I am terrified of having a c-section but have an anterior placenta: Advice?

I had 1 natural and 2 c sections. My experience was the c section was way easier, but everyone is different. Either way having a baby is hard and no one ever talks about the recovery and how even after you start to feel better 2 to 3 weeks later you are still bleeding for like 2 months. That to me was the worst. Either way you will have the best gift and it is so worth it. Good luck mama!

I didnā€™t have the same thing as you but my daughter never dropped and labor just didnā€™t progress and the babys heart rate started to drop, so at 4:13 am i had an emergency c section. Iā€™m so thankful they did as the umbilical cord was wrapped around her face bad. I had always thought it would never happen to me and Iā€™d be able to have a regular delivery, but sometimes you canā€™t control things. It wasnā€™t so bad and my dr stitched me up good, very little scare and itā€™s so low it doesnā€™t ever show in bathing suits. Recovery wasnā€™t bad for me, and the way I looked at it was ā€œat least my lady parts didnā€™t get all stretched out!!ā€ I wish you the best of luck, but if a c section is what you need, donā€™t worry, the outcome is still amazing!!

5 babiesā€¦3anterior placentas 5 natural births :blush: they only worry if its low and blocking babies exit only difficulty i had with it was monitoring babies movements as the placenta was in the way so could only feel them if they kicked below/above or at the sides other than that it caused no issues x

With my 1st and 2nd pregnancy I had an anterior placenta and had 0 issues with an all natural birth. It was easy and smooth. Thereā€™s not a lot you can do to make them go head down but hope they will

Just had a section 10 dayā€™s ago for my twins, both were breach,Iā€™m doing fine with very little pain itā€™s not that bad of a recovery.

Try sleeping on different side!!!
I was told this by one of the nutritionist a week before I was supposed to have c-section. Baby is too comfortable on that side u sleep on and doesnā€™t want to turn. I tried it and 3 days later she turned and I had natural child birth

Had a anterior placenta with my first. Only had a csection because he wasnt ready (40/6) and induction didnt work. His heart rate dropped and my blood pressure dropped after 25 hours of labor I made it to 3cm. Iā€™m now a proud csection mom x2 but it had absolutely nothing to do with having an anterior placenta.

I had to have a C-section this year to deliver my 1 month old daughter. It was expected to be a natural birth but she was stuck due to her size and was 3 weeks early on top of it all i had preeclampsia with her. I dilated to 5 cms never budged had to have an emergency csection if your doctors use anything close to the methods i had performed you wont feel anything at all during or after for hours. Only thing i felt during was pressure like someone sitting on my lap. No pain at all. My daughter was 8lbs 2 oz and healthy as can be. Tip to having natural though. Drink plenty od water and WALK. It helps. Let nature do the rest of figuring out if your baby will come that way. But donā€™t be scared mu csection was 45 mins and done. I had my baby the entire rest of the time. Good luck and i wish you both health during it all

I had to have an emergency c-section at 36wks due to me taking eclampsia along with bad blood flow between my baby and my placenta plus my little boy wasnā€™t growing too and that was 7mths ago. it was the best decision drs / midwives made for me. At the time I was scared and didnā€™t know what to expect before & after Iā€™d had my little boy but the recovery time seemed ok and quite quick for me too. Although everybodyā€™s bodies take to things different but I feel great now although I still have no feeling in part of my belly of where I was sectioned. Hope you keep well and congratulations :pray:t2:

You will be fine. Its painful but well worth it in the end. After birth keep a pillow on your stomach helps hold it in!!!

Inhad an emergency c section. With my 3rd. I guess umbilical chord was coming out before her. Thatā€™s all I remember. I do remember thinking Iā€™d rather go through vaginal births skin iver c section. C section makes it harder to get rid of bottom pouch plus I have barely any feeling on bottom stomach. Only thing about it was I was already open so mo separate surgery to get tubes tied they just did it then

I had 2 c-sections 14 mths apart. I think youā€™re psyching yourself out. They arenā€™t pleasant but they arenā€™t as bad as you are probably playing out in your head. Relax and follow what your doctor tells you is best. If gut tells you itā€™s wrong, you can always get a second opinion.

Anterior placenta, breech baby and emergency c-section when my water broke at 37 weeks.

My last baby I had a anterior placenta we only had trouble once with bleeding at 34 weeks other than that everything else was fine. He was born on 1 of his due dates, July this year and was nearly 4kgs. I had him naturally and 2 hours labour.

If you have to have a C-section just know, everything will be okay. I have had one vaginal and two csection. At the end of the day you will still have a beautiful baby.

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Had this as well with bothā€¦turned last minute and second worked on to turn around. All vaginal births and no premature births.

I had 3 of them . You be fine. Ya lay there and they pull that baby out.

Iā€™ve had 2 anterior placenta and all vaginal births. If your baby end up breech, go to spinningbabies.com and use their techniques. Overall your chances of c-section with a competent provider are relatively small.

Ive had 4 sections. Csections take a longer recovery and more painā€¦but its not horrible.

Both of mine have been anterior placenta both have been natural deliveries without complications.

Four days in labor and had to do a c-section and she was breachā€¦ all three of my girls were.

I had an anterior placenta my labor was normal

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I had anterior placenta with my first and I had a vaginal birth with no issues or complications.

All 3 of my kids were c sections. All 3 were healthy. All 3 recoveries were uneventful. Pain was tackled successfully with Motrin and the last two, I left a day early from the hospital. I know you are scared but if you can try to keep a positive outlook, it will help a lot. Good luck!

I had an anterior placenta with my last baby ā€¦ he was breech till about 36 weeks and flipped the right away before we had him he was born at 38 weeks we delivered natural without problems ā€¦ if anything it just means it may be a little bit harder of a delivery but you can still deliver ā€¦ itā€™s best to stop reading and just speak with your doctor about your concerns. This is what they are trained to do and know how to handle things for what is best for you and your baby . It will be ok mama!

My planned csections were easy was only a little worse on recovery than my natural birth. You can do it mama

Youā€™re only 24 weeks, if your baby is breech, the baby still has time to flip around, I had an anterior placenta and still gave birth vaginally, the placement of the placenta doesnā€™t really affect the outcome of labor unless itā€™s blocking the babyā€™s way out. My daughter was breech at my 20 week anatomy scan, and by 30 weeks she was already head down, pay attention to where you feel the kicking, their head will be in about the opposite direction of their kicks.

I had a great pregnancy, water broke and 20hrs later I had to have a c-sectionā€¦ I was so mad and scared but it turned out great and recover was not bad like I thought it was gonna beā€¦ best of luck and try not to worry to much about it and take a nap when you can:)

I had an emergency c section , and a blood transfusion, honestly donā€™t worry the midwives look after you and all that matters is that baby is happy and healthy youā€™ll
Be fine x

I had it with number 2 and 3 and delivered both naturally with no issues. Neither were breech.

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I had an anterior placenta and was induced at 38 weeks and had 16 hours of back labour, but ultimately it was a natural birth and did not have a c-section.

I had 3 c sections and they really arenā€™t that bad as long as you get up and move and take your pain meds

What time r u going swimming in 7.

I had an anterior placenta also but baby wasnā€™t breechā€¦ I ended up having a c-section but it was because she was a big baby and had the cord wrapped around her neck and every time I pushed her heart rate went down drasticallyā€¦ I was also terrified of a C-section but when itā€™s life or death for your baby you do what you have to and live with it. It is a very difficult recovery in my opinion but whatever happens happens. Donā€™t worry too much. You canā€™t plan that stuff

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I had an anterior placenta with my 3rd. I also developed a pregnancy rash that became so itchy/out of control body wide that I almost lost my sanity. We induced me and delivered vaginally at 37/3. She was just facing upwards instead of down when she came.

Iā€™ve had 3 c sections 1 being emergency and my epidural didnā€™t have time to take and the last one being vertical due to placenta accretia and my epidural not being placed right so I know a little about csection :joy: but nothing about you having control over how your baby is positions after 3 kids Iā€™ve learned theyll position themselves however they want
I wish you the best and remember worrying isnā€™t good for you or the baby rubbing your belly may calm you when your feeling really anxious

Both mums I know had vaginals with same placenta location

I also had anterior placenta and had a regular vaginal delivery