My son is 3 and will be having his own room in less than a month and I was wondering if you mamas/parents still use cameras in their bedrooms, if so which ones? I’m super worried about him sleeping in his own room like what if he gets a fever, feels sick, etc and he’s so into his sleep he or I don’t notice? I know there’s baby monitors that watch their breathing/oxygen etc, is he too old for that or??? I prefer a monitor/camera that doesn’t have to be connected through wifi (hackers). Any help?
I have a simple vtech video monitor for my baby and it works great so I’m sure it would work for a toddler too, it plays music and white noise, you can talk back through it, and it even tells you the temperature in the room and you can set it to alarm if it gets too hot or cold
We don’t use anything most of the time. At 3 hopefully they are solid and should be letting you know by some means If something is wrong. My 3 year old will tell me my belly hurts or my head hurts and will wake up and get me if needed. If we go into the garage in the winter for a smoke or something we may turn in the monitor in the winter because if they wake they won’t be able to find us. But that’s about it any other time no monitors I just pop my head in and check when I get up in the middle of the night or am in the area of the house.
We have a plug in no WiFi one from target if we travel or whatever
Depends on the child. N their health .Like do they sleep walk?? Or breathing issues…or nightmares…etc…Not all kids are alike…Are the windows low or high…Is it a ranch type or bi level? How far away from the parents bedroom…Theres a lot of things to consider…U hear far too many kids being stolen out of their beds at night .the creeps get in thru their bedroom window.Just keep safety measures in mind when going about this task.
No worries he’ll probably be in your room several times to let you know he’s ok
I use a Wyze cam (does use wifi though) and a basic just audio monitor as well. In my 4 years olds room. People can tell you he’s “too old” all they want, but in the end he’s your kid and if you feel better monitoring him then do it!
You can get a blink mini. You can connect it to an alexa show. Or keep an alexa show in his room, and yours and just drop in as you like. Echo show
At age 3 he’s old enough to come find you. He’s too old to use a monitor to check his breathing, just pop in on him.
Don’t get cameras…unless you don’t care about them getting hacked! I know a few people who had cameras in their kids room ( which is just weird to me) and they got hacked and the police ended up contacting them because they found pictures of the kids on a site…