I ate hamburger that has been thawed for a month...will I get sick?

Are you stupid? My bad…just retared…

Oh come on with the stupid ass questions . Hamburger would have smelled bad after a week in the refrigerator SMFH

You should induce vomiting immediately that’s aweful

This post cannot be real , lmao the meat with have smell awful and the colour it would have been … lmao these posts are all fake

Call an ambulance or get yourself to the emergency room FAST! DONT WAIT!

No way that meat even looked ok to cook and would have for sure smelled bad …your icebox would have been smelling. ???

I’m sorry but doesn’t ground beef turn a grayish black color after it been sitting for that long? Surely you could tell it wasn’t good just by looking at it

Surely this is a joke!!! 1 month. No one is that stupid!

You can’t fix this level of stupid! Not even with duct tape! I’m scared for your child!

You should probably just go ahead and give that baby up for adoption, once you push it out. Surely no one is this stupid… right!??

Is this for real? :flushed:a month though? A whole month of raw meat in the fridge? :woman_facepalming: I don’t understand how you could even stand the smell of that rotting meat.

Seriously? Like I can’t even imagine thinking it’s ok to cook that after the horrible smell and what I’m sure what completely grey looking meat. Is this for real? :woman_facepalming:

Personally I would be worried that, even with your heightened pregnancy senses, you couldn’t smell what was likely rotten meat…

did you not smell putrid death from the rotten meat??

Sorry to sit in judgement but in all honesty, could anyone be so stupid?

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That kid should be worried it’s being raised by a total moron.

I can’t imagine the smell… why…how…

Seriously can’t be this dumb. OMG

This has to be fake - no one is this stupid.