I am literally worn out and I don’t know what to do. I am a teacher from 8-2, I tutor kids from 2-3 and I also do another job from home. For the next month or so, my son has swim lessons in the middle of all that. Throw in taking care of my dog, my kids, and myself and I’m at my wits end. I do all of this work because I have to in order to take care of my kids and make ends meet. I am absolutely miserable. I can’t continue like this and I don’t know what to do.
I raised my son alone. He has autism odd ADHD, I also worked any where from 40 to 72 hours a week. I remember many times feeling so helpless and at my wits end because I was a single mom. At one point his autism caused issues with the school that made me feel it was best for him to be schooled in a better setting for him. So I did K12 online for a couple years. Man time was gone I was always tired always had to take care of things and often cried. It didn’t get easier. I can only say that one day it all pays off. I eventually let him go back to public school he started getting honor roll worthy grades and graduated with a diploma that school said he would never get. The hardships are extremely hard and it is very disheartening but it is very rewarding in the end. I am sorry your struggling, and I will pray for you but instead of look at what’s impossible about it remind yourself how many things you have accomplished and improved in this struggle. One day it will get easier. Look for a different job. That is a big thing that may help but this is not going to get easier and there is no magic wand to make what you gotta do to provide away. Trust God and he will pull you through. My prayers. I sympathize and feel for you because I know how bad you feel. It stinks to have to say all you can do is stay strong and overcome it. But frankly that’s all you can do but it does pay off in the end.
Prioritize and delegate two very helpful words for me.
As a mother of 5 one with special needs and lots of doctors appointments. I was in the same situation I even had to help take care my husband who fell 15 ft off a house. All my kids were under 10 It was crazy I don’t remember having 5 mins to myself no sleep. It does get easier as they get older but remember to breath and try to make some u time I know it’s hard but it will keep u from losing your shit. Also find someone who may be willing to help maybe like with groceries or something. If u ever need someone to talk to I available I know it hard speaking with strangers but sometimes we all need someone
I sincerely salute your dedication as a mother and thank you for your service as a teacher, I hope you dont ever find a full bottle of syrup spilled on your carpet, a full bottle of sampoo spilled on the bathroom floor, or a fork in the microwave
I know a lot of teachers are quitting due to terrible pay. My niece went to school to be a teacher and got her degree in Early childhood education… she was offered 15 an hr from the school system. She took a job at Chipotle fresh outta college instead making 22.50 an hour as a manager.
That sounds like an easy week. I wish that was all I had to do
I’m not sure what the question is…but maybe finding a job with better income so you don’t have to tutor and work a second job alongside that?
Being a parent is exhausting.
I second finding a better paying job or even cutting one. Lean on friends/family for support. Where is the dad?
If you run out of hours and can’t make enough money it’s time to look at another career even temporarily teaching is great emotionally and morally but financially it’s terrible teachers pay need to be increased but untill that happens you can make double the pay on half the hours doing other jobs.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If dad is in the picture ask him to take the child to swim lessons
Make a tasks list and start at the most important and work down every day. Things will get dropped but that’s life. Always something on the back burner.
You will all this once they are older! Enjoy the crazy life and breath ! I promise it will get better
I own 3 businesses take care of my 6 yr old and 2 yr old twins who don’t sleep through the night. Take care of 4 animals and the house by myself. I get maybe 6 hours of sleep wake up exhausted and do it all over again.
Pare down what you can. Have a “uniform” so you don’t have to think about what to wear, eliminate or pare down jewelry and makeup, don’t worry about making your bed, skip a day’s bath or shower, have an easy care hairstyle, run the clothes/dish washers while you’re doing other stuff, buy only machine washable clothing. Put as much as you can on autopilot.
Find simple, nutritious recipes and meal prep on weekends so you don’t have to do much during the week. Eat more vegetarian, use meat sparingly to save money, put leftovers into soup, quiche, pot pie or rice pilaf. Buy frozen pizzas vs. delivery. Often cooked rotisserie chickens are cheaper than buying uncooked. Plain yogurt with whatever you want to add (honey, syrup, fresh ir dried fruit, nuts, cinnamon, even chocolate chips) makes a great snack or quick meal, and tossing some crumbled tofu in anything with strong flavors ups the nutrition for pennies.
Group errands and get them done at once. Expand your “village” to have some backup. Can friends/neighbors pick up your groceries while they do their own shopping if you give them money & grocery bags? Even people who are not that kid-savvy can come over after your child’s asleep so you can run out and get stuff done.
I swear I never sat down during the busiest times of my life. As your child grows it will get easier. Look into ways to make more money and get good benefits at one job vs. 2. See what can do to simplify life by getting rid of stuff and actions. Prioritize and dump anything not essential. Be sure you’re having some fun playing gams and going places with your child (free park, library and festival programs), taking care of yourself with a homemade facial (egg white, avocado, or oatmeal for example), getting a bath, getting some exercise (go hike, play ball or do activities with your kid), or follow an on-demand yoga, tai chi or meditation you tube or other program. Get regular doctor checkups and vaccinations to avoid illness.
Where is dad, your family and friends in this equation? Why can’t they help out? Loneliness is an epidemic. Find lonely people and let them help you. Life gets better, I promise!
Sounds like you overextended yourself. Can son do
Swimming later or on weekends. Can he
Something else that fits your schedule better?
Maybe lean on some family or supportive friends for some help.
Get a higher paying career
Maybe baby daddy needs to contribute.
Maybe some B vitamins. B1 and B12. Eat fatty meats for energy. Works for me.
I’ve been there done that. Trust me! My kids are grown now. Dealt with ADHD, severe food allergies, worked full time and did full time college. This will pass. Find a serious friend that 24/7 has your back. Reach out. Let them talk you off the ledge. Send me a PM if you want to talk.
I have spare time to fill time work just sending referrals that has changed my life. As a single mom I feel this post in my soul. I’d love to chat with you about it. It could absolutely over take your other PT job and eventually you could go full time with it and make your own schedule and have the flexibility to do what you need/want!!
Young one, I’ve shared the same life with you, plus coached basketball and softball. Even with perfect time management it’s hard. You could reach out to other parents to help with the responsibility of getting to & from swim lessons. I know it’s tough but during this time think of all the blessings you have. Roof over your head, food , loving students that will make a difference, and family. Oh a your dog with it’s unconditional love. You are a great role model - your students and son see that. Trust n believe there will be time to rest but just not now, young one. Remember the Creator gives you only what you can handle. Blessing, young one, Super Mom, and great teacher.
We all get the same 24 hours in a day. It’s up to us to figure out how best to use them. If you have more than you can handle, prioritize and eliminate. There’s no magic answer.
Being a teacher is tough as it is, let alone tutoring as well. Throw in family and/or pets and by the end of the day you’re exhausted. I feel you. Maybe it’s time to practice some self care. Take a few days off, if you can, recharge your batteries and try again. If there’s a public holiday coming up, book your leave around it so you get a good break. It’s so important to take care of you first, otherwise you’re no good to anyone else.
I’m sorry you are feeling that way. Stay strong for your son, it will get you through
Talk to God, he works through others to help us:pray: at the moments when you get to sit down and take a deep breath reflect on what you have achieved, it’s also the small things that count, a warm bed, food in the tummy. Surround yourself with good people and when you need to say No to thing say no….there is light at the end of the tunnel Mama….oh and so important you treat yourself from time to time whether it be having a flash coffee, or putting a face mask on and relaxing in the bath…but most important there is power in prayer…get excited for the future.x you are doing great!
You don’t note how old your kids are, but even at young ages they can learn to help…things like making their bed, even if messy…with laundry, dump a loadful from the dryer onto the middle of family room floor while watching tv, and when you say GO, each one dives in and picks out their own things for their own pile. Also how setting and clearing table post meals, etc. many things they can do , you’ll be surprised.
I have five kids. I work full time. My son is a year round travel baseball player let alone dance for my girls. My husband works a very demanding job. You’re tired but you make it work.
Sorry you feel like that:smiling_face_with_tear: maybe cut swimming and prepare/organize on Sundays to make your week go smoother. Outfits picked out, meal prepping, etc
Why is someone laughing at this post?
I am single mother of 3, looking financially, physically and mentally all by myself. 2 of them doing gymnastics, 2 doing art, 2 going to philosophy classes on weekends, all 3 doing girls quid and swimming. We also have 1 dog and 2 cats. It’s tiring by I know it wouldn’t be this way all my life
Start taking your son out of the swimming lessons if it too much for you.
Get rid of the dog and swim lessons too
Girl… get you a man that has lots of money and low needs ijs
Welcome to motherhood. It’s hard, but absolutely 100% worth it:heart:
Friends or family that can help out? If not, maybe a responsible teenage neighbor…
Cut the swimming lessons out. You shouldn’t be spending the money on it if your working three jobs