I am worried my 13-month-old might have a speech delay: Help?

My son will be 13 months soon & I’m worried he might have a speech delay. Is it normal that he’s only saying mama & dada? Or should he be saying more? It seems like he says all done & ball, but it’s not clear. How can I help him w his speech? He doesn’t really pay much attention when I go over shapes & words etc. He’s my first, am I just overthinking it?


Totally normal for that age.

Thats normal at that age. Read together and make sure you speak in proper terms and full sentences, no baby talk.

As a mother of a speech delayed child, please keep in mind some children develop faster than others. At 13 months, I would not worry just yet. My son was evaluated at 2 years old. In the mean time, there are thing you can do to encourage speech. I can’t stress how important play time is. Sit down, label things with the child. Sing songs together, have the child interact with other children. Sensory play is huge! Pinterest is your best friend, use it…trust me.If you see at closer to age two your son is delayed, it does not hurt to at least evaluate him.

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That’s normal. Talk to him & read to him & remember that all children develop at their own rate so don’t compare him to other peoples children.

Some children don’t fully talk till 2 years of age at 2 years old then doctors usually starts sending you too speech therapy

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As a parent with a child in speech therapy what ur doing is enough. Read read read. When ur out point and say what it is. Talk to him. He is a person also he’s a sponge. He’s listening to you. Watch tv together. If you think he’s not teach him basic sign. I did my daughter can sign and speak together now. She’s only 19months.


My daughter didn’t really talk until she was 2 and she’s 3 now and speaks in full sentences and uses crazy good vocabulary. It’s totally normal kids learn at their own pace


I was worried with my daughter,she quickly caught up, by passed others her age and now is never quiet.

You are definitely over thinking it.

Normal. Some don’t talk till 2 or 3

My son said mama and dada at 6 months nothing else until after 14 months he is almost 2 and saying a new word every week

My son was like that and then one day he just snapped out of it

Perfectly normal. They develop at their own pace. Just keep up with going over things. He’ll get there

My son would only say certain words but when he was 4 he started speaking full sentences not even a need to correct what he said either

Completely normal… I baby sit a 15 month old and I want to say she only knows about 6 words…

My son will be 2 in January and he doesn’t say much. I have expressed my concerns to his ped and he says he is just a boy.

You’re not overthinking. My son was 15 months when I felt he may have something going on. My pediatrician trusted me and by 18 months he was already in therapy and he has speech delay. Hes worked extremely hard and at 3 started talking a little. It’s still an ongoing battle.

My 18 month old only says mama and dada. I don’t know what else I can do to get her talking. Every time I try she just tantrums.

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I had 3 of my 4 checked… they usually wait til age 3…2 out of 3 needed speech the other one was right in target… one of my nieces barely said 5 words by age 3. By age 6 we couldn’t shut her up :joy:. 13 months is young

Totally normal!
My youngest of 4 didn’t start talking until just after his 2nd bday! At 2 years they should be saying about 12 words, which he was! I was worried, dr wasn’t!
Now at 2yrs 8 months he says everything and talks non stop! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Just keep talking and baby will start copying! :slightly_smiling_face:

So my oldest who is 15 now didn’t talk until he was 3. My middle son who is 14 was almost 5 before he talked. Both are on National honor Society now and never shut up lol. We took them to all kinds of therapy and nothing worked. When I backed off and just quit stressing and played and read to them they just started. My 2 younger kids talked full sentences by age one. Every child is different as long as the child seems to understand what you are telling them and can do normal physical things don’t worry. And try not to let others worry you. Kids grow and do things at all different ages you got this and your doing a good job :slight_smile:

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Dont just talk at him talk too him. "Oh look do you see the yellow ball over there? " “I’m going to get you your red cup and blue plate for lunch!” You sound dumb but your explaining his world to him. My daughter started at 6 months and is almost 5 now and has a freakishly large vocabulary.


A really big factor is to speak to the little one in a normal voice, not in a baby-talk way. Little ones learn their speech by emulating us. What we say to them, in whatever voice we use, often affects how their speech patterns develop.

Lmao he’s A YEAR OLD
Don’t rush him
Don’t push your expectations on a ONE YEAR OLD

You’re overthinking it. At 13 mos my youngest said a few words and then stopped saying them (mama, dada, doggie, etc…). The words eventually came back and then some! Now he’s 3 and just starting complex sentences. My middle kid didn’t talk at all until he was 3 (I think it was because he had double ear infections - probably a lot when he was little and a baby. He never had pain with them except once when he was about 5 - if they can’t hear words, they won’t say words). Maybe take him for an ear/hearing exam if you’re really worried?

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When I was in high school I babysat a little boy who was 2 yo before he said more than a handful of words. He ended up a freaking genius - graduated high school early and is now a doctor.

I would just keep talking to him. Maybe try talking to him when he looks at you and can see you mouth love? He is young to be talking full sentences and I wouldn’t worry really.

My youngest said mama and dada and eat and then oneday he just never stopped talking. He’s 5 and a totally normal kid. But work with your baby and be as interactive as possible

My little will be 2 in December. She says mama dad pawpaw mawwww… yeah look and a few others. In the last week shes learned bunny and nothing. Just keep working on it. Your not over thinking but dont stress over it. They will learn sometimes it just takes a while. There are words my little will say for her dad…but refuse to say for me. They’ll get there mama :heart:

Ummm. This is normal. Your baby just turned 1…

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Just babbling is normal at that age, my 3 year old goes to speech therapy and her therapist says my 13 month old who just babbles, mama, dada, blah blah blah, is right on track. None of my other kids talked this young, it’s important they babble though, not babbling could be a sign of autism. Do he look at you when you say his name? Make eye contact? Hand you something he has if you ask for it? If other areas of development are normal I wouldn’t worry too much.

They talk when they want really… as long as you’re speaking to them they will pick it up. Won’t be obvious that there is a delay until about 3

Do u have state insurance? If you do its free to get ecap to evalutate and come to ur house.

Ecap is really good at helping you and the child. Find a facility near u.

He’s NOT ready to talk, he has nothing to say, but when he doses you won’t be able to shut him up, so enjoy the quiet for now…

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Do stress mama, my first didn’t start talking until she was almost 3, now 13, she never stops :laughing:

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Probably a bit early to tell. My son has quite a severe speech delay its hard and takes a lot of patience but.its not the end of the world, he’s a beautiful boy and wouldn’t change a thing though.

My oldest daughter barely spoke until she was two. Most things she said weren’t clear before that besides mama, dada, and sissy. I swear on her second birthday she busted out full sentences completely clear as day. She’s now almost 11 years old and never shuts up so I kind of miss the days when she didn’t talk lol.

You’re rushing your baby to grow too fast…

I was told boys are like that. Don’t you worry, just keep talking to him.

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It’s awesome you are so attentive and making sure he meets his milestones, great job! It may be a little early to worry. Hes got lots of time. If you are concerned, then really up your game when it comes to reading outloud to him :blush:

Don’t go by books, it may just be to early or he nothing to say yet? Your doctor may have some suggestions though. Like his hearing and whatnot.

My son didn’t start really talking until after he turned 2. I was concerned that something was wrong but here we are going on 3 and now I can’t get him to shut up. As long as you have no reason to worry about his hearing I wouldn’t worry about her speech at that age. He’ll talk when he’s ready

Read and talk to him about everything

It’s normal for boys to be slow to talk my son was about 3 before he would really talk

Oh yeah he is delayed you should get him to a specialist immediately.:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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My son was slightly delayed for just about every milestone but when he got it, he got it. Read to him, talk to him about anything and everything. I talked to my son the every where we went. I gave him explanations of what we were doing, what we were buying, I asked rhetorical questions, talked about The important thing about animals and the noised they make, identifying body parts, etc. Language development is the hear and receive a lot of it.

All kids grow differently. Dont over think it. Dont compare him to other peoples kids. Hes still so little!

Don’t worry too much right now. Just keep talking to him, using correct pronunciations, and try not to baby talk. My daughter didn’t really start talking much until 2.

Just talk to him mama. Tell him what you are doing . Turn off tv iPads phones music enjoy the quiet and sound of your voice and his

My son had speech delay the doctor can help there is programs out there. we had one come in to the home when he was about 16months. he is 8 years old now he is doing so well they are taking him out of speech next month hang in there mama it takes time

My first didn’t really talk till he was 3. My second wouldn’t stop since she said her first word lol. All kids develop at different rates. I wouldn’t worry till he was older and still not saying much.

He sounds in track to me if fact you’re doing good if you’re getting that much. Don’t rush him he is fine. Some kids move a little slower than others and that’s ok cause they all are different. Most kids don’t start really talking till after 2 and for some it’s closer to 3. It’s way too early to start with the worries on his speech.

Contact Parents as Teachers from your local school district it should be free. They can give you tips to help with any questions and give you free home visit to help teach your child.

Great idea asking FB about your child’s health and future. Great parenting.


Here’s something about my nephew. Dr’s were concerned about him at age about 2.5 or 3? (He’s 4.5 now.) Took his nuk away. MAJOR changes…three weeks later 6-7word complete sentences! He WAS learning just not talking.

If it’s any help to calm your fears, Einstein did not begin to speak till the age of three.

He is still young . Try making words ( small words ) exciting . He may be shy . Hang in there .

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If you are concerned, contact you PCP. If they think there is an issue, they will get you and your child on the correct path.

You’re over thinking, they only need to be able to say 5 words at about 18 months and it doesn’t have to be clear and at the 2 yr appointment, was told only 20 words and it’s common for boys to talk later than girls. You’re dr would have already said something if there was any kind of concern.


My daughter is 14 months and says few other words other than mom and dad but not a whole lot. Each child is different hun it will start when he’s ready!


He’s only 13 months. When my youngest son was 18 months he wasn’t talking a lot.
Took him to 18 month checkup Dr said not to worry, just make sure you’re making him ask for things. Don’t just anticipate what he wants.
One week later he started on full sentences and hasn’t shut up since. ( he’s 23 now)


Within normal limits but should be getting a lot more in the next few months. Just keep paying attention. Model good language for him like reading books, talking about what you are doing etc. here are some guidelines about development.

Speak to health visitor is your worried.
I wouldn’t be concerned at this age though tbf . . . 18months-2 yrs more words will come.

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I wouldn’t worry yet, but stay on top of it… you’re doing great!

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My girl didn’t talk until 18 months and we haven’t shut her up since. You can have him checked but he’s probably just moving at his own pace. Have his ears checked too.

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Lol just say he’s one​:rofl::rofl: but no all my God brother (who’s also 1) all he says is stop, no, fight, and eat. He dosent even say mama or dada

Yep you are over thinking it. Boys talk later than girls. If he’s saying mama daddy and maybe bye bye he’s fine.

If you have a Child Find near you. They will evaluate.

Dont worry my 3 year old is not talking. He is very intelligent

I had a two yr old took her forever to talk but she did ,keep talking to your child

Yea that’s normal…he will get there he’s still little

My son was also, but I kept cuddling and reading and just simply talking. Then at 3 years old he started talking then 31/2 reading on his own. Give it time.


Is this page for asking about kids,relationships

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Each child develops differently
My oldest was saying complete sentences by 1 but my middle only said maybe 5 words

I work in early intervention (from birth to 3). You can seek an evaluation through the state you live in. Also a good resource is zerotothree.org.

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