I caught my daughter inappropriately touching our dog

Idk kids do some crazy shit . Y’all all gonna say u didn’t do no weird ass sexual shit when u were younger ?

She was just being curious!


She doesn’t need counseling! She is just a curious child! TALK to her! Explain things to her! Let her ask you questions! DO NOT SHAME her!


I did the same thing as an 11 yo. girl. I wasn’t seen. I don’t know why I did it, maybe curiosity. I grew up, married, 6 kids. Only now, reading this post, did I remember I had done that. Imo, it’s just prepuberty curiosity. Like when they find their privates or get aroused for the first time. Apparently, I was weird and not normal, according to all these normal respondants. Unless you are educated in the specific field of adolescence, opinions are like assholes, every body has one. Y’all are F*** up thinkers.


Thats not normal that I know of. Maybe counseling is for the best


Hide the peanut butter. Lol


Maybe she was just wondering… tell her once and if you notice anything more then therapy.


Was it a one time thing? I’d be concerned if she was doing it often are you talked to her but one time could have been curiosity. As others suggested if your really concerned a counsellor/therapist could have a chat with her :slight_smile:
My son is 4 and he constantly grabs our dogs genitals, hits them, tugs them etc so we are in the process of getting him help aswell.
Sometimes curiosity, but if it continues it could be something else.


Uhmmm surely you didn’t need to write in n ask this … That shit ain’t normal darl…

I would sit down with her and calmly explain what it was that she touched and maybe how animal genitalia is different than humans. I’m assuming it was a male dog. Then explain how those areas are private on all creatures, not hurt humans.


Eww that’s nasty. Period.


Curiosity. A dog’s genitals look weird lol :woman_shrugging: if you see her frequently doing it, I’d sit down and explain that dogs have a no-no zone as well.


She’s HUMAN and curious! Heaven forbid anyone of us is caught doing something embarrassing… was she hurting the pup? Or just being curious?! I mean I get it’s gross but ALL of us has done something we would be ashamed of if ever caught. I would say at her age she is curious as to “ what it looks or feels like”. Doesn’t necessarily mean sexual. I can’t even believe these questions are on here when you can literally Google everything.


I think every child will be different in their curiosity and more, and not every child needs special treatment aka counseling etc.

I’d only consider counseling and removing the dog from the home if it were to become an issue, if it were to happen again more than this one time.

Don’t shame her for it, and don’t make her feel uncomfortable. Maybe it’s just a one time thing because she was simply just curious.


Omg. DaJuan Williams

There’s so little context here that it’s hard to formulate the appropriate response. Did you discuss and show her male/female anatomy (books are best), go over consent, and leave the conversation open for questions?

Is it normal to touch a dogs privates? No.
Is she curious? Yes.
Would I rush the the conclusion that she’s been sexually assaulted? Not without other symptoms and behaviors.

It sounds as though she was “inspecting” it because she was curious which would illicit the response you were given because she was embarrassed. She understands it’s not ok and if it’s a one off thing then there’s no need for prolonged concern.

There’s no need for people to rush to mental health issues or compare her to their 5yr old when every child is different and does things that make you go “wtf”. Her frontal lobe still isn’t fully developed and can result in compulsive curiosity. If it happens again, seek help. Otherwise, I believe she’ll mature into a “normal” adult.


Uhm something is wrong with that… this is the FIRST TIME you’ve caught her. How long has it been going on…. Like I suggest talking to someone… I’ve seen this behavior before. And I’m sorry someone showed her something. Or something! I don’t care :woman_shrugging:t3:


Tell her if she has sex before she’s 30 , she will grow a tail on her back :joy:

Honestly having that talk with her to help her understand that she should be cautious about how to handle that situation. For her age to be touching dogs like that, it would not be a bad idea to explore somethings in her life to see what would cause her to act that way. I agree with a few people but if you feel that she needs counseling, then go ahead and try to see if anything happened to her in the past and maybe she might be acting out because of something in the past. That’s just my perspective however I am not a parent. Just a child counselor.


I don’t think that’s a normal thing to do.


I have a 11 and 12 years old I guess I would take…poking, moving and staring around that area sort of examining anatomy as curiosity but something like rubbing or stroking I would be concerned if someone is touching the child. I would make a quick remark like “don’t do that, he pees out of there” to correlate disgust…next step would be a child psychologist if it happens again.


I knew somebody who did stuff like that with her pet and she was molested as a child, so I don’t know if maybe your child has encountered something you’re not aware of? but nonetheless you should probably get her in to talk to someone…


I have seen a case where the child stuck her finger in a dogs butt, and it was the mothers behavior that countered that!

that parent group (with Cath Hakanson)

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I’m trying to figure out why did you talk to your 12 year old about sex?! She’s 12!!

This probably means that she’s curious and hasn’t seen a boy’s yet. Have another talk with her

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I mean … since she’s 12 I would probably … speak to a professional… about the matter…


It’s definitely NOT normal, and she’s invading your dogs personal space. I’d be checking her internet history.


Unless she was stroking and it was just more of a poke or nudge, then I’d say it’s likely just curiosity. She is probably wondering if a human penis looks similar to a dog.

I’d check and see what’s going on in the classroom, stay up with
your kids curriculum !


I’m confused why this is funny


In my opinion, 12 is quite older to be doing things like this.
Even if you haven’t talked much with her about sex and other things she more than likely knows.
I’m only 19 and remember being 12 in school. Usually even if it’s not discussed in the home, by middle school kids know about sexual things. They make jokes and learn things.
She probably knows more than you think. From school and other kids.
So to be touching the dogs area is a little concerning.
I would talk to her again about it.
Keep a close check on her.
Maybe go through some things. Her phone if she has one.
We’ve got to keep our kids safe.
Good luck. :heart:

12… this can’t be real??? I feel like these posts are becoming clickbait.


It could be that she’s curious. Hopefully you discussed that touching someone else’s private area is not acceptable. And gently let her know how if anyone touches her there or ever has she can tell you.

She’s curious and most kids do things like that. It’s normal…just let her know that she shouldn’t do that to a dog or human.


5 year old ok maybe… 12 year old? Get her a therapist.


It could be just curiosity but I wouldn’t brush aside. As a mother of three grown daughters, I would absolutely recommend speaking to a therapist that specializes in adolescents. Just in case there is more going on than you are aware of. Best of luck.


We need more context. Was she getting the dog off? Or was she petting the dog and went down a little further and u perhaps walked in at a weird moment??? Like in what way do u mean she was touching it?


Story-- I was a first time dog owner. I had my dog for a few months he was male. We went for a walk and he got covered in burdock. So as I was at home cleaning him I noticed this bump I instantly thought it was a growth. I was looking at it and trying to figure it out. Cancer? Did he get bit. It wasn’t warm it wasn’t read. But I was touching it. I called the vet really concerned telling them I need an emergency apt. Come to find out it was his testicles. They dropped. I didn’t know they did that. I was outside cleaning burdocks and examining his genitals not knowing what they were thinking he was hurt. It was super embarrassing when I found out what they were.
Did she not know what they were and maybe trying to figure it out?
Was she just touching that area?


This is one of those things that gets pointed out in youth protection classes that could be a sign of child sexual abuse. I’d recommend getting her into a therapist just in case.


Has anyone been inappropriate with her?


I have no knowledge of this type of touching however it bears a
little bit of watch and see some children are just more comfortable with their animals than others so don’t freak out and scare her she needs to know you love her unconditionally no questions asked at all right now.


This is a sign that she was sexual abused please get her in to a therapist asap


I was thinking she was 5 BUT 12??? She definitely knows better! She’s probably curious …

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Kids are curious. Seriously someone might have said the dog’s red rocket and she’s like what? And wants to see for herself. Good lord not everything requires a therapist. :woman_facepalming: But i forgot what world we are in today…


Ok. This kid is 12. She knows why she did it. A toddler would just be curiosity…even up until 9 would consider first time doing it curiosity. 12…no. She needs to see a therapist. At 10 i knew parts on animals, without having to be taught bc it is kind of obvious, and was emabarrassed to even look at them. Knew which parts not to pet. There is something else going on that she is hiding.


Yeah 12 years old would be concerning for me, unless she is mentally challenged


I thought this was a joke :flushed::flushed:

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I’m sorry but I’m :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not normal at all. My 13 year old is grossed out by our male dogs balls and pp and says eww when he has them anywhere near her. Fondling a dog is disgusting and she needs to be told that. I remember a girl at school being called “the peanut butter girl” due to some weird ish she did with a dog. Y’all can figure the rest out on ur own :woman_facepalming:t4:

Tell her “stop it. That’s fucking weird”

Then if it happens again, SEEK HELP

:joy: :woman_facepalming:t2:

I’d check if she’s been talking to any strange people online. you’d be shocked what sick individuals will expose on young children


I would speak to her pediatrician first. He would know best if further steps are needed and give you any professional advice. Call for a consult appointment without your daughter present.


Wondering if she has been sexually abused herself…that’s really the main concern here…


I would suggest you seek advice from someone who may be more qualified to answer this question for you.
The fact that she had to be told it’s inappropriate & “seems to understand” makes me wonder if she struggles from a disability, or is possibly being groomed by someone , possibly on the internet.
Some things shouldn’t have to be explained no matter what age you are dealing with. I am afraid the only answers you’re going to get here are “opinions”


sounds like beastiality to me either rehome the dog to save them or tell the 12 almost teenage kid to leave the dog alone that’s not okay but if you don’t say anything it’s even more not okay help one of them at least the poor pup being violated

I think you handled it well, I think its curiosity as you’ve been.takking about sex and genitals. Maybe chat to her in a non judgemental way to see if something more is/has happened to her on she’s seen stuff online but it’s much more likely she’s just curious

At 12 of course she understands its wrong. I would take her to see someone


I would definitely seek some professional advice but I wouldn’t automatically jump to sexual abuse. You don’t have to be sexually abused to be curious or to want to know what something is. Don’t automatically jump to sexual abuse. There could be other things going on that nobody knows about. I know sometimes it’s hard for kids to come out about that stuff but if she’s 12 I’m sure she would have said something if that were the case. I was sexually abused when I was a child and I have never done anything like that yes I was curious about things but it didn’t mean I didn’t go touching things that I knew I shouldn’t touch or mess with. Encourage her to ask questions encourage her to come to you just talk to her about it I’m sure you’re there for her just continue to sit her down and say hey do you have anything you want to talk about mommy’s here. There could be many different things that she’s going through or curious about it doesn’t necessarily mean sexual abuse or she’s being harmed but there is something going on and I definitely would seek some kind of professional help to see where you can get with it and help her out. Or a simple ways if she could just be doing it to be a pain in the butt or be funny my son does stuff like that he’s also autistic and ADHD but it is something that I deal with quite frequently with him. Especially touching himself inappropriately in public in front of people he don’t care that I tell him that it’s inappropriate he does it. Regardless of the consequences he does get he still does it he knows that it’s not okay he knows that it’s inappropriate but his mentality doesn’t care. That might be the case with her and yeah I would seek some kind of help or advice professionally. Good luck mama I hope you can get your questions answered and the help you need I’ll pray for you.

I would contact her primary care doctor and just talk to them about it and see what and if you need to take any further steps

Mom. Please get expert advice from someone who deals with this everyday. Taking your daughter to a Dr to see if she has been sexually assaulted is humiliating. I have been there and I still have nightmares about it… long story short. Check her internet usage, who she has been talking to online etc. Check her chats between friends and on groups. Monitor her phone regularly but do it in such a way that she doesn’t feel that you don’t trust her. It’s for her own safety. If she was sexually abused, she will show other signs as well. Good luck mommy.


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Curiosity is a B!+(#… . You were right in gently reminding her that isn’t appropriate. Also, maybe a trip to the library for books like “My changing Body”

I see Counseling in your future

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If she was 5 years old, I don’t think it would be a big deal but at 12…something seems off with this.I know if I saw my 12 year old doing this I would be very concerned.You know right from wrong…like why would a 12 year old do that.I find it very strange.


No, at 12 you know full well not to wank your dog off. If she was 4 then I’d understand.

I would seek counseling. She said she also didn’t know why she was doing it. That’s concerning. They begin teaching sex Ed at school around that age so she should know about the different body parts and know it’s wrong to touch the dog there…… even if it was just curiosity or something that needs to be addressed……

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Yeah NOT normal!!! She’s 12 with raging hormones! Poor dog :exploding_head:


Not normal for a 12 year old. Seek help for her.

It sounds like a moment of impulse and curiosity. Just keep an eye on her around the animals and younger kids for a bit. Just on the off chance she is showing any other signs of ‘sexual interest’. Honestly I was sexually abused as a child so I’m a bit paranoid of it happening to any other child so I’m a bit more vigilant.


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I don’t think it’s normal. I’d investigate a little more. I knew young girl who did this to a dog and it turned out she was being touched. Hope your daughter and your dog are okay


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She might be being touched by someone.

That’s wrong. She was more than curious


Maybe she was just curious especially if it was a male dog with its testicles. I wouldn’t jump straight to thinking it’s a sexual problem.


Stef Shute Marc Gaten wow.



try not to freak out on her just tell her you don’t do that its not right and is she on the spectrum by chance just because she is 12 does not mean a damn thing now a days age 12 the mind or body not so much you still have to actively teach and not blow it off as your thinking because that’s not her/his way of thinking

She’s 12 and curious. Have a good talk with her and explain things to her. If you go to doctor with her about this she will get majorly embarrassed and probably hide things from you from now on. If you catch her again then I would see a counselor or Doctor. But not the first time.


I mean how many 12 years do you know that we’re touching dogs genitals :thinking: they definitely know better than that, there isn’t no curiosity :woozy_face: you need to get her some help


I highly recommend this group to you, please post your question in there!


Kids are curious and nosey. But be open minded about predators around, just in case.

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As a mother of 3 girls, youngest being 12, I would seek therapy if my daughter (or son) did something like that. It isn’t “normal”. She is old enough to know that.


We think it’s wrong because we are adults. Most of us at this point know what a dog’s genitals look like, obviously not like humans. We aren’t going around looking and touching because we are not inexperienced curious kids. I remember seeing a dog’s penis when I was a kid and was like what the heck is that. That doesn’t look like any male human penis I’ve ever seen, like babies or siblings growing up… Then I remembered people referring to it as a red rocket or lipstick… Put yourself in a naive kids shoes. I think we quickly forget we were there once. Now there is so much horror and worry in today’s world and we all jump on " there’s definitely something wrong" band wagon…so unless someone in the house, the neighbor or uncle Jim is into beastiality and she’s around them often, then yes maybe worry. To many Karen’s on here need to calm TF down. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:t3:

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Not normal behaviour for a 12 yr old,I would be talking with your Dr or maybe a child therapist for advice on how to handle this situation. I’d she a 12 yr old with developmental delays and maybe mentally younger than 12 or is this something to be concerned about and needs to be looked into more. But the internet is probably not the best place to have this especially if someone who knows you or your daughter and could become a embarrassing issue for your family. Also FB is not the place… Seek proper advice from a professional. Goodluck.


I would talk her. Make her comfortable with talking about sex. Then calmly ask her if anyone has been touching her or did she witness it happening to someone else. You never know what other people have talked to her about! Schools aren’t safe anymore. Check the history on any phones tablets etc.

my brother in law and both my nephews (who are now adults) has a chihuahua and all of them always rubbed his balls when they pet him or held him. They said it brought them good luck😂

Hey people get paid to do that I mean dog breeders you know they probably pay. A lot of them feel funny when they have to do it. I’m sure they’d pay her. Let her get a career going aint none wrong with that. Tell her wear glove’s doctors do. :roll_eyes:


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Im 34 and I have a 12 year old wolf hybrid. I play with his balls because they’re black and stick out from his white fur. They are beautiful and big and full, like ripe plums.

The girl will be just fine.

If your child was younger or you hadn’t been open with her about sex id say it was curiosity . At 12yo its not normal behaviour . Youve talked to her about it so id keep a close eye for now but if it happens again id be looking for professional advice.

She’s definitely curious don’t freak out because then she’ll just be more drawn to it but When I was a kid I wondered why the h*** those things popped out all the time too. It may not have even been a sexual thing lol but I just teach my kids that we don’t touch anybody’s privates including animals because libecause like other people their consent is not given


If shes 12 and doesnt have an intelectual disability then in my opinion she knows what she was doing and its wrong on so many levels. Please take her to get help. Bestiality is a thing and that’s definently something you don’t want her to think is ok.

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I need more info, I have so many questions.

Was peanut butter involved? Lol


First, shes curious.
Second, if you take her to a therapist it will forever hang over her head.
Discuss with her the consequences of continuing such curiosity. It’s not healthy and it’s abusive to the animal. But, she needs to learn about unapproved sexual advances from others as well. Yes, she learning but, you need to teach her properly. She doesn’t need therapy …she needs to be taught about personal space and that includes animals.


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