I am unsure on if my husband cheated or not: Thoughts?

Ummm - online correspondence with another woman constitutes cheating. How can you trust this guy apart from how and when he contracted herpes. Know your value and move on. More of the same - is on its way, otherwise.


Cheating on line is cheating period end of story not only that if he’s doing it on line 9xoutta 10 he’s out an about doing it. As far as the STD he could of had it for years before an outbreak occured

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If it was from 2018… you would have it if you’ve have unprotected sex with him.
Girl, herpes if for life. I would leave.


That really dosent mean he cheated on you.he may have had that for years and not known it but a women always know.the the answer to the question before she asks you know him better than any of us follow your gut

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Question when he found out he was there for a routine check up? Or he went in because he had a outbreak amd didn’t knkw what it was?? Did he play stupid… You are married you really want to gwt to the bottom go with him to the doc see what there opinion is has he ever been to the doc before for thia ask them has he been given prescriptions for this ask with his permission you can ask these questions maybe he knew all along maybe he got it from a fling sucks but if you want to really find out dig!!

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He could’ve had it for years with no symptoms. Most people don’t.


Well, talk to your doctors about what’s what. See if his doctor will explain things to you. You might have to pay for an appointment. At least he told you. Make sure he wears a condom when you have sex & ask a doctor or nurse what else you can do to protect yourself.

I’d ask him to be done with the emotional affair person & make him prove it to you.

Protect your health, be observant and alert, and see what happens. Don’t throw out a good guy on what-ifs. Talk to his friends and friends’ wives/girlfriends to see if they have any info on his behavior. Will the ex and/or emotional affair person speak to you? Does the ex in fact have herpes?

You caught him cheating, no one cheats with the intention to not be physical. Drop him.


Likely he’s had it and hasn’t ever had symptoms. Over 80% of adults have herpes in the US. Anyhow if you already caught him cheating online that’s something you have to decide if you’re willing to forgive or not

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A person can have genital herpes for years. Butt with that being said you would have it too if he had it that long and I’m sure you would have noticed a break out when the virus flared up. In order to be tested you have to have a blood test if you don’t have the actual Berle breakout. So I’d definitely go get that test. A pap doesn’t pick up genitalia herpes if there isn’t a break out

I would find his ex from 2018 and ask her! Either way. Seeing how he’s up to no good do you really want to catch this from him and be stuck with him? Or stuck with it? I wouldn’t. :woman_shrugging:t2:


He was cheating before Christmas online but your relationship is “perfect” and you have no reason to suspect he’s done anything?
Ummm, wtf? :woozy_face:


He planned on the affair to go somewhere

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Wouldn’t you have gotten it?

I didnt know i ended up with hpv from my sperm donor until 3 years later. It can lay dormant for a while.


Do your research online about the STD and you may find yourself surprised by what you found out.

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A person can have this for years before they get their first outbreak and learn they have it. So him saying that he must of got it from his ex when they were together is a real possibility. But the online cheating I would consider real cheating as well. Did you find out how long he has been talking with another person? Giving advice on this can be touchy. Without knowing length and type of relationship u have my response could be different. I would say follow your heart and do what feels right to you.

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Yeah that he could have had for years before. It can go dormant and then get flare ups every now and then. It’s also possible your body has fought it off so far. HPV is soooooo common. It doesnt mean he cheated

Genital herpes is just an outbreak. That doesn’t mean he cheated. You can have it for years or even from birth…

Its something that can be dormant. Heck you could of even had it and passed ot to him. If yall had relationships before getting together either of yall could be a carrier. Ive tested pos for hpv and now its neg. Its part of life . those stds are common, crazy common.

this page is so toxic with all these shit women with toxic advice… only gheto trash comment on here. Men need to run from those on here and find a real woman…

If he has it you may. It can remain dormant for years symptom free.

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You can get it from giving oral sex while having a cold sore, has that happened with you two?

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Herpes can lay dormant for years, you can also be with someone that has herpes and never contract it yourself because you were not intimate during an outbreak.

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Please do some research about the virus BEFORE jumping to an assumption… if you caught him cheating though that raises a red flag. If you’ve been able to cope with and forgive him of however he cheated… then don’t let a virus scare you, educate yourself before you go into panic mode. My question to you though that I’m confused by… if it’s from his ex from 2018, how long have you guys been together? Has there been testing before or what was the reasoning behind this? And how was he tested positive? If he got looked at physically, I would seek a blood test also to look at his antibodies and that can sometimes help people understand (not always) how long they’ve had it. Herpes can lay dormant for years and most people not even know but if it’s a recent infection then you would see it so I’m a tad confused I guess on the medical standpoint of it considering I had to learn about it in school…

You caught him cheating… Period. Whether online or in person is no different. If the std was from the past or present… Dont matter, really. He cheated. He’ll do it again.


It’s not “perfect” if he was cheating online. Don’t be naive.


The number of people in this thread that doesnt know herpes can lay dormant for year astounds me. Did y’all not pay attention in sex-ed in high school?

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Read up
It can lay dormant
And come back after

If he had it before or if he cheated isnt the question. DO you want it if you aint already got it? Ewwww, and all you nasty bitches talking and defending this shit should be ashamed acting like this is a common nonchalant thing. This is an STD caused by reckless behavior grow up and be responsible.

If you have HPV virus can lay doormant for yrs. You can be carrier and never have break out but pass on to others. Its in bloodstream. Only can be passed on thro outbreak

Come get a coed perspective in Parenthood Uncensored

You already caught him cheating online now this. Girl.

He could have had for years before. It can be dormant for years and then have flare ups every now and then. It’s also possible you have it as you can only be diagnosed with it when it’s live. Herpes simplex virus is very common. It doesnt mean hes cheated xx

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He could be telling the truth. U can have it for yrs and not actually know or pass it to anyone else

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