I am worried my step-daughter is eating too much: Advice?

First see a professional Dr and make sure there is no underlying cause… I hate to say it if her system is ok she may need to see a certified councilor .she may be eating to for a reason … sometimes it means more then just hungry…


Her growing body is asking for nutrition. Things that aren’t found in processed foods. Cut out the processed foods and make a lifestyle change for her.

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First let the parents handle it. Second, she is 7. At 7 my daughter was able to put away a party box on her own.
Also, I’m sure she active and you are wrong…just because she eats now doesn’t mean when"gonna blow up big" when hit puberty. You do sound like a jerk. Hell it could be a issue of not enough food so she has the “squirrel complex” — I named it that btw. Where she feels she needs to eat a hella lot cause she don’t know when she eating again. She might be bored. Fact is ,doesn’t sound like she overweight cause I bet you’d have gleefully told that. Leave the kid alone. Sounds to me like you worried about appearance.


Get Dr opinions right away. Pay special attention especially by Dad

It could be so many things. If you and your husband have custody, MAKE HER AN APPOINTMENT, he doesn’t have to approve that. If not, I’d talk to her mom. 10 slices of pizza for a 7 year old is not a growth spurt… my opinion. Good luck :four_leaf_clover::green_heart:

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Some of y’all SUCK. She is here for support and clearly asked not to be mean…
Calling her wrong, rude. A JERK?! shes asking for advice, help. Not criticism… if she isn’t concerned now when should she be concerned? When the girl is 10 and 240 lbs??


Do not buy the junk food and there won’t be access to it.
Show her videos of how being overweight can hurt you

She needs to see a doctor. That is NOT normal. She likely has a medical condition. Please insist.

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Absolutely test for diabetes!!!

I guess I don’t understand why dad wouldn’t want to just be sure nothing is wrong. What can a simple doctor’s visit really hurt? Either you find out she’s fine, or you find out that she needs medical treatment.

My 7 year old eats like that sometimes and she’s a tiny thing. But she still has the days where she isn’t hungry and barely eats. It kind of balances out.

Is she eating veggies…if not she needs to, cuz veggies have vitamins n minerals that help “fill” a person up…n I’m not talking starchy veggies but green colored ones, orange ones (not yams), …

I would maybe suggest cooking healthy meals and she can plow through that if she wants. Maybe have her thyroid checked too. I was one of those kids who ate constantly and never gained weight, until I hit puberty, and then I blew up and struggled. I think you’re very wise for being concerned for her. Definitely take her to the doctor just to make sure, but try not to make her feel like somethings wrong with her…she’s still a little girl.

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As someone with an eating disorder I pray for her that she can maybe get help to control her eating habits
Maybe offer her some fruits and vegetables if she likes them

I’m a mother to 7 year old twin daughters and right now they are always saying they are hungry it could be that she’s truly hungry because of what time she eats lunch at school or it maybe a growth spurt or possibly how she is dealing with her emotions

Good luck and your definitely doing the right thing for her

My step son gained 30lbs in less than 8 months because he does this same thing at his mothers and she allows it. It’s horrible but you can’t do anything unfortunately.

Take her to a Dr and portion her meal, offer her salad and some water take her out to walk,or talk to her Dr so he can can refer you to a nutritionist to try control how much she eat’t give her veggie’s,fruit’s

She might be eating because of being bored or because of anxiety. Why not try focusing on those things instead of the eating part. That will leave withthe initial problem does.

Willi Prader Syndrome possibly?

So as family- change your eating habits. Do not isolate her and make her eat healthy, y’all need to commit to it as well.
Try to teach her to eat slower and only have water in the house. If anyone is thirsty, there you go.
Focusing only on her and not all together can cause more issues like anxiety or even lead to an eating disorder.

I started puberty at 8…so she night be hearing up for that. But a doctor is needed to check her out. Does she have a well check you can go to

Shes probably eating that much bcuz puberty is coming. I have a 7 and 8yo and they can eat… If youre worried about her eating too much, maybe make healthy food she can chow on instead of take out twice a week.

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1st all kids can eat like crazy… my kids at 8 could put down a lg pizza on their own… its just how many kids are… 2nd is she on multi vitamins? 3rd is she over weight now? is she active? a child whos activr and has a high metabalism will eat ALOT more… DO NOT TELL THAT LIL GIRL SHES EATING TOO MUCH… she will obtain a eating disorder… go to a doctor what does the doctor say?? her thyroid ok? does he say anything about her weight?? if not leave her alone… talk to her mom… whats going on at home?? did she eat that many tacos cause she loves them and its one of her favorite foods??


I have a couple questions, do you guys have her full time? If not is she getting enough to eat at her mother’s house? Is she dealing with anything emotionally? Like is she getting picked on at school, she might not be eating at school and stuffing herself at home to deal “make up” for it. My oldest eats his emotions, then will notice he’s putting on weight and pretty much quit eating. He’s 11 and we’re trying to get him into better eating habits. Buy food that she likes but only one or two days worth at a time. If you split custody talk to her mother see how everything is over there. Don’t bring it up in front of her mother or the child about her eating they will make you the bad guy. I would definitely try to bring it up in more gentle terms with her father. Daughters are always perfect to their fathers.

A 7 year should most definitely not be eating that much. I get going through growing spurts but it seriously sounds like something Medical is wrong. Be gentle with her because you don’t want her to start thinking something is wrong with her body image already. I wish you luck and I hope her dad realizes letting her eat like that isn’t ok all the time… Start offering her fruit and veggies as a snack after school… I really hope nothing major is wrong.

Take her to the doctor and see if she’s having an eating disorder.Ask then to see if you can change her diet.Get your husband to understand the meaning of eating disorders and have him come with you to your step-daughter’s appointment.It’s not likely to have a 7 year old child to eat a lot and still be starving.

Is she hitting puberty now? My daughter did this a few months before her actual flow started. And than she literally GREW! (Shes 11 and is 5’7" and 120lbs! With a 36DDD chest :expressionless:)

I’d take her to the doctor regardless and get a complete blood work done. They can also test her hormones as well.

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Stop buying shit like tacos and pizza. If she’s truly “hungry” or “starving”, she will eat healthy options

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My 3 yr old can eat 3-4 slices of pizza but then he won’t want to eat the rest of the day unless it’s a little snack. If your worried about her eating habits, start cooking healthy meal, take her to play grounds, don’t buy sugar drinks only water,give healthy snack options. Don’t tell the girl she’s eating to much, just show her different eating habits.

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I am 32 years old and I eat 9 tacos from Taco Bell or an entire medium pizza from Dominos. Do I typically do this? No. But I can and I have several times. Let the girl eat. I dont eat veggies and fruit. To be honest, I dont like much of any healthy food. Leave her alone. Everyone told me I’d gain weight when I hit puberty. I didn’t. Then they said oh, well when you hit your twenties. Yeah, didn’t happen. Then it was wait till you have a baby. I’m almost 2 years PP and am back down to the same weight I’ve been since middle school. I am healthy. No medical issues. Nothing. Leave her alone.

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Start making salad with meals and only give her one plate of the other food if she wants more make her eat more of the salad.🤷

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Offer more veggie and fruit and less starch

My daughter is like this. This is what we do. I or her dad fix her plate we go by the heathy serving sizes for her hight and weight maybe just a little bit extra if I’d doesn’t look like enough. U can Google healthy serving sizes for her hight and weight. Per her nutritionist she gets breakfast lunch small snack at 3 dinner and a healthyish dessert an hour after dinner if she gets hungry we let her have a glass of milk or tell her to get something to drink

No she shouldn’t be eating like that it’s going to get worse I was the same w my son and my fiancé was just like you and until I got on broad it not healthy he seen specialist who gave her healthy eating habits and excercise tips he was in 4 grade and was just getting big by 5 grade he lost a lot a
Weight now he’s in 7th and although he had a ridiculous growth spurt lean out . It was hard at first getting everyone on board but it work out … even if she hitting a growth spurt is not healthy to eat 7 tacos if called protion control . We cut out our a lot of junk we we still eat just smaller meals instead of him eating 6!tacos he get 3 and a glass of water I provide pics in the next comment

That was a one year diff from 4th to 5 grade got him into sports for that summers and portion controls

I would take her to the dr first and make sure no medical issue. Yes kids go thru spurts, yes some kids will never gain weight, but I think sometimes it could be boredom, or maybe, if she lives with her mother, she doesn’t get that kind of food at home. Could be so many issues. What if it’s diabetes or some health issue?

Yeah no one should be eating like that every day it’s unhealthy, limit her portions for sure, I thanked my mom later on for limiting my portions as a child even though I didn’t really gain weight I knew it wasn’t what was healthy for me and it’s definitely not healthy for her

Make sure that something is not going on that is causing her to stress eat. I know that as a child of abuse I ate to cover up my feelings of hurt and unhappiness. I felt if I gained weight no one else would want to hurt me anymore. Hope it works out for you and your family. Not trying to send accusations but just in case something is wrong maybe you could help her now. Good luck.

Take to the dr just to make sure but also I eat a lot when depressed so just sit down with her and see if Everything is ok life is hard even for a 7 year old

Let her eat. Quit making her sound like she is a pig. She’s growing !!! They eat you’re just the step mom you don’t know if she’s eating in school or at her biological mothers house!


Sign her up for sport’s and stop buying fast food 🤷 if you’re really concerned as a parent we have to stay accountable.


No you have a real problem there!! Please put the whole family on a nutrition plan!! Whole foods, nothing low cal or sugar free!! Stay away from anything containing corn syrup!! Our bodies are designed to run on fat!! But it must be the right kind!! Use olive oil or peanut or any good natural cooking oil!! Stay away from corn and vegetable oils!!

My sister ate like that for years after she stop growing as much and she was fine. She was never over weight though. Doctor said it’s normal as long as she didn’t start gaining weight because she is growing…

I think this depends on her health and weight currently. If my 7yo ate like this I’d be tickled pink. Shes very small, and is lucky to finish 1 taco or 1 slice of pizza. In general, that’s not a healthy amount to eat. If shes going through a growth spurt, she may be more hungry. I would suggest definitely adding for liquid (water, preferably). Also, if you’re concerned about her health it’s a good idea to try to cut out the unhealthy food. Instead of taco bell, make veggie and cheese quesadillas at home, or tacos with a little meat and lots of veggies. Offer lots of healthy snacks like grapes, apples, strawberries, etc. If shes gonna eat a lot it wont hurt her health if it’s all good stuff.

Also I want to add that I have a son who has always been a piggy when it comes to eating. He can eat more than anyone in the house. He took a half slab of ribs down yesterday before dinner and still ate dinner. But hes super active. He runs, rock climbs, and has a trampoline he jumps on after school. He has always stayed on the low end with his weight (hes almost 12 now). It’s possible to eat a lot, but not gain a lot of weight. It just has to be burned off.

My daughter went through this, I told her she could only eat what I gave her finish her drink then she has to wait 20-30 minutes before having seconds. I explained that she may still feel hungry because it takes that long for your body to register that it is in fact full. It’s normal for girls to put on weight when there body is getting ready for puberty but this is also when teaching healthy eating habits is absolutely necessary. I also added salads for my daughter so she’d have lots of fiber to fill full. Now at ten she wants some form of salad at every meal, and she only wants to drink water now. It took forever and at first I had to add Mio drops to her water, then lime juice but now she drinks at least 32oz of water on her own every day.

Yeah that’s crazy I can’t even eat 7 tacos alone & I EAT ALOOTTTTT


Although our family can eat the taco 12 packs like she can, I limit us to 3 tacos each. I would definitely talk to the pediatrician.

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She’s a growing girl… there will be times where she will eat more than others, just like a baby… if she’s hungry let her eat

I’ll tell you that’s when my weight issue started and I’ve never recovered I wish someone had cared enough about me. Make sure there are lots of fruits and veggies offered at each meal.


I am so glad that you are concerned.That makes you a good step mother.I think your husband enables her,by giving her what she wants.Perhaps he needs to stop being selfish,and start teaching his daughter a healthy relationship with food.Eating disorders come from mental health.So first is getting your husband on the same page with you.Second, Family therapy and then teaching good eating habits plus physical activity everyday will put this to stop.Remember by saying “No” doesnt mean you are a strict parent ,but rather means your deep and true love for that child…


I would take her to her dr for sure. That is alot of food to eat, she could have a medical issue. I know kids go through growth spurts and eat alot but this seems a little excessive to me.

10 slices of pizza is too much. I have 2 boys…and at a meal they have 3 each at most. I pair it with a salad and they have to drink their water. 10 is too much. You gotta stop it or she might get to the point where she is unhealthy. Yes…kids eat lots, especially when growing, but that’s too much. Try adding tons of veggies and fresh fruits for her to snack on. Try not to buy pizza or tacos. Make healthy meals…and if u have to, make the plate for her. My boys get men sized plates. They can really eat. But it’s all fresh and mostly pretty healthy stuff. Last night I made burgers and paired it with 1/2 corn on cob, broccoli and cauliflower, mashed potatoes and turnip. The other night they had 2 sliced of veggie pizza with a huge ceaser salad (very little dressing). They loved it. Even if we go to McDonald’s, they dont get fries, they get side salads…and I’ll give them a few of my fries and I also have salad. It’s easy to allow them to eat lots, but just make sure its healthy

Take her to the Dr and have a professional evaluate the situation. She could be growing. This is an INSANELY sensitive topic for a young girl and even if she “makes u nauseous” watching her eat this needs to be approached with sensitivity.

I would speak with her doctor about it. Other than that, try to change her diet. Low carbs, and hardly no sugar if at all possible! Watch The Magic Pill on Netflix. It’s a very informative and inspiring documentary on foods we consume that we shouldn’t and what we should be putting into our bodies.

Stop buying fast food and soda. Only eat healthy and have water at meals. She eats what yall eat. Kid’s grow at point’s my kid’s have ate twice as much as me but i also wouldn’t make them sound like pig’s for it. If her weight is good and she is active then the only thing i would worry about is making it healthy choices with food.

I would definitely take her to a doctor. It could very well be something medical such as a thyroid issue.

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Have her thyroid checked

Honestly I would try and convince him to take her to the dr for some tests, definitely sounds like a health issue of some sort, I don’t know any grown people who could eat 7 tacos or 10 pieces of pizza. If there is no health issue currently he needs to start regulating what she is eating before health problems develop…eating that much isn’t good for anyone… good luck

If the child is hungry let her eat. She’s her father’s responsibility, keep your nose to yourself.


Poor kid def needs to go to a doc and nutritionist

Tell your husband if he cares anything about his child he will take her to the dr that is not a good thing at all it’s a sign of a lot of bad things for her get her check out

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My 6 year old will literally eat all day if you let her. And it’s gotten out of control at her dads because he lives with his mom, who ultimately gives her whatever she asks for. At my house I allow snacking in moderation. I tell her she can eat all the fruit and veggies she wants when she’s hungry in between meals, but she cannot eat ANY junk unless she’s asks.

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Saying you’re being nauseated by her IS being a jerk…shes a growing girl and ALOT of kids gain weight through puberty no matter how much they eat… I would buy More healthy stuff if it truly bothers you but the way your coming off is gonna cause self esteem issues in the poor girl.


I’ve had problems my whole life with binge type of eating alot due to emotional and stress. Growing up in the household that I did. I WISH I had someone that cared enough to help me through that and teach me portion control and keeping hydrated. It’s still a hard habit to break as a 23 year old. You are her saving grace her dad obviously isnt going to take charge of the situation you do what you can to teach her about health, mental health and getting her out the house more. Childhood Obesity is not cute at all. I never gained weight till I hit puberty. I was never extremely overweight but still led to more self image problems. Getting her help from the start will avoid all of that. Thank you for caring about her!


I wouldn’t panic about it but for sure speak to her doctor. And in the meantime add salad to substitute some of those carbs. If she is truly hungry she will eat salad or veggies. You do need your husband on-board. I also think bad eating habits and weigh issues begin at this age so I understand your concern.

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Pizza? Tacos? Yeah, you’re worried about her gaining weight, stop feeding her junk!! FYI I grew up in a very healthy eating home, and I was tiny, I hit puberty and still gained a lot of weight but I exercised and lost it all in about a year or so. Some girls will gain no matter what, it’s called biology. Maybe instead of being so judgmental and enabling unhealthy choices, start setting a better example, get a gym membership together, encourage the entire family to go on hikes, etc.

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She possibly eats and eats because it makes her feel good. She very well could be feeling stressed. Maybe her Mom & Dad could meet with a counselor in her school and explain the situation.
Changing eating habits as a family helps too. Her knowing that you care about her is most important right now. Wishing you the best for all!

Her stomach is stretching… it’s not healthy, find her some help

It appears to me 7 Tacos & 10 slices of pizza is an abundant of food.
I would say she should see a doctor.
The next few years she will have different changes in her body.
Don’t let it get out of control.Bullies are all around.

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She may have a problem my own daughter had (and YES it is medical) my daughter had a problem that she never felt full. It had something to do with an irregular wave in her stomach—I only knew about this problem as her father (My ex-husband) had it too.I had to monitor her food intake and it did help-- quite a bit…she was still a bit overweight as an adult but she knows what it is and with the help of a lap band she is doing well.She has a half brother who has a weight problem now and I believe that it is because of this.

My 12 yr old is going through puberty and she can only eat 2 tacos / maybe 3 slices of pizza🤷🏼‍♀️

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Do you have kids of your own?
Kids eat. Many times they will eat a lot, plump up and then get taller. It may just be a growth spurt.

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she could possibly be going to be going through a growth spurt. Alot of time S kids will eat a lot and then slow down when they hit the spurt. Not saying this is what it is saying it could be a possibility .

Take her to the doctor she may have a condition where she never feels full. Cant remember what its called. Either that or go talk to your doctor first so you are armed with some facts for your husband.

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Instead of being worried about how much she eats, consider what she eats. My oldest daughter eats A LOT. But she eats fruits, veggies, whole wheat and healthy foods. She doesn’t mind what it is as long as its yummy, but i make sure its healthy. So consider making a large portion for her of a healthy meal. But if she is still gainging a concerning amount of weight and she is overly obese, then talk to a pediatrician about the concern but tell them its all healthy meals and food and only a little bit of fast food or junk food. But the way you made it sound, yeah. Kind of a bitchy way. Don’t be “disgusted” that’s not how you should word it.

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If you dont get it under control now she will deal with obesity her entire life

I wish someone had taken the time to help me with my eating habits when I was young. She may be eating due to stress or feelings. A counselor, psychologist, etc may help. Have her pediatrician run blood tests too.

No you are NOT a JERK you are very concerned about this person just do as he wants his daughter to eat do not agrue not worth it

Diabetic? With being hungry all the time is she thirsty all the time and feeling she needs to urinate all the time?

Dr. And counseling. That much food is not normal for her age. She is not a grown man or a teen playing sports regularly. Offer only healthy options. Pizza and tacos are just carbs , she will feel hungry faster eating things like that. No junk food, prepare only whole foods. Meat , veggies, and maybe a sweet potato for example…no processed junk, cereal ect. If is doesnt grow out of the ground or live close to the ground then don’t serve it to your family. Limit starchy veggies like corn as well. Berries with whip cream as a treat. But definitely draw the line with your husband and let him know you are very serious about him getting her help .its either a medical condition or emotional issues but at 7 that much food is not normal.

No you’re not insane my son was exactly the same way eat eat eat he ended up being over 500 lb he lost half his body weight but it was hard for him when he was older you and your husband has to do whatever it takes to help her now it’ll be a lot easier on her my prayers are with you all

Could be a growth spurt. Hell my three year old ate five full slices of pizza one day!

I would definitely take her to the dr. And make sure dad comes with. That amount of food, especially unhealthy food is not good. You mention she’s gained weight, is she overweight already? My kids can eat a lot but a pizza is only 8 slices so that’s more than an entire pie at 7 which is insane to me. My son is 9 and can eat like 4 slices which I think is a lot but he’s super skinny and has a very fast metabolism. Does she regularly drink water or just sugary drinks? If she’s that hungry I would definitely make sure she’s eating healthy foods instead of junk. As others have mentioned it could be anything from a growth spurt to a medical condition. Either way a dr is your best bet and maybe a nutritionist to make sure she’s eating good food.

She using food to fill up a void, where is her mother?

Stop eating junk foods :woman_shrugging: if she’s hungry then let her eat but she needs to be eating the RIGHT foods. It’s our jobs to make sure they’re healthy and maintain an appropriate weight but if she has a tendency to overdo then limit foods like pizza and tacos in the house. If you feel its medical then by all means take her to the dr but dont make it obvious that you’re worried for her weight right now. It’s normal for kids to have less self control when it comes to food and candies but the disorder comes from feeling shamed about what you’re eating when everyone else is eating the same thing. Bullies will come at her regardless, don’t make her feel like her step-mom was the first bully. I’m not trying to say that ugly or anything, but I went through the same thing and it’s easier to get healthy and battle weight as a kid when you don’t feel like you’re the only one who has to eat different. Make it a family health thing.

Quit buying pizza and tacos if you don’t want her to gain weight. That stuff has like ZERO fiber and minimal protein which are the foods that make us feel full and keep us satisfied. Provide foods for her that are healthier so she can eat as much as she wants. Trying to tell a hungry child to stop eating will only cause problems.

You are not being a jerk in my eyes you seem concerned I grew up in a Italian family and all they ever wanted me to do was eat so of Course I got fat it’s not healthy let alone how bad I was teased when I was a kid . I wish someone would have helped me