Trust your gut! There is a reason you have that nagging feeling something is off.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I caught him looking up local females revealing photos
Your gut never lies mama, follow it!
Follow your instincts
Save yourself the heartache and start healing. It only gets worse over time. I promise you that. The fact that he’s lying about it even with you having proof is enough to know he knows he’s doing wrong. Speaking from experience, it only gets worse each time.
If he lies and lies keep on coming out it’s time for you to leave. He will lie about other things x
If he hasn’t cheated yet he will, all the signs are there, respect yourself because he doesn’t and he won’t change
Dump his ass and find freedom!
Trust your gut feelings on this
Trust is a precious thing! If you don’t have trust you don’t have a relationship! X
That’s a cheat…you wanna be compared to anyone else? Hell no:heavy_heart_exclamation:
You are not overreacting. Trust your gut.
Trust your gut feeling, chances are they aren’t wrong
Why would you do a shoot? The pictures will be posted on his site for everyone to see.
Many red flags only suggestion is to leave. They won’t typically change whether they admit it or not. And hiding something is the same as lying @ it IMO
what’s wrong w looking ?? but if ur gut says he’s doing more than that then i would follow my feelings
A liar is a liar regardless of what its about. Personally I’d be done. If I can’t trust you I can’t be with you. Period.
Looking at other women is cheating
Omg sounds exactly like my ex!! N rest assured he will not ever tell u the truth even when caught red handed. Honesty is not in them. I tolerated this behavior for 17 years b4 I finally left. It does not get any better.
Id leave him sounds he isn’t just satisfied how u look
Done the right thing. I’ve been there before and will never be made to feel like that again
Trust ur gut kido!!!
Do you want to be with a man the lies to you?
and looks at other women comparing you to theme
Yes- then you are over reacting
No- stay away from him you deserve better.
Always go by what your gut tells you its usually correct
If someone is lying and hiding things they can’t be trusted, chest or not. The deceptiveness has already started. Someone who loves you won’t create doubt within you. I learned that long ago. You have let him know your expectations and he’s chosen what he’s going to do. He’s shown you already why keep playing the game.
Why not just leave his sorry butt. It’s lies. Just go. Stop trying to hang on. That’s why I’m single and will stay single. We do not… Let me say it again for those needy ones in the back row… WE DO NOT NEED A MAN.
Stay away from that mess it can damage you for yrs. You deserve someone that doesnt cheat
Trust your gut. They lie until they literally have no other choice but to tell the truth. Unless he sees you see him he’s gonna keep sneaking and lying
TRUST YOUR GUT! It’s your internal bullshit detector!
There must be trust in healthy relationships.
Lies are lies & they destroy.
I don’t feel you’re over reacting.
Why did you do the photo shoot ? From when he wants you to do a photo shoot that’s the same as another woman his been looking at that’s a huge red flag right there
Over reacting now he gone escalate to cheating
If he’s lying about that he’s lying about more.
This is only what you caught….
Run and don’t ever look back
If you’re separated from him what does it matter what he does?
It’s none of your business now, maybe you should of stayed with him,then it would be different story.
But now no.
If there isn’t trust in your relationship, what is the point?
Talk to him about it and tell him straight up you don’t beleive him. Marriage vows aren’t meant to be broken because there are “signs” that he “might” be cheating or looking at other women.
Open and honest communication is key to ANY healthy relationship.
“The first time we have split up.”
Should be the ONLY time you split up. Move along. There is better.
Did this happen while you were together or since you separated?
How big does the sign need to be for y’all to understand? When in doubt, get out! Simple…
He needs to respect your boundaries as you respect his. If you don’t like it then he shouldn’t be doing it.
If there’s no trust it won’t work
Stay away. You are doing the right thing
Common theme for men these days, easy access to these things. The concern is that they are local women which means he could be meeting up with them at least he told you??
You’re not overreacting.
You fear losing a pervert ,woman thunder fire you …big thunder
Trust your gut. Always
The fact that they are local is concerning. But I don’t think it’s reason enough to break up your marriage. He did ask you to take photos. It’s not like he’s looking at other women instead of looking at you. I think its perfectly acceptable for a man or woman to look at other people IF they ARE also looking at their partner. It’s when they don’t find you attractive and look at other women instead of looking at you that there is a problem. He might have just lied about the seeing the pics because he knew it would hurt you’re feelings. You didn’t say he saved them or anything. But the fact that he did it again after knowing it hurt you the first time says something about his lack of respect. If you can’t shake the feeling that there is more to this situation then maybe there is. But honestly ppl are going to look at other ppl. Is there things we don’t know? Has he lied or cheated in the past? Has he hurt you’re feelings looking at women in public or when you could see and he knew it was hurtful to you? If not you know you’ve been together for a long time. Hes going to look at other women sometimes. If he still looks at you to it normal. If he doesn’t look at you it’s cause for concern.
Therapy. But you both have to want it.
If you don’t, let him go.
You are most definitely NOT overreacting. Some girls don’t care if their man looks but you have every right to be upset considering he lied and continues to. Save yourself any more heartache and leave him. RUN
Local is concerning. I think you are doing the right thing
So you did do the photo shoot ? And it wasn’t enough to keep him entertained. It’s not your fault. If you already feel lied too, then the love will never be the same … good for you for trying and communicating and exploring your boundaries. Bad on him for losing a lady who seemingly would bend over backwards to make him happy. Walk away … deal with the sad and know you made the right choice.
And you are still there
It won’t end. I just went through it. The messages, sexting, pics, late night chats, video chats. Leave it will be nothing but a heartbreak and it will destroy you the more you uncover. I found out he did it the whole time we were together 4 years. He said he would stop 2 years ago and still continued to do so.
I don’t think it’s the revealing part that’s the big problem (lots of people, make and female alike, look at revealing pictures or movies).
It’s the local part. Seems sketchy.
But if you’re separated in not sure why it’s your business? Maybe I’m missing something…I do need more coffee…
If you feel there is more to it, there likely is. Looking at other girls wouldn’t bother me, but if I felt there was more to it I’d find out what it was. Anytime you think there is more to the story there ALWAYS is. Intuition was given to us for a reason. I don’t know why or how but women just know🤷🏽♀️
Partner looks at woman on social media you are hurt look for relationship advice on social media.1st thing that needs to happen os very adult conversation without the internet.
No trust, no relationship. Decide if you are ok with him looking… AND lying about it. Tell him how you feel… Don’t accuse… Just… facts and your feelings
U spilt over him looking at pictures??? Thats harsh!
What’s wrong with looking?
If you’re “separated” BOTH of you are SINGLE…he’s ganna do whatever he wants and so can you…
Idk about this one. The fact that he asked u to do a shoot like the girl is confusing. Maybe he’s looking up pics because he wants some of u that are like that? I wouldn’t throw him out just yet. Maybe try getting some boudoir, idk if I spelled that right, pics done and see if the behavior changes. If it doesn’t, he’s a pos.
That’s not a separation, that’s a pending divorce. I couldn’t. I’d always be looking over my shoulder waiting for the next lie. I’d be wondering how many times in 7 years has he lied if he’s lied that many times just lately. Nope.
Comprehension, Communication,
How is he finding the “local” girls’ photos?
Is he actually talking to them?
Is he sleeping with them?
If they lived farther away would that make a difference?
leave for sure.
The only “lie” you need to concern yourself with at this point in time is whether or not he used protection, and you need to ponder it on your way to the doctor to get tested, thats the “gut” I’d be trustin
Where there is smoke there is ALWAYS fire. Move on.
If he won’t let you look through his phone randomly. Def up to something
Not overreacting! I applaud you for having enough respect for yourself to leave someone that clearly has no respect for you
Trust your instincts!!
Trust your intuition.
YOU DID THE RIGHT THING LEAVING HIM. Don’t second guess yourself that would be your biggest mistake.
He gaslighted you into thinking you were overacting. I think you did right by separating. You do not need that.
Do you really want to know or do you want to just move forward with or without him
My question, is how did you react to him looking? Did you get pissed & freak out? Or did you calmly ask? What’s the harm in looking? Atleast he was interested in YOU enough to want YOU to do the pictures.
No, he shouldn’t have lied about it. But maybe he was just scared to how you were reacting to it & didn’t want you to get even more mad.
There has to be respect on both sides.
But you left pretty easily. That long together & you bail??