I don't want to use used baby items: Does that make me a bad person?

Could I ask a question? Am I a preppy/ horrible person for not wanting used baby items for my newborn??? I always get weird looks when I say I don’t want used stuff. It’s not that I think I’m better than that or anything like that, i come from a pretty poor family and I’m still on the lower end of middle class, it just weirds me out and makes me genuinely uncomfortable. I honestly don’t know how to explain it better. Just looking for some honest input.


Your baby, your choice! If you can afford all the new things and that’s what you want, than go for it. :upside_down_face::heart_eyes::heart:

Idk I love thrifting and if someone wants outta the kindness of there heart wants to give ur child something even used I’d take it. But to each there own

Youre not horrible. But alot of used newborn stuff is fairly new because newborns arent newborns for long! But if you can afford all new, go for it. Your baby!


It would save money since they grow so fast. Most times the used stuff is still in good shape since the other baby grew just as fast.

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Irs doesnt make you a bad person. But if it can be cleaned thoroughly, no harm in it, it saves a lot of money.

Not weird just comes off snobby but it’s your kid. It gets expensive having babies and the kids barely have time to really use things most baby stuff is like new. Hardly ever used anything new for any of my kids. It’s your choice though. Specially if you can afford everything new for them.


I was the same with my first… I still took it and just made sure people that actually needed it, got it.

I mean I get it I was kind of the same way with my first, but my 2nd I still get her used stuff all of the time! It’s such a money saver and unless you can afford brand new things for the next 18 years then I guess that’s up to you. But kids are fricking expensive and I have no problem with hand me downs and other random used things!

I was like that with my first. Less with my second. Didn’t care too much with my third … my fourth HA when I say everything she has is second-hand … I mean it.


It’s your baby so it’s up to you. Doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks.

If you can get the stuff new go for it. Theres nothing wrong with buying new just like there isn’t anything wrong getting used.

I think it’s none of anyone’s business. If you want to spend the money on the new stuff, then go for it.

I was that way with my first born. Not just new things, but delayed shot schedule, organic homemade food, cloth diapered the whole nine. But definitely flipped the script with my 2nd born lol. To each their own.

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New is always going to be way more expensive. You can find new stuff that people have bought that they have never used and sell reasonably. If you got the money go for it but honestly a lot of the stuff a newborn needs isn’t worth buying new.

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I was like that at first in the beginning of my pregnancy… now at the end i seriously dont care … everything is so expensive. Alot of things that i have are now used . Newborns dont stay newborns forever .


It obviously doesn’t make you bad a person. People might think you’re a bit high maintenance or something. If you can swing all the new things then go for it. There is also nothing wrong with used items either. Babies grow out so stuff so quickly its almost ridiculous to buy everything new.


You don’t come off as snobby, that’s just people assuming shit. If you legit feel funny about it that’s totally fine!

Totally your choice! My guess is you will get over that though :joy: baby stuff if so expensive!


If you can afford it, go for it lol. It’s just a personal preference. I love thrift shopping and think it’s great when people think of my family when they gift things though.

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You’ll realize by your second child that yes, you’re stuck up sounding and you wasted a lot of money on things you barely used and you’ll be using all the used stuff you can get your hands on.


No that doesnt make you a bad person. I grew up poor, rarely had new items, everything was second hand. I buy my kids everything brand new. I take what is given to me because its polite and i redonate it to others who need it. Yes it saves you money but if you can afford it do it :woman_shrugging:.

Why does it make you uncomfortable tho?


There’s nothing wrong with getting used items because they don’t stay in those things for long. Baby items are outrageous and we got everything used for our daughter when I was pregnant with her. Not that we couldn’t afford new things just that everyone we knew had daughters so we literally didn’t have to buy anything she needed. To each their own though.

I agree with you. I was that way when my kids were born
It does not make you s bad person to want the best for your babies

You go to the store and those new clothes you’re buying someone has already tried on… Probably took it home with them, took it back and then you bought it. Beautiful thing is we are blessed with washer n dryers.

But yeah your choice.


Everyone has things that they are particular about. It bothers me when my peculiarities bother others. Its not like you are forcing someone to be like you. Maybe accept their blessings and pass them on.


When i had my daughter i wanted new things for her! I didnt want to use our sons old pack andplay and stuff like that. Her being my first hirl i didnt want her to be using her brothers things that were 7-5 yesrs old. Lol id Rather have New things but if its clean and looks good ill take it! I dont like useing other peoples clothes unless they look clothes to new. There isnt anything wrong with used things but who doesnt like buy something new :slight_smile:

Are you a horrible person? No. If you have the money to buy all new, go for it! But consider the fact that the majority of the items you use within the first year of your baby’s life will be outgrown VERY quickly, and buying gently used baby items would save you a LOT of money that you could put towards other things (college savings? Family vacation?) just something to consider.


I was kinda that way at first, however when I started pricing things there was NO way we could’ve provided all we had without the help of good friends and family. It also felt good to pass on the love after we were done to someone who needed help v

If you can afford it, why not :slight_smile:

Doesn’t make you a bad person!

If i get things used from someone ill look or go threw them if i dont want it i ask arou d to see if anyone else is interested

It’s up to you hun, but the bank may catch up, kids are not cheap I’m finding out myself.

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If you can afford everything brand new go for it. Almost everything i have from the crib (not mattress) to the majority of his clothes, was used. I got a big bag of clothes and crib bedding from my neighbor and was sooo happy. The only time he gets brand new things is for shoes and if the family buys him things. I pinch penny’s where i can and our household is pretty well off.


Not a bad thing but can be useful for certain items especially as they get older and you know where and who the stuff is coming from

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Babies literally use things for like 2 months no matter what it is…even used is pretty much new but to each their own.


Idk I guess I’ve never bought anything besides new. But I also have 4 of the same sex so I have saved a lot of things and reused them as far from child to child then added whatever we needed for the next. It’s your kid and if you can financially do it then okay but if it puts you in the hole then don’t. In the long road though it gets expensive. Especially when college, cars, phones, sports, unexpected medical costs, clothes just keep getting more expensive. Save whenever you can for the future. And by save I mean spend less now because they’re the cheapest at the newborn stage :joy:

I’d do the same for my next child, first born I was only 16 so of course I didn’t have money, plus my mom is disabled and lives off the state so we had to go thrift shopping and get used and most of all my baby stuff was from a church she went to and some were even brand new in boxes, if I would have be able to I would have definitely gotten all new but now since I’m older, my husband has a great job, if we decided to have another it would be all brand new stuff so I understand where you’re coming from, it’s not rude or snobby just a preference.

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I never used used item for my first born…after my second and third baby…used items we awesome! Lol…


I was that way many years ago,but I got over it,I love thrift stores,tag sales,carport and garage sales! Free stuff! Lol

It’s not a reflection of you as a person in any way. Do whatever you want and what makes sense to you!

As your baby grows (and they grow very fast), you will see how expensive it can get to cloth them. At these times you may appreciate " hand me down cloths"! Especially when the clothing is still in good shape. To each his/her own. Just think about it. Be blessed :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I was like you. I’d take the items though. Put them, wash what I wanted to save and give the rest to goodwill. When we would outgrow them. I would then get rid of them. Never put them on my babies. Just kept them in case the person who gave them to came by so I could show them that I still had them. When they brought more. I’d then tell them that I just don’t have anymore room for clothes.

I understand, but I also can’t afford all new baby things because I know how quickly they go through clothing and everything else. If someone offers me something free I respectfully take it and if it’s something I don’t want to use for my baby I pass it on to someone else who is in need. That way I’m not offending the person who is just trying to help me since they also know how expensive kids are.

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Do what you do but when you are in abond you are gonna wish you didnt buy everything new. Its more about saving movey than being poor to afford new clothes.


No, I don’t care what you choose to do. On the same page, don’t care what i do :slight_smile:

Are you unable to wash things?


Must be a first time mom hahahaha


I can afford to buy my kids whatever they want, but I can because I don’t waste my money. I had a lady give me bags and bags of clothes I used them ALL!
If you want to have money stop wasting it on baby clothes your child will wear for one month. Around 2 years old they stop growing so fast and it lasts a year it’s not so bad, makes more sense to buy nice clothes.
Everything else they just use for a couple months and then it’s over with.
Your not preppy/horrible person, if you want honest input you need to look better at your financial situation. Take what you can get and save your money for something useful like a house… if you have a house look at putting your money into investments. If your not interested in that, put the money in a savings account for when your child can actually appreciate it.

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The only thing you should never buy used is a carseat. Everything else, is to expensive brand new lol

I understand that, as I’ve had hand me downs all my life… I didn’t want my daughter to be in hand me downs. But once they start walking and feeding themselves hand me down clothes are a blessing so we don’t have to take that chance that something new is going to be ruined after wearing it once. Give it a try and you don’t have to keep everything that’s given to you… there’s plenty of places you could take the not so nice ones and take to shelters or just donate them in the clothes bins at like target or wherever one is locally for you.

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Is this your first baby? This is my fourth and girl I’m going to tell you, I get used stuff whenever I can. Gently used clothing is nothing to be ashamed of. I recieved that from 2 guests at my daughters baby shower last year and now we are expecting another babygirl in december and guess what? Shes using that used clothes and her sister’s clothes. I made sure to just keep it clean. Now I did buy her some new things so not everything would be used, but for the most part, it’s mainly used things. Nothing wrong with you wanting all new things tho.


No it doesn’t. Everyone is different and that’s okay!! I personally don’t mind some used things, some I’d prefer new. But my husband will not allow used things. It’s totally freaks him out and he says there’s no telling what’s in the items even after being cleaned. We both come from struggling backgrounds and most days struggle ourselves :woman_shrugging:t2: but it’s okay not to want used things.

Weird no snobby yes. But your child your decision if you’ve got the money to spend on everything new go for it just remember they are only in things for a few weeks/months so second hand isn’t old most stuff is like new


Nope…My daughter is the SAME WAY!

Clothing wise, a lot of my kids clothes are used. I did buy a new crib dresser, furniture etc. But clothing I didn’t care too much about. I wanted new cribs and car seats as that’s safer anyway. Remember they are your children and it’s entirely up to you as their parent. Do what you think is best.

Idk. I like hand-me-downs/free stuff. Especially since I can’t afford very much at all because of recent situations. I’m also low income but we try to do our best without help but when it comes to the kids cheap/free/help all of it is welcome. As long as it is clean THEY won’t care. Kids and babies go through things so fast they’ll never know the difference.


Just think what you could do with the money you would save


Not at all. I’ve been weird about it too and I’ve only bought brand new stuff for my daughter.

Only thing we got new was the carseats, cribs/playpens, and swing. Everything else was handed down but im also a mom of 3 so it helped us alot with clothes.

That’s your all, no one should tell you or make you feel a certain way because you prefer one thing over another. Your money spend it as you see fit.

I would take the used items and wash them, honestly kids grow so fast and go through everything so fast, you could save yourself money using the used stuff. I bought a baby swing for 80 dollars brand new my baby grow out of it in about 3 months, I wish I could of bought a used one honestly


I just make sure to bleach everything

Uses stuff will save you. Kids are damn expensive with just diapers and formula alone! My fav store is a consignment store!!

They grow way to fast for me to justify paying 20$ for one sleeper, and I’m not poor or middle class lol

If you can afford all new, go for it.
But alot of it is a waste of money when you get it cheap, used. Especially clothes. They grow soooo fast. Of course your going to want to buy her things, but if you can get a bundle of used baby clothes for $20, i say take it!!!

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Not horrible but impractical. Some items you use for maybe a couple months. I’m not blowing 200 on a rocker they can’t use once they sit ups


Must be your first baby, huh ? Because I am on my third and and 75% of her stuff is used from Once Upon A Child, garage sales, her siblings etc. lol. Once you realize that you need to get rid of perfectly good, hardly worn clothes and restocking her full wardrobe every 2months for the first 2-3 yrs of her life… you’ll be singing a different tune lol :joy:. I refuse to pay 20-30$ for one outfit at this point in parenthood lol.


By your 3rd kid you will be asking for hand me downs…js.

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It’s fine. Everyone is different but new does cost a lot damn swings are like 150 dollars lololl with my 4th everything was found at a thrift store I also didn’t have a baby for 8 years before him and hes my only boy

Sometimes feeling weirded out by used or secondhand items can mean that you are a HSP or an Empath. I am the same way. I do have and use some secondhand items, but weeding through secondhand items is exhausting and I despise it. I also do not like going to garage sales because I don’t like unexpectedly walking into someone’s possibly toxic energy space. Idk. Take this information how you will. I don’t think you’re being a “horrible person.” Just think more about why you don’t like secondhand stuff.

I didn’t do anything used for my son. I don’t think it makes me a bad person, if people gave me stuff, I donated it, so it wasn’t like I just threw it in the garbage. Some people are ok with it…I just was weird about it.

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Doesnt make you bad at all. You’ll gain the knowledge though of how much things cost and how long baby actually uses them for! Your next baby will be having everything second hand lol x

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I bought the whole nursery used from a very nice lady. Only a few selective things I bought new but 90% of my daughters stuff was bought used. You could wash it all and disinfect it and it’s like new again. This is my second child and with my first, everything had to be new but I learned pretty quick they will outgrow it in months time. It’s better to prioritize the important things like the amount of diapers and wipes you will go through over the years. Buy as many as you can now


I’m about to give birth and received a lot of new and used items for baby I accepted them all but chose what I really liked some stuff looks pretty new some stuff well let’s just say it didn’t even make it to the washer…people that gave me the stuff won’t notice since I don’t live with them n it’s not like baby will only wear that 1 used item all the time

I didn’t at first but now that my daughter is 2 I buy bags of clothes from friends who have little ones a little older than her. I don’t think I’d get stuff from Facebook pages and whatnot though. Depends on what it is I guess. This is also my first child and rainbow baby so I was mega paranoid for a long time. :two_hearts:

With as fast as kids grow, hand me downs are the best. 80% of my kids clothes comes from kid 2 kid store. I just don’t find it necessary to buy brand new clothes when they outgrow them so fast as babies


I mean, you’re willing to pay for all brand new stuff… but hand me downs are a blessing.

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My daughter get new I’ll take used but i will not take it if the items have been through more than one person… my aunt gave my daughter a trash bag of full of used clothes and blankets I tossed them out there were holes and looked like more than 8 kids have been in and out of them. No thanks lol you’re not wrong first kid deserves new my opinion anyway just buy your clothes in a bigger size so they can wear more then just two months

For my first born I was the same way, but that lasted about 2 months. Once I started getting into the meat of how expensive everything was, I started buying second hand and washing it really well. My second baby is 5 months now and everything I had for her in the beginning was passed to me by a good friend. I think the only thing I bought new was the baby bath tub, carseat, and diapers/wipes. We were gifted a brand new crib, but she spent her first 4 months in a second hand bassinet. I dont think it makes you a horrible person. If you are financially secure enough to spend all that money go for it, but keep in mind the clothing will only be used for a couple of months per size.

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Looks like a first baby :joy:


I wouldn’t use used items. Having worked in the largest pest control company for many many years…you might end up with bed bugs and it will cost you a lot of money to get rid of them. Just buy new ones. It’s not worth the money you might save taking used stuff.

Ive used, used and new… Honestly its whatever makes you comfortable! My first used mostly used and so did my second because they was unexpected and i didnt have a lot of income. But i would have loved to be able to use all new.

New crib mattress and new car seat are the main items I always insisted about being new. I read an article about a snake being found in a used mattress and that’s a big nope.


My son is 4 and iv never bought used anything. Nothing wrong with used but was just something I didnt want to do. I dont make crazy money but I make sure to manage my money around the time I know I’ll need winter/summer clothes type thing.

I like new stuff. But I plan on having another so even though they outgrow it in months time, it will be saved for the next baby I have. So to me it’s worth it just getting new stuff. I’ve gotten used stuff before and ended up not using it bc I couldn’t clean in the cracks and it looked gross and dirty from it.

If you’re going to be too good for hand-me-downs your child is going to be too good for hand-me-downs and you don’t want to raise a snotty child or maybe you do I don’t know

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Depends on what… Clothes? No biggy at all if they’re used. Most other things eh, again, depends on what it is

If you have the money to buy new, go for it. Used items are a God send when you can’t afford brand new stuff. Babies are expensive


I got a lot of used items for my son cuz I knew he wasn’t gonna use them that long and we were low in money but mostly from people I knew so I know what they had been through but there are certain things that I’d prefer to buy new and I’ll use it for as many children as I can as long as it’s new in the beginning like the car seat or his toys that’s he’s gonna put in his mouth his shoes when he walks stuff like that but we got used swing and bouncer clothes even his pack and play was a hand me down. But it does not make you a bad person or mom at all if my husband had his way we’d never buy anything used but I enjoy going to thrift shops

I took all kids of handme downs for my first. I also saved them for my second. But this time, some thing just need to be new, like bathing care supplies, his bassinet. Carseats should always be new. Some of the folks who give us stuff tend to leave us feeling like it’s out of their ego and a charity, so telling them we don’t need anything with #2 has been a bit empowering and better for us as a family.

I use used baby things that are kept in good condition. I dont see why thered be any issues about it

Don’t accept used things if you don’t want too. I was given a lot of stuff from my friends and family and it was all super nice stuff so I kept a lot of it. Baby stuff is extremely expensive and if you’re middle class and struggling then you are going to want help.

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Is this your first? Cause if it is, I was like this when I was pregnant. Nothing I had was preowned, I wanted everything proper :roll_eyes:… but I tell ya something, my babes three now and the amount of clothes this little terror goes through I feel no way about grabbing a bargain at a charity shop or bundles from Facebook. As long as it’s clean and no stains, meh :woman_shrugging:t3:


Dosent make you a bad person… but might make you a broke person!! :woman_shrugging:


To me it’s all about the person and home they come from. I took a few things used from one of my best friends and my other best friends has a little girl a year and a half younger than mine she will take all of MY used stuff for her daughter, granted most of it was never worn or only worn once, this includes shoes!

I had new furniture bought by my in-laws. Some new things from shower. Lots of hand me downs. I would be so happy to find almost and some new at thrift stores. Garage sales. Friends etc. Some outfits get worn 5x and it’s too small. Why not buy a few new things you just love?

That’s your personal choice. I don’t see anything wrong with it. There are certain I want new for my baby girl but I’m grateful for used items. It saves me a lot of stress and money. And Im really trying to be mindful about being wasteful. There are so many things that people spend money on to buy new instead of using something that is used even though it’s just like brand new and serves the same purpose. I just find us humans don’t always utilize our resources before going and buy everything new.

I got new cribs, carseats, swings, etc when it came to both of my kids. My daughter was my 1st so she got new stuff… my son I did allow to wear some used clothes that was only worn by 1 baby boy…my cousin’s. Some of the clothes were only worn once or if at all. If its from someone I know, I’ll do used, but if it’s something I can afford on my own, then I wont. Some of my son’s clothes were new and used. Nothing wrong w using used stuff if u know where it’s been. I guess it all depends but no…doesnt make u a bad person for wanting the best for yours

I thought I would want all new things… (miscarried a few months ago) and for the last few months, I’ve been caring for my 5 month old twin nieces, and now since we’re no longer expecting) I find myself calling dibs on all my sister in-laws baby things… Ive watched them grow into something one week, and it not fit the following.

I HAVE to be appreciative and humbled to know I already have offers of clothing or toys or whatever.

I would much rather have the money for eexperiences with my children… then things for them.