I do not trust my sister to give my kids healthy snacks...what are some easy ones I can paclk for them?

It’s the “laziness” for me :rofl: I’m so happy myself nor my sisters are like this. Can’t stand people that nitpick.

You sound very loving and narcissistic. Here’s an idea get a babysitter and stop being a sneaky snake towards your sister. She’s doing you a favor watching your kids and somehow you still call her lazy behind her back? Yeesh!

I agree with the healthy snacks but let’s not forget that kids eat weird things anyways…glue sticks…paste … the list goes on.

Who gives a crap! Let them enjoy their time spent with their aunt. It’s not THAT serious. Lol as long as they are eating, who cares.


Does she just watch ur kids or r others involved like a daycare situation? If a daycare situation, I would avoid bringing special snacks for ur kids unless prepared to bring for the others …and I wouldn’t expect the adult watching the kids to deal w the stress that will come from giving kids diff snacks at the same time. As a daycare Mama…it’s always easiest to give everyone the same things and u avoid conflict.

Get another sitter that doesn’t mind being micro managed

Pack their lunch and snacks then she can be even lazier.

I’d also consider a new storage option too that isn’t plastic. That plastic is toxic and also not good for the environment

But definitely fruit! Homemade lunchables (uncured meat, cheese, and gluten free crackers). Smoothies. Make your own fruit leather strips too or even your own fruit snacks

You could pay a day care to take care of them if ya don’t feel she’s doing the job if ya pay her to do it

Your head gonna explode if you live at this level of control

I mean it’s 1 meal a day. And she watches multi kids and probably doesn’t even have to. So you calling her lazy and all that nasty stuff is kind of mean and sort of ungrateful. If your that worried about their lunch and sides and snacks then do what every other good parent does and make their meal in advance for the babysitter yo feed them. I know your asking about thins but it seems like common sense of what kinds of food to leave ready made for snacks. Things you want them to have. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, cheese, yogurt, pre-made smoothies. If your sister is feeding them junk for 1 meal a day it’s not the end of the world as long as they get the foods you want them to have for breakfast and dinner. Stop being ungrateful and mean and just bring the food you want them to eat. They are your kids, ya know. She’s a babysitter. Of course she’s going to let them eat whatever they decided to eat. That doesn’t mean she’s lazy. She’s still feeding them. Maybe they wont eat healthy for her. A lot of kids won’t eat healthy foods for a sitter because their parents are already so strick with food. You can’t really blame your sister if your not sending the food already prepared. That’s your job as their parent. Otherwise your kids are eating that’s what matters.

Some of this ish has to be fake or just for attention!!!

Ummmm I mean whatever healthy snacks you feed them at home would work, wouldn’t it lol……:woman_facepalming:


Cringy post.
I trust her to watch my kids, clearly she is a reliable, caring person or you wouldn’t… and you have the audacity to call her lazy. Smh. Gross.
Pack your own food then.

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Get a new babysitter since she’s so lazy. I’m sure you can afford it right?

If she’s lazy make their snacks and send them she will give it to them so she doesn’t have to make snacks for them :woman_shrugging:t2:


If she’s that lazy i’de be worried about mare than their diet. Just saying.

Your sisters sounds like a saint. I wouldn’t wanna watch your kids


Are you paying your sister to watch your kids. Calling her lazy is pretty heartless when she is doing you the favor of being there with your kids. If you are that worried about it yes, pre-make food in the fridge not very hard, especially since you want them to be healthy foods then you already know what healthy foods are.

So you don’t trust her and she’s lazy? AND you leave your kids with her? Your options are to find a new sitter or pack the stuff offend her and you lose a sitter. If all she’s doing is lunch they will nutritionally be fine. Give them a break.


Find someone else to babysit. You sound a little ungrateful.

You could have just asked about healthy snack ideas without shaming your sister when she’s doing you the massive favor of babysitting your children daily.

You sound like a control freak. Easy up or you will have no babysitter at all.

1st of all if you don’t like the way your sister does things , maybe get a different sitter. Or better yet quit your job and stay home , so your perfect self can feed them what you want them to have, controlling every aspect of your kids life is not healthy either. An un healthy lunch is not going to kill them , or make a huge difference. In there nutrition, kids deserve a little junk food now and then .your ridiculous.


Maybe look after the kids yourself :roll_eyes:

Make sure they have 100% real fruit juice. Get a, sounds odd, tackle box insert, fill each little space with snacks, fruits. And they can have a choice what the would like

Hire a nanny! Take them to a daycare with packed lunches. If your chosen caregiver isn’t giving your children the foods you picked then it’s time to have someone else watch them because of a meal is complicated for them why trust them with ANY proper supervision ??
How much are you paying your sister to watch more than one child and provide specific meals that are due free and healthy? And she prepares meals… so how much are you compensating this person for their care of your children?.

Yall REALLY struggle with reading comprehension

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Wow, I wouldn’t leave my children with someone who’s lazy and doesn’t feed my children :upside_down_face:


I wonder if your “lazy” sister would still watch your kids for you if she viewed this post :woman_facepalming:

Hire a certified nanny if you want to enforce stricks diets and such.


Sounds like instead of blaming/shaming your day care provider you need to start packing lunches for your kids

Are you paying her ? Cos you sound hella fussy which is fine but if want what you want then buy them for her to give them or give her the money to get them

If you disapprove of what she’s feeding them, I’d imagine you already have chosen alternatives at home no? This felt like an ungrateful icky way to just dig at the woman watching your kids and apparently currently feeding them lunch she pays for. :eyes:


She watches your kids yet you call her lazy??

Your sister needs to respect your boundaries. Your kids, your rules. With that being said, you need to provide all the meals and snacks for your kids if you have specific guidelines. I understand your concerns completely and there is zero justification for a person not respecting what you want for your child. Provide everything that you require but if you can’t trust someone to do the very basics then you should look into a new sitter.

look after yer own kids problem solved :woman_shrugging:

I would call you lazy. If you thought so little of your sister then you should pay for a sitter with a list of foods they provide. Or you stop being lazy feed your kids their breakfast,make lunches and snacks so there won’t be an issue. Stop blaming someone for your laziness to care for your kids if you are so concerned.


If you already feed your kids healthy snacks, why do you need advice on what to pack?:thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow: Sounds like someone just wanted to vent about their sister. Otherwise why keep calling her lazy? As a matter of fact, since she’s that lazy and you obliviously don’t trust her judgment, maybe it’s time to put your kids in daycare. :woman_shrugging:t4:

If you find your having to tell your sister what to do then hire a professional family don’t need to be told what to do especially if they have kids already unless your kids are allergic to something and are needing medicine etc then trust your sister to fed your kids or dont but she don’t need to be told what to feed and how to do it etc hire a nanny or professional childcare if want to dictate what kids eat etc


You better hope she does not see this. I wouldn’t watch them if I were your sister… could have just ask for healthy options without making your sister like a POS.

Pack Pre-made foods, then just state due to allergies.
You don’t need to list them.

Just say food colouring, preservatives etc.
Please send a photo of pack and labels prior to giving to my child.

If you don’t trust your sister to do this, maybe it’s time to pay a sitter with clear food guidelines.

Then why the hell would you send your children there ? Why wouldn’t you talk to your sister about it for a secret posting it online ?


I’m not trying to be rude but if she is the laziest person & you don’t trust her to feed your kids right but yet you trust her to watch your kids? Wouldn’t you be more worried about there well being? Also if she is as lazy as you are saying why have her take care of your child/ children at all. Sounds like your using her as a easy way out instead of daycare costs. Be happy you have family to help you.

So she’s feeding them appropriately bc you don’t mention that but just too lazily for you?!? I think you need to let it go. I’d be more concerned about the fact that you don’t trust your childcare. I doubt your kids are missing out nutritionally. And if they are then they should be seen by the doctors bc one small meal and a couple snacks shouldn’t be messing them up this much.

Lazy, watching your children? Thats not a nice way to speak about someone helong you out massively is it. Perhaps send things you feed them at home?

Worried about your untrustworthy “lazy sister” giving them…food coloring, but have no issue having her watch your kids
Good thing these posts are anonymous because if I was your sister and saw this you’d be finding a new babysitter


This makes no sense!! One you’re calling your sister lazy yet trusting her with your kids?? Two if you actually give them healthy snacks why don’t you know what to give them?? What “healthy snacks” do they eat at home?? Do they even get snacks. You weren’t providing food so you can’t bitch about it. Chances are they’re still gonna get different snacks from her anyways. I agree though pack some healthy snacks that you the “mom” know they like. If they eat them food if not let it be. They will grow up just fine.

Why don’t you make their luches and send them in lunch bags. No one has to make anything and you know exactly what they are eating and how much. Don’t think it’s very cool of you though to be calling your sister lazy and untrustworthy. I don’t get it, surely if she’s to lazy to even think of an idea for lunch, let alone make it, then she’s to lazy and untrustworthy to run around after toddlers and children for however many hours. She probably doesn’t even want to suggest what to make, knowing she will most likely get judged by you for it.