I would ask the girls , they might want to share a room , if not then let them have separate ones u might find once they have separate rooms they will change there minds and want to share lol x
Depends if you need a guest space. If not then yeah I would give then their own rooms.
You been a busy women lol
I say let the sisters share a room. They will have nice sister bonding time.
My 2 boys share a room and my daughter has her own room and my oldest is begging for his own room were currently house hunting … on one hand I get it on the other hand I always had to share a room with my sisters but I say if u have enough space give them their own rooms even if they end up in each other for awhile since they are used to it
If you can give them their own room then I would, saves them arguing in the long run
I didn’t get the bigger house. Lived humbly and within our means with just a 2 bedroom. Girl, boy, girl. 4 years apart from each other. They SHARED one bedroom their whole childhood. They are 28, 24, and 20 now. They are so close and protective of each other. They learned to respect, lean on, and comprehend each other. So I think the two girls together would be the best idea. At the 12th year, ask your oldest if she’s ready to be in her own room. Buy her stuff a little at a time throughout that year. She can move in on her 13th birthday. Best gift ever!
My 2 boys have separate rooms but always sleep in the same bed my little guy gets scared to be completely alone he is 6 and my older son is 8 they are best buds most of the time
I would put the girls together leaving open to each have their own room when they’re older. They’re a year apart & are most likely going to be besties
Give them a choice seperate rooms or together maybe even a bunk bed
share til they get older and need privacy. It’ll. ake them closer and build memories
I would absolutely share a room until they got older.
I have a 7 and 4 year old that had separate rooms but they always ended up together and they get along great so I moved them in together. They love it. I know one day they won’t lol but until then I’ve got an office or indoor gym or whatever the heck you want the spare room to be
4bdrm house?? Means
Boy - 1 room
Girl - 1 room
Girl - 1 room
Parents - 1 room.
No need to share a room
Personally would have them share since they are little that way the extra room can be a play room, then when they are older they can get their own rooms. I mean unless they really want their own rooms? But if they didn’t then I would have them share while they are little
Let them all sleep in one room make a bed and space for decorations for each. They will be bonded by it . Make a playroom where all toys and play happen . And have a guest room . Once they are older and start wanting independence start giving own rooms
Back in the 70s. My kids age 3 and 4 shared a room. They were boy and girl. As they aged and we could not afford a bigger place we put a curtain between them for privacy. They were good with that.
Either way… Have a toy room or if they share thats ok too. Mine are 8&10girls they fine sharing in our two bed room house… Getting ready to 2×4 a false wall divider half way thru the room for shelving and their art wall
Keep them all together in one room until they get bigger. One could be a play room during the day. And then u could have an office or guest room until they are older.
Ask them thats what i did. My boys decided seperate rooms but still sleep together lol they were 3 and 6 when we moved in.
I would initially set up their own spaces. If they wish to hang out or sleep together, let them
I have 5 and even tho the 2 older ones who are 12 and 13 (boys) share and then my nearly 11 yr old girl has her own room and then my 4 and 6 yr old girls share a room they love to sleep in the same room together apart from the 13 yr old the others love being snuggled together
If you have enough room, which it sounds like you do… let them have their own rooms. They can decide how much bonding they do or not, they may crash with each other… but, having your own space is always nice. Once out of the crib, my children have always had their own rooms. But, we had the room for it… they are all teens now, for the most part, & they love having their own room, own space.
I reckon you should ask them. Maybe they have an opinion
Each should have their own room and space for themselves they will decide and probably will end up
In each other’s rooms but lays the ground for having own space and going to bed alone
I put my 4 yr old and 1.5 yr old together and they love it!
I wouldn’t. Kids get curious
I would make them share. They are close enough in age.
If you have four bedrooms why would they need to share?
Give them their own separate rooms!
My boys are 6&7 they share a room and they love it most days
Well if you have enough rooms for them all I would give them all their own rooms
I shared a room with my sister and hated it
give them their own room since you have the space
I would give each child there own room. If you have the space why not?. I have 4 kids they all have there own room, it’s there own person space.
My two youngest have shared rooms (four years age difference). They absolutely hated it and would fight constantly. I say, if you have the space to give them each their own room.
I would ask them if they want to share. They might at a young age then in the future they can/will want their own rooms.
Mine are 6 and 3 sharing but I feel like if they had they’re very own rooms they maybe wouldn’t fight so much because they would both have their own space but idk maybe it’s a sister thing
I had to share a room till I was 12. Best thing was getting my own room. If you have the space I’d let then enjoy it too
I’d let them share for now and maybe when they are 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 let them have their own room and design it
Give them their own room
I hated sharing with my sister and my boys argue all the time in their shared room - as soon as I can get a 4 bed I am! X
Gosh. I think I’d make the girls share a room just so there would be another room for all the toys!!!
My girls share a room and the boys each have their own rooms. But the girls rm is so crowded bc they have too many toys! Lol
Ask your girl’s if they want their own room.
My sister and I shared a room until high school. (I don’t know that we would have survived high school. )
If they get along well, then I say go for it. Make a “sleeping room” and a play room? With all of the toys out of the bedroom, they may sleep easier?
When it becomes an issue, you separate them?
Well Alot of the time kids just get along but having them share a room when they are older Is a better option Just incase one gets lonely the other one can play but Just do that until they are in 1st grade then give them a option
They are still young enough to share a room. When they get older is when they will need their own space. My two boys shared a room up until 2yrs ago when we were able to find a 3bedroom we could afford.
I have 2 girls and they have to share a room. They fight constantly and want their own space . If one goes to the room the other follows. They are 2 years apart and always yelling at each other to stay away from their things.
Personally, at that age, I would have them share a room. One for them, one for your son, one for mom and dad and use the 4th as a play room for all the kids. This will help keep the mess out of their bedroom as well. As they get older, you could separate them to their own rooms.
I’d separate into their own rooms. Maybe upsize their beds to doubles. Or get single bunk beds. So if they wanna sleep together, the option is there to share the bed. Cuz with own rooms they get their own space. Then if one is sick, it’s easier for them to rest and such. Or one isn’t keeping the other up etc
Own rooms if you have enough rooms.
My 2 girls had separate rooms always but we ended up combining & getting them a bunk bed when they were 3 & 5 and they sleep on the bottom bunk together by choice. We originally did it because the youngest kept coming into our bedroom every night but now if she wakes up, she just snuggles her sister. We will separate them again when they choose. But they are now 5 & 7 and I don’t see them separating any time soon.
I say keep them together and use your 4th room as an office or guest room and when they’re ready for individual rooms in the future, redo both rooms at that time, so they both feel “new”.
You got 4 bedrooms. 1 for each child an 1 for parents
Yes the girls should share a room because that’s just the way it should be
Seperate rooms all the way…but give them the choice each night if they bunk or sleep seperate. Include your son in that…by age 10 all kids should have own room unless they decide the like sharing the room together
At that age I think they should share a room for as long as you can stand it lol. It lets them learn to respect for others in so many ways.
I don’t know what state you’re in but the state of Minnesota boys and girls cannot share rooms after the age of 5. Girls can but no boys, so you might want to check your laws before you get them situated
At these ages I say yes absolutely…do it til they tell you they want their own rooms😊
Of course the girls get the bigger room since they have to share. What else would you do?!!
Bunkbed,s in one room for gril,s bed in one boy parents pick room you
When I was growing, I shared a room with my year older sister. Were there arguments? Sure! But there were also late night stories, sharing her bed when I was scared, random pillow fights… memories that would never exist if my mom had the thoughts to keep us separate. I would keep the extra room as a toy room, but Allie your girls a special place to grow a strong bond. If, when they get older, they decide they want their own space, then I would allow them that.