I can't get over my ex: Advice?

Since since my baby daddy left me I cnt get over him it seems like am obsessed so I need some ideas on how to deal with the separation


Move on go on Dates. Get a hobby or find a friend or a someone to call when you are feeling down


A hobby, time to heal, and reunite with friends


Just remember, he’s an ex for a reason. Keep yourself busy. Find a good friend that will help you.


It just takes time. keep yourself busy and focus on your babies.


find a new man… when woman are interested in someone new, the old ones that aren’t meant to be don’t seem as important


Quickest way to get over a man… get under another one :wink:


This will sound lame but go on a dating site to distract you lol you don’t have to meet anyone but just chat


MUSIC every time you feel sad out on a song that lifts you up it’s what I did I did sometimes listen to sad songs too as it’s good to reflect and soul search!!!


Taking your ex back is like trying to put poop back in your butt. Let it go.


Do not rebound. :roll_eyes: focus on you and your kid(s). Time heals all wounds.


Don’t jump into another relationship serious one. Some women need another man some don’t and enjoy being single if you have kids they are your top priority, first and foremost.


I would delete all pictures of him so you don’t find yourself looking through the pictures of the two of you or him in your phone & getting upset. Reconnect with friends and family. Keep yourself as busy as possible with your little one. Maybe look into dating apps etc? I would defiantly file child support on him. Don’t let him get away with not providing for your baby. He’s still the father! Best of luck mama


How to get over it? Concentrate on self. Begin to love yourself again. U attract who you are …


Keep yourself busy. Go out with friends. Family anything to keep ur mind occupied. Get a haircut


Easy. Focus on YOURSELF.


It takes time and it doesn’t happen overnight.

When my college boyfriend dumped me, I ended up moving back home with my parents. It was humiliating. I was 27. My nights and weekends stretched out in front of me and I dreaded going home after work and being alone. So I got a waitressing job. It kept my mind occupied and it allowed me to save up money quickly so I could get the heck out of my parent’s house quicker.

For me, it was doing whatever you need to do to keep yourself busy so you’re not dwelling over the past. Work has always been therapeutic for me, so that was what saved me. But it may be different for you. Sign up on an online dating site or app. Join a sports team or running group. Join a gym. Take a cooking class. Whatever you’re interested in - do that.

You will find peace again.

And block them on all social media too. In this situation, ignorance is bliss.


How long has it been? It once took me 3 years to get over an ex


I had to be sad for awhile when I left an ex. It sounds repetitive but just go out, find a good bar girlfriend and karaoke or something. I stayed single for awhile had my tears and had my fun but once I was in a place I didn’t miss him I could finally focus on me, and it turned out me was pretty great on her own.

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Take your ex back is just like you taken trash back :woman_shrugging:


My friends got me through it. Spend lots of time with them and obviously kids will keep you busy as well. You can do this.

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*Find yourself again. Focus on you and baby, join a gym or go running with a friend regularly. Sometimes physical activities help mentally. There are plenty of things to do that don’t cost money.
*Keep your mind busy; hide or get rid of momentos.
*Occupy yourself with friends, family, etc.
*Talk about it but don’t dwell on it. Talk through the hurt. Don’t push it down, you have to deal with it/feel it so you can move on, but don’t over do it.
*Do NOT call or text him unless it’s baby/parenting related. Don’t be that girl.


They best way to get over one is to get under one as the saying goes


When I went through my bad split, whenever I’d start getting upset I’d write down every fault of his whether it was not helping, drinking, constant yelling, etc. then would realize each time that I deserved better. Also, writing down good things about yourself, things you want to do, etc. helps built up confidence again. It’s hard, but you’ll get through this❤️


Remind your self why the relationship didn’t work, tell yourself what you need to do to heal and what you need to fix on yourself for the future


Sleep with his best friend…


Out of sight out of mind think that and time do not rush yourself you will regret it

Fall in love with yourself.

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Get out the house take baby on playdates go to park visit family hang with friends socialize or best yet look better and be better than when you met him

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Take ur time. Remind yourself WHY you are not together. Stay busy…see friends…remember WHY ur not together. Remember to focus on you and the baby. That’s what’s important now. You and that child.
Taking an ex back is like trying to reheat McDknalds in the microwave. It just isnt any good. Lol


Best way to get over a man is to get on top of another :joy::joy::joy:


Try playing with your baby and laugh with you. Focus on baby

Do what you enjoy have fun for example had a hair style you wanted to try or maybe a new color go and do it want to paint your nails go do it it can help you build yourself up take care of yourself focus on you after me and my ex broke up I stayed single a while I didnt want to date started focusing on my self building myself up again and I waited till the right person came along I was single for over a year at that point when I met my now husband

It takes time to move on from someone… I’d say do things to distract yourself from thinking about it. Play with your baby, hang out with friends, watch a tv series if that’s what you’re into. There is so much you could do! Just don’t let yourself believe that you don’t deserve anything but him, because you probably deserve the world and some.


Try to keep yourself busy with other things, distract yourself and remind yourself of all the bad as well. Often we only think of the good when there was plenty bad. It should pass, but if it doesn’t perhaps counseling can help. Always worth trying.

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Focus on your kid. That should be a pretty big distraction. The more he sees you want him the more he’ll push away.

You’ve got lots of good advice here. Except for those saying you should jump into another relationship OR have a one night stand. Either of these will not be good for you.
Honestly, time does heal. The pain will lessen and eventually you will be able to look back & see that it just wasn’t meant to be. Unfortunately some relationships don’t work. Concentrate on your baby & yourself! Get out & about as much as possible. Perhaps pick up a new hobby or something you gave up while with this person. Think of a positive future for yourself and it will happen.
I promise!!!


Sometimes it is the presence of being around, NOT especially him that you miss. Write down pros and cons with him and your relationship. And focus more on yourself and baby. I was with my husband for 11 years and it was just the ‘void’ of him being around. I left with our son. It was amicable so no hard feelings. It was a real change for me so I had to remind myself why we left and I knew it was the right thing to do. I would put pictures and all away for a while, don’t engage in social media (facebook) about him in anyway. If people ask, it ‘just didn’t work out’ period. Maybe file for support to help financially. That is up to you though he can get visiting rights if paying support. I am not sure how he feels about the baby.

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He left you, get over it. Simple. Buhbuy. Learn from it.


Time is the only answer, they say, I’ve been divorced 20 years, and I still think of him every day. It really sucks!


Get you a new boytoy with with a bigger dick :joy::person_shrugging:


Time unfortunately. It wont happen in a week or maybe even a year. But you’ll learn to live with it and eventually youll wake up and the pain will be just a memory. Out of sight,out if mind. Get rid ir avoid whatever reminds you of him.

I sincerely wish yiu a speedy transition. I know how you feel and i know that pain is unbearable sometimes but it will get better!

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I love watching romance movies or series’ of movies… it helps you sleep

Don’t worry it took me years to get over mine - whatever time it takes you , I t’s normal … Some people don’t belong in your life and until you lose them , you can’t truly find yourself…
it honestly took me letting go of that person and the idea they wrrr right for me before I could
Love myself :heart:

Focus on baby! Go get litty now and then do you girl!

It’s hard, but I have to agree with what a lot of others are saying. You just have to focus on the baby. Their love will help you heal :black_heart: my son was literally my saving grace when his father and I split.

I definitely feel you!

Your never over your first love until your under the second!!

Do what makes you happy and your child try to take care of yourself and it will take time. If he left you he is not worth having.

Don’t try and make up reasons to contact him. Leave him be unless it’s about a need for the child. Don’t play the victim. Get up. Get dressed. Make yourself look nice. Play the happy part. Sounds weird but it helps. Don’t appear desperate. Right now it’s making baby happy and content and finding little joys and ways to make you happy. If can’t be content and happy with yourself you never will be.

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Remind yourself of his flaws and why it wouldn’t work out with him. I would start with the fact that he left you. He rejected you and indicated he’s not into you. That’s reason #1. You’re a loveable person and if he can’t see that, he’s not good enough for you. Until you get that, you shouldn’t enter into another relationship because you need to work on you and having more self worth than that.

The feelings will fade with time. Distract yourself with your other priorities and responsibilities in the meantime.

Put your all into your baby . Bond like crazy ,teach your baby sign languge. Your prince will come when you least expect it… Hang in there.

Time heals all wounds. Staying busy is a huge help. Just maintain #1…your kid(s). Eventually, u will realize u can do “good or bad by yourself”…dont need any help w that. Distractions are key to life! U g2do what needs to be done. As time goes on, you will either be happier single or love will find u unexpectedly. The more u put your energy n focus into him, the more you’re neglecting yourself and your family…its not worth the depression u would put yourself in…then what good is that to you and yours? Plus, it will just push him away further n further since he seems to have made his decision. Just keep focusing on what needs to be done instead of the wants. U will get through it

He left you with his baby. He’s not worth your time. Think about the baby and yourself and how you never want to feel that pain again.

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Girl power is awesome, understand you have knowledge and power for you and your child, lean on that, you are awesome

Take the time to find yourself. Focus on you and the baby. Figure out what went wrong and try to fix them so that when it comes time to move on, you have a new sense of what you need/want and it will help avoid the same heartache.

No one is gonna give you the answer you want to hear, but ask yourself why did the relationship end and was it a healthy relationship did you two split on good terms and if so leave at that and if didn’t learn from mistakes that were made but don’t keep thinking about it because you will start to get more than obsessed and can turn dangerous and DON’T USE THE BABY to get to him the baby didn’t ask for the relationship to fail and you both can be very good parents to that baby…

Figure out what he gives you in the relationship…then fill it with something else. Takes time to deal with loss. Pamper yourself with good things.

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Look for his new replacement


The internet isn’t where you go for Mental health issues see a doctor