

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Your baby will be more than ok. Quit now.

I smoked my whole pregnancy no issues good birth weight and abgars were 8 and 9


You’d better stop now

Cutting back helped me this time around like every two days I’d cut out a cigarette and only smoke half cuz that second half normally smells and turns me away. The farther you get into it the harder it gets because it’ll become a craving outside of the habit itself. I smoked with my first two and my daughter was born purple having trouble breathing and my son came out fine. It’s really not something I suggest you allow to be really ok in your head, you know?
But I believe the ob can help get into support groups and my ob said if I can’t hang with those then she can give me a safe prescription to help quit.

I also suggest if the actual urge to do the “ritual” ie lighting the cigarette; holding it in your hand and so on, find an alternative. Like I’ll hold a pencil in between my fingers. I’ll just light the lighter. I won’t go near the areas that I would normally go to smoke. I pretty much treated it like when I hit addiction recovery.

I also always ask “do I NEED this or do I WANT this” if I have to ask then I deffinantly do NOT need it. And I try to find something to sit through the urge. The urge itself will pass. You just gotta really sit through it.
And the mood swing part is kinda fitting since you are already pregnant and hormonal lol.


Had mouth surgery in 1989.Had to quit cold turkey.Wasn’t easy but I am addicted to tootsie roll pops to this day.LOL.

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Please just stop. There is absolutely no proof that quitting stresses your baby. That is simply not true.


I stopped right at 5 months! I switched to American spirits and smoked 3 a day(cutting them im half) it was a lot easier to quit doing that than going from half/a whole pack a day to nothing. You got this momma​:heart::heart::heart: once you quit, you’ll feel immensely better

Just do it slowly. Stop smoking in your home and car first. Then stop smoking the “as soon as you wake up” one and the “right after meals” ones. Food, stress, and driving were my biggest triggers. I couldn’t completely quit during my first pregnancy but I definitely cut down. My oldest was 5 when I got on Chantix and was finally able to stop. Best thing that I’ve ever done! If you are able to stop don’t go back to it for any reason after your pregnancy. My mom stopped for 5 years while pregnant with me and my siblings but she started again after my youngest brother and now, 34 years later, she’s a horrible smoker.

I just stoped strait away with both my children, it was very hard and I was a raging bitch for a few days but it gets better

Your baby will be fine.

You’re a mom now. There are just some things you have to do for your kids. Quit asap. I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I cried for a few days but I did it. And I had a hell of a stressful pregnancy but if I can, anyone can!


I smoked with all 4 of my kids and all were healthy. If you can quit great but I craved cigarettes while pregnant. It was hard.

They will be . Always good motivation to quit :+1:

I’m 19 weeks and still smoke cigarettes and I actually crave them sometimes. My doctor said cigarettes aren’t good but I’ve been smoking so long and continued while being pregnant it can do more harm than good to the baby. I just smoke half a cigarette at a time and try to space it out between cigarettes.

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I smoked an ecig and the odd cig here and there before I found out I was pregnant. Once I found out, I stopped the odd cig here and there and I’ve never touched one since. I use my ecig all the time, I cut down on liquid to the lowest amount of nicotine and am trying to cut nicotine out completely. I was told to gradually cut down as It stresses the baby when I’m stressed. I’m 20 weeks and I feel amazing :ok_hand: my first pregnancy (7yr ago) I smoked anything from 20-40 a day with her, I tried to stop but being alone in a house I craved cigs and smoked through boredom. I had a healthy 6lb12oz baby but this time I told myself I wouldn’t smoke through it. Now I don’t like the smell at all!

It’s better to quit.

I smoked during both of my pregnancies but cut down dramatically … my youngest will be 6 . I just quit cigarettes 9 days ago and instead of going completely cold turkey. I switched to vaping.

I’ve found nicotine to be more addictive than anything else. I quit smoking around 2 months but just cause I quit thinking about it, the sooner the better

Quitting now will greatly reduce any risks to your health and the health of your unborn baby. Some tips to quit smoking:
Keep your mind busy.
Keep your hands busy.
Drink lots of water.

Good luck! You got this Mama! :heart:


The sooner the better. I had a problem with quitting vaping when I was pregnant, so I threw the vape off a bridge and into a river

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I found it hard to quit smoking for years but when I found out I was pregnant I stopped, it is hard but u just think about the baby, u will get over it, i haven’t smoked since.

The sooner you quit, the better for you and baby.

Quit smoking asap.
It will damage your baby and has the potential of damaging your grandbabies.
You’ll be better off without them.

Quit I read up on smoking and having a baby a year before I tried to get pregnant and I quit and I was a two pack a day smoker. Love for the baby is the greatest incentive.

Talk to your midwife or ob about this. They will be able to give you advice on how to quit and discuss the risks of smoking while pregnant.

I stopped smoking when I found out I was pregnant and I got really sick, when I told my doctor that I went cold turkey,he told me to go out and have a smoke because I was doing more harm than good to my baby " if you are sick, the baby is sick too " ,that’s what he told me, I was smoking more than a pack a day before but while I was pregnant I only smoked when I was craving.

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Yes absolutely. Same happened with all of mine . It was tough . I quit fully after my last child and never went back .
Best of luck

Stop for the sake of your baby! You really can do it if you think about your baby…it’s not worth hurting your baby! I adopted a baby and she was only 5 pounds because the bio donor smoked the entire pregnancy!!

Don’t want to start anything yes quiting is better but I didn’t smoke at all with my first one an he was sick a lot I smoked with the second didn’t quit but cut way back an she was healthy go figure

When I found out I was pregnant I was already 17 weeks… I’m was a smoker but quit the moment I found out… It’s hard but you can do it… And I’m not planning on going back​:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

My Dr told me ween off of the smokes because going cold turkey can cause your blood pressure to get to high.

Talk to you doctor about it they can help…

Going thru the same thing, I’m 5 months.

Yes sooner the better

Just stop- i know it is hard- i quit when i was pregnant with all 4 of mine, and it was easier because smoking made me throw up- but the minute the baby was born- was having a smoke! My advice to you would be to quit and don’t pick it up again- but once again, easier said than done

Yes maybe weaning off these would be good for you and then as a incentive save the 7 dollars daily and buy something for baby or put towards next years vacation it adds up quickly!!

Stopping at any point is beneficial. The sooner the better

I’ve smoked my whole pregnancy with all of them and all were over 9lbs but my twins were a it smaller my twins were 6lbs and 7lbs thats seems pretty okay.

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Cut back with 1 less cigarette then the day before. So, say you smoke 10 cigarettes on sunday, then on Monday smoke only 9 and so forth. Quiting cold turkey isn’t the best thing to do while pregnant.

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Do what you feel comfortable with. I have 6 kids and I smoked with 4 and vaped with 2 my 4 older ones have bad allergies but the other 2 not so much.

I smoked through my pregnancy, tried quitting but I cut way back. My daughter is healthy. Definitely hard but do what you can.

I have 2 kiddos. Wasn’t able to stop completely. 5 and 10 months old. I did cut back tremendously. They are completely healthy boys. Cut back as much as ya can. Best of luck :heartpulse:

If you cant fully quit try vaping, and cut your nicotine back so you end up just vaping 0 nicotine, its safer then just carrying on smoking

Lol these dumb bitches giving the worst advice just because you smoked with your kids and they are "okay " doesn’t mean someone else’s will be my sister smoked and her son was born very prematurely and was in nicu for the first 8 months of his life and he’s still smaller and with major health problems and asthma and a shit load of other problems if you can’t quit smoking you just don’t care or aren’t trying I stopped soon as I found out get the fuck out of here it’s not about you it’s about the baby disgusting ass people on here foreal

I was told by obgyn vaping is worse than smoking while pregnant I have smoked all the way threw with all mine it’s so hard to quite especially when others around you smoke

Vaping actually has more nicotine in 2 puffs then there is in 3 full size cigarettes. A high risk doctor actually said if your gonna smoke a few a day, smoke. Try quitting but smoke not vape. They know the risks of what smoking actually does, there is almost no evidence of what vaping actually does to the baby. The only proven fact they have for vaping is that it does indeed hurt your lungs worse than smoking does, plus makes your nicotine level skyrocket.

Good for you (and the baby) Alissa!

I’m about 5 months and have to smoke weed to get by

Talk to your doctor they will explain the best options to slowly quit. They will know betterthan anyone here. Everyone’s bodies and pregnancies are different.