I don't think my boyfriends kid is his: Advice?

Instead you should encourage him to be more involved in his daughter’s life, not drive a bigger wedge between them. My heart bleeds for his daughter in this situation.


Also, he has been in this child’s life for 8 years so at this point I don’t think it would make a difference. He considers himself her father.


Alot of judgement and some comments are abit hard to read, but that’s what happens when you ask for advice from people who seem to think they know best :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
There are always 2 sides to every story and we only know your side​:thinking: He may have his reasons why you have only met his daughter twice, but if you go down that road paternity testing, DNA are you prepared for the consequences I mean trust issues, respect? What ever the out come I wish you all the best :purple_heart:

Maybe ur the one with the issues…if she communicates threw is she’s doesn’t want to create baby mama drama and if she’s money for there daughter what’s the problem?Stay in ur lane! Let me tell u for 8 yrs he recognized and accepted this child.Go ahead and start some B’s and after the DNA I guarantee if the child is his or not you will lose for opening this can of worms…he will despise u for the pain u initiate…look lady ur supposed to protect and back up ur man not drag him down…final word keep the focus on ur family…

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I personally think even if the child doesnt have his dna, if your boyfriend accept the baby and says it’s his you should respect that decision.


She’s asking a question just because that little girl isn’t her child she still has a say because she has a child with that little girls father and you guys just judge her over it… I think he should go to court and get a paternity test done to see if she is his and maybe the mother of his child didn’t tell him she was pregnant or wanted him to be apart of her life things happens some people are like that but judging her over it’s not her business it’s rude my boyfriends son is 6 years old and he didn’t see him until he was 2 years old bc his baby mama didn’t tell him she was pregnant and didn’t want him to see his son and he took a test and it came back his child and now he spend every second with him… if you don’t know the whole story than stop being judgmental about it… she asked if he should get a paternity test done not for you mamas to judge her over it…

2 of mine dont have their dads last name but I know for certain they are his. If the boyfriend isnt asking for a DNA then stay in your lane and mind your business


It would ultimately be his choice. I don’t think it is wrong to bring it up… but you should respect his decision on the matter


“ this little girl” yikes. Technically he shouldn’t be called a father if you only meet her twice for being together this long…


I feel bad for whatever child has to deal with this person. Your boyfriend CHOSE to take care of HIS child. You want to destroy two lives because you are obviously angry and probably jealous of this child. Yuck.


If he isn’t worried that the child is his then yes you’d be wrong. Not all kids have their dads last name and not all kids look exactly like their father.


Stay out out it. And he should be keeping every receipt he spends on this child and a journal of all contact he has with any member of that family

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Just because the girl doesnt look just like him. Doesnt mean it isnt his child. My son looks just like me not his dad. But my ex is his father.

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Stay out of it. Not your husband not your business.


The name she gave the baby had nothing to do with whether biologically that is his child.

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Ask him girl… it’s okay if he is raising another mans baby, men do it all the time but having open communication and honesty between you two is the key factor.

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If he has claimed responsibility to date, it will not matter in the courts eyes what the DNA says. BM would have to have another man wanting to adopt and take responsibility AND boyfriend would have to sign off all rights.

Whether she marri ed to him or not she has no say she is the step parent stay in you own lane and be there for him support nothing else

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I think it would be the right thin to due for both the child and him

Wow. None of your business.


This had jealousy written all over it


Yeah they dont have to look like him nor does she have to have his last name … smdh … if hes been there for her then it’s his child to him and leave it alone

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Is this b!!! Serious, ladies this is the problem is us not them :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:girl bye

Funny thing about genes is… they can make a child look like whatever they want. The child doesn’t have to really resemble either parent, in some cases. If your boyfriend, who isn’t even your husband btw and can drop to you like a hot potato if he wanted to, doesn’t care then you shouldn’t either

I vote that your boyfriend is a piece of shit dad for only seeing his kid twice in 5 years. I also vote you are shitty human being for being committed to a relationship with him and not encouraging him to be a part of her life. Not only are you not encouraging it, you’re picking stupid, petty things out and trying to say she’s not even his. I think you’re a discusting individual.