Since you’ve talked about it multiple times, and it keeps happening, he doesn’t respect you or this boundary—and he most likely won’t, or doesn’t care to, change his behavior. Ask for couples counseling or move on. No matter how much you love him, you never have to sacrifice your feeling of self-worth while he openly and constantly lusts over other females.
You are enough !!! He has an issue try counseling
You know he’s loves you but he’s doing something that he knows hurts you. That’s not love.
He wont stop. Trust me.
He has no respect for you as his woman… it’s up to you to decide your worth and what you choose to deal with. Personally, I know my worth and my man will respect me just as I respect myself, period, I refuse to settle for less.
His mom was likely a lady of the night. It’s biology.
That’s disrespectful and I would not be with a man that is entertaining other women. Especially if you have already spoke to him about it and he continues to do that, I’d be gone .
Hope everything works out for you.
Respect & love yourself crazy;
Get away from him.
More to life .
You already know what you have to do. I’m not sure if you’ll have kids together, but if you don’t, definitely leave before that happens. Looking leads to talking, talking leads to touching. It’s just a matter of when… it’s just a matter of whether it’s emotional or physical cheating
Just throw his phone in the river!
I had a boyfriend like this. They don’t change.
It may not even be about sex,maybe his mom was a hoe2go its a psychological issue
The fact that you expressed it makes you uncomfortable and he didn’t take immediate action is a red flag and big huge red flag. Sadly I feel he won’t stop he will just get better at hiding it. I say run dont walk!
This shit is becoming an epidemic. Without respect or trust there is no relationship.
This the world we live in now, unfortunately. If a man “wants” to sit and look at half naked (or worse) women/people all day, they are more than abundantly “free” to do so, and carry the capability to do so 24/7.
Aaaaand ~ this is one primary reason I don’t care about getting into a relationship with a man anymore. Because what they have access to on their phone 24/7 is what they think reality is and that’s just not healthy to me. And, like you, I could care less to “compete” with it.
are you a grown up? Dp you won a car? do you work? If the answer to all 3 is yes, then leave, this won’t change. Especially before you bring any kids into this relationship
I’d leave. You can’t change someone. They have to want to change. If you can have the cake and…why would a person stop? You can find a good guy
You have two choices honey…
Either except it…or leave him because clearly he doesn’t see a problem with it. And you can’t fix a problem if it’s not yours.
And if he’s lying to you now and you’re only been together for two years, just imagine what your future holds. And whatever you do please use birth control until you figure this out… baby baby will make things 10 times worse… because if you’re already having issues with him looking at perfect looking bodies and then you get pregnant it will make you feel horrible.
He has no respect for you, so get out while you can.
I would never put up with this, I had it done to me. I left. You should leave as well.
You know in your heart the answers but your too scared to leave coz you love him. It’s hard to answer for you just follow your heart hun xxx💜
Oh boy …
Leave now
No doubt about it
Sex addiction ! That’s his problem . Don’t make it yours run ! Next he will have to lie about the money because he will have to support his habits.
They don;t change and so disrespectful,& they think you dont know, losers…
You already know the answer. You just needed to hear someone else say it. Which is completely fine. LEAVE. He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. He’s probably already cheated in some form and will continue to do what he’s doing. Get out now while you can.
I wouldn’t even have to ask, no way would I put up with that!
My husband I felt like was going through the same thing, to make things better for us he deleted all the apps that were a major problem, tik tok, Reddit, Instagram
if you have it in your head that you have too ? just leavevendvthings
I wouldn’t be able to deal with hat level of disrespect
It’s funny women will defend men with a true porn addiction & tell a girl to join in, don’t let it bother you, no biggie…
But a guy looking at females on social media, & she needs to leave that low life
So what if he looks at other women, likes a photo, or God forbid even comments on it? If he is home, taking care of your family, helping out, paying bills & not running around on you, then what is the big deal that he’s looking at another human body?
Are you seriously going to say you never look at an attractive male, maybe even half dressed, ever?
You need to evaluate your life based on facts & not feelings in this situation. If he’s a good man, then get over your insecurities of beautiful women, because they are everywhere & men look…
If he’s a lying, cheating scum bucket, walk away, but just know, another guy is probably going to look too, & it’s honestly got nothing to do with you personally. They literally think about sex well over 200 times a day
Wait… he’s posing as a woman on these pages?
As long as he isn’t window shopping with money in his pockets
If he can’t stop for the simple fact YOU, the person he’s with and is supposed to love and respect doesn’t like it, leave. Because he’s not respecting you or your wishes.
If he is using it as a type of porn then I would ask him to just look at the free websites. Social media is kind of too personal. But if you don’t want him looking at naked women at all then you should probably leave. Go find a man that is okay with not looking at porn. To ask a man that likes porn to not look at it is a bit unfair. A lot of men don’t think of it as disrespectful and you’ll just be upsetting yourself trying to change that. Porn being disrespectful and cheating is an opinion not a fact.
Like it’s a compromise to keep images of other women off his personal profiles and to just surf videos on desginated porn websites. Now if you are fine with porn but your bf can’t keep off women’s social media accounts then he isn’t compromising. That’s an issue for sure and I would be suspicious!
If he really loves you and values your relationship he’ll respect your boundaries! If not he is not the one!
He deserves to become an incel! Straight of! I would leave immediately. That man is too damaged goods! And is totally clueless! You can’t make him understand!
What works for one person may not work for u .I agree with follow ur heart its ur life nobody elses.
You know the answer to this question hun. He does not respect you and doesn’t deserve you. Leave him, he can’t be trusted
You are enough. Just not to him, unfortunately. Your last sentence shows that. If he feels the need to look at other women on the internet, run.
If you don’t like it leave, let him be someone else’s problem. You’ll find a better man somewhere someday
I fail to see the problem honestly. We all look at someone. He isn’t touching who cares?
The only problem is you allow this, then what will he try to do next? Cheat? It sounds like an obsession/addiction which is hard to break for some.
Just fill your own feed up with hot men then. See how he likes the reciprocation oh well.
Funny I don’t see one comment from a male, wonder why???
Guy perspective here. I am normally not a fan of ultimatums but I feel like this is needed in this situation and is what it will boil down to. He needs to be asked if he wants to continue to be in a relationship with you. Of course if he says no answer is obvious. If he says yes then he must know if he is caught one more time that is it. No questions asked about anything the relationship is over. also if it comes down to it and that happens you must be strong and not wishy washy about it either you know. Stand by what you said. I would honestly ask him to cancel all social media accounts. Again not something I’d normally recommend but it seems that they are assisting in causing the problem.
He’s not for you then. Move on. There is someone out there looking for a person just like you.
See me I’m just am ass start posting stuff like these girls and let men flock to you and see how he likes it but after I’d probably still leave because you asked for it to stop and that’s boundaries he’s crossing and that’s not ok with me tbh
I must ask why you felt the need to look at his accounts in the first place. Evidently he’s not trying to hide anything or you’d not be able to access his accounts. Move on, you don’t trust him and he doesn’t respect you.
Everyone looks, it’s not a problem till they try something with another…
If he hasn’t already he will cheat. Just leave
It’s normal for men to look at other women and watch porn. But is he acting on it? Is he home every night? If you are too insecure or he has a porn addiction then I get it. It’s not healthy. But it is perfectly normal and healthy for men to look at porn. It in no way means you are not enough. Maybe you can get into it with him and have some fun together. You never know. But if you can’t stand it, nothing good is going to come from it and you should probably part ways. All I’m saying though is it is normal and you should try not to be so harsh on yourself.
Maybe he is just looking for tips off them on how to please his women
Those women can’t compete where they don’t compare
You are a Queen. Never settle for less than what you deserve.
That man does not love nor respect you.
There may be women out there that are fine with the “you can look, but don’t touch” type of mindset with their partners, and that’s okay- but that’s not in YOUR comfort zone, and that’s okay, too. You are allowed to have whatever boundaries make you feel safe in your relationship and if you tell the person you’re with what those boundaries are and they tell you that they will stick to them, they should stick to them. If they don’t, then they’re compromising promises made in the confines of that specific relationship and crossing boundaries based on what you’ve told them that you consider to be stepping outside of the relationship and what they’ve agreed not to do. The fact that he continues to sneakily make more social media pages to hide it, proves that he knows what he’s doing is wrong and also that he doesn’t care. He doesn’t respect you, or your feelings, and it doesn’t sound like he is going to. I don’t often suggest an ultimatum, but in this particular situation, it sounds like the only way to see if he cares enough to stop, to keep you, or if it is a priority to him over you. I would tell him if it happens again, you’re leaving and not turning back- and then stick to that, because you will find someone that DOES respect your boundaries of faithfulness in a relationship and he can find someone that doesn’t care if he looks at that kind of thing. I, personally, wouldn’t feel comfortable with that either. You are allowed to ask for whatever makes you feel safe in a relationship and you deserve for that to be respected, once they’ve agreed to it and committed to you. You deserve not to be lied to.
I get that sometimes we may feel insecure seeing our partners looking at sexual/provocative pic’s etc but we are all human & should be allowed to look at & be attracted to others, it doesn’t mean that he/we find our partners less attractive it’s just natural for us to look.
No one can tell you if you should stay or leave. This is a decision based on how you internally feel about these types of behaviors. Listen to your gut.
Men look it doesn’t mean that he is going to jump their bones. Have a little faith in your relationship. I mean if it’s bothering you that much leave but otherwise it’s just pictures. It’s you he’s sleeping with
Just because he likes porn that doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat y’all are ridiculous! You should leave because he hasn’t respected how it makes you feel.
Sooo you’re insecure??
Most of time, them profiles be fake. And he ain’t hiding anything from you.
Stop judging your man from his social media accounts, and judge him for how he treats you.
Omg reminds me of my ex. Can’t recall how many times I’d find him passed out drunk with a girls name written on paper n it was some porn star. Like idk maybe he actually thought he might hook up with her one day!! Did I mention I divorced his silly ass.
From my own experience if they constantly have to look at it then it will likely get worse over time. Like all addictions they seem to ramp up.
Listen to your gut. You know the answer.
Guy here, My fiance sent me this post and told me people were calling you insecure. That’s just disappointing. If you think your man/woman looking at other people (especially following their social media’s) is the norm, then you are used to men giving you the absolute minimum effort. Respect yourself women and get rid of dudes like this. If it’s a red flag for you when your man does this, you tell him it upsets you, and he continues to make you uncomfortable… Leave. You gave him a warning. Only a matter of time before looking turns to touching. Good luck original poster.
Free yourself he doesn’t respect u or women period
Honestly, save yourself the frustration, depression, and doubt in yourself. Leave now.
All these women on here saying “men look”. Yea so do women. Looking is one thing if you’re out in public and see someone attractive it’s natural to look - but he is going out of his way and making profiles following women who are all showing off their personal junk on social media. That’s not natural. That’s an addiction. And it is 100 percent disrespectful IMO. I am not ok with that type of thing either. If you’re with someone you don’t need to be lusting over 500 other accounts on social media daily. That’s just nasty.
Go before you waste more time.
Listen to your gut… It never lies and always leads you to the truth. Men who do that typically never stop… always wanting more and more. Almost like nothing satisfies them or is ever enough.
Start saving pictures of men’s junk to your phone. Let him accidentally run across it. See what he thinks
It’s a little weird that he has multiple social medias red flag…
Looking at women is different from touching tho do you look at guys?
If you tell someone that something they are doing makes you uncomfortable and feel bad and they continue to do it then they do not really respect you. If he is the right one he would never want you to feel that way. If you stay, he has shown you what he will do despite your feelings.
How much does it bother you ?? Enough to leave? Knowing this won’t change. Have you shown him your STUD collection of men ?? You should !!
Id done be gone if he doesn’t have any more concern for my feelings than that
Stop wasting your time go find someone that will respect you
So unappealing and disrespectful. The guy must have low esteem and feels like all he is good for is women who are on a screen. Sad really. Move on…you deserve someone who finds you beautiful and wants to keep his eyes (and his hands) on you - and not on a one-dimensional dillusion.
You shouldn’t have to fight for hes attention.
If he loves you that much he would stop and be giving you the attention not them.
No doubt he is probably talking to them too.
He clearly loves the ego boost ( pig )
Get rid of him I say
This is why people say the internet is the devil It causes a lot of problems like women are getting one guy after another on there and screwing them. Men are natural voyers they like a little porn once and a while what I say is normal BUT this is too much he may have sex addiction or somthing he needs to calm it down or go see a doctor about his mental statis Or he has no self esteem and needs a lot of attention
He is a disrespectful pig. Walk away with your head held high and make your life happy and content <3
It sounds like an addiction issue
LOOKING at other women is not fucking, flirting or talking to other women , so im alil confused to the issue? rt. I mean if you have low self-esteem about yourself that’s definitely an issue. and you feel like you’re competing? Y? How is him looking at other women you competing? And yes I’m that woman who also doesn’t think there is anything wrong with people who watch porn look at porn etc etc we’re human. any relationship truly meant to be will be even if he happens to be looking at half naked women on the internet watching a little porn… my parents been married 30 + years loyal faithful solid example of what a marriage should be. And my momma would be the first one to tell you she ain’t dead just married and she ain’t blind there’s some good looking men out here in the world and she see’s the view and sometimes its fine lol. the fact that he looks at naked women or half dressed women online or porn or whatever it is shouldn’t be an issue in my opinion and I do mean just LOOKS cuz talking, flirting and carrying on with other women is not just looking and that would make it cheating. And just because he looks does not mean he will cheat. Like some people would like you to believe .
But JUST looking? I don’t understand the problem I look at men everyday some are fine as hell but looking at a fine ass man doesn’t mean I’m going to go screw around on my partner just means I appreciate the view before me.
Will you leave and go to the next guy who look at other women and then leave that one again, instead of going through your husband’s phone and get 20 heart atacks every day get yourself something productive to do,did you see him with another lady? NO, so stop looking for trouble
I’m afraid you do not speak for him when you say you are a “generally happy couple.” Seems like he has disconnected and is no longer happy, if he ever was. I know that sounds cold, but it’s obviously true. You’ve spoken to him at length about how you do not like his behavior and activities and yet, he continues. You know the answers to your own questions. You are not happy. And he is not happy. So why are you still there? It’s clear that he does not care that his behavior and activities bother or hurt you. So why are you still there? You are not tied to this man with any children, so what’s stopping you?
Yes flick him off. If u don’t have trust it’s doomed. He’s a fool to be so blatant about it and will deny it when questioned.
What ever you do Don’t get PREGNANT!!!
If he’s following SW on their socials than he’s likely purchasing their content as well. If this is something you’re uncomfortable with, than the answer is clear
So you said you found him following another one. Are you snooping at his phone, or is he telling you to look… or are you also on these sites and find him that way? If all he is doing is looking what’s the big deal… that’s how most men are wired. But if he is trying to hook up or sexting them then dump his ass.
Everyone looks at attractive people, no doubt. But he is going beyond just looking at an attractive stranger or an attractive picture on social media. He is seeking and looking via going through some lengthy processes (ie. creating fake profiles) - I can definitely see why this would set alarms off. He is not “just looking” And it could also raise the questions of is he interacting with these people? Is he addicted to this? Is he addicted to sex cams? Etc… I see lack of respect and zero value in what he tells you. You share different morale/values - some people can make that work while others can’t. And that’s ok.
Best advice is to do what is best for you, even if it’s hard, so that you can be happy and the best version of yourself (whatever that may look like regardless of other peoples opinions of what is okay and not okay)
I’m married to my husband for 10 years and he looks at other women sometimes I do too with males. Looking and touching is two completely different things . Sometimes I would see a beautiful women and say yo my hubby " look babe, she’s hot what do you think?" LOL
it’s true I do. TRUST IS EVERYTHING. If you have it you have nothing to worry about.
I’d be concerned if my partner didn’t look at other women, I’d only leave if he was chatting to them with the intent on cheating
drop all access of Availiabilty to get onto these sites… SWhutt of the phones if you have to and no more internet
My husband and I have been together for 10 years. There is a level of trust that is needed for situations like this. If him looking at other women is an issue, you’re going to deal with that from just about any man. However, if you trust that he isn’t doing anything with any of those women then leave it be. Men will look. Hell, I look… at men and women. But, we both know that the other has nothing to worry about. It does make me self conscious and sometimes when I’m down I feel like I’m not good enough. But that’s my issue. My husband has never given me a reason to believe that he is or would do anything with another woman.
Sounds to me like somebody’s really insecure my wife used to tell me before I had even say it how beautiful some women more she had no problem looking neither did I
Save your self the long term heartache and leave now. You deserve better
Okay so does this follow the same lines as staring/gazing at womens ass/boobs. Sometimes completely ignored and can’t communicate them? Just curious. Do women actually want someone that does this? I feel all of this is disrespectful, if there can’t be a self restraint to this why even be in a relationship? Be free
As a woman who sales content myself I can say that without a shadow of doubt a lot of these men try to do more with me. I simply think it’s unhealthy in most general relationships it’s not like looking at good looking people walking around in public it usually becomes more like a friendship/relationship with the content creator. But everyone’s boundaries are different. My biggest thing I think you shouldn’t deal with is the fact he didn’t respect your feelings, and boundaries more than the fact he looked at other women. Because someone who doesn’t respect you once will only continue to disrespect you. My husband, and me equally do not watch porn but I in fact create it, and I show him women all the time but not all men watch it. My husband chooses not to because of how unhealthy it is for body building, and how it is mentally hurtful to not only women but men because it leaves people in general thinking they have to live up to these standards in which a lot of times content creators use good angles, outfits that we dress it in a perfect angle, we practice things over, and over again. Some women, and men even go get surgeries in the industry. That’s not reality because majority of people don’t look like that, or do those moves it’s literally over exaggerated. But this is ultimately your choice. I personally wouldn’t put up with someone who didn’t keep their word. I was with a man that was like that. Honestly the disappointment is what hurt the most. If someone loves you I think they’ll respect your boundaries. As if my husband told me to stop being a content creator I would. Hold your ground, and do what you feel is best for you.