This sounds like one of those situations that adults think with their adult minds that every little thing is sexually based. But children don’t think that way. She just touched the dog there, maybe she was just curious about the difference between theirs and humans ? Anyway, don’t ask these questions on a social platform, it might’ve been nothing but now everyone’s opinion is making you think twice. You know you child, these strangers don’t.
I just wanna know how many 12 year Olds have yall raised to determine what’s normal curiosity & what’s not.
I dont think it’s anything to be worried about, she’s just a 12 year old girl who’s obviously curious, maybe don’t make it out to be a big deal, if it happens again just tell her that it’s not OK to do that just like it’s not OK to do it to other people, and leave it at that, just sounds to me like she’s just curious and it’s something she hasn’t maybe seen before or is wondering about it, it doesn’t make her strange or weird, we only know what we’re taught in life. Obviously if it persists then there’s something that needs addressing, but if it’s just a one off thing then just keep an eye just incase
I still stare at dogs is nasty lol
At 12 years old that’s not chalked up to curiosity. That is not normal even a little bit.
Here it is… the moment in her life that will define her sexual self… How you react, the words you use are all going to stick with her and replay in her head every time she has a sexual encounter… IF you make this moment bigger than it is you could easily alter her thought process and tie sexual thoughts up with this one instance… please be very careful how you handle this. Talk to a professional before you talk to her…
Crazy people she is just inquisitive and curious nothing wrong with her so who ever is saying she needs therapy maybe you guys needs therapy because it seems even though you all grown you still have the brain of a peanut
Just have the privates are private talk I just had to remind my boys the same thing the other day my 6 year old was pulling his pants down showing his pee pee kids do stuff that’s why we have to keep a good eye on them and don’t let them go around lots of people just watch her and remember keep your private parts private the dog too
I’d b concerned thats definitely not normal.
If you already talked to her then you are done. Let it go.
I would ask her if anyone has touched her like this first of all using proper terms and not privates. Second I would be calling and setting up some counseling. Curious for me at that age was making my barbies kiss…
At that age my friends and I thought it was hilarious how it used to poke out… we called it “lipstick” as that was the shape…I don’t think any of us were shamed over it, nor grew up screwed up or sexually abused… I think it’s just curiosity… I wouldn’t go seeking therapy help over it, but I would explain boundaries with touching any other genitals in general and state the obvious about animals…especially bacteria dogs can carry by touching things…
No it’s not normal n at d age of twelve she should know better. Shame on her
She is just curious. I’d hate to be some of y’all’s kids. Not that it’s ok, but she just probably wants to see how it all works. At 12, she’s gotta be curious about the opposite sex now. If it continues then I’d be concerned but don’t make it the worst thing in the world she’s done
First check to make sure she’s not be inappropriately touched. 2, curiosity is normal in children regardless of who’s child did this or that in the comment section. Some 12 year olds are naive until 12, then curious. Some 5 year olds are curious and at 12 it’s out of their system, it is all very dependent on the child and it’s not NOT normal unless it continues, or it was for a reason I mentioned outside of natural curiosity. I mean, have you seen their privates? They look interesting to kids, they’re weird.
There is nothing wrong with your child though.
I remember being curious about the horses we had and also when I got older I was worried about dating, lol. Needless to say that curiosity should have been explained.
I’d definitely talk with her but otherwise let it go
I don’t see the harm it would cause just curious
Had alot of friends that were boys growing up they would do crap like that honestly it’s more common than you think
I’d say just let it go at this point she done something weird… heck she may have been thinking in her head… “Is this what boys look like?? EWWW” I mean you seriously never know what is going on in a 12 yr olds mind especially after having the talk. If you see something like this again get concerned but as of right now she may just be trying to figure everything out…
Join the group That Parenting that parent group (with Cath Hakanson). And ignore the judgmental and hurfful advice here.
Sounds like you’ve already talked about it to her, let it be if nothing more happens.
She’s 12 and curious but must understand your message already. Would be so humiliating to go thru more things over what happened, she must just want to forget it already.
Let it go and keep a close eye.
If it happens again then worry.
Some kids aren’t as mature as others especially regarding these topics.
Just make sure she herself has not been violated by anyone.
And maybe start some sex ed at home.
Absolutely dont shame her though!! Thats important.
I think your child needs a Dr …this is NOT OK AND NOT NORMAL TO SEXUAL HARASS AN ANIMAL. POOR DOG.
At 12 she should know what’s right and what’s wrong, I’m unsure why people have reacted to this with a laughing face tbh!
I would deffo speak to her and keep an eye on her, xx
If you talked to her and it seems as though she understands let it go. There is nothing wrong with her and she doesn’t need therapy . I remember watching my friend do something similar when we were about 9. After she was talked to she to my knowledge never did it again and grew up perfectly normal!
These comments
In your conversation woth your child you need to also be VERY clear that animals are animals and they have animal instinct I’ve seen dogs attack children for this exact reason more than it’s being an inappropriate touch it’s extreamly dangerous to poke at an animals genitals I know vets who are scared to do some exams some days because of the attacks they’ve seen. I would pass it off as curiosity but be very articulate on how dangerous that behaviour is as well as inappropriate. Went through it with my son but he stopped once I told him how dangerous it could be to touch the dog and scare her by touching her in a way that’s not normal or comfortable to her.
Ask on that parent group (with Cath Hakanson)
comments making my day
If she was JUST “touching” (like a quick touch and then, moving on), I think maybe that’s one thing. Just weird/awkward curiosity maybe. And if so, I’d definitely talk to her, without shame, and move on. However if we’re talking about… like MOLESTING the dog…. That’s …. A whole nother area there, and there’s a problem.
My kids all learned at a very young age that those are his privates and we don’t touch. That is something I would expect from a 3-5 year old.
Me id be asking if anyones been inappropriate with her because this is most definitely not normal for this age bracket Gia Lewis what is your professional opinion
I think at 12, with a girl who’s learning about sex. Id rather my child learn about it from me than on the playground.
It’s important to have a conversation not only about sex but about CONSENT.
Take the opportunity to discuss with her why genitals are “private parts”. Why it should be consensual to both parties…maybe discuss with her her own body and how people should be respectful of her choice and personal freedom of her own body and that no one should be able to touch her inappropriately so it’s important not to touch others inappropriately too. Teach empathy and respect for others personal space.
Adults should have consent…we know that as adults. The reason why bestiality is wrong is because you can never get an animals consent. It doesnt matter how they function…if science shows they may have similar sensations to humans…it doesn’t matter…they can still NEVER give consent. Simple as that.
To do things like that to animals as an adult is taking advantage and selfish. To do things like that as a child…she’s probably just curious and naive…she doesn’t understand and hasn’t thought it through and our job as parents is to prepare them for the real world and help guide them to be their best selves and function well as an adult. So she should be informed now about making that choice in the future. That if she does that she’s disrespecting that dog and the dogs inability to decide for itself.
I doubt she was actively intending to engage in “beastiality” i bet there was some level of simple curiosity. But if shes old enough to be curious and to start exploring …shes old enough to have a calm and informative discussion on consent.
Certainly old enough to go over the birds and bees and why love and consent matter.
Definitely not normal
How did the dog feel about this?
Sorry I had to lighten this subject!
Look,not every child matures at the same level and not every parent talks to their kids about appropriate behavior/curiosities at the same young age as others.Have the conversation,reiterate how it’s ok to be curious but not appropriate to touch an animal.Once you know boundaries have been established you can move forward and if it happens again you might have a issue that needs dealt with but anyone making it out like your child is messed up off of your brief description of one instance needs to just stop giving advice.
Yeah. I’m going to bed now. That’s enough internet for today.
Have ya seen the South Park episode with the red rocket? Kids are extremely gross and extremely curious. I don’t think she’s doing it to get the dog off or herself. She’s probably just like wtf is this?!
I think just talking to her about it should be enough. If she keeps doing it then you know it’s a problem and should seek a doctor.
You just explain to her that just like her and no one touches her private parts so when it comes to animals and people we do the very same we don’t touch it.
Sounds like she should already know better…maybe something else is going on…
If you gotta ask you know the answer.
Definitely not normal. I would seek therapy for your child!
Definitely not normal from a 12 year old. Maybe from a 2-4 year old
This isn’t normal for her age. Yes maybe 2-4 years old but not a 12 year old. I would definitely explore the conversation and not let her get away with the generic “idk”.
Reading these comments and finding out most mom’s would rather ignore something like this than to have an embarrassing/uncomfortable conversation with their almost TEENAGER… And would instead wait for more acts of abuse to occur on the dog before really talking about it really blew my mind.
Just ignore it… the bigger deal that is made about it the more she may do it…
You need to explain to her that she just can’t do that. No one is supposed to touch her that way so she doesn’t need to touch other people OR animals in that way. Private parts are just that. Private.
Rehome the dog she already an animal offender she’s 12 she knows .
I would consider some boy or girl, could be family, friend (if sleep overs occur) has either inappropriately touched her or had her touch them. 12 yr olds normally do this type of action. If it was a male dog I would suspect a male figure had her touch him inappropriately. Could be a family member, yes it does happen.
Don’t make her feel there is something wrong with her for it, just tell her not to and move on. She’s probably just curious and checking it out, kids do that… Who knows, she may end up being a veterinarian someday…
She may honestly just be curious. I was extremely curious as a kid I now medically get dogs off and artificially impregnate animals for a living. Also slicing them open and removing puppies shoving my hand in places it shouldn’t be removing puppies. It all started as I wonder…. And I make a good living
I think the Inappropriateness of it all really depends on your child’s maturity level. Now I myself have never been curious enough to touch one but let’s be real those things are wierd and slimy looking and she may have just wanted to know what it felt like. I have learned children are wierd little creatures. But as their mothers it’s our responsibility to teach them right from wrong. You talked to her now just keep an eye on her and keep the dog with you
I would talk to someone who actually knows about child psychology and not a bunch of “experts” on the internet
By 12 I would think she should know better.
There is a boundary issue… Especially if she hasn’t been sheltered from reproductive health education…
I don’t think I’d let “idk” slide as answer …make sure 100% there’s nothing else going on in her life that you need to know about. And revisit the informed consent/private areas discussion, followed by a list of “safe” people she can talk to if she ever doesn’t want to talk to you
I mean did she just like poke at it’s red rocket - cause dog peens are strange!! Or was she like straight up like jerking the dog? I think curiosity though!!
They are just curious, I wouldn’t be concerned Yet!
These comments are absolutely ridiculous. I’d privately bring this up to her doctor or therapist/counselor to determine where to go from here. I honestly don’t know what in the world you’re supposed to do besides talk to her tho, I have 5 kiddos. Never have had this kinda of issue but have had porn issues and we just immediately address it and then let it be. Maybe just explain to her that it’s best she’s not with the dog unsupervised because she still isn’t sure why she did that and u just want to play things safe and then ask her if she would like to talk about it anymore with u? Idk this is a hard one
I’d definitely be asking a few fact finding questions. Like where have you seen this, was someone talking about this to you…etc. Probably not the best examples of questions, but you have to start somewhere.
Toughing animals in a sexual way at that age can be a sign of sexual abuse. I’d have a convo with her letting know that she can feel comfortable telling you anything and ease into asking if anyone has touched her in places she’s not comfortable with… Or if she doesn’t feel comfortable talking about it would she write it down for you.
Yes she does. See a shrink
Play her the pantasauras song my 4year old has been learning that in school
Please tell me the dog was male!?!? Cause if it was a bitch that’s just disturbing. everyone assuming it was male
I think she’s just very curious maybe she’s thinking about boys and she just wanted to see what they felt like on a dog I think she needs to be talked to about sex fast I myself was very curious to at 11 12 and 13 I’m from a very very small town thank God I realized that boys are just have to one thing if they really like you they will respect you she just needs to be talked to she just thought they were kind of weird looking Maybe tell her what they are and that boy dogs got the same thing as boys do and talk about girls and tell her the truth girls that age is starting sex with starting sex now at 9 believe me I messed around at a very early age to but stopped when I realized when a boy likes me he’s just going to like me and it worked out really well for me I was a virgin when I got married I think that is terrific if old girls can wait I’m just talkin about this because I’m sure that’s why she did it she just curious about testicles there is nothing wrong now is she kept playing with him I would definitely say you have a problem play she was just touching them just one time see what they felt like I would say she just wanted to see what testicles feel like and then she’s going to go to boys so I would definitely talk to her I know kids really well I was one please talk to your daughter openly
I think she was just curious. I poked my dogs butt 3 years ago. Not hard, he always lays down with his butt to my face. I poked it and he bit me. Lol
Nope. You’re right mamma. Get her some counseling
At 12, you are starting to go through puberty and starting to have sexual feelings. It’s completely normal to be curious about private areas including what happens when they are aroused. I can’t believe people don’t remember being that age and how your hormones go crazy! Stop treating it like she’s a sex offender or has been molested for being curious and touching a dog. She’s a curious child, it will pass…
I don’t think she was sexually abused like I said I think maybe she likes a boy and she wants to see and wondering what testicles feel like just talked to her openly like I said before she does have sex and ones are pregnant after her first. Please I know what I’m talkin about I’m not a doctor or psychiatrist but I’ve been there I never touched a dog but I was always curious so I went ahead and explored thank God I realized boys only think with one thing and it’s not what their brain honey
I am a very open person I’m not ashamed of my life I had a great life Fantasy Life and that little girl is just curious that’s all it is put an end to a curiosity now and talk to her
To whoever was the original poster, DM me please…
I would talk to her about sex and our body’s. She probably wanted to see what a boy looks like? I dont know. But 12 is when you start getting your period and wondering about sex. Definitely dont embarrass her bc she wont want to be open with you if she feels judged. Maybe pick out some age appropriate books for 12-14yr old girls. And tell her if she has questions to ask.
I’m not sure that was just curiosity. I would wonder if someone has been touching her. It’s time to see a therapist.
It’s called curiosity. She doesn’t understand what she is seeing. My friends son did the same because he didn’t understand what testicles were because the dog was intact or what an erection was when the dog would get one and he would touch both areas. The dog ended up biting him in the face because the parents ignored what the child was doing. You may need to discuss canine anatomy with your daughter since it is different from what humans have when sighted. It may help.
That’s NOT normal. You might want to dig deeper into this. It could be a sign of trauma. I know our neighbors child tried pressuring the other kids in the neighborhood to lick a dog’s privates. You can’t trust other kids nowadays. Please make sure there isn’t some underlying issues.
Obviously it’s not right are you fucking stupid
It depends on exactly what she was doing. If she was just poking his p*nis when it was out, it was just curiosity and let it go. If it was more involved, she’s learned that behavior somewhere, and I would suggest counseling, and a talk about consent and being able to tell you anything. I drilled into my 9 kids heads that if someone tells you not to tell me something, that’s when you need to tell me quickly and loudly so I stop and pay attention. If she doesn’t feel comfortable telling you, maybe you can have an aunt or uncle, or even an older kid that she really likes and you trust also talk to her. If you need help finding a counselor in your area, please feel free to message me. This is in the realm of what I do professionally
“Keeping my child in the loop about sex” crowd…
Touching animals like that is not normal, I’d get her in to speak with a counselor or therapist
Thats not normal may wanna get her checked out.
I don’t think she was being weird with the dog I think child was curious
Explain to her what that is n y we don’t just go around touching anything or one’s body parts
This is not normal curiosity
Suggestive of S.A or trauma.
At 12, in my opinion, this goes beyond curiosity.
As a victim of child r@pe for the love of God please get her checked out it might not be something but it could be something.
Omg people it’s called curiosity!!! What the hell is wrong with y’all??!!
At 12 I knew way better than that and would never have done that. By now she should have had a couple years of sex Ed at school if she’s in public school. I’d look further into it
A family member of ours was first caught messing with our dog, then a few months later was caught being inappropriate with my 6 year old and daughter and 8 year old son. This family member is 13
was she just curious? Maybe interested in the animals anatomy and how it works? I grew up on a farm we were constantly touching animal genitals. Rabbits to sex them, the horse to clean him because it does get dirty. Giving the show dogs a good bath… everything needs cleaned. I don’t find it weird if she isn’t playing just being curious.
Paedophile in the making time for the young offenders institute
Get the girl help and get the dogs goblets wacked , it fixes both issues
My 7&8 year olds know not to touch ANYONE or ANYTHING where they shouldn’t. Good touch, bad touch, etc.
definitely not normal at that age and would definitely seek professional opinions & or help.
I was overly sexually curious as a child bc I was molested. Definitely look into it. Counseling would probably be your best bet. She needs someone who can explain to her why it’s inappropriate and get to the reasoning of why she’s curious to begin with.
Your daughter need professional help … please get her some asap
Yeah, thats enough internet for me too.
Whatever course of action you decide to take please be gentle on the child, either scenario could end up scarring her for life.
And woooooweeee lookit you judgey judge judgerrrrssss.
Keep in mind this is a parent we are talking to, a mother, another human being, so be selective with your words please, this womans already distressed enough.
I do hope its just a kid being curious n pushing the boundaries.
Coz pedoes need a terrible long drawn out death in my books.
Its heinous, and way too wide spread…
Oh dear lord people. SHES 12. She’s a child. Is it weird? Yes. Do young child explore weird things? Yes. Take her to therapy if you’re concerned about it. This behavior doesn’t mean she’s going to messed up her entire life lol. Just tell her, hey, we don’t touch anyone or anything like that and leave it alone.
I think that counseling is appropriate, don’t be ashamed of the situation. But address it before it becomes more of an issue, I’m not sure if she’s an only child but something not widely acknowledged is sibling to sibling abuse… sometimes when things like this happen it’s eye opening and not something to just brush off or tuck under the rug. Have an open discussion with her regarding how inappropriate this is, don’t allow her alone unsupervised with any children or animals until you know this has been properly addressed. Yes Curiosity can be normal but it’s your job to guide her through these hormonally charged years.
See a therapist not social media
Shes 12 knows more than ud know 12 yr olds are fierce clever id have a better chat n ask her how she feels toucking doggies genitials n would she like it if hers were touched get 2 d root of this quickly
Some of these comments are sooo overboard.
It’s not the kid that needs help.
No not a normal thing I would definitely talk with her about it and get some counseling going. At 12 I think for the most part unless there are some developmental delays we understand male and female anatomy and how those parts work. The bigger question is has someone touched her or made her touch them inappropriately.