Who cares what they think? They have no right at all to judge you or the baby’s father as long as the kids are taken care of. It’s not about anyone else’s happiness anyway, it’s YOUR baby. As long as you’re happy, no one else’s opinion matters.
Ppl will judge you if you have one kid or ten kids . It can be best to do your best to ignore the hate and just have your baby and be proud. You would get around the same amount of hate if you said you got an abortion cuz he already has alot of kids . Sometimes you just need to live for you and the hell with everything else
You do you. If they ain’t feeding you, fucking you or financing you…then don’t let them say nun to you. Honestly, you sound grown but don’t let nobody give an unsolicited opinion on your life or business.
You sound like you have your shit together, and also the man who will be the father. Family and people will always be judgemental but you hold your head up high. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Wishing you nothing but positive thoughts and vibes.
Not their uterus, they can be support or pound sand
It may not be ideal and may not have been planned but negativity is felt by mama and baby alike. Its done, nothing to do now but ensure you have a happy and healthy pregnancy and welcome your blessing into this world with love.
As longs you are happy anything else in noone else buisness
Try not to stress about what others feel. I was in that boat 35 years ago, but I wanted the baby as you do. You know what’s right for you, hold your head high, YOU ARE PREGNANT, they don’t need to know anything else unless you choose to tell them. Congratulations.
Who cares what others think. Enjoy your pregnancy & enjoy your baby.
If your happy…
That’s ALL that matters!
You tell them a baby is always blessing. You are fine with your situation and any negativity is not acceptable
Its your life… People will judge regardless…do what makes you happy!
Haters will hate no matter what you do. F*CK them. As long as the kiddos are raised with love, are happy and healthy who cares what they say. A few people weren’t happy I was having a mixed baby and early on I quickly said bye to them forever. Remember, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter dont mind.
You’re having a baby.it doesn’t matter how why or by who,you’re having a baby SOMEONE is ALWAYS going to find a way to make you feel like you shouldn’t have if you aren’t in an ideal situation but not all babies come from ideal situations .Congrats also☺️
Don’t tell the negative ones and when they find out tell them you didn’t want to hear all the negatives about your joy!
If you live your life worry about what other people think you going to have a miserable life just do you do what you think is right for you you have the waves in the means to do that so just do it if they don’t like it then don’t bother with them that’s all go on with your life don’t let them make your your life miserable
Like you said you have the space and means to take care of another child, it’s none of their business.
They dont pay your bills. Dont worry about it
Can you provide, financially stability to you and your baby? Can you provide love and security to your baby? Can you provide care and food and clothe your baby? If you answered yes to all of these then please don’t worry about what other people think, it’s your life and you live it how you want
People will have opinions, you know that already. Some you won’t like, you know that already too. They’ll quickly get over it and if they don’t? They’re no loss. Ignore the doubts and the haters, most of all, enjoy this new chapter
Don’t waste your life worrying about what others think. You already know that you’re ok with this, why does everyone else need to be ok with it too? It’s not their life. People watch us to pass judgment to feel better about themselves. Yes, there are some who care and want what’s best for you but those people should be your biggest supporters because the decision has been made, the baby is already here and you’re keeping it. Be excited for this blessing and remember that peoples opinions of you are only THEIR perspective, they do not matter or change anything and they define you.
STOP ASKING FACEBOOK what YOU should do with YOUR OWN LIFE… I mean jesus christ lady
All i can say is the baby is made from love enjoy to hell with what anyone says children are a gift no matter how they got here
Their issues are their issues. Dont allow them to become yours
I’m confused on why you’re so concerned with what people will think when you also give the impression that this is something that will make you happy to be happening. If the both of you have already decided that this pregnancy will be welcomed by both of you, why be so worried about what others will think? Your mood will affect your pregnancy. Bring your baby into this world with love and excitement rather than fear and shame.
It’s your life live it how you want to. I wouldn’t give a f*** about what they think, it’s your life not theirs. If your happy and he’s happy with the baby that is all that matters.
Well it’s a good thing that it’s not their body then isn’t it? I say go for it and they can piss up a rope.
Your life is no one else’s business. Enjoy your pregnancy. congratulations
Sometimes keeping things to yourself does not mean keeping them a secret. You don’t need to share every detail with family/friends. YOU get to decide what others know about your life/situation. Assertiveness comes from confidence while secrets come from fear. Sharing is expressing yourself confidently without reservation and without any pressure to convince others or justify your own thoughts, beliefs and choices. If you are confident about them you do not need validation nor approval. If you want someone’s opinion, ask. If you believe their response to be negative then there is no need to share. It will only cause you hurt and unnecessary stress. If you wish to share then just give them the basic info. The fact that this man has 10 children already should not be relevant nor make any difference to anyone besides baby, you, him and your own children if you choose to share it with them right now. All that should matter is that you and the father have decided to care and love this child. I wish you luck and congratulations.
Ofc they will judge you. No matter what people do.
But…when that baby comes out…poof!!! Alllll.that shit disappears and matters not in the least!!! It always hurts what people say or think…but it doesn’t ‘matter’ truly… its not going to make you less of a good mom or him a good dad!! Sounds like you guys got this!!
Congratulations!!! How exciting!!! A baby!! A squishy pile of joy!!!
Don’t think about them look after you and your babies and everyone else will see you are a strong independent woman who loves her children
Your life, your body, your baby. Doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, it will be old news quicker than you think. People will judge you either way you go so might as well get judged for doing what’s right for you than doing the opposite, being miserable about the decision and still getting talked about anyway congratulations and good luck x
I think you gotta approach it with a ‘hey, shit happens’ vibe and let people know you are handling it. You’ve got kids already; you know what you’re doing girl - don’t worry about him and his baggage …. You do you and yours!
Ur life, it’s u bringing up a baby, no one else shud judge x
Why do you care about someone else’s opinion? your life your business