I am 6 months pregnant and I am struggling with insecurity within my marriage and myself. I feel so unattractive all the time and I’m scared my husband is not attracted to me anymore. He reassures me that he loves me and is attracted to me, but it’s so difficult to have sex, and honestly he seems to not be as interested. I’ve made myself paranoid that he’s going to cheat on me, to the point where I obsessively check his location multiple times a day. He has given me no reason to think he is cheating, and I really believe I’m making myself go crazy. We just bought a new house and are currently living with my parents until it’s ready, and that has caused stress in our marriage I think. I just don’t know what to do. I am miserable in my own head and I am tired of making myself unhappy.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am struggling with anxiety and insecurity while pregnant
Being pregnant is beautiful !!! U r creating life listen to ur hubs I remember being uncomfortable during sex also try different ways He probably is afraid it uncomfortable/hurting u to.
I think many women feel this way during pregnancy, chin up. You’re creating a human, which is the most beautiful thing a woman can do Also sometimes when the baby starts to get bigger the guys get a little freaked out, they think they may hurt your or the baby and pull away. Talk to your hubby. The lower desire for sex could also be coming from living with parents.
You’re lucky as heck count your blessings you have yourself a good men not many of us can find one
Some men don’t like having sex with pregnant women but that doesn’t mean he’s going to go cheat on you tho especially if he’s given you no reason to think he’s going to. If I was u I would look deep inside yourself and ask yourself why you’re feeling so insecure lately besides pregnancy cause there’s something going on inside yourself that you have hidden deep inside that is now coming out to the light and once you figure the problem out then you can fix it
You sound like you have a lot going on right now, with a new home, living with parents, being pregnant and dealing with all of the hormones and feelings that come a long with it. That is a lot to deal with! I feel your husband may be experiencing some of the same stressors with the new home, maybe work issues he doesn’t want to concern you with, having a baby (some guys get freaked out about sex while their wife is pregnant), or even having sex in your parents home could be making him back down a bit. Perhaps talk to him, but not from an accusatory view, just let him know you are interested in more intimacy and ask him how he is feeling about every.