I cannot hand;le my 8-year-olds attitude lately: Advice?

I have an eight-year-old son. I don’t know if he’s getting into that age and hitting early puberty or what, but every day it’s a constant fight and crappy attitude, and before anyone suggests medicine for ADHD, he already takes that… I tell him to put his shoes on, and it turns in to I laid out the wrong socks, I’m not doing something fast enough, he doesn’t like what I fixed to eat, he snatches thing away from his little brother, screams in his little sisters face, slams doors, refuses to do homework, tells lies, and constantly stealing!!! I’ve taken away his iPad, toys, no phone(house phone), no tv, no outside time, no stuffed animals in the bed, no extra throw blankets!!!. I have literally stripped his room down to only the clothes in his closet, his bed, and a cover!!! We are now at the point of coming home, doing homework, eating, and bed. It’s usually chorred time after homework while I’m fixing supper and a shower after eating but I’ve been making him shower before school just so I can get some peace at night… maybe that makes me a bad parent idk


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Maybe his body is used to the medication and it needs to be changed?

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Spend some quality one on one time with him, he could be acting out for attention.


Just ride it out. That’s about all I can say. Or make him start doing volunteer work. Sounds like you’re doing the right thing. May even consider counseling… there may be an underlying cause to his mood :woman_shrugging: Maybe he’s getting bullied.

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Counseling might help.

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Oh mama just wait for 14 and 15 :weary::weary: I’m not sure I’m going to make it with my two teenagers

Try a different take on things, seems like what you are doing isn’t working and he needs something else… id look into counselling for him so he has someone to talk to about his anger… Also try 1 on 1 dates with him


don’t call yourself a bad parent. When my kid acts up, I sit him in a room with me and tell him we aren’t leaving until we fix the problem. He usually yells, and hits me, and throws things at me. I remind him it’s okay to feel angry but it’s not okay to break the house rules. after some time he will stop and just talk to me.I tell him what I expect of him and the way he’s been acting isn’t acceptable. I love him and I want to help, but he has to be willing to talk to me. In your situation, I might offer, if he cooperates and talks with you, to give him his things back and start over. but before you sit down with him, think about and write out the rules and boundaries you expect him to follow as a member of your family, don’t go in there underprepared. Be loving and strong. you can do it!


Yes I am a hard ass mom but I have no intentions of being disrespected or talk down to or ignored I’m not having it I don’t care if I have to take everything out of that room I will get your attention and let you kids run over you and they will keep running out of you and then everybody’s blooking for an youexcuse why their child is just bad but they’re going to test you because that’s what they doMake sure they know you love them you respect them and you want them to grow up and be good people do not let them be bad because when you do it’s your fault

The southern in me just wants to tell you to whoop his ass ONE good time. Lol. For real.

It sounds like oppositional defiance and it’s very difficult to deal with you will need your drs assistance and therapy for you, you need to “vent” to get rid of you’re frustration also because that disorder feeds on your frustration, my son who is now 22 still has this.



It sounds like a case of being a defiant brat. He’s ruling the house, instead of you. Put your foot down and don’t take that crap! He’ll only get bigger.


Less chores more reading together and one on one conversations not about his behavior. Pay him a small amount of allowance for doing chores so that he is earning etc.


Talk to his teacher or the school and make sure nothing is happening between him and his teacher or other students. That ype of behavior is also a sign of being bullied and he is taking his frustration out on everyone he knows that won’t strike back.


Sounds like spare the and spoil the child, Just saying


They make a belt for that.


He doesn’t like what you got out for him to where to school or what you fixed him to eat. Then make him do it for himself. He is old enough. Tell him to feel free to choose his own sock and fix his own breakfast. If he doesn’t he goes to school with no socks and no breakfast. All you have to do is have things in the house to feed him clothe him if he chooses not to take advantage of it it is not neglect or abuse. After that statement keep your mouth closed and walk away. He will change his attitude fast if you don’t engage. It is Called LOVE and LOGIC it is a fantastic behavior and management style of discipline children. Works on the most difficult child ADHD Bipolar Autism if you can find the book or a class you would love it.


Are you letting him earn any of it back? Usually, you can take it all away, but when does he get to see some hope?

If he doesnt like what you make for dinner, ask him to plan one meal a week.

He is old enough to get out his own clothes.

Reinforce how to speak to others…


I’m sorry but i feel like hes ruling the house hold. Its time to go straight to his room. No interactions at all. Tell him when he can be nice he can come out and enjoy the family time.

If he starts acting out take things from him and back to his room.

You arnt being safe. This behavior is not allowed.

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A normal child can have a difficult time during hormonal changes that every child goes thru as they grow but it is harder on a child with ADHD. They have stronger reactions but they don’t know what is happening inside. But it’s best not to ignore their behavior.


Taking away al his things isn’t going to help. It’s only going to make him worse because now he has no way to expend any of his energy. The only thing he has now is time to think and be angry.

Let him choose his own socks, get used to being 10 steps ahead and being present physically when he’s about to get into it with his siblings.

Kids with ADHD get overwhelmed easily and if you can’t show him the finished product of what his homework is supposed to look like, he’s going to have a hell of a time even getting g started because the damn thing is so overwhelming.

He literally needs to have busy hands. There’s just too much for me to write down but let him outside, give him things he can build like LEGO or puzzles or drawing or painting, things that keep the hands busy and with a picture of the completed project to go by.

I have children with ADHD and we have good days and bad days, but constant punishment and taking all of his things will never work and only make him worse.

Could the medication be altering his behavior. Pay attention to his temperament before and after he takes his meds.


I had this problem with my now 13 year old, no matter what I did to punish it just got worse, she didnt care, her attitude got worse. I had to flip it and try to ignore the bad behavior completely and abundantly reward the good behavior. She learned that the bad behavior wasnt getting the attention she was doing it for. And now we only have attitude issues when shes about to end her cycle. Maybe try a reward chart, start small, 5 good deeds gets a trip to the dollar store. Keep track of them with a sticker chart, so he can see the progress he is making as well. Once you get to the end of the month tally the stickers and do something big (appropriate to the amount of stickers). Just trying something different may be all he needs.


Have to talked to his doctor or done research to see if the medicine he is on could be making this happen?

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I definitely recommend a conversation to see if something has triggered the behavior…what I do not recommend is allowing him to hit you and throw things at you the way one of the other commenters says she let’s her son. Absolutely under no circumstances is it ok for a child to strike their parent…period…period…PERIOD

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I find when I was younger that having a visual list for what I need to do before getting in the car to go to school helped. Maybe he is having some anxiety about being rushed in the morning. I had bag days if I was rushed before school but, I did well in school when I wasn’t rushed in the morning and I had more freedom because I can see what needed to be done and I had plenty of time to do the things needed to get ready for school.

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Beat his ass. Thats what’s wrong with these kids now. The need hard discipline.

Hang in there. Persistence does pay off. Solutions Don t work over night. The big thing is to be consistent with whatever you do.

8, 11 and 17 are THE WORST AGES :laughing:

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Have you tried extreme exercise… I literally run the defiance out of my boys.

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Negative reinforcements do not work for children with ADHD/ODD. My son got to the point where I thought I was going to have to send him somewhere at 5…getting him into ABA and occupational therapy was a life saver for both of us. it has given both him and I tools to deal with things. He’s 9 now has ADHD/ODD an unspecified mood disorder and each year we get better and better dealing with it. Instead of focusing solely on the negative start praising him for the positive. Do not give the negative any other reaction other than sending him to his room and than sitting down and talking about what went wrong and helping him to think of ways he can do things differently next time. My son learned pretty quickly that positive reinforcement got good reactions where as negative behavior was no longer getting him the attention he was seeking. We have implemented many different techniques but this was the biggest game changer for us. Best advice is find a good ABA and occupational therapist!!!


Maybe his meds. Or doses need to be change if he’s on them, talk to his Dr.

8 yrs old he can lay his clothes out the night before

Take him out somewhere he enjoys, just him and you. Talk to him and find out what is going on in his life. Really talk to him without punishment or consequences. Maybe someone is bullying him at school. My daughter was being bullied and she would lash out at home. I talked to her teacher and had her moved away from those kids and her behavior has gotten so much better. Maybe it’s something like that.


My ex tried to put my son on add meds and my son told me that when he took them, it made him angry so he stop taking them. I would check that


ADHD medication definitely changes their attitude, mood, sense of well being etc. maybe there are other ways of treating his ADHD but I guess it depends on how severe his condition is. Catch 22. Hope you find a solution.

Talk to his doctor it maybe time to either up the med or change it depending on how long his been on it

I had this problem with my daughter when she was on ADHD meds. The meds were actually bringing out the Oppositional Defiant Disorder that was also an underlying problem.


Take his door off the hinges.

I have 4 grown children, the advice I give people is that 8-12 year olds are horrible, evil little people lol. They do grow out of it. Just breathe, and then breathe again, it will get better eventually lol. Best of luck.

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I would def check the meds. My grandsons behaviors were not any better with them so we delt with the behaviors without them. He did better but it did take some time. Sometimes the meds make them angry and they don’t know why is how he explained it. Age and him finding himself is probably a big roll in this too. PATIENCE MOM! Pray!

For every action there is a reaction. If anything has changed recently, this could be why. Read “five love languages of children”


Take jim to a counlor and your doctor, that will help

Oh im in the same boat my 7 year old son acts the same just not the stealing but he does destores his toys and expects me to rebuy them we dont and wr have tryied everything to and he is adha too and is on meds too we just did a sleep study ugh i so feeeeeellllll how u are feeling

No wonder hes acting out
Hes bored, you took away all his outlets!


Has there been a sudden change in your life? Have you checked with his School/Teacher? Maybe being bullied? Maybe make him responsible for his own clothing choices, food likes, wouldn’t hurt to check things out!

Check to see if he has odd I know I do and well I got like this except mine was worse. There’s no medicine for odd unless they got it finally but I do know with me punishments never worked they made me worse

He might be being bullied at sxhool


Your child is acting this way because his missing attention . Maybe he stopped getting all the attention he used to get and it’s causing him to regress in anger . Instead of barking at him do you still use your baby mom voice like with the little ones ? He’s jealous as well . He needs more love and care . He might also je getting bullied at school . Type on google cues for anger . Also you can take away electronics but don’t strip him of every thing he has . You’ve basically made the situation worse . The child now feels like he’s in prison . He could end up running away . :sweat:


Meds may not be agreeing with him.

My 8 year old was going thru this for a couple of months, it’s gotten better but we still have tough days. I explained to her that I didn’t raise her that way, that I’m hurt and disappointed in her behavior it seemed to help. I also explained to her like I always have that if she does what I ask her to do she will always get whatever she wants from me. iPad, new clothes, anything! She’s learning to appreciate those things

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It could be his meds talk to his dr try switching his diet look up diets on Pinterest for kids with adhd


Make a system for him to earn stuff back so he can feel rewarded more for the good behaviour

I have severe add/adhd. Give him his space. Let him calm down. Your punishing him for how his brain is wired. I think your taking this extreme. Sit him down and talk. Stealing is wrong. Tell him that. Spend some extra time with him. Hes acting out because hes getting your attention that way. Im sorry but go to the doctor ask to up his meds or change them. Adderall xr helped me specifically. My dad changed my diet. Give him a cup of coffee. It helps a caffeine is a downer for ppl like him and i. Your treating him like a healthy kid. Also a strict schedule helped me. Down to the hour. My 3yr was diagnosed with it to. And im not doing meds till school but i know what she needs and it helps. When she just over the top i take her sit her down might give her a few sips of soda. And with in 30 minutes she good. Stop being so extreme your hurting the situation

So far sounds like you’re doing everything right. Now that he has lost his priviliges, it’s time to teach him HOW TO WIN THEM BACK. Make it all about him, Best answer is * Sure, I’d LOVE to say yes, but you need to…for me to be ABLE to say yes.* or That’s your choice! you won’t…I, can’t say yes. Soo sorry! Small challenges like one day with no screaming gets him the following day tv priviliges. Responisbilise and valorise.

Sounds like oppositional defiant disorder which is often seen with adhd. Get him to a counselor and they might have some better ways to cope

Sounds like it is time for some old fashioned disapilen

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God bless you so hard…prayers. Hope you can get him help…8yrs is way to early for this. So hard being a parent…stay strong Mom…its a cry for help I think​:pray::pray::pray::pray:

You may not like or want my advice… I’m a firm believer in physical discipline & the removal of favorite things from a child’s life. “Spare the rod, spoil the child.”


I recommend getting him a therapist. He can get referrals for proper. Medicine maintenance and control. He can get behavioral health services. Sounds like he needs alot more guidance surrounding his behavior from a therapeutic standpoint. I have issues with my 8 year old that sound so similar. He has Tourettes syndrome, oppositional defiant disorder, and anxiety. He is in alot of therapies. Weekly in office. Bi-weekly in home, and also a horse mentorship program. Its alot, but it’s really helped him learn to cope and navigate life and feel more in control of his own mental headspace. It honestly sounds like your son just needs extra supports besides what you’ve done. Needing extra supports doesnt mean you’ve failed as a parent either. You’re a great parent.

Mine does the same thing! I dont have any words of encouragement as I am dealing with this myself and my son is only 5. We have him in behavioral counseling so hoping to get things straightened out


I seen a meme once. That said. Kids can ask for love in the most unloving ways. I had girls so they are emotional creatures. Sometimes they just need to sit and be held. Sometimes they need to get encouraged. Other times they jus need a little leadership and guidance to the right steps to take. Doesnt matter their age. A child wants to hold your hand and know u have their back. I get frustrated too. But kids are humans wjth emotions just the same as adults. Life can be tough . discipline with Love :blue_heart::sparkling_heart:

I’m sorry dear momma, I feel your pain. I don’t know what meds he takes. But it might be time to go up on dosage. It was for us.

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He needs to learn how to behave. I am an expert teens coach. I offering you my services. In person, over the phone or Skype.
If you are interested send me a pm. Thank you!

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Parenting is Hard!! And it seems children go thru different little phases, and by the time we figure it out, the phase changes. I’ll pray for you mama!!
They walk on our toes when their little and they walk on our hearts when their grown.


I can relate I have a 10 year old with ADHD his started at 8 we are in the process of struggling hard in school… try talking to his pediatrician or maybe even counseling… I hope everything works out

Raising my 11yr old granddaughter. All this sounds so familiar. Please sit down with the child and find out what is bothering them. Have the child do a journal, what’s bugging them. But please use drugs as a last resort. Turned her into monster. And as far as a therapist, hers told her she could make her own decisions, do as she wanted as long as she was safe. I went through hell because of him. She learned what her room was, and who the boss is. She no longer has a cell phone. Took me 5 long months to get the point acrossed.
My heart goes out to anyone going though this. My prayers are with you.

Let’s put my 7 year old and your 8 year away on an island somewhere, sounds like they will be best friends. :roll_eyes: #itrulydolovemykidsbuttheydrivemecrazy!

Um discipline dont just medicate. I feel ppl are quick to say adhd when really they just need serious attitude adjustment at home.Taking things away doesn’t do anything. Kids need to know who the boss is. Kids will display adhd behavior if they aren’t disciplined. My parents spanked me and I’m just fine. Sorry but there isn’t a magic pill for anyone’s kid. :tipping_hand_woman:t3: most kids on psych meds end up on hard drugs later on in adulthood. So sad.


I had a son that was on ADHD medication and he was VERY angry after being on it for some time. He finally voiced to me that he “felt like a dark hole was inside him” and he hated the way he felt all the time. I went straight to the Dr because a piece of me died that day, knowing I was in such a hateful state of mind with him. Once we took the medication away slowly, within weeks he was smiling more than ever and became back to the son I knew. May not be for every case, I can only speak from MY experience, but he grew out of the need for the medication. After he came off of it, I decreased the amount of sugars he ate daily, gave multi vitamins and gave TIME for the adjustment and ALSO explained to him what HE may need to be willing to do with his school work to NOT have to be back on the meds. He’s 16yr old now and enjoys life along with good grades. Hope the best for you.

Whew same here my grandson Jesus is whom I’m depending on cause I’m up to the last straw myself my grandson when poo on himself he pee in the toilet but will poo for no reason he is 7 just started the meds after his birthday in Feb on the weekend cant give him nothing but the meds for night time 7pm dont here quick enough we let him just wear himself out but he is never tired I’ve never seen so much extra energy he is the only child what helps is letting him play with his tablet which they say that’s not good but it helps a little

There is definitely something deeper than just being in a bad mood but have you tried a diet change? It’s not an easy adjustment but I took as much processed foods, sugar and artificial food colorings out of my sons diet and it worked wonders.


I just remembered that I had to take my son off of the extended release adhd meds bc it was making him extremely irritable. They put him back on the regular medication and within 2 days he was himself again. The extended release made him EXTREMELY mean!!!

Let his dr test him for puberty. It IS possible he is dealing with a surge of testosterone and don’t know how to deal with it. All the growth hormones being put in our foods and we aren’t informed can make this happen. My 7 year old exhibits some puberty traits.


Has he recently uped or changed his adhd meds cause we had the same problem with my son and when I talkes to his doctor they said some time the meds can cause irritability

This doesn’t sound like ADHD, although it could be a side effect of his medicine. Talk to his doctor about it.
Someone suggested giving him more responsibilities, like picking out his own clothes…that might help. Talk to him. Have a mommy/son date night. I don’t think taking away playing outside is a good thing, kids need to be outside… however, I also don’t know what your outside/yard situation is. Is his dad around? Maybe he can talk to him as well. Has something in the family recently changed? It can literally be a million things going on that might not seem important or significant to you, but to him it means the world!
Also, to a kid, attention is attention, and he seems to be begging for it… Whether that attention is negative or positive, it doesn’t matter, he will do anything to get it.
Parenting is hard, and no one will know exactly what to do in every situation. Just take it day by day and keep your head up!


Discapline is the answer. I don’t get why the same people who grew up getting spanked when they did something wrong, are now trying to say no spanking and turning the parents in if they do. If you love your child, you will discapline them! If they do not respect you, they will not have any respect for anyone and everything else!


Have you considered giving him just a bit more responsibility for his own things? Laying out his own socks ect. Sounds a little like hes developing an ungrateful attitude?


Is he being bullied at school? I’d check the school and see if there are any problems there.

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Has his meds recently changed? School related bullying could be issue my son got violent at home when he was being bullied at school

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That is not ADHD. It’s behavior.

The best advice I was given when my kids were going through this phase was to keep him so busy that he doesn’t have the time or energy to get in trouble. Get him into clubs and sports, even against his will at first. That means you get busy too but it does help with attitude and behavior and you will see a difference.

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Buy the book “Dare to Discipline” it offers help to you about handling an unruly child and explains the importance of discipline. It’s worked for my daughter. I think it’s Dobson who wrote it but I got it for $10 on Amazon

My son is 9 and let me tell you on a daily bases I can’t even half like him! (Totally love him and his rotten butt) He is partially growing up faster than his britches, antagonizes, he’s a run for my money. Maybe it’s a stage :wink: I’d have his meds reevaluated.

No…he is just a challenging child. Do u have a list of things he could do positive to get your attention in a positive way. Cuz it sounds like he gets your attention by doing negative things.
It’s hard to switch it up. I put a mini trampoline in my sons room so he’d calm down. When he got older I had him run around a circle in front of our house.
You.ll manage I believe you can.

Spare the rod spoil the child.

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Med adjustment or get him off the meds and stop doing everything for him

I know a lot of people ain’t gonna like my suggestion but here goes…Take him off the meds and beat his ass. He’ll be a new kid after that. See, I grew up back in the day. Tons of friends and cousins to play with. None of us had ADHD. We weren’t allowed to have that. None if us were on psych meds like Ritalin and whatever other poisons they’re giving kids now to control them. Put a sting to his butt cheeks. That always gets their attention when they got a deficit in it. A good ass whoopin’ worked for us. It might help your boy too. Just sayin’ …


For those who think whoopin’ their little asses is wrong and would rather drug them up to keep from doing your job as a parent, take a gander at THIS Kid calls cops on his mother... - YouTube

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Has anybody ever thought of a food allergy there are a lot of foods are out there that make kids crazy and do things I know you might think I’m crazy but years ago there was a woman who they locked up in a mental institution because she is allergic to wheat when one doctor came in town. That’s what it was making her crazy and now she is fine.