I am very constipated

I have not had a bowel movement in a week. At this point I have back pain/cramps from it. Have no appetite & im also 33 weeks pregnant. I went out and spent $20 each on a bottle of citrusel and colace (2 in 1) laxative/stimulant. Which did nothing. I drink so much water, tried coffee and I’d do anything at this point to be able to use the bathroom. I messaged my provider and they just want me to go buy more pills and waste more money. Someone please help


Drink a table spoon of baking soda with a 80z of water it’s nasty but will work

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Did they suggest lactolose? My pharmacist and ob suggested it when I was pregnant


Mir lax with orange juice.

Liquid magnesium. Up your water intake.

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Herbal tea called “smooth move” I used it for c-section constipation


I swear by milk of magnesia, but if all else fails an enema will do the trick!


Prunes or lots of prune juice are always my first go to, but if you’re impacted which you might be after a week a trip to the ER might be needed. I speak from experience this is not fun and cant go on much longer. Your baby is not getting the nutrients it needs and you’re not getting the calories your body needs if you’re not eating…


Castor oil or enema. But you can also try magnesium. I use to struggle with constipation but it’s gotten better with age.

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Suppositories but check if suitable in pregnancy


Enema every hour until u have a bw movement

I have been there and done that and waited to go to the ER until I was so sick I couldn’t move same symptoms as you and I was in the hospital for two weeks cause I had a bowl blockage and had surgery to repair it a tub in my nose pumping my stomach because my poop went into my stomach… you need to go to ER ASAP and have that taken care of … No joke

Castor oil works like a charm

Greek God yogurt works wonders.

Pear juice? It’s what they use in the hospital after birth to help speed along your first poo after birth

Warm honey lemon water ?? Very safe no matter how far along you are …

What is your normal BM schedule? Daily or every other? Are you active, walking or sedentary? Juices as above but contact your OB again!

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I wish I. Could help you but I was so. Constpated with my last third baby I whent in to labor while tryn to use the restroom and didntknow i was in labor till last min at 37 weeks drove my self er hada have lil one then and the er 30 mins away

Glycerin suppositories, I got ibs with constipation so I keep all sorts of laxatives around in case I can’t go

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I’ve used Mirilax and it’s worked great.
If you don’t get relief, consult your OB

Contact your obgyn? I’m hoping you did qya before a week hit. This can be normal. My doc had said when I had a day of horrible constipation while pregnant at 5 months to take miralax and stool softener. sucks but but much you can do but wait it out. I said the next time I get pregnant I’m taking a stool softener day one.


Have you tried perineum massages?

Eat some pineapple if you can? Or peaches? Fruits typically make you have to go?

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Prune juice is great and natural :pray:

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Prune juice and fresh pineapple

Try piñalim tea ( is a natural pineapple tea that help with weight loss) but the effects is that the tea helps you eliminate some of the fat from the food you eat , so it helps a lot with constipation

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Wow, so sorry! Try deep breathing for about 10 minutes to see if you aren’t relaxed. Could be stress. Keep just relaxing and deep breaths. Any thoughts on foods, I think many are helping. Good luck!

Milk of magnesia is what my OB recommended to me and it definitely works 2 tbsp every 2 hours till u are able to go

Drink prune juice but ask your doctor first or a chemist first only because your pregnant if you weren’t it would work a charm

Ask Dr if Mira-lax will help . It more gentle for you and works great.

I’d go to the ER to see if there’s some sort of blockage.

Sugar free lollies will do the trick

Movicol and coloxyl with senna tablets

Probiotic sodas. I’m 32 weeks and it really helped clear me out. But if you’re impacted, you might need to do a suppository or go to the ER.

Miralax take a couple cap fulls

You might need to use an enema. A bit difficult at 33 weeks pregnant but will definitely help. Also I was told to do like a colon prep to help. You take a 28oz bottle of miralax and mix it with whatever you choose to drink and finish it all in an hour. You will definitely go. I typically use orange juice or apple juice as to not taste it.


My daughter just had this happen. Granted she’s not pregnant but they had her do mirilax in the am and pm colace in the am and pm and also ducolax up to 3 times a day.

I think you might need a salt enema. It sounds like your gut has compacted. I had this a week after giving birth and it was like being in labour again. I’m convinced what came out was about the size of a baby’s head too! Definitely needs looking at. I’d avoid UPF especially white bread as they can make you really constipated.

Prune juice worked for me x I boiled some pitted prunes drank the pint of juices then ate the prunes and omg never pooed so much lol :laughing:

Apple juice, prune juice or drink a cup of coffee! I use those methods often!

I had to have quite a few suppositories and enemas with my first child, constipation in the third trimester was BAD. Your OB should be paying more attention, don’t use castor oil it’s not safe.


As someone who doesnt like taking medications :heart: Chia seeds. I use to make an overnight chia seed pudding. It never failed to work! They expand in your digestive tract, push things along, and add bulk to your stool.

Prune juice , milk and butter. Heat it up and drink it

Prunes!That’s all that worked for me when I was pregnant :heart:

This happens after steroid shots with me. Get a big applesauce and apple juice.

Br careful you don’t get violent diarrhea as in can put you in labor

I was the same with my first my Dr prescribed me a pill that insurance covered work wonders I took my whole pregnancy…

Magnesium helps… this acts as a natural muscle-relaxer, and nature’s lubricant. Potassium is a “normalizer”… if you are constipated, this may help, and if you have too loose of a stool, this can help tighten it up. This helps to regulate the heartbeat, blood-pressure, plus normalize the stools. Also, Baking Soda in Water, can help soften stools… puts fluff in your “stuff”…… eat foods that are loaded with fiber… Chia-seeds, Kiwis, Prunes, Apples… you’ll figure out what works for you.

Inbox me for assistance now,I can help you with any hacking service :woman_mechanic:

I would get magnesium citrate. If that doesn’t work, go to er

2 tsp Psyllium husk mixed with water :heavy_check_mark:

I had suppository at ER afterb10 days. Worked well.

At this point, nothing is going to help much at this point. It’s become impacted by now. You need to get the impacted feces out first. If you’re pregnant, go to the ER and they will help.

Spicy food, prune juice, apple juice, dried apricots

Squats, laying on bed and bring your knees up as far as you can (heels close to butt) rotate knees from side to side. Same thing that works for babies. Or go buy an old fashioned enema bag or also known as a
Hot water bottle.