Has anyone dealt with hypochondria, but rather than it being about yourself, it’s about your kids? I find in times of stress; I constantly think something is medically wrong with them. So far, to date, my concerns have been unwarranted, so that is the only thing giving me any type of consolation.
Go and see a professional
my mother did this. Doctor visit every single week of my sisters life til she graduated high school . It made her neurotic, OCD and the “sky was always falling”. Get counseling
Go see a professional before it gets worse and it turns into munchausen
Seek help from a professional!
Talk to your therapist. This question needs talk therapy to find the root of the cause
There is an actual psychological condition. Seek professional help before you do something to your child. Look up the story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard.
Go seek professional help, this type of severe anxiety can lead to munchausen by proxy which a popular and recent case was the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case
It never hurts to get the kid checked if you think something is wrong.
You need professional help, not Facebook.
Did you suffer trauma early in your life? I know for me I lost both my parents when I was young so it’s been a struggle thinking that it won’t happen to my own children. It also sounds like a form of OCD
Seek professional help. That could turn into Munchausen Syndrome.
seek professional help asap.
You are a mother and the love you have for your babies is overwhelming to the point you worry about something wrong because if the bad did happen you feel you wont survive. I get it. I’m the same way it’s just because the fear of the worse case scenarios becoming reality. Mine comes from my daughter almost dying in 2016. Thank God she is 100% better now. Always trust your mommy gut but find a hobby to distract you from all the bad things. Also I’m religious so with prayer and faith that God will protect them gets me through it.
Munchhousing syndrome
When my kids were younger I worried more. It’s ok to worry. Sometimes our worries turn out to be justified. What may seem like small things can turn out to be big things. Better to be safe than sorry. If you have the money and/or medical insurance to have these concerns checked, then do it. You’ll at least have peace of mind then.
My son has been tested for numerous things. My daughter too. Typically though it’s from them telling me that something hurts or that they felt a growth or had a strange pain that we just couldn’t explain away. If your kids come to you and are truly hurting from something they are experiencing, or it’s obvious that they are very sick, then get them checked. Kids do have a lot of ‘growing’ pains we’ve learned. If they get sick or have any type of infection their lymph nodes can swell to the point that you can feel them. That can be normal. As long as their pain is not extreme, I wouldn’t jump the gun every time.
I have health anxiety but it’s about me, not my child! talk to a GP, they put me on anxiety/depression pills and referred me to the therapist! It’s a slow process but it really does work! And plus… You’re a mum, you will always have your worries and doubts but you obviously seem to have it more than others! Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help❤️
All these people saying Munchausen by Proxy need to stop. That is a totally different mental illness which is predicated on attention seeking. This woman has a form of anxiety that would cause her to over protect her children rather than hurt them. Please seek professional help if it is overwhelming or interferes with your life. It can be treated. This type of anxiety is quite common. There is a private Facebook group called Moms Transforming Panic to Peace that may help you.
Honestly trust your gut. I thought I was over reacting but I wasn’t. We found our answers.
Everyone telling this woman she’s one step away from child abuse leading to her eventual death at the hands of her child, you’re just as bad and have no idea what youre talking about. Munchausen by proxy, now called fictitious disorder by proxy, is characterized first and foremost by an intention to create or force symptoms of a fake illness or series of illnesses in order to seek attention. This woman is suffering from an illness anxiety disorder, or possibly GAD, manifesting in this particular way right now. She needs therapy and an SSRI.
Let it go. Deal with things as they come
Yes. I have been through this. I even had my daughter get blood work because some relatives have cancer and diabetes. Sometimes I look at my youngest, who is super pale and think is something wrong? Or around Christmas time they were constantly airing the children’s hospital commercials and I just get antsy and feel like something is wrong with them.
Hun it sounds like you have a serious anxiety issue. Which is okay, I get it, I am very anxious about my boys health, but I do think you should talk to a therapist to help you work on it. Dont listen to the people telling you it is munchausen by proxy. Because that is a very different issue. But there is something going on with you. And the anxiety is not good for any one in your family. But most importantly is not good for you. See for me my anxiety over my boys health comes from him being my rainbow. And now that I understand that I am able to work out is it my gut or my anxiety that is making me feel this way.
I think to an extent that’s normal. We’re always afraid something is wrong with our children. As in thinking a stomach ache may be more serious than just a stomach ache. Hyprochandria as I understand it is when you truly feel or believe you have syntoms that aren’t actually there. If your child says their stomach hurts & you’re convinced they have a fever, can’t eat etc so you believe it’s appendix when the thermometer says their temp is normal & you haven’t offered them food then maybe it’s a mental illiness you need to get a counselor for. My guess is it’s not though because you wouldn’t recognize it as a problem.
no worry, no stress. Have confidence in your kids health.
I wouldn’t wait to seek professional help. If you can’t stop thinking about this, it could possibly lead to irreversible emotional or physical damage to your children. If it were to be Munchausen by proxy it is a very serious psychological illness. It can be damaging to your children on multiple levels.
It could be a postpartum type thing, my friend is dealing with this after her most recent child.
Have another kid. It will completely cure it. Guaranteed.
Yep. Been a few wasted ER trips because my kids spiked a fever for apparently no reason
I can get this way during high stress times but it’s about myself not my kids. THERAPY THERAPY THERAPY!!! it works wonders
You need to see a counselor.
It’s anxiety I worry about everything cancer getting hit by a car house fire I check on the numerous times while they sleep and my kids r 14,7, and 5 but I have severe anxiety
I am the same way, but I think it’s because my oldest has medical issues and I worry about my youngest. My oldest was doing normal baby things that turned out to be not normal and now that my youngest was born I’m paranoid about the “normal” baby things.
Sooooo it’s not any of these horrible things. My sister suffers with this form of mental illness but it’s towards her self . I can’t remember the name off hand but it’s a form of anxiety and it’s able to be treated easily. Talk to your doctor about a referral to see a therapist for mental illness . But it is an illness that needs to be treated and watched . So that it doesn’t go to a worse situation like Munchausen
Munchausen by proxy or possibly the beginning of it, you’ll only know for sure by going to see a professional. Good luck Momma
So I looked up and hypochondria by proxy and it looks a little bit more aligned with OP’s experiences. Either way advice is the same, speak to a professional so that you can find a way to treat. Mental illness is so downplayed and stigmatized don’t let anyone downplay your thoughts, you know what’s normal for you so keeping pushing
Please google munchausen bi proxy
So the bigger is is how are you handling the worrying? You clearly state this happens in times of stress, not all the time. Please don’t listen to all these armchair shrinks googling things. It’s normal for certain times or circumstances to cause more anxiety about our kids. The bigger issue, again, is how you are handling it. Yes, if you are constantly dragging them to Dr’s and the ER you need help dealing with whatever is causing this anxiety. I totally agree that people shouldn’t be stigmatized for getting mental health help, but let’s let the professional diagnose you and suggest ways to better cope with high stress periods in your life. Find a therapist to talk to. If they feel there are more serious concerns they will refer you to a psychiatrist. Anxiety and poor coping skills are relatively easy to overcome with a good therapist.
Health anxiety. I have it too and I constantly worry about my kids and myself. Right now I’m concerned about a spot on my sons leg. I have to literally calm myself down one organ at a time. Seren your lungs are fine, you’re breathing ok. Seren your brain is fine, there’s no headache and you’re thinking etc etc. I just started therapy and so far it’s been great. I think reading up on Health Anxiety and seeing a therapist would be great for you. I’m sorry
All I can say is poor kids. They are going to grow up all stressed by What you are doing to them… Get help
I once took my son to A&E and asked for facial xrays because he and his friend were chucking there heavy school bags at each others heads. Fortunately, the staff treated the child, and not his mothers medstudentitis.
I think this is normal. Your fear is just manifesting in a health issue. I have the worst fear someone is going to do something or take my child.
Sounds more like anxiety. If your doctor doesn’t have concerns, don’t push it, take it as reassurance.
That’s anxiety… the way i try to look at it when I attempt to handle my own fears is that there’s no such thing as caring too much. Caring “too much” is better than not caring at all. Worrying about them being sick just means you care and that you’re doing your job right. I would reach out so a professional and express how you feel. They might be able to give you more comfort and explanations that don’t have to involve medication
How are you people jumping from worrying about her child’s health to munchausin by proxy?? That’s a huge leap and I think maybe you aren’t understanding just what that disorder means.
You may be suffering from munchhouser disease seek medical help because eventually you will start acting on it such as constantly taking them to doctor it will eventually escalate from there
I struggle with this too. It started at a young age. I first worried about myself all the time. Always thought I had cancer, heart attack, brain aneurism, literally anything. Then once I had kids my worries shifted to them. I have literally made myself sick worrying about my boys. When my first born got the flu, I was convinced he was going to die. I cried and cried and worried so bad I couldn’t eat. Now I have a newborn who has a very minor (common) condition that is self resolving and NOT LIFE THREATENING, however, I googled and dug myself a giant hole thinking maybe his condition is worse than I thought. Almost to the point of taking him to the ER in the middle of the night for no reason. I finally talked to someone about it and they advised me to NOT google any more. It took a lot but I decided to stop googling every symptom. It’s been 3 days now and it’s literally changed my life. I deleted all my mom groups (because they triggered my anxiety). I feel like a whole new person. I can think clearly without this fear looming over me. I learned to trust those around me. If they thought something was wrong with my children they would tell me. When I’m in a mindset of fear I can’t think rationally. If you don’t have someone to talk to feel free to pm me. sending thoughts and prayers.
See a doctor. I have had this problem since I was a small child but It got worse once my son was born. My doctor gave me a prescription for an anxiety medication and it has helped me so much.