I fear people will react negatively about my pregnancy: Advice?

Has anyone ever dealt with being shunned for being pregnant? My situation isn’t ideal. I’m recently divorced and have kids from that marriage…and pregnant by my high school sweetheart. That’s not the worst part. He has A LOT of kids already. 10 to be exact, from 2 women. He does provide and pay child support for all of them. There are no bad relations between him and the mothers of his other children. I honestly didn’t expect this to happen. I struggled to get pregnant all through my marriage. So I guess I was naive; I didn’t think this would happen because we were so infrequently involved. I’m financially stable, college-educated, and have space and means to provide for another child. He and I have years of history and aren’t together, but there’s a lot of love there and always has been. Neither of us agrees with abortion, so it looks like we’re having a baby. I want to be happy…but I’m terrified of everyone’s reaction to who the father is. I can hear the judgments from family and friends like, why would you? How could you? Number 11? What were you thinking? You’re so much smarter than that…and the list goes on.


Well you 2 are happy and it’s your choice. Who cares what anyone has to say.


The answer is so simple. Fuck what anyone else thinks. You raise and love that baby! So here is a big congratulations from me mama! :heart:

Your body, your life, your baby none of their business nor concern


I wouldn’t care. Not their business. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Every child is a blessing!

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Your body, your rules. If this is something you want then let the haters hate. Not everyone will agree. You do you boo.

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Ain’t none of their business period. Congratulations!

It’s no one’s right to know who the father of your child is. If asked just tell them to mind their own because your personal life isn’t their business. :woman_shrugging:


No disrespect but FUCK THIER OPINION hell fuck anyones opinion :joy: its YOUR baby not theirs at the end of the day YOU are the mother and will be the provider .

Well I would tell them to mind there own business as long as he takes care of his that’s really none of there business to be all up in. I’m now 35 n used to care what others think NOW IM DON’T CARE WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY ABOUT ME I PAY MY OWN SO UNTIL THEY PAY MY BILLS ARE PAY TO FEED MY FAMILY THAN YHEY CAN GTFO

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Who care what other people think. Be happy with your pregnancy it’s no one else’s business


You are a grown woman. You are financially stable. It’s none of anyone’s business


11 is a lot. Plus the ones you have already. It’s truly no ones business but it is for sure eye brow raising.


The universe sent you that child, who cares what others think. Best of luck!


No one’s business period. Unless they will be supporting/raising your kids, they can shut it.


It doesn’t matter what you do or how you do it, someone’s always gonna talk and hate you behind your back. As long as your happy with your family that’s all that’s going to matter in the long run.

Just make it very clear to everyone that if they have anything negative to say, where exactly to shove it because you are happy about this pregnancy and don’t want anyone to ruin it for you! I had to take hormones to get pregnant previously and we said we were done after our 7th child. However we had a surprise happen and number 8 is due in a few weeks without us trying (and no hormones!)! I was surprised, but happy about this at the same time because I felt like it was a sign we were meant to have our 8th child. I made it clear from the beginning that I wasn’t going to put up with negative comments, and thankfully didn’t get a big negative response.

I went through this. I’m still married though because divorce wasnt in my budget but we have been separated for years. Lived in a small town and everyone speculated who the father was although none of them were right because the father lived across the state line and abandoned me when I told him the news. People will talk… that’s just part of it. It’s up to us to not let them get under our skin and honestly it’s none of their business. Just do you and give that precious baby a good life.


All I can say is… if they don’t love, respect and be happy for you and your family, they don’t need to be part of it. Good luck! :heart:


As long as you & this male can provide for your child then why would you even let what others opinions are of you or your family bother you! Every child is a blessing! Just don’t be like other females & start complaining once your child is born & your situation is different w/the father if things change! 11 children is a lot but your choice.


Unless someone else is feeding you, or financing you, your life is none of their business.


Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances. Love that baby and yourself.

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Girl you’re just gonna have to hold your head high & know your child will be taken care of. It’s different if someone continues having children they can’t support or properly care for but if you have the means, nothing else matters. Some people today are so concerned by other people’s lives & how they choose to live them, it’s ridiculous. If you’re a responsible adult, you do you, it’s no one’s right or place to worry about it.


Honey… They don’t pay your bills. In one ear and out the other. Congrats on the new baby!


If they tell you those things It’s only because they care. I’m sure they would have wanted you to be with someone more responsible someone that actually takes care and provides for their kids. They will be more disappointed in who the dad is not about bringing a baby into the world. They will be happy and love the baby no matter what if they truly care. They probably don’t want you to get your hopes up and think he will be different with this 11th child. I really hope he is but why would this one be any different. The good thing is that you can provide for this child so at the end of the day what they say or don’t say doesn’t matter the baby is on it’s way. Just don’t take it to the heart I’m sure they mean well.

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A baby is a blessing. Period

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Fuck them! Your life your baby who are they to judge you do what makes you happy no one lives your life apart from you, congratulations btw

It’s your life anyone who doesn’t support you doesn’t deserve to be in your life


Respond sweetly with a smile and say “Babies are a blessing from God”. Then excuse yourself and go find better people to hang out with who won’t treat you like crap just because you chose to have a child.

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In the end it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks except you and the baby’s dad! Enjoy your pregnancy and baby, trust in God he knows what he’s doing :blush:

Baby was meant to be here obviously, especially since you struggled with your previous kids. Don’t stress momma, yes it’s a lot of kids, but if you have the means to take care of the baby and the room, then screw what other people think. Let them say and do what they want, they don’t have to be involved in your child’s life if they want to be negative. Me and my boyfriend have 7 total. 4 from his previous marriage and 3 from mine and if an 8 were to come along then we would be just fine.

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Its not their baby it is yours and his so doesnt matter what others think. If those kids are well taken care of and loved then all that matters


Babies come when God sees fit. This is a blessing. Screw anyone who says any different!

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None of their damn business. I was worried too me and my SO wanted one more boy so when I found out I was pregnant I was kind of scared to tell people. This is number 5 for me.
I told my friend my worries and she basically said fuck them. You take care of all your babies and their opinions shouldn’t matter.

I mean… do you WANT to be step mom to 10 kids?

Flip them the bird if they don’t have anything nice to say :joy: babies are a blessing and if they aren’t taking care of it then it isn’t their concern


Look hun, I got pregnant with my son by my (now)ex. He had one kid 10 years ago. Felon (for bs stuff but still)
Denied his son being his the whole pregnancy even tho I knew it was him. We broke up, started seeing my now bf of 3 years at 2months pregnant.
WHO CARES!? If you’re happy. That’s all that matters hun

Babies happen for a reason and are a gift from God!

Do what makes YOU happy!

Why do you care what others think? If that was an issue, should have thought of that first? Just do you. Who cares what the haters say. Haters gonna hate. Do you and your kids. F the rest.

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Honestly… FUCK WHAT THEY SAY. If your happy and your baby is happy then it shouldn’t matter. You might have made a mistake but your doing what you have to and you’ll be okay, so unless they are paying your bills or taking care of your kids then their opinion is irrelevant!

Just blatantly state you don’t care what they think and you’re happy to have his baby. Save your judgment for someone else

Congratulations :heart: that’s such exciting news!

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Who cares what anybody thinks?? Your bringing a gift from God into the world. Rejoice and be happy.

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Screw anyone who judges you.

Not their life, not their problem, as long as no one is being harmed which, it sounds like the child would be brought into a loving family who can take care of them. The only time I agree with outside people having any say is in the cases of abuse, neglect, ect.

Ignore them. If they can’t support you, they don’t need to be a part of things. This child is a blessing, regardless of whether you’re religious or not, and your journey with them should be filled with nothing but love. It’s definitely hard, especially if it’s people you care about, but start distancing yourself from those who wish to drag you down. Even if it means cutting them out, should it come to that. Just focus on you, dad, and the baby. <3


What goes on inside your uterus has nothing to do with them, if they are going to judge that’s a them problem, let them live their miserable ass lives while you enjoy your baby and your long time friendship with a person who gave you that baby…tell the judges that unless they are called Judy they need to stfu because you are willing and able to provide and it’s not up to them

Your baby your life :heartpulse:
I wish you all the best :cherry_blossom:


Just say you wanted another one and you knew he was fertile :joy::joy::joy:


What’s the point of worrying? You are already pregnant. Too late to worry about what everyone thinks. If you want the baby and can care for it that’s what is important.


If you’re happy, I wouldn’t even bring up the other kids tbh. It’s none of their business. I would just avoid all of that. People are going to comment regardless and g the situation. But if you’re minded and just don’t care go ahead and let them know. But family and friends don’t need to know everything.

Non of their damn business

Who cares wtf they think??? Congratulations on your miracle x

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:woman_shrugging: people will think what they want, you can’t control it. Just let them. Don’t worry about what they think and you do you.

Fuck them, they are not the ones who’s lives it affects.

I just wanna know how you were sleeping with a man who has 10 kids so highly fertile and you though you weren’t going to get pregnant :rofl::rofl:

Anyone who isn’t positive about it shouldn’t be in your life


Imagine having to split your time between 11 kids by 3 baby mamas that you’re not with. I feel bad for them kids. Child support and money doesn’t make you a father or build bonds.


Tell people it’s not their business :blush:

Sorry but I can see where they are coming from. Ten kids and hes not in their lives full time. Sounds like he loves spreading his seed around. 11 children now and not with any of the mothers. I wouldn’t have gone near him

Just because he has alot doesn’t mean you do. Don’t worry what others think enjoy it. Congrats

Congratulations but if they have an issue with it. Screw them its ur life not theirs.

Congratulations. I just married my highschool sweetheart. We now have 12 kids between us and 8 grandchildren. Enjoy your pregnancy and baby and don’t give the time of day to anyone who does not share in your celebration


Nothing you can do will change other peoples negativity. Some people are just judgy and awful and that’s the way they are.


Ma’am, you are a grown a** woman, NOT a child. You are far too worried about what other people have to say. If you want your baby and can afford to care for it then I don’t see a problem. :woman_shrugging:t4: The only issue I see is the father possibly not being there as much as you like. 11 kids divided between 3 households is a lot, so just be prepared to be doing a LOT on your own. F**k​:fu:t4:what people have to say and enjoy your pregnancy.


Well it’s done so don’t worry about what they say

You can’t control what they think and say. Best to shrug it off and be happy you have a new bundle of joy coming soon :heart:

Live your life and let them figure their own life out. You’ll be alright

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None of anyone’s business but yours and baby’s father

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Girl fuck them!!! They aren’t going to take care of your baby…

Fuck em! No matter what number this child is, as long as they get taken care of that’s all that matters. You can tell everyone else to mind their business.

Congratulations!! :tada: you are a grown woman and if they give you problems, tell them they can shove their opinions where the sun doesn’t shine. If they aren’t raising nor providing for the child, they dont get an opinion on your life.

The only problem I can really see families having a hard time with is that this is going to be baby #11. You might be doing a chunk of it on your own because the amount of kids he already has. However like I said… if they aren’t raising nor are providing for the baby, they don’t get an opinion


Congrats everyone told me to stay away from my man he has 7 children with 4 different women which includes me and we have now been together going on 18 yrs and love each other more than ever , I’m also friends with all of his kids mothers and all the kids treat each other the same and my kids go to his ex wife’s house to sleep over she treats them no different so things can work out and he can still have a strong relationship with all of his children :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations babe just be happy if that is what you would like to feel then just be it and let it roll off your back there’s nothing you can do about those hateful comments but don’t let it bring you down just be happy :purple_heart::green_heart::heart_eyes:

Just the people that need to know about the pregnancy are the only ones who should know. Same with who the father is. Extended family doesn’t need to know

It doesn’t matter what other people think. If he provides for those kids, then he isn’t a bad person regardless of him being in their lives or not. So, all of you judgemental a-holes, keep your comments to yourselves. Congrats girl

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It’s your baby. Your going to support and love it. You are fine financially, they’re not going to be out anything. Who cares what they think!

Congratulations Thaink positive and not what others Thaink about you but how you Thaink of your self

Stop worrying about what people will thinkand just live your life. Be happy.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Congrats on your new baby love :heart:

None of thier business

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Tell them to kick rocks barefooted! If they aren’t feeding you, financing you or f*cking you their opinion doesn’t matter. If someone has anything negative to say… simply put your hand up and tell them if it’s negative you aren’t hearing it, so don’t waste their breath or your time.
Congratulations momma!! I wish you the very best for you and your babies❤️

Ima just leave this here


As long as both of you are happy with having this baby it’s nobody else’s business and let them know it - judge ye be ye not judged - if they are perfect in every sense of the word perfect accept their judgement otherwise tell them to shove it. Congratulations on your soon to be new addition.

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The first thing you have to learn is “” don’t give a crap what other people think “” it’s your life not theirs you do what makes you happy if they are not supportive than you don’t need their negative in your life


If they aren’t paying your bills then they can keep their opinions to themselves. You’re a grown woman who makes her own choices. Who cares what anyone else has to say. Live your life for yourself and your children. Don’t waste time worrying what someone else thinks of you.


Is it their life or yours? Is it your happiness or theirs? You do whatever your heart desires. If they can’t handle the decision YOU made then i guess its time to start weeding the garden (even if its family)


Who’s business is it but his and yours? Don’t let the opinion of others affect you in any way its not their life you are living it’s yours.


Welp… Is a great way to weed out who will get the opportunity to get to be involved!


Congratulations and every child is a blessing…you are making the right choice by not having an abortion…prayers for you and your little miracle…


If you can provide for the baby on your own, then that’s great! N who cares what anyone says! It’s not ideal, but life really never is
:kissing_heart: congrats on your baby! You got this!

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People are always gonna pass judgement or talk shit. But…nobody is perfect. Unless they are providing for your children in any way, shape or form, they can kindly fuck off. Your life. Your body. Your baby. Also, you are obviously a grown woman. Don’t answer their questions or engage. Don’t even tell anyone. Let it get out when it gets out and enjoy as much as you can of your pregnancy. Not every one gets the chance to have a baby of their own. Live your life and stop worrying about what others have to say or how they feel. It has no effect on anyone’s life but you, the father and potentially the children you both already have. Also, my biggest word of advice? Leave it off of social media. Don’t give people the chance to put their nose or two cents in. Makes life a lot easier.

Yup all 4 basically. I heard it all - get an abortion - give it for adoption blah blah blah. I just ignored it. You either jump on the baby train or hop off and good luck with the fall. Trains are a one way track! They eventually changed their tune and became excited.


Every … Child… is…. A Gift
God does not make mistakes

You are going to be the mother and the father is not anyone else’s business


That’s a lot of kids

Dont let anyone dictate to you, it’s your life , enjoy your pregnancy and the rewards when you have your baby , if the others aren’t happy put them out of your life

I was in the same boat 25 years ago. That baby turned out to be one of my biggest blessings! Enjoy every moment.


No matter what you do in life people will judge you. So long as you are happy with the life you are living and your children are well taken care of and you all love each other that’s what matters at the end of the day. Anyone who can’t be happy for you are they really a friend or a frenemy? :woman_shrugging:t2:


A baby is a blessing. You got this, mama. People would judge you regardless of the situation. That’s the nature of people. Don’t look to them for happiness or validation.

Don’t leave room for it in your delivery. That’s key. “I’m pregnant. So and so is the dad. Yes we’re very excited about it!” Matter of fact. It leaves less room and permission for opinion and debate. When people do say something and you feel like you need to reply, keep it short and to the point. You don’t need to be rude back or anything… just like “lol well you know how it is” and then redirect. People will get it.
Also. Congratulations!

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Stop worrying about what other people think it’s not a bad thing just enjoy your experience and a baby is a blessing no other love than you and your baby!