I caught my partner cheating: Advice?

I would leave. My ex cheated on me with my sister and i couldn’t leave him because i didn’t have a job. I was staying home to raise his daughter until she started school full-time and i would return to work, full-time. I had two jobs prior to meeting him and his daughter. It was so hard staying with him afterwards. He never made that mistake again, but he killed the love i had for him. Had he cheated on me with someone i didn’t know, perhaps we could have worked it out, but you can’t work it out when its someone you know, someone that close to you. It ruined ALL trust. I mean i tried my best but i couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get the fact that my sister screwed my boyfriend, i couldn’t get the fact that my boyfriend screwed my sister behind my back out of my head. That’s not something you can forget, ever. So, I forgave them both but i eventually moved on with my life. I was dating other people; he took that as me cheating on him, but I don’t play them games, I was done with him. He just couldn’t handle the fact that he lost me, and he has no one to blame but himself. Best thing i ever did for ME. You have to do what is best for you. You have to put yourself first in this situation and everything else will work out once you figure out what is best for YOU! I think whatever is best for you, would be just as good or best for YOUR children no matter who the father is, we are usually held to a higher standard than they are anyways so, do what is best for you. Co-parenting is another subject and im sure you wouldn’t allow this to come inbetween their relationship with their father.


Absolutely not. Leave. Don’t put your kids through that.

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Never ever ever stay “for the kids”

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Ma’am he will continue to cheat if you stay… if you wouldn’t stay if you didn’t have kids , don’t stay bc you do


Nope, that is teaching your boys to treat women like crap and your girls to accept less than they deserve. Show them children that mama knows her worth and how a real woman should be treated!!!


You are teaching your children what they should tolerate and accept for themselves thru what you accept for yourself. Careful what message that is.


My mom stayed with my dad until I was in middle school for us and all it did was expose us to an awful lot of fighting and insecurities because of the cheating. You’re not doing your kids any favors by staying for them. They need to see happy healthy parents that can put whatever aside for them. So if you stay you best be ready to forgive him and let this go not dangle it over his head and let it feed insecurities he’ll do it again. Or leave and coparent like an adult. It’s that simple. What’s best for you emotionally and mentally will be What’s best for them.


Worse mistake you can make ,staying for children they will see the pain n bitterness. Get away now before they see more and before u find out it wasn’t his first time

NO! Been there done that. It only gets worse and the kids see and feel the tension. It’s very unhealthy!

Hell no! Kids deserve to see a happy home not a cheaters home.

A cheater is just that. If you forgive him he’s going to do it again. Cheaters always do. Your kids are exposed to a toxic relationship and that will affect them in a negative way. It will be on your mind 24/7 and after a while you will be miserable around him. Safe yourself the heartache and leave. Find someone that will be good for you


No. Because you’re kids will be dragged into your misery.

Cheating is a choice
Don’t let that cheater cause you pain
Set your standards

Two happy homes are better than one miserable home :woman_shrugging:t3:


Um, what? No, don’t stay for the kids, that’s just showing them that you can just get away with things with not many consequences

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When I went through my divorce I had to take a class about children in the middle and they taught to never stay for the children as they can sense the tension and possibly hate.


No. Do not stay for their sake. You’ve lost all trust in him. Your relationship will never be the same. You may eventually move on from it, but you will never forget it. It also indicates to him, that you’ll stay, so there is no real consequence to him or his actions. Your children will also sense tension in the household. The last thing you want to do is normalize a toxic relationship to them.

No that’s not a good enough reason

Try to make things work it’s not always good to just leave the kids are going to be the ones to suffer trust me …co parenting sucks

Leave. The trust is broken and you deserve to be happy too.

If you stay. That is showing your children that that kink of behavior is acceptable and a forgiving offense. Leave. They will know what’s going on. If they don’t already


If you see yourself working through that together why not. Everyone makes mistakes but if all he has to offer is his word that it won’t happen again…well :wave:.

Tell him to go and you’ll be in touch. Then lawyer up and call FRO.

Where’s your pride and self respect???allow it and he will.never stop


He is the example set for your kids. You allow what you allow. Your kids will know that cheating is something that is acceptable in a relationship.


Nooooo girl bye :v:t4: focus on you and the kids bcuz you can’t take care of them unless you’re okay

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Nope. If he does it once he’ll do it, or at least want to do it, again. Leave his sorry ass.

Fuck no is the correct answer

Never use the kids as a reason to stay but as a reason to leave

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No. The kids will suffer from the tension and arguments.

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What are you teaching your kids. If you have daughters you are showing her it’s ok for a man to treat you that way. If you have son do want to teach that’s how you treat women


He has shown you who he is …
Believe him the first time!
Can you completely forgive him for the sake of your children? Are you willing to share him with other women? You get to choose your life


Never stay because he made a choice to cheat on u. It shows the lack of love and respect he has for u

Leave!!! Just teaches the kids it’s ok to settle for less than u deserve! :two_hearts:

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:woman_facepalming:t2: when on earth has that ever worked out for anyone?

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He didn’t consider you or your kids while cheating. I understand you want to keep your family unit together but that’s impossible with an unwilling party. Seems he’s more of a problem than a partner. You don’t need the drama . But it’s up to you and what you’re willing to deal with. He’s broken trust and if he’s not willing to gain that back and and prove himself kick him to the curb

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If you want to have an awful life for you and the kids then sure stay.

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That is entirely up to you two not the internet to decide

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For the sake of the kids? Ew. Please tell me how you think staying in a toxic relationship would benefit them?

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Only stay if you like being cheated on.


No you leave kids will not have a better life with you living with him and being unhappy the whole time and arguing or whatever may come with

Never stay because of the kids…

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Leave for the sake of the kids !!! You will teach them it’s ok to stay where you aren’t loved and that people are allowed to treat them that way


Um no u don’t stay just cause of the kids


You are the winner of the dumb ass question award congrats!!!

Talk to him about it and ask him why he is unhappy with your relationship

Leave him. Once a cheater always a cheater. Just tell the kids it’s not alright to cheat & that’s why you guys need to leave. Teach your children the right from wrong.


Have some respect for yourself. He has shown you his true self. Children need to taught properly how to treat others. Is this what you truly want for them and yourself. Think long and hard.

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Never stay because of the kids… leave him your worth more and so are the kiddies xx


NEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEEERRRRRRRR stay for ‘‘the sake of the kids’’. NEVER. It will do WAY more harm to them than good.


He not only cheated on you, he cheated on your children as well.

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Nope because your teaching your kids it’s ok to be treated that way.

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No that’s crazy no one stays for the kids anymore you have to decide if you can trust him again and if you can get past it

id leave find out how much child support he will pay remember he will do it again then you will get less because he hasd another family

It’s not 1960, do the right thing.

That depends on what you want to teach your kids and what standard you want to set for them.

That’s definitely the wrong reason to stay, it won’t help them or you any

No!! I did that and my kids and I all have PTSD because of it. GET OUT FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS.

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No way. Get him for child support now. He will cheat again. Have some respect for yourself and your kids to kick him out. Do you want yours kids to grow up like him? To treat a woman like that?

I’d be so far gone. Take your kids and leave if you except the behavior once they’ll do it again

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That’s teaching your kids to respect others more than yourself…

Nope! It’s toxic now. Never stay for the children’s sake. Leave for the children’s sake!

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Never stay for the kids…
It’s not good for the kids, and it’s not good for you to be a doormat and be miserable. Don’t let kids grow up thinking that’s how relationships should be and it’s fine etc…
Leave. Now.

Don’t teach your kids it’s ok for people to cheat ? Leave his ass

Leave…for the sake of the kids

That’s on you if you want to teach your kids that kind of disrespect is tolerable. It’s a hell no from me.

Never stay for the sake of the kids. They will be happy just seeing you happy. Only stay if you love him enough to forgive him.

No you will not be happy if you do the best thing is get the kids an leave eventually you will find someone who will appreciate you and treat you the way you deserve but for now best thing to do is leave for you and the kids no point staying and being miserable he doesn’t deserve you

Would you tell your child to stay in a bad relationship?

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No , never stay together for the sake of children , it will damage them more


Sad :cry: sorry but that’s the worse one can do is stay for the kids ! My ex wanted that when he cheated I couldn’t stay there’s no more trust once he cheated I rather have my kids see me n their dad happy than always fighting and so it’s a nooooo

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No get rid of him I stuck with my ex and it continued one a cheat always a cheat


All it would take is my husband cheating on me once and boom it would all be over.


You should leave for the sake of the kids… teach them morals unless you want your kids to accept being cheated on… and untrustworthy partners…


No get out while you can

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Would you want your daughters to know that it’s ok for their partner to cheat and stay? Lol … geez


Nope…leave now…or your kids will grow up thinking that its fine to disrespect and hurt someone…is that the relationship you would want for them later in life…NOPE, then show them a good relationship with a loving relationship, where 2 people support and care for each other and hurt feelings and disrespect are never alright.


Do you want your kids to think that’s acceptable in their relationship? Because they will if their mum can…and won’t know the heartache until they get cheated on…they will stay?? You want them too?

How happy will the kids be if you are fighting and have no trust would the environment
be good for them???

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How old are the kids old enough to understand? I’d find out who and confront the person and if the kids know them tell them!

Leave. Leave. Leave. Leave. Leave. I stayed so much longer than I should have and it went from cheating to psychological abuse and physical abuse on top of the cheating. Leave. It is not worth what it does to you.

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Are ya dumb or :eyes: cause the answer is leave his ass for the sake of your kids.

You’re not doing anything good for the kids by staying. He won’t change. Get out.

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Been there done that! RUN!!!

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No, it’s never worth staying.

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how old are the kids?

Dump him. he’s worthless

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No, your teach your kids to except that kind of love

In what way would staying benefit the kids?
It’s just setting a horrible example of what to expect and accept in a relationship

I just got paid $6950 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 14790 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

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I would leave. Short of murder, what could be worse than breaking your sacred vows. Many people do not intend to honor their vows and will not.

If you stay only for the children, they will catch on and they will resent you both for it. My parents absolutely hated each other. Wouldn’t even be in the same room together. But they stayed together until I graduated high school (like my mother literally counting the days until she could move out). I’ve had a really hard time expressing affection and love, especially in front of my kids. You may think it won’t affect them but it will. It’s better for them to see you both happy apart, not miserable together. I’m sorry this happened, my heart goes to you.

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Only you can decide that.

That question can’t be answered with just this information.

If you still love each other, I would suggest counseling, marital and individual.

If you both do the work, your marriage can be made stronger and better.

I wish you both well.

Do not stay for the sake of the kids. Kids are resilient and will be fine. But the cheating won’t stop and what it does to you emotionally is not worth it. Believe me I know from experience.

Pfuck no. Never "stay for the kids " they always know

Sure why not? Now you and your kids can be miserable :roll_eyes:

My answer is NO!!! Never stay for the sake of the kids!!! Even if you still love him. The trust is gone! If he cheated once he’ll do it again!!!

l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17734 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This. https://DollarProfits1852.pages.dev/

Nope dont stay trust me …the kids suffer

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