I don't want to use used baby items: Does that make me a bad person?

I love hand me downs, and i hardly buy anything “new” aside from bottles, and hygine things. Once upon a child and second hand stores are my fav and a blessing. Most things don’t look used at all… Its all about prefrence i guess :person_shrugging: I’d rather not spend a fortune on things my kids will ultimately destroy or won’t use for long.


I took whatever i could get…first and second kid. There are obviously some things to not buy secondhand

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If it wasnt for used I’d been lost…I appreciate every item I got cause it sure helped when your kid wear it once and grew out of it…

In all honesty I’m that way except for clothes bc I know I can get them clean. Most other stuff I’m not sure how to sanitize it so I would rather buy it new, keep it very clean and then if someone else can use it I will give it to them.

I was the same way until I start having more kids and clothes got expensive so I got over it

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That’s 100% your choice. I was kind of like that too when I was pregnant. Once you realize how fast they out grow things and how expensive it is, you usually get over it tho. Or at least I did :joy:

It’s cool, you will learn eventually how expensive kids stuff is, how fast they grow etc. I didn’t use anything used for my son, but you better believe by the time I had his sister I was all about second hand stuff… except bottles and pacifiers…

Good luck with that :+1:

With my first kid, I was very particular. I tried to be polite about taking some items offered. However, Many times I would make excuses for why I didn’t need it or just take it and drop it off at a donation box if it wasn’t in a condition I could appreciate.

Does it sound mean?

Probably but… energy also travels in many ways, do what your comfortable with but always use some humble manners.

Fast forward to my second baby, my life changed and I have loosened my standard about some things, I still prefer new or barely used, but I’ve relaxed about used items with this second baby and as far as energy, I smudge and pray over items…

Whatever you do, do what you can live with.

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Once the baby is born you’ll be singing a different tune. Babies are EXPENSIVE AF.


Depends on the item…clothes and wash able toya absolutely. Bottles (eh) I dont have to but depends on who they are coming from.

Ohhh you’ll get over that mentality once you realize how expensive kids are…


It’s your choice, I feel the opposite. If I can get used in good/great condition for a lot cheaper…I DEFINITELY will.


I didn’t have a choice but to get used items. Lysol became my best friend during the first year with my first kid. By my 2nd kid I wasn’t as bad then lol

If you can afford to buy new go for it. Of course it does not make you a bad person. You will likely get over it quickly though LOL

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Hey, not my money you’ll be spending so :woman_shrugging:t2:

It doesn’t make you a bad person lol… To each their own. If you don’t have a better reason then you just don’t wanna … I think it’s silly :woman_shrugging: i mean why not… theyre babies…formula stains everything ! And they grow like bad weeds lol … wash it in hot water and there you go!
Mind you… shoes, undergarments, hats, I get. But clothes sleepers and whatnot sure.

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If your lucky enough to be able to afford everything new then what’s the issue? I dont understand why this is even an issue. To each their own. I cant afford it personally, wish I could but I cant. I dont judge anyone for their choices. Do what you feel is best


If you can afford all new items, then that’s cool. But I’m guessing you don’t really get just how expensive kids are. My husband makes good money, and we still buy our daughter used clothes. They grow so fast, it’s just more practical.


If you can afford it and plan on buying it yourself then I dont see an issue with it.

But if your asking people to buy you only new things and not to give you anything used then there’s an issue


They grow out of them so fast it’s not worth it to spend so much money on new stuff. I mean we have a used baby store I can get outfits for like 2 dollars 


My sister in law gave me a huge bag of clothes which he didn’t really use except a rare few times. My son got so much clothes from the baby shower that I didn’t even use the hand me downs. Another reason he didnt use it was bc she had cut the tags off of almost all the clothes so I didnt know the size to them so I just avoided them unless he had absolutely zero clean clothes to wear​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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Once you realize how expensive children are, that mentality will likely change. At least when it comes to clothes, washable toys/gear. I personally wont use hand me down bottles/pacifiers but other stuff as long as it can be sanitized? why not.


It’s your choice for your baby, they are expensive fast-growing and you’ll need all the help you can get, enjoy xxx

I got my daughter all new bottles, binkis and anything that would go into her mouth, brand new. Some clothes i did have used but i knew wjere they were coming from and the type of condition that they were in. It just depends on you and what you wish to do. Babies are very expensive and you might be going to used when it comes to certain things but i believe it is what YOU wish to do.

My ex husband was/is like that. And so is my current bf. (I had bfs first child and 8 yrs after my second) …it doesn’t sound bad. You like what you like. My current is veryyyyyyy brand name savy for everything. Lol. Im like whatever i don’t care.

I can see a lot of comments people saying you’ll get over it when kid comes… Well my ex didn’t. And i was a sahm. I only saved some clothing from first to second cause he didnt care for 2nd hand items. Hes still like that and hes got 3 now. (Two mine)

The only thing that really needs to be new is baby’s mattress. Little ones grow so fast. It is so much better for the environment/planet to reuse and recycle. That is a precious gift to give your child- they will not remember if clothes were second hand at birth but they need the earth to survive for their lifetime.

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If you want to waste money on clothes that will stain with shit and spit up go for it :woman_shrugging: I’ll stick to my 10 for 10 deals at once upon a child :joy:

It’s your choice, but it seems ridiculous to me. :woman_shrugging:


Doesn’t make you a bad person. I will say that keeping kids clothed is ridiculously expensive and resale/consignment shops are my best friend. :joy:
To each their own.


I felt the same no worries

I understand but once you see how little time the baby actually uses the stuff you’ll realize how much of a waste of money it is to buy everything brand new…That is if you’re the one buying everything yourself. Honestly if I were to offer someone something used that I know is in great condition and they turned it down just because it was used I would never offer or buy them anything else ever again.

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Doesnt make you a bad person but you’re missing out! Some of the best stuff I have was handmedowns.
Jumper, Walker, and high chair all thrift store finds (cause dude they grow out of it so fast. No way I’m spending a fortune)


I was a bit more concerned about it when mine as a newborn. As he got older i got more and more used things.
The one thing ive always been pretty cools with even as a newborn is clothes. They go through them so quick.

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I was like that. Seems like as soon as people know you’re having a new baby they have tons of used stuff to throw your way. I never understood it. I just told people thanks… I appreciate it but we already have everything. My mother ended up accepting used clothes from a lady at her job. My baby is 7 months old and I’ve washed them and they have been very helpful

Not a bad person, just broke lol

All kidding aside, it’s fine. Your baby, your rules. We did accept second hand things because kids are expensive and they grow so quickly. But again it’s your choice and it doesn’t make you “bad”

Same here. I was not comfortable with used bed, stroller, car seat and toys. We did accept hand me down clothes, which I washed before use. Now that he is older (21 months) and has a better imune system I dont mind so much anymore. Same goes for toys, I clean them before use.

I get wanting everything new and if it’s possible for you great but it’s hard kids are so expensive. When I had my 4th kid my husbands friend gave us stroller car seat set, crib, and swing. At first I was iffy about it but once we picked up the stuff and i washed them i realized there was no reason to not use them. They were like new and cute. Plus we saved a good amount of money on not having to buy those items.

Children are expensive. And they do not use newborn items for very long at all. So they dont have time to wear them out. I used so much used items for my son. And they were still like new condition. The only thing I wont use hand me down is bottles, nipples, and binkys.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting new stuff for your baby, especially since germs spread easy. I wish I could have bought all new stuff but when you’re in a tight spot with money sometimes you gotta take what’s being given. Bottles and pacifiers should definitely be new though.

If you can afford them fine but most baby items have so little use that it’s like they are still new and since babies grow so fast it’s not like you’d be using it long either. Now bottles and pacifiers are different cause they are going in babies mouth and they do wear out so with things like that I would go with new but in other things that are still in great shape then I would go with used and save that money for more important things.

If you can afford to use brand ne stuff thats your bussiness but if youre pinching pennys use common sence end of story

I have never used second hand things in two things car seat and bed. Never know the accident history of a car seat and bed bugs for the bed. Everything else wash use again. I am on baby number 4 and I love used

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Let me guess, first kid?
You’ll learn.


You will change your mind :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I agree about car seats, I would never buy one used!
Beds/cribs I wouldn’t mind if I knew the person. Everything else can be washed :slightly_smiling_face:!

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When it comes to your baby it is your choice that goes for everything including whether your baby wears new clothes or second hand

I was that way with my 1st, but after spending so much on new stuff that he outgrew super fast, I quickly learned that used stuff was the best way to go. The only things I don’t buy used are things like underwear, carseats & things that i can’t throw in the washing machine


Your just being a good Mother.

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Some things can be used, somethings need to be new… u will learn :heart:

I refuse to take hand me downs from people I don’t know, like my boyfriends sister will be like ‘my friend has a crib she’s am getting rid of do you want it?’ and I’ll tell her no because I don’t know her friend, or if shes a cleanly person, if she smokes ect, but i asked my cousin who just had a baby for some hand me downs once she’s done with stuff

Pffft for a baby im all abput.hand me downs. They ruin and go through stuff so fast. Besides bottles pacifiers and stuff. Bri g on the hand me downs. Lrobably a first time mother which is normal. But even with my first i was all about hand me downs.


Are you a horrible person? No. Will people judge you for being irrational? Absolutely. Just take the hand-me-downs. Almost everything can be washed and sanitized and it’s basically brand new bc babies don’t use stuff for very long bf they outgrow it. Also, second hand stuff keeps things out of the landfill, so it’s good for the environment. :woman_shrugging:


I was def the same way with my first. Then I became sahm and work part time at Once Upon a Child. Man I was kicking myself in the butt! It’s insane what people sell. My kids now wear only second hand except birthdays and Christmas. People comment about my kids clothes all the time and are shocked when I tell them it’s from once.
Side note…did you have second hand clothes/ect growing up? That could be the reason why you don’t like second hand. Growing up my mom had food stamps and I remember being so embarrassed. To this day I hate going to the grocery store.

Crib, car seat absolutely. But gently used items like clothes, youll see. You’ll get 50 0-3 month onesirs some may bever get worn so it makes since for clothes and big items like a jumperoo and swing that ate so expensive but used for a short time.

Yes take hand me down and give to a mother that absolutely can not afford new items!

No! I get weird looks from my in laws at times and also my own family. I don’t think toys should be used (I’m very superstitious). And I personally don’t like used clothes either. You do what you think is best.

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Used baby, child, clothing, washed well, are totally fine. I grew up one of nine kids, and neighbors were always giving us used clothing. Makes no difference if it was your brother, or the boy down the block. Clean, is clean. You can save $100s that way, and no social stigma attached.

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I had my specifics that I wanted new, strollers, car seat, high chair…but honestly children are expensive ( it was my second but 19 years apart) so started all over…so maybe knowing how expensive they are and how quickly they go through things I knew that new things were a waste of money… but if it’s your first and you plan on having more then understandable…you could let people know that you will let them know after your shower… and you don’t want to be bombarded with sorting things at this time.

Bad for the environment tho buying all brand new stuff that only gets used for a few months instead of reusing old items

Ultimately, it’s your choice. I don’t think that makes you stuck up or anything. People have preferences.

But to be completely honest, it saves you a lot of money. Especially if your kid grows fast like mine did. Newborns only use newborn clothes for like 20 days and then they’re in 0-3 month. So in my eyes it’s pointless to spend the money on newborn clothes. My son is barely 8 months and wearing 12-18 month clothes (he’s tall and a little chunky). So I took advantage of my sister’s second hand clothes.

I’d agree to definitely not take a used car seat or bed though. Again, it’s all up to you and your budget.

Once you or the baby’s father is purchasing what the child need then you dont6have to accept it. But if you’re out asking for help and demanding New then you need to evaluate.


If you have a great job and can afford it. I guess but I don’t get why. Baby’s use so much so fast it pointless to buy new if you have good used. Why pay so mich when you coukd save for your child a better future. Better collage fund better savings for the a start? Even more so since your low incone already. Of course something i wouldn’t use old. Carseat for example but clothes why? Hell even I buy used clothes when I find some I like.

Thier nothing wrong with used clothes as long as thier nice, and u can put u money other places.

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Depends on the item. Cribs, walkers, carriers. Usually it’s from relatives. Consider it as a blessing… our children grow really, really fast.


Do the best u can do.?

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting new stuff…cos then theyre “your baby’s things” …but you will quickly learn the value of hand me down clothes I think, cos they grow out if them so fast you may not be able to keep up. And they will get stains and dirty you’ll appreciate the old ones for messy days :slight_smile:


Its your choice, but gently used item should be ok, and it certainly saves a little money.

Buying our new car you may only do it once. but it’s a wonderful feeling. the things you do for your First child should feel the same.


Honestly. I said the same thing until my friends kids grew up too fast and barely used the stuff they bought.
Second hand stuff is by far more practical. Bouncers last 2months at least. Rockers 2-4months.
Clothes could last them a good week. Maybe month depending.

I’m not saying don’t buy stuff. But you should really consider allowing second hand stuff being used.


Nothing wrong with it… except the fact you are spending more money on items the child will grow out of/destroy in a blink of an eye. :joy:


My granddaughter the same way.theres nothing wrong with used things if washed good.saves a lot of money
Babys outgrow things so fast they don’t even look like they’ve been worn. It’s up to u if u can afford new fine.she will use if she knows the giver

Just remember if you go get a bunch of brand new stuff, your baby will outgrow it before they even wear half of it then you’ll be that person selling “new with tags” baby clothes on fb lol.

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I felt this way once too… Then I learned the reality of how expensive things were that lasted a few months. I’m a thankful second hand supporter


I am having my firsts in a couple of weeks. I bought new for car seats/cribs etc but I bought a TON of clothes from garage sales. Some that still had tags. And it was all super cheap! I checked them out and made sure they didn’t have stains or anything and then washed them before anything once i got them home. Even though these two will my first, i know how fast kids grow and they might only be in a certain size for not even a month and I dont have the money to be spending it like crazy on clothes they will spit up on and stain or not even get a chance to wear.

All in all, it doesn’t matter what others think of you. If you want all new things, buy all new things.

As long as you can afford to buy new stuff yourself

I understand, at least few new things for the new born.

Nope dont like them either…Personal choice

I was like that with my 1st. I just wanted new stuff. No real reason why. But 3 more kids later idc. As long as it is in good condition :woman_shrugging: a new baby jumper can be $130. You can buy it used for $20. Few lysol wipes later. Good to go! And we can actually afford the new stuff now vs back then. AND then you can resell it for basically what you paid.


^^^^ this right here…I was like that with my first

Used is great! Save the money for stuff like school.vacations or family time. They do not care what they have on.

If you want new then get new. All that I received and clothes later on I gave to my sister cause they were almost new.

Not at all, but you’ll very quickly realize the value of a dollar once you get all the new things you need to raise your little one lol. I WANTED that luxury when pregnant with my 1st, but dirt poor at the time, I couldnt do that. However, by the time my 3rd came along, I had the funds to do so, and shes 5 now… looking back, I wish I had gotten her used stuff too lol, couldve used the extra money for more important things!

Just say you have plenty of stuff for the baby and buy what you want with your money ok

If its nasty screwed up ect i cant blame you… If its bottles nuks teething rings i can also see your point… But as a mom of three let me say this… First child your going to be beyond over protective worried about everything… But you will drive yourself batty. If its in good condition and its something you need or could use why would you say no and not let your child have it especially if its free or real cheap? You can use that money you save on other things for your baby… You can sanitize and clean anything… And to be honest alot of people will just tell you to get it yourself then and see you in a more negative light if they are trying to help you and its tossed back at them as if your too good for the help especially if its something youre saying you need… Not trying to be mean just being honest

Accept the free stuff you need. You’ll need to save your money for things like diapers. Change up the used stuff with a good clean and do something to upcycle it. New fabric etc.

Please just remember to live in with your means never live above what you can afford if you can afford all new stuff go for it if not then buy gently used stuff from a good store that you feel comfortable with I usually buy used clothing a lot from stores because I like the different variety of stuff at a good price

I wanted new clothes when they were new born after that I used hand me dowms

Don’t listen to other put you down. Just keep to your self. People who put you down to make them feel better then you.

I take it this is your first child?

Nope it doesn’t make u a bad mom… with my son everything had to be brand new nothing used Even if it came from family or close friends I still refused it… my thing was idk where it’s been, idk what could be on it, etc. but once he turned 1 I said screw it and started getting used stuff… he is soon to be 4 and I still get used stuff (even clothes) I just wash them extra good

Literally only expect the things you need and are not worn, but you’ll learn real quick the value of a dollar once you have to buy them clothes when they grow like a weed…

No. Nothing is wrong with that.

Kinda makes you look stuck up. Accept the things given to you used and use them. Kids grow outta clothes so damn fast its not even funny. You’ll come to realize after diapers. Wipes. Formula bottles and everything else is too expensive to buy brand new all the time. I went on facebook and got a big box of newborn-12m clothes for $10. Couldnt beat the price for all those clothes. No stains no rips or smelling like smoke. You can always WASH them to make ya feel better. Babies are expensive. Accept the things you get and stop being so stuck up.

Certain things I wouldnt use used either but other thing dont hurt.