I can't stop thinking about my ex

I broke up with my partner of 10 years. We have a child together he’s 8 . We wasnt together for a couple of months but we stayed in the same house. He spent most of his time on the ps4 , I would be working providing for him and our son , paying for his car and anything else that needed paying for, food every thing you name it, if I didn’t cook he would get angry , if I cooked for myself he would get angry again , He got lazy and always made excuses about going back to work , he got let go 3 times and was given multiple chances too. Like he’s nice , he’s done stuff for me too, he’s not all bad but in that situation we was struggling so bad trying to make ends meet. Anyways : I met someone amazing , we was talking for a couple of months before we met up , I got pregnant by that other guy real fast .
But sometimes I find myself thinking of my exs , like I even have moments where iv asked for him back , cried , sent him long messages , crying my heart out but he pretty much gave me the seen, shut me down , laughed in my face and talked high about them other girls he’s talking too , he even sent me a picture of someone he really liked , posted stuff about them but when we was together he never once posted me ANYWHERE …
Ohhh and he moved to Australia.
He hasn’t given me any suppose with our son but when I go ask for money he says : he doesn’t have any But he has money for his game.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I can't stop thinking about my ex

Let him go! Love only goes so far. Do you want to support a deadbeat the rest of your life? RUN!


Good Lord…why on earth would you want a man like that back? Just pray your son is nothing like his father!


You are still in love with what your had with him . You want that again . And you can have it . Just not with him . You will find your happy . Sounds like you are in love with the memories and the stability . Which is okay . But it’s time to leave him alone .

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Girl why are you crying for someone that clearly used you? You have something good now… love on. You are worth it! Don’t allow him to dog you out like that!


Wake up ma’am. You are better off without him. Search your soup and find happiness

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It’s okay to think about your ex- but remember why he’s your ex- it’s obvious that he doesn’t want a relationship with you! Think of it like water- nobody is thirsty til the well runs dry. He used you and now he has moved on. It’s time for you to do the same!


If you’re still with the new dude then you need to leave him asap…it’s not fair on him that your asking for your ex to take you back etc …I was the woman while my supposed partner was messaging his ex back and I was being made a laughing stock all while I was unaware …it’s shady as fuck…

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Is this a serious post? If it is, seek therapy. You don’t need ANOTHER son. That’s exactly what he is. He’s a man-child. Raise your deserve level, your self-confidence and then maybe you will attract a responsible man. Low self esteem will lead you to keep accepting low level partners.

Happiness starts with YOU!! Not someone else.


Oh my lanta this doesn’t sound good at all.
You are missing the memory of being with him (for whatever your reason may be), you don’t miss him.
There’s a difference.
At this point I would suggest therapy. It will help you realize a lot and help you move past your ex.
You’re not the first to feel this way and you won’t be the last. But let’s not regress from where you’re at now.

If you’re having a child with a new guy it sounds like you’ve moved on too. Sometimes we grieve the dream of what we thought could be, instead of how it really was. I wish you well.


You need to love yourself again because you clearly don’t if you want him back. Think about how he treated you how dare he, how dare he laugh in your face, who is he to belittle you like that. Talking to you like dirt and bragging about his conquests, really? Wow. As soon as you think about that your confidence will come to let him go & love yourself because you deserve more! We’ve all been there, my god I defo have :woman_facepalming:t5: but I just kept myself busy and started doing things for me and making myself feel good and I haven’t looked back! I really hope you do the same because he is not the be all! :heart:

Read ur post… Maybe u will understand what a pos he is and then I can move on ! Y do even second thought a man who treats ur son bad ? That’s enough to walk away !!!

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So he can’t even stay in the same country as his child let alone give you money to look after the child you have together … absolutely shocking . Get him out your head ! Better off without ! :heart:

Keep moving forward Gf. Leave the past behind

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You are in love with the promise of who you thought he would be.
Ask yourself this - when your son grows up would you be ok with his partner treating him that way ? ….I’m guessing no?
If your child sees you excepting people treating you this way. That’s all he’s going to expect.
Decide what you expect from people. Set boundaries and settle for nothing less.
I wish you the best.

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And the matter of a question is “what are you crying for” ?

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He’s your ex for a reason let him stay your ex

You were right to let him go. He was using you and was too lazy to be a man. You and ur son are better off without him. Keep ur new man or find someone new who will make u forget all about the exs.

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Ex an example off what not to go for move on sounds like u have provided for your son without his help xx

You miss a memory that never was but you always wanted.
Spend time finding ways to love yourself and you won’t have to cry over anyone:)

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I’ll pray that you can move on, I do believe in the long run that the grass isn’t greener on the other side run. Just focus on you know and realize that you deserve way better than being treated like that. I think it’s normal to miss the other person. But I definitely think that’s God telling you it’s time to move on. When things get hard pray about it :pray:t2:

10 years is a long time. You’re used to him being there. Just know you’re better off without him and the added stress. You’ll be ok hun!

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Sounds like you lived my life for 10 years🤣

He’s one miserable individual gf focus on yourself and your child

Let it go and get some therapy


You expect someone to stay stuck on you after you go off and get knocked up from someone else? Your ex of ten years deserves better…. Let him be happy and be happy with the person you chose over your ex.


Your ex is a selfish, immature, dick. You and your son deserve SO much better! I hope that you can purge him from your brain ASAP!!!


And I wonder what u mic🤔, think it’s time u read what u wrote


That is a child not a man…You’re better off without him…

You don’t get it …he’s not interested …

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You should be glad he’s out of your life. He sounds awful.


Your ex is a selfish, immature person you have 1son you don’t need a man who acts like a child

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File child support n have him served legally through state agency !! He helped make the child so should help support !!!

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Girl smh :roll_eyes: he’s trash. Put him on child support and forget about him

Strong single woman here. So stunning, much brave.

Get over it, he’s a POS

Ok, so you moved on found someone amazing and got pregnant by another guy but want your ex back? I think you need to move on at this point. The fact that he lived with you and you did all this for him is your choice. Second when it comes to the child he’s 8 he’s big enough to contact his father regarding what he needs. If the father does not want to be in his life Then let it be. When he gets older he’ll know who was there for him . It’s not the end did the world and unless you plan on moving to Australia I would forget about him . Focus on the blessing you have now. Good luck


So… You broke up, got pregnant by another man… And now you… What? What’s the question here? You’re upset cause he doesn’t want you? He sounds like he wasn’t much while y’all were together. He moved to AUSTRALIA. Move on. You said yourself you met someone amazing… So what is it about your ex you can’t get over? The fact you spent 10 years together? That is alot of time but if it didn’t work and he’s moved on so should you. Or go to therapy first maybe and work through these issues before you drag this amazing man into your mess.


I get it, it’s harder to be left or shut down than it is to be the person doing it… bottom line you don’t deserve to punish yourself for him not being a better man. Move on.

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Run! The guy is an asshole! I can’t stand listening to how he treated you let alone being with him. And quit paying for him. He needs to find a descent job and stick with it.


I’m confused. What is the problem? Other than child support and you just said you took care of him & ur son financially he did nothing. I don’t understand what answer you are looking for.


You are obsessing over him to avoid thinking about more important things that you are avoiding.

Who makes up this stuff :thinking:???


You need a therapist for Christ sake quit having children and take care of the two you have forget about the guy he’s not going to change


Modern day love story


You sound like a massive dick… poor kids


Why you crying over a dude that has no respect for you? He let you support him instead of being a man and getting a job to help with the financial responsibilities of the house. He sat on his damn arse playing video games and you want him back? Girl you need some therapy and let that good guy you got hanging go! Let him be with someone who actually wants HIM not her ex. Grow up and be the momma you supposed to be amd let the trash stay out at the curb where it belongs


Oh my… let that kid go. You were his provider aka mommy, not a partner :woman_facepalming: make him pay for the baby and move on with your life.

You cant just move to Australia… you have to be able to take care of yourself.They dont take just anyone He must have found a sugar Momma yes ? It will take time We always want what we cant have .Focus on your kids

The only thing you should be thinking is “thank God this dude is in the rear view mirror of my life”. Move on and make a life for your child and baby on the way.

You need counseling. Please seek it. Clear case of REALLY low self esteem.


I mean this as respectfully as possible, but you might want to consider therapy. Often when we seek out what we know to be toxic, something within us needs to be healed. :blue_heart:


OMG! So many things I want to say but tearing down other females isn’t something I want to do. You seriously need help!


Go through the courts for child support in your state. Ex’s are in the past for a reason. Find you some one and be happy

Screw that guy. :no_good_woman::-1:

See a therapist and ask yourself what’s leading you to this type of person. Were you abandoned as a child? Dig deep and heal. No sense in going for someone unless they want you just as much and it’s HEALTHY.

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He was a wasteman luv, find a guy who shows you he thinks you’re worth it!


What are you looking for. You sound confused.


Ummm why are you begging a loser??? There was nothing good about him to begin with. And it’s not only about him having a job or not… he’s a straight up asshole… narcissistic jerk. Your self esteem is low… bring yourself up ma’am . Go to therapy. Think of your kid. Your son doesn’t need that kind of example. Move on with your life without that thing


I would be so happy to get rid of a little boy like that see is as a blessing and find a real man that can provide for you and that baby girl… let it go

Ok so I wonder about people posting these scenarios and asking for advice in a big group… Are you seeking that someone to validate your distorted wants to get back with an asshole? If he “moved” to Australia … are you wanting him to come back or what? Why would anyone move to Australia right now under the horrific government issues? I feel so bad for those citizens, it’s sickening. Anyway, what’s wrong with the guy you just got pregnant with? Seems like it’s pretty obvious the first guy is a douche and you need to file for child support. Could’ve done that anyway since you weren’t married. Then he would’ve been forced to be employed. But whatever… If the guy you’re pregnant with is not going to stick around … I’d focus on those children and quit worrying about a man. And get child support from both of them ASAP.

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Been there. Been thru it. Seriously woman. Leave your ex in the past. He was pretty much worthless to you as a husband and as a father to your son. Grow up. Get yourself together. Your kids are counting on you. Right now . Not past. Now. And in the future.Its much better to be alone then to be with someone who doesn’t love, respect, and trust you in return. Good luck with your future.


Sounds like the classic fuck boi, move on Hun.
It won’t be easy, you spent 10 years with him, that’s a long time to be with someone and I understand the pain you’re going through. I dated someone for 8 years, we broke up because he cheated and did me so wrong on so many levels.
It won’t happen over night, there will be days were you’re curled up on the bathroom floor crying your eyes out wondering why you weren’t enough and why couldn’t he do better for you? Other days you’ll be okay and happy to be away from him. Like you can finally breath again.
It’s a rollercoaster of emotions all at once. Other days you’ll be numb and not able to feel a damn thing at all. You’ll autopilot through your days.
But eventually you’ll find yourself again, you’ll be able to think about him and no feel that sharp stabbing pain and heartbreak, then soon you won’t think about him at all.
You got this, just keep moving forward.

Girl, time to grow up.


Your ex sounds like my ex. I did give him more chances. He blew them. I haven’t heard from him in 15 years now and he hasn’t supported his son at all. I’m so glad I didn’t waste any more time on him. It sounds like you’re getting trapped by the ‘what if’s’. What if he’d changed? What if he’d been a good dad and husband? What if I made the wrong choice and moved on too soon? What if… what if… you’ll come up with a million of them. It doesn’t change the fact that it ended, and he’d had his chance already. He wasn’t going to magically change and become the person you hoped he would be. I’m going to suggest googling Evan Marc Katz - Why he disappeared. It’s a good read. It won’t help get your ex back… but why would you want to? What it will do is help you see clearly where the red flags were so that the next time you can get it right.

Girl start by loving yourself and child. One day you will ask yourself if you were crazy to feel this way about him. Puy God on the job


Go hang yourself :rofl::rofl::rofl: what kind of help you fucking want?? Get a life… You’re free stupid cunt. :see_no_evil::rofl::rofl:

Get some counseling. Your ex is a narcissistic loser. He doesn’t love you move on. All the best :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Sounds like a narcissist and a waste of time. From experience my best advice would be to just move on. As painful as it may be for you, trust me that you’ll get past this. He ain’t worth it and it’s time you find a real man!

Moreover, how many times she said, we was? :man_facepalming:t2:


Wtf… you miss what??? He had absolutely nothing to offer you or his child, and I don’t mean financially. He didn’t do shit for you being with you, but he’s supposed to do it now? Now, you should be working on better yourself, and getting counseling for your low self esteem. However, you move on to loser number 2, and you are having unprotected sex which results in baby number 2, so the saga repeats itself. Wake up… smell the coffee.


He must have been sensational in bed then, that’s probably all it is.

You need to stop thinking of yourself and starting thinking about the two children you have brought into this mess you are living! All I am hearing is about you! Your children do not deserve to live in some screwed up childhood because you don’t put them first! They didn’t ask to be here!


You need therapy big time! Please get her for your kids sake.


Put him in jail for child support. Move on. Straighten YOUR own life out…for you and your children
He is a noose around your neck

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Seriously and you still want him back after all that


Misery loves company


I can’t see what you miss… was it him playing ps4 all day or was it him getting angry because you did not cook? / you miss the drama. Trust me, you’re better off alone than to go back to what you’ve described

All I see is use and abuse, a never-ending cycle, and two innocent children who will pay the price for poor choices.

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An ex is an ex for a reason.

Why would you want to look after three children

You moved on and Got pregnant real fast… He moved to the other side of the world and is clearly toxic, Ffs Stop thinking about men and focus on your kids :woman_shrugging:t3:


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You want him cuz you can’t have him. Concentrate on the babies and the nice guy not the lazy guy that has no respect for you.

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To hell with that. He took advantage of you.

Every time he comes to your head instead of thinking romantically about you missing him think what made you leave in first place.

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Take his bitch ass to court for child support, get yourself into therapy, maybe color your hair or get a new outfit or something to treat yourself. YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS.


Why would you even want such a child back. Thats no man.