I am usure on keeping my daughter in daycare of using someone else: Thoughts?

Can you post this question Anonymously please. What would you do if your child is at a daycare that is amazing but it’s just too far and too much. There’s someone closer and cheaper that can watch the child, but you don’t know if she can be reliable. I’ve know her last year, she wasn’t that great, but I’ve heard from people that she has really improved in the last few months. What would you do, swap him to the new one or keep him where he’s at??

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I would be hesitant to move my child especially if you are already questioning her responsibilities and not being that great. Plus, I’m sure your child probably already has a connection to the current provider.

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Keep him where you are comfortable and you know it is reliable. Your child’s wellbeing is not something you should take a chance on. It’s an investment to make sure they are taken care of properly!


Trust me, keep the one you are using unless you have time to take off when your new babysitter flakes on you. Or you feel like wasting time trying to hire a stand by babysitter… I am kinda in a similar situation and I’m super lucky my husband can step in and watch our kiddo when our sitter has a family thing come up etc…

My daughter has 3 girls and they all went to the same incredible daycare provider. she sends photos of accomplishments–such as potty training. Quality day care providers/teachers are worth their weight in gold. The last kiddo is still with Dee as the others have moved on to school and pres-school.

I think I would leave her in daycare. Seems more professional

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Keep him where he is

I think you already know the answer to that


If you’re happy with the current babysitter stick with them, especially if the child is happy. You need a reliable sitter. Also it’s hard to find a good babysitter. Good luck


Ask Daycare to let you do a 2week trial if you are happy with the provider and your child seems happy then switch and save money in the long run

Keep him where hes at. You know its reliable safe childcare. Wanna know what happened when I left my son with someone who I thought changed and was safe to leave him with when he was 3? She didnt watch him and he took the dog for a 7-8 block walk. Thank god the dog was with him and kept him safe. Dont do it.


If you have a back up for it something happens at the new one- I’d do it

I help my friends out and watch their kids. But they know that they must have a back up plan if I’m sick or something comes up

Peace of mind is everything. Try to cut back on something else and talk to daycare about paying on your income.

what I did was take on another job to pay for pre-school, I worked my butt off but my son needed to go and we didn’t really know people. But eventually I had to take him out because I ended up with a big bill :frowning:

Before you make that decision, stop in and check out the one you’re considering…talk to staff…then do a few unannounced drop ins at different times of the day…you’ll soon have your answer…


There’s a few things to consider, the only one that carries more weight is child safety.
What are we using to gauge unreliability?
Time management?
Quality of care?
If you do go with the less expensive, closer option and it isn’t a good fit, will you lose your place at the other facility?
As far as daycare providers go, they do provide a great service but, as with any business, they need to make a profit, that space will likely be filled rather quickly.
Should that spot be filled, do you have a reliable emergency short term backup?

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Would you risk taking your car to someone who is not good but cheaper & closer? Or to someone you know is a great mechanic that is farther & more expensive?

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Ask yourself how much would you pay for price of mind on who’s watching your child. Save some money and worry or pay some more and feel better.


A few months of her improving would not get me to feel sure about changing daycares. If she does well for a significant time then i would change.


Go with your gut instinct. You already know.


I’d keep him where he’s safe and well cared for.

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Go online and check the inspections for the other daycare with the health department.

Who do u trust more woth ur child?