I am tired of being the community babysitter and my kids being bullied: Advice?

Tell your landlord or management company and if that doesn’t work take them elsewhere to play or move


Hello I agree either call CPS or if you live in an apartment complex contact management


If I were you I would move! :grimacing:


Simple don’t do it anymore

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I would move. I completely understand why you are fed up!


One side of me says beat her ass. But the adult version says to contact local authorities, apt management, cps, etc and let them all know what’s going on. File a no contact order w her and her children something. Obviously this other parent is immature and can’t handle adult conversation so I would just contact apt management police etc

Call CPS and management of the complex I bet when CPS come out she won’t be bothering you or yours again


First, submit a complaint to your landlord. Second, call the cops. Hell will freeze over before a grown ass adult makes violent threats toward my children and gets away with it. You are not responsible for anyone’s children but your own. Walk away and report her to child services for neglect.

Tell them and there momma to get out of ur yard and have them keep toys inside. Some kids r terrible and need a good butt whopping

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Now im not for bullying…but I am for standing up for yourself…if it is the parent encouraging the children… you teach your children to stand up for themselves…I reccomend depending on your state you live in too put a motion sensor camera outside that can record any activity…so as to prove that your children are just defending themselves… and or in case the mother decides to try and get violent!


If you cant move, you stated you all have your own yard… So, dont allow anyone in the yard. Their children included. Lock it up. Be Polite, yet firm to stay the f*** off your property.


Get cameras and call the police.


That’s bull your doing right by standing up for your kids. Tell the neighbors to stay out of your yard. If they can’t understand that contract the landlord and explain to them what’s going on. Maybe see if you can get a video of it so they can see what’s going on.

I would put ur familys toys in a container then lock them when not being played with by ur kids. If the other kids r taking them u take them back and tell them they rnt thiers so they cant play with them…call the police if they r under 8 or 9 as that without an adult is normally considered child endangerment since there isnt an adult out there to watch them then u tell the police they rnt urs and u didnt agree to watch them


U need to move, I’d lose my damn mind

This may just be me but
Jkjk for real though you just make a compliment with your landlord and if that doesn’t work contact CPS.

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Why don’t you call the cops? I mean she and her kids are threatening violence and sitting/damaging your car. I would definitely get that on record just in case because people are crazy. I would bring the outside toys inside with me or get a small outdoor toy box and padlock it or simply go to the park or do other activities away from all those kids.


Airsoft gun :joy::joy:
Jk. Keep the toys inside, file harassment (yes on the kids) take them somewhere else to play.


If this person is actually threatening children you can file a complaint for harassment with the police.


If an adult yelled at my child I’d be trying to fight the bitch. Maybe moving would be a good idea. Or leave when they start coming outside and take your toys.

Id be fighting a little kid. Idgaf lmao
No. Id tell that kid to go away. I seriously would. Those ate YOUR KIDS STUFF. They dont gotta share. Let their patent threaten you…record it and report their a§


It’s not easy to just pick up and move and the bullying seems relentless. Are there other parents you could talk to who could join you in taking a stand? If it were me, I’d double down on her and call the police. I don’t do drama or intimidation so I’d be shutting that right down. As for the kids, I’d be telling them directly the toys aren’t for them and to find something else to play with. I’ve been there and didn’t hesitate stepping in with other kids intimidating or domineering my kids.

People suggested to move like its that easy.
That takes time and money, but getting a start on it would be the start… I’m sorry for you…


I assume that you’re out when your kids are out playing. If I were in your situation, I wouldn’t mind the other kids coming over to play, but since those kids are at my house, unsupervised by their own parents, I’m gonna supervise them like I supervise my own. You see one of them snatch a toy from your child, speak up. Take the toy back from them, hand it to your kid and tell them that we don’t take toys from another child. If they go get their mom and she comes and starts shit, it’s simple “your kid is at MY house, taking MY kids toys from them. If I have to watch your kid, they’re gonna follow the same rules as my kids. If you don’t like it, you can keep your kid out of my yard”. If there are threats of violence, call the cops, CPS and office management. As far as the kids taking your kids toys and leaving them everywhere, I’d take all toys inside when your kids aren’t playing with them. With the kids sitting on your car, keep your keys close. Anytime one gets on your car, set the alarm off. I used to live in a crappy neighborhood and had kids all over my car all the time… even older ones that should have known better. Id look out my window and see them sitting on and leaning against my car. Id grab my keys and hit the panic button. It didn’t take long for them to leave my car alone.

I got angry for you reading this. Sorry you and your children need to deal with this. I would move or take them to different parks. Change of scenery is always good. Less stress for you and your kiddos


Call cps or report it to ur landlord?


Call cps and complain to the property manager every single time there is an incidente. I would move but in the meant time don’t let them play outside. Take them to a park instead.


We had kids like that in our neighborhood. I didn’t care, if they were being mean I’d tell them to get out of our yard and go home. I never had parents say anything that I know of. We have really a hole neighbors that act like your explaining, that’s why I don’t want their kids in our yard at all.
File a complaint against the parents doing that crap.

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Make your rules… no one is invited

Call CPS, record all actions by the children and their mother. Report any threats or bullying to police. Contact Landlord.


Let them know you will no longer supervise the kids and if you see any child without their parent, you will call the cops as well as let the apartment manager know.


Maybe a protective order against the mom and kids? What a nightmare.


Take your guys toys inside and don’t leave them outside and if this lady keeps threatening you then get the police involved along with the apartment management. And if your car has a car alarm on it and the kids get on it then blare the car alarm and also take video of those kids doing that too. Also about the babysitting thing you obviously don’t have to watch the kids you and your kids can go somewhere else and do something else and tell the kids to leave it’s simple as that. If their moms etc have a problem with it tell them to watch their own kids cause you’re not going to watch them. Tell your kids to stand up for themselves also when kids take their toys and to take them back. Stop letting yourself and your kids get all walked over cause later in life your kids will think it’s okay for others to walk all over them.

Or get a squirt gun and put ice cold water in it and spray the bad kids lol


Next time the mother threatens you with violence whoop her ass. I guarantee she and her kids will leave y’all alone.

Can you put a fence up and lock the gate. The other idea is put your foot down with everything and the mom ,

Wow, your neighbor is insane. :woman_facepalming:t2: I would move, if you can’t do that this absolutely merits going to the police, which I know is distasteful and nerve-wracking but she’s threatening you with violence and sabotaging your property in response to you behaving completely normally. She has a screw loose and someone should have eyes on her for her children’s sake, so I know it sucks but getting the authorities involved is appropriate.

Take the lady off to the side and put some fear in her.


I have the same issue. I put up an outdoor baby gate around my yard in the complex and told the other kids to stay out of it. Landlady approved it. See if you could do something like that. It cost me $150 but it gives me peace of mind.


Any chance you can move. I wouldn’t be putting up with that. However call cops… keep toys inside and get your kids to stand up for themselves too. If they all come out go inside and come out a different time.

I completely understand. In the same situation but she has no small kids, the adult has been bullying us for years. I finally had enough and put in a letter into the management company to take care of it or I’d be filing my own restraining order against her. Start videoing it all. Complain to landlord or whoever. And when you have enough “proof” get the police involved.

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Its not the children, go to tbe mother put her in her place, if that doesn’t call the cops, see I’m from NYC i would woop that ass so she would act right but that’s me

Girl hell no you need to stand up for your self and kids… she want to act tough then you can act and be tougher… and tell your kids to fight back as well the world is hard and fucken hard we can’t live in a bubble. Ik and get violence is not the answer but some time it works

Tell them to go home.

Cops should definitely be called. These other parents should be watching their own kids. If they are really outside all day long with no parental supervision, isn’t that grounds to report them to CPS? I hate people like that. I know you’re trying to be nice. But I wouldn’t be putting up with that. Is your yard enclosed? I’d tell them all it’s time to go home, go play in your yard, go see your mom/dad🤷🏼‍♀️


Nope. SPEAK UP! Bring all your kids things inside. Do you have transportation? Take them to a local park. I understand the convenience of being home, however you gotta do what you gotta do.
Also, simply tell them no! They might not like it, but they’re kids. They’ll get over it.

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Are your sections not separated? Tell them not to come into your yard. And just don’t watch their kids :person_shrugging:t4:

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I fenced my yard, other kids are not my responsibility. I worked hard to get my kids their toys…we have sandbox, a huge pool, swingset, trampoline & I worked hard to get all that and I’m not about to let anyone ruin it for them


Say no or move.
Personally I would move if myself or my kids couldnt feel safe playing outside


Stop watching others kids.

No way would another child come take my child’s toy while they’re playing with it. Same with children being bullies. If the mom don’t have no sense to teach her children right from wrong then step in for your children. Say something to the child. If the mom wants to threaten violence call the cops. And let them tell her that it’s her job to watch her children. Call the manager of the property and complain. Video all of the things she says and does along with her children so you have evidence. Call cps if the children aren’t being supervised. Moving could not be a option so you need to do what’s best and safest for you and your children. Get home cameras and put them on your stuff. They’ll learn once they get hit with stealing and damaging property.


That’s a TOXIC environment… I would remove them from the situation and take them elsewhere to play … sometimes it’s just not worth it cause it’s sounds like they really want to push buttons and you don’t want to be stuck defending your kids with hands on approach … they will be much happier finding somewhere else to play ,. And for whatever reason you can’t take them elsewhere do the fence as mentioned but install a back wireless camera to catch all the madness and report them

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Stand up for yourself and your kids and tell the other kids to go and let your kids play. Keep your phone with you and record what happens and then call the landlords on them.

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I’d be bringing all toys inside when not in use. When kids go outside and the others come out, tell them they don’t have permission to be in your yard or to be playing with your kids toys. When their mom comes out being violent and making threats, call the police. I’m sure after a few reports you could get a restraining order…


Move… it won’t get any better.


I’d smack her face in but that’s just me, you will not get through someone like her so I suggest you move ASAP


Move if possible! If not start calling the cops, file reports on those kids & parents! I wouldn’t be watching anyone’s children!


First directly tell the kids, please don’t take the toys, they belong to my children, sorry. Then if that doesn’t work, tell the parents you don’t want your property touched. If that doesn’t work, tell the parents you’re going to get police involved for the threats/ bullying. Document and video if you can.
Sounds like a terrible situation.


I had a issue similar to this. I put my boys in Boy Scouts which kept them so busy with other activities they didn’t play outside at home anymore. Bring the toys inside and find outside of the home activities to do for awhile. I also advise moving.


MOVE. No can’t always do that but if she continues you might to consider that or take your little ones to the park


I had a lady that was similar in my complex. She would cuss at the kids too and threatened to slap them. I’m a confrontational person. I first addressed the lady myself respectfully and got complex management involved immediately, 2nd time I was my normal aggressive self and reported to management again, 3rd time pounded on her door and reported again. From there on out I was always outside with the kids but not in immediate view, the 4th time she did it I walked around the corner so she could see me and she went white as a ghost and started running to her unit. I called the cops for a wellness check on her children and to file harassment charges. A few weeks later the complex management notified me and a few other concerned parents that the lady has been evicted per the harassment and disorderly conduct. I’m sure for other things too bc she was a problematic tenant. Definitely stick to your boundaries, involve management- if they don’t listen keep going up the chain and look into your states tenant laws, and call the police for harassment.


Ask the landlord what he can do about giving you a fence and a no trespassing sign.I wouldn’t bring any toys out anymore and would go to a park .


Report to your landlord, write her a certified letter asking her to leave your belongings alone, stay out of your area and refrain from harassing you and your children. That way it’s documented. call police and get whatever orders you need to.


Take all the toys inside. Only let your kids take one each and if any child try’s to take it from your child, take it away from that child and say “sorry we aren’t sharing toys right now” and hand it back to your child. If you see a bunch of kids coming over, tell them to go home to their parents. When the parents come out tell them you aren’t a babysitter and will call the cops and CPS and let them know their child isn’t being watched outside. After so many police reports you can file for a restraining order (call and ask if you have to). Don’t just take what your neighbors try to dish out. It’s your yard, your kids, your kids toys. Take videos if anyone starts to get out of hand and show the police


This is so heartbreaking to hear. I hope things get better soon for your family.

Girl I would call the cops and say there is a random child hanging out at your place and you don’t want them to get hurt


KayCee Rohlfs this is like a combination of everyone at your apartments

Get cameras and be direct to her children to not come at all to your property. Talk to the landlord and tell him she’s been harassing you and the next step is to file a police report. I’d file a restraining order against her. Being non confrontational is no excuse to let your children see mommy afraid to speak up. I am not confrontational either but am when it comes to my kids. Good luck and you and your kids don’t deserve this at all.


Get the apartments and the cops involved. She’s threatening violence. Don’t threaten her. Act.


If moving isn’t an option then I would keep my kids inside and take them to a park or elsewhere for outside time. It sucks that adults act like this and teach their kids to do it too.


If it were me… I would Tell the children that arent mine to go back onto their own yard or property and if the Mom wants to come over and start some shit, I’d kindly tell her to get the f out of my yard and show her the way. You are not obligated to provide toys for other peoples children and you have the right to take your kids toys away, they are not obligated to share them and your children shouldnt have to go back inside because other parents suck. And for the kid bullying yours, I’d be at mamas door telling her to take control of her asshole kids. I’m sorry but it starts at home and asshole kids have asshole parents.

Get stern & tell those kids to go home. Stand up for yourself & your babies. If that mom wants to try to resort to violence beat her ass! Don’t ever let other kids bully you’re babies. You are not the neighborhood babysitter! Take the kids toys inside when they aren’t playing with them. You got this momma!

Don’t allow more than one toy per child. When your child is done they can exchange a toy with you.

Buy a $10 beach bag and keep it with you. If those children continue to give you or your kids issues. Contact the apartment manager

Call the cops, get management involved.


It’s sad to say because you shouldn’t HAVE to do it. But it’s an easy fix. Take your toys inside. Don’t let your kids out unsupervised. Record and report what you can about your vehicle.


Report her to management and keep reporting every time she does something, try to get proof, she will be forced to move if she’s disturbing the peace. If her kids sit on your car, spray them with a hose and tell them it’s not appropriate to act entitled to other people’s property, same for the toys, take the toys away from the kids since they belong to yours and tell the other kids that they are not allowed to play with the toys that are not theirs unless they have asked and your kids say it’s okay. Tell them to stay away from your kids if they can’t play nice then they can’t play at all. And honestly if there are too many kids out and their parents aren’t watching them, you should call the cops because that’s a safety issue & you’re not responsible for other people’s kids.


1st of all when you see their kids unattended call 911 and tell them there are unattended children playing that aren’t old enough to be outside. When they try to take their toys tell them no. If they threaten you or your children call the proper authorities. Report them to your apartment manager


Dont let the kids toys go outside for awile

dont be afraid to speak your mind to the ladyyy she has to learn one way or another! tf. that wont fly with me… hell naw. report her do whatever u have to do … put ur foot down. !! the many times I had conflict with immature adults I set them straight and boyyy did they act right after that.

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Call the police billing is against the law and the other parents are unfit


Oh Lord I would go nuts!

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Report every single incident to management and the police, and the school…


Move to a better area. Get a roommate if necessary. You can’t change trash into gold


If each of you have your own yards why is this such an issue

I would keep toys inside and go somewhere else to play. How sad for an adult to act the way your neighbor acts. Her poor children see a horrible example

If you each have your own yard, and you can afford it, buy one of those big chain link dog kennels. They come in different sizes. I think the biggest is like 20’x30’. keep your stuff locked inside of it and lock it with you and your kids in it when they’re playing and then lock it back when y’all go inside. Put private property, no trespassing signs on it. If someone breaks into it call the police. I know it’s a bit extreme, but sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do


I’d take photos and videos of her doing that stuff and talk to the apartment manager and then if needed talk to the police


Dollar tree had little black or white plastic garden fencing that snaps together. I’d fence in your little area and state that the other kids are welcome only when invited.

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I would do everything in my power to move.

If you can’t, bring your stuff inside, tell the other kids they need to go home so that your kids are able to play with their stuff. One wrong bully move or word they would be sent home.

If it isn’t inconvenient, take them to the park. If it is then talk to management and then police.

Bring afraid to be firm with boundaries is how u became the communitybysitter
Unfortunately some will take advantage and be jerks to the ones they take advantage of the most. U must assert yourself.


If you’re “watching” them tell them to put that shutdown. And go get yo mama. Lol.

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And let the front office of the complex know whats going on … There should be rules… Otherwise put up a fence


don’t take toys outside and take the kids to a park instead, don’t put yourself in that situation.simply remove yourself and they can enjoy the empty play area.


I’d go right up to their parents and say… hey your kids are in the yard unsupervised. I wouldn’t let them okay with they toys. You can go get ya mama! If need be, take videos and pictures and bring it up to management. If she threatens violence again, go to the police. You can’t be afraid to say anything, that’s why they take advantage because they know they can walk all over you and you won’t say anything. Bring your kids to the park. And if you okay in the yard, bring the toys in with you.


I agree with most of the ladies. Tell your kids not to leave your yard (for now) tell the other kids they are not to be in your yard unless invited. Start calling the management company to complain and document when your rules are broken and if your property is stolen/damaged. If neighbor threatens violence call police and report. Video her threats and trespassing if possible. Stay consistent and keep it up as down the road that will help build a case against neighbor enabling management company removing her or police taking action.


Go somewhere and buy a security camera place on the back yard record everything and everyone something happens call the police and play video for them. Report parents and children to apartment complex. Good luck and God bless.


Unfortunately, short of moving or reporting to the apartment complex who will probably do nothing, your best bet is to get mean. Be strict. When the kids come over to your kids, tell them in a stem voice, “these are my kids toys. You will ask their permission before you touch any of them. I don’t want you coming over to my yard unless you ask me first” you can give a reason about safety if that would make you feel better. Don’t let the crazy entitled mom ruin it for you… I can understand how it gets tiring, but the fact that your kids have all these kids around them to play with sounds amazing. Good luck!


I’m no help, I’d smack her in the mouth. I hope you figure out something soon.


Find somewhere else for your kids to play and call the cops when the other kids are out unsupervised and if she does something to your car. The end!