I don't want to push my son away but I am having issues with his girlfriend: Advice?

Have u actually met this girl? In person? I’m sorry but the part about the water and the pic is really strange. When I read that my red flag flew! That sounds more like a pedo pretending to be a girl. Idk of and preteen girl that would ask for a pic like that. And all the "if u love me u would do it* shit is, yes, typical teen girl BS but it is also pedo grooming. :woman_shrugging:

Throw the whole girlfriend away especially if she’s just controlling/using him. You are the parent, he doesn’t have to date ANYBODY right now. School would be the only time they are “together”, just make sure he’s going to his classes.

Talk to him about safe sex. Like drill it into him. Real talk. Your boy is growing up and its going to happen, so the more he knows the better prepared he can be about those situations. I would be trying to get to know this girl. Have your boy invite her over and have them hang out there, that way you can kinda supervise whats going on. If she is calling and texting him during times hes not supposed to and he feels like she is pressuring him, answer the phone and tell her politely that hes not supposed to be on the phone during these hours and then turn it off and take it away. If you go the extream route you can push them together, rather then let it run its coarse.

Welcome to teenage hood. I remember these days :rofl: good luck

I have no advice to offer as my child is only 5, but you sound like a great mom! :two_hearts:

Definitely need to go over what toxic relationship and red flags are and what they look like because he is too young to recognize that himself. People who love each other do NOT treat each other like that. Besides the phone situation I think that’s one of the more important lessons he needs to learn.


Advice from a mom with four and oldest 23. Be strict now at 13! You still have the control. Seriously he’s 13. Sex shouldn’t be on the table. Absolutely talk with him about safe sex etc. but another 13 year old is pressuring him? Take the phone. It won’t be easy but believe me it’ll be a lot easier now at 13 then at 16 etc…


13 year olds don’t need to be dating.


Way to lenient imo, and at 13 he doesn’t need to have a girlfriend, if he can’t even treat his mother kindly, well, then…

First- you are the parent. I’d take control. I’d take the phone and I’d call her parents and have a chat. Your child’s future is on the line. Get him redirected and focused and you remind him who’s in charge.

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I’d talk to her parents and see what they say, but in all honestly maybe get your son into counseling. Ask the councilor to talk with him about manipulative behaviors, how to identify them and what to do about it.

I would sit him down and have a long talk about what a healthy vs unhealthy relationship is and about safe sex and how to be responsible…etc etc. Sounds like she is controlling and narcissistic and this could lead to an abusive relationship among other things.


Download family link in app store . You can set time limits and a bedtime the phone shuts off and they can’t use it . My daughter’s goes off at 9pm and turns back on at 7am. Also has other parental controls

Definitely don’t let them be alone or let him hang out with her.
She’s manipulating him hardcore.
Sit him down and thoroughly talk with him. Explain to him how we don’t say ‘do this if you love me’ because love doesn’t come with ultimatums.
He’s not old enough nor ready enough for a girlfriend if she’s going to run his life and ruin everything.
Kids fall for a lot and will believe a lot. He needs structure and to be shown this isn’t right.


Personally, I’m more concerned about what’s really going on in that little girls home . I think u should talk to the school counselor or have cps do a check up on her home.


Kick her to the curb

Tell her parents!!! Have a long talk with your son about sex & all the adult consequences that come with it.

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I must say i am very shocked at what I’m reading here. He’s still a child only 13 years old. My boy is 13…and still dorky and “childish” i would never ever let him chat and “freedom” with a girl like this. Please remember that girls the same age as boys are more mature with hormones and feelings atleast 4 years apart. And this girl sounds very toxic!!! Protect your little boy from this. It’s not healthy at all!! She’s already making him do adult things he’s not supposed to to at his age…


I am here to read people’s advice, because I only have a 5 year old and an 8 month old. This thread is definitely an eye opener for me. But to the momma who posted this, I admire you for being such a great mom :heart:

13 heck no! …get him into sports, counseling and keep him busy. Way too young!! You need some support too… you are mom and don’t parent out of guilt.


Um no…he wouldn’t have his phone in the evening hours…he would have a curfew and I would be having a talk with this girls’ parents…that “if you love me you’d do etc…” is manipulative af and a hellno from me…

13?! You are the parent! Take the phone and put a stop to it.

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If your teenagers don’t hate you some of the time, then your parenting all wrong!

A child that age shouldnt have a gf/bf. All they should be worried about is having an education. Mom you are the fault,you should have never condone this point blank period. You need to take that phone away an let him be a kid, enjoy the outdoors do kids stuff… Personally you are to be blamed,control him before he controls you.

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Be there for him tell him that she has changed him and to remember to be himself. Be open with him about sex. If he is telling you about things don’t shut him out. Be honest with him.
Speak with her parents.

I’d be worried that something was going on in that poor girls life :cry: