Some storms aren’t meant to be controlled. She sounds headstrong; I am sure if that is nurtured she will be a great leader some day. Your feelings of defeat come from facing your train head on. There is some great advice on this feed. Using some of those smarts will help you guide the train instead of stopping it in its tracks. As a parent of two headstrong autistic twin boys, I have shared your pain. When I changed, so did they. If you still have a gut feel that she may autistic, feel free to pm me re where to go next. Air hugs
Tried and true. Stick by your disciplines. As hard as that might seem, following through is very important!!
In this case I think she may be jealous and trying to get attention from you. All your time is with the new baby. She wants your attention, even if it’s the wrong attention.
Ask her to help you with the baby. Feed him, brush his/her hair. Play with baby. That may change her attitude towards you.
Try not to react to every behaviour right now it will be exhausting. Before you get mad say “right this is a warning, if you do that behaviour again you will be in time out” so she has time to evaluate whether she wants to do it or not.
Definitely point out the positives a lot more even if you feel insane.
“I’m so proud of you getting yourself dressed your such a big girl now”
You brushed your own teeth? Good job
Really exaggerate how big she is and how grown up try and have one on one time with her as much as you can x
Don’t forget this year has been hell for kids. And she starts school this year? There’s a whole turmoil going on in her brain she’s letting it out the only way she knows how
Let her scream. Take away all fun things. Tv, toys, tablet. Don’t acknowledge her bad fits other than putting her in her room. Don’t loose your cool. And NEVER GIVE IN
Your doing great! Just be persistent
Maybe she’s acting up to get your attention .??? .!! Just a thought .!
Dealing with the same thing now i just ignore my son🤷♀️ he screams hits and everything you name it
Stubborn as hell but i love him to death❤
Let her scream, mine is the same way. I learned to tune her out when she behaves that way. I let her scream, cry, throw a fit, whatever but she isn’t getting what she wants and she’s not getting out of time out. I ignore this behavior and she eventually shuts the hell up and comes to the realization on her own that her screaming fit isn’t working. With that said mine also gets popped when needed. Certain behaviors require spanking in my opinion. I also will not fight with mine to get them to eat or clean their room. If bed time rolls around and they still haven’t touched dinner then off to bed hungry they go and if I clean the room it goes in the trash
She feels replaced. Maybe some special mom daughter time would help. Any attention is better than none to children. Give her more positive attention
Try counseling maybe they could suggest something it’s worth a try
Thats why kids dont mind
I’m literally going thru the same exact thing! I thought I was alone
Some kids have a hard time never being able to make their own choices. So give her options for what is going on and have a schedule. Sometimes it helps to distract from what is triggering the fit also
I had the same problems with my kids. I went to a counseling session and discussed it with a behavior therapist and they were helpful. Try conscious also my children had trouble with speech and have had them in a preschool program to help them.
Could be the new baby thing. Have you tried explaining or asking why. Ex:
Sally mommy isn’t mad but I asked you to pick up your toys is there a reason why you didn’t? Do you need help or you don’t remember where they belong?
Sally it’s ok to be mad but can you tell mommy why you’re mad?
These are just some of the ways I got to my daughter when she’s having a moment. Also setting time just for her.
Let’s get through the morning and when baby goes down for a nap let’s play a game.
Reading books at bed time is a good one on one time that she may need.
Lil humans have big emotions just like we do they just suck as expressing them correctly. What may seem like defiance could be frustration about something else or anger about something else. Melt downs could mean being lonely or left out ect ect… you are doing great!!! Keep searching for what works best for you and your little one. You got this!!!
My three year old is doing this. Like you, we have tried everything to correct her behavior. We have found that letting her scream and throw a fit, in her room helps. She went on forever the first couple times but now it’s just a few minutes. Be Persistent and take a deep breath.
One ,two ,three. Magic works well also.
Try turning it around. Tell her how it hurts your feelings, your frustrated and maybe she is to but this is what’s gotta happen & sometimes we may not like it but choosing not to listen only makes everyone feel worse. Sometimes trying to approach the whole situation by taking a breather then trying harder to talk about it in a level tone at their level of mutual understanding.
Follow Stephanie Grant, PhD and watch her videos. Even though a lot of her work is focused on working with children who have experienced trauma, it’s been very helpful to me in learning how to parent my strong-willed son. Her techniques have really helped our household. It’s not perfect, but my 3-year-old is making progress thanks to what I’ve learned from her Facebook videos.
Spank her. It worked for our parents
I tell my kid one time. If I have to repeat myself I’m whoppin her butt. My momma whooped me when I didn’t listen and I turned out just fine.
My 3 year old will act out when he is not getting equal attention as his 18 month old sister. We do son & momma walk every day, sometimes twice a day, trip to the playground or a small treat at the store here an there (mainly when he is having a good day, treat with playground, play date or a chocolate bar). Completely changes his tune when we get fresh air or go do something fun. Giving different choices too, asking if they think it is a good idea to continue certain actions, explain the consequences as well. I get it, we have 5 children in the home. 3 teens and 2 littles. It can feel extremely frustrating and exhausting. Hang in there Momma, you’re not alone. If you do not have an option to do one on one outside the home. There are many options in the home to do one on one
coloring together, playing with toys, reading books, bake, etc.
By the sounds of it your daughter is seeking attention unfortunately she is seeking the negative attention as it is the only attention she gets from you. You need to change your responses. Start focusing on the positive and use positive reinforcement. I.e. child starts throwing books, then picks the book up off the floor, quickly intervene and praise her for picking her books up/help her pick them up. Notice the small things that she is doing “mummy loves that you brushed your hair today, can you do mummies”. “Omg you did such an amazing job at colouring this in can I please put it on the fridge to show dad”.
Instead of saying no or naughty look at rephrasing. I.e. I can see that you are angry let’s sit and work it out. Ignore negative behavioural responses. Sit calmly and wait.
Don’t be hard on yourself…my son was the exact same …wouldnt do what he was told at all …would punish him…make no difference…take away treats…he would answer with 'I didn’t want it anyway '…we stopped going out for something to eat because he would be too bold and we would have no comfort and not enjoy the meal! Now he has just turned 8 and as good as gold…IT WILL GET BETTER and he was extremely strong willed also…it was his way or no way
I always put my kods in time out right on the spot. Grocery store included. Time out dodnt start till they were quiet and sat still. Dont argue with. Cannot give in. Had a son with autism that tried me a few times… Have to be firm. If took away thinhs… They had to earn them. But in return… They also need praise when do good behaviors and chores. My 3. Ex had 2. And had 2 cousins with me often my kids ages. They had to do age appropriate chores to earn tv time or screen time. And sorry… But yep… They got a pop on the butt if bad bad… Which wasnt too often. Give 2 choices on almost everything… Juice or milk… Eat dinner with us at table and behave or go to your room and sit quietly type of stuff. They will get you mean business when you do not cave or pay attention to bad behavior. Have rewards for certain things. Even if earn time for screen times and games
Following. My 4 ( almost 5 ) year old does the same thing but only with me and nobody else. Nothing has worked, not even rewarding good behavior or giving him more attention. I have noticed being a stay at home mom now that hes a lot different with me now than he was.
I can only offer sympathy. I have so been there.
It can be frustrating raising a child like this, but she’s going to kick ass in the world one day.
Unless she is hurt r hungry id just ignore her. Then give her lots of love when she isnt throwing a fit
But then i didnt have children for this very reason. To me the anguish isnt worth it
A lot of advice is on here is good too. I found my kids can go through phases of being extremely naughty. I found no tv time helped behaviour. They weren’t acting out and being assholes as much
My son wasn’t afraid of consequences. Spanking. Time outs. Grounding. Nothing worked. Not until I let him know how much he was hurting my feelings by disobeying. He’s so tender hearted that he didn’t want to make me cry (I’m not above pretending to cry). It still works like a charm and he’s 23!
I use a four minute time out on the stairs for my four year old if hes being a turd. I praise good behaviour, and if he’s refusing to do as I’ve asked I count. If I get to five he gets smacked legs, I hardly ever get to five!
Spank her and take all her electronics away until she behaves
Stop yelling, they get used to it and ignore it, try speaking softly so she has to listen to hear. Put her in her room and ignore the screaming. No TV, music or toys in her room, ever. Maybe a book. Don’t reward bad behavior. Do the same thing each and every time. Let her know that each and every time she behaves badly, she goes to bed one hour early. Don’t reward good behavior either, just expect her to do the right thing.
I would not just jump to say she has a developmental disorder because she’s stubborn and attention seeking.
She is acting up for attention because of the new sibling. Do NOT under any circumstances scream at her anymore because you are just making matters WORSE. You are getting her used to negative attention getting her used to being screamed at. Is there any way you can set time JUST for her? Like set aside two hours a day to just do whatever she wants show interest in her interests. Everyday. She sounds like she has a super strong personality so this might not work at first give it at least two weeks of every day setting two hours aside for only her. In those two hours DO NOT bring up issues. Just SHOW her that you still love her and that everything she’s interested in YOU are also. If it starts working out you can start using this time to explain things to her. Also if she’s super active then take this time to make her do a tiring physical activity, running/soccer/ or just simply walking around the neighborhood etc etc
Not every kid acting up has a developmental problem. I would set that as an extremely last resort especially because you say she doesn’t show signs (going to an evaluation) because as we all know Autism and many other conditions are over diagnosed (meaning even kids that don’t have it can get diagnosed with it).
lol you can’t. At that age they are seeing how far they can push the boundaries. learning their emotions and more.
She needs a little “power”. Give her more choices throughout the day. Green cup or pink cup, this shirt or that shirt. You’d be amazed at how they change once they have a little bit of control in their choices. They stop throwing as many fits and learn to listen quicker.
Thats what it is, u have a 5 month old. All the attention is going on the baby. Shes jealous. Have her help u with baby so u can spend time with both. Show her and tell her u love her just the same. She is just going through an emotional phase. Her feel bads are hurting. She wants attention too. Dont make all the attention on baby. Make an effort for her as it always was before. She feels left out. Love her, hold her, and anytime baby is sleeping, make it about her. If u dont, u will continue to have problems. Children this age (4) dont understand a lot of things. They only see things, so obviously u are keeping her out, therefore shes doing things for attention.
With the new baby it seems like she is acting out to get attention, even negative attention. She knows that if she does this or that you will give the attention she wants-yelling or keeping your attention on her- You need time with the new baby and also need to juggle spending enough time with her. Maybe try to have her be your helper with the baby so she will feel more involved? I used to use tickets for good behavior. I would put them in a jar so they could see them. Gives them a sense of “I did that” And they could use them for a treat for themselves or to “buy” something. Even trying to take her On a special day just you two. It’s hard on littles when they have someone taking your attention off of them. Ask her what she would like to do to help you with the baby. Giving options and letting them have that little bit of control works wonders. Also, the discipline needs to be consistent. Set a timer for one minute/year- 4 minutes. When it’s don’t ask if she is ready.
I have to sit on my couch and hold my middle on the couch for time out. She likes to make it a game of get up and run if I don’t. Somehow it works.
You may want to look into behavioral therapy. In FL where i am, they are extremely hard to schedule with bc they are overwhelmed, but it’s worth a try! Best of luck mama. My 2.5yr old is the same way!!
My daughter is almost 3 and just started acting similar to this. She is an only child and very strong willed. Still trying to figure it out but usually No Drama Discipline helps me. Good luck to the both of us!
Just be patient and keep talking and stop doing every thing else and don’t tell but raise your voice to a different tone and just keep explaining
When you get mad, try whispering. Little kids will stop freaking out when they notice you’re saying something they can’t hear. The little devils always want to know everything that’s going on. That being said, it only works sometimes. Try saying “Hey, guess what” semi-loudly before you start whispering, to get the attention first
Sit down and try to speak to her, eye to eye level and talk to her like she is a human being, worked for me, totally changed everything for me
I dont spank anymore because with my youngest (4) it does nothing! I have 2 older ones too, and each I had to learn to discipline very differently. With my 4 yr old, I realized that I was getting upset when she was upset, which…does not help the situation. So what I started to do was, I give a warning, then if there’s no change, I tell her shes going to time out, I take her by the hand and if she needs to be carried I’ll do that, but all while I remain calm and do not yell. She sits in her room, sometimes screaming but I ignore it. I go in after a few min and say “are u ready to talk?” At first she’d continue screaming so I’d say “when you’re ready, let me know a d we can talk”. It didn’t take her long to realize that she was in control of how long that time out lasted. Now she tells me “I’m ready!” I made it a point to teach her that we WILL NOT communicate with eachother yelling. When shes calm we talk and I remind her of all the good I see in her, and I remind her of the expectations I have for her. Kids get it, it takes time…
I’m sorry. Even the Bible says “spare the rod, spoil the child” spanking is healthy. You don’t have to beat your kids or be angry and take it out on them- that’s something different. But spanking a child is healthy. I grew up getting spankings and I am a better adult because of it. My children listen and respect me and are well mannered everywhere we go. Why? Because we don’t spare the rod.
It sounds like she’s seeking attention to me. Was she like this before the new baby came? If not I think you have your answer. I would try ignoring her bad behavior and praising her good behavior. And maybe try to spend some quality alone time with her so she doesn’t feel ignored or forgotten.
You as a mom have from birth to 5 to show you kids who’s in charge spank her every time dont let her away with anything till she nos other wise she will disrespect you alway good like I raised 3 now is your only time
My almost 4 year old is like this but she’s the baby sister. I swear to God she gives me a run for my money. And her scowl is on point. I don’t have any advice for you, other than good luck
I’m old school. I would spank her. But is it possible that she is acting out about the new baby? Jealous?
You need to determine why she is acting out. If she doing it for attention you need to ignore the behavior when ever possible. You need to make sure you are not giving her behavior a big reaction. If it is for attention then you need to make sure you start giving her some undivided attention. You could sit with her and make some house rules and write them down. Ask her for ideas of consequences if the rules are violated. Keep it posted where she can see it for the time being. Make sure the consequences you two decide on are realistic and logical. You must then enforce them consistantly. Good Luck.
Spanking doesn’t work for all kids
My son is almost 6 and has the same problem but it turns out he doesnt know how to prosses he’s feelings and feels overwhelmed when he feels an emotion so when that happens like if he’s angry i go to him and ask him what he is feeling and why and then i give him options to prosses that feeling example yell into a pillow or hugs.
I use to try everything even spanking and it normally made it worst.
But every is different
Quote says if you dont yell at your kids you dont spend enough time with them:cherry_blossom:
At one time, I had 3 kids under 6yrs. I switched from yelling, to using a lot of sarcasm in response to their crap. If they screamed, I screamed in a stupid tone and asked them how ridiculous I looked screaming like them and other things like that.
But I also agree with making them more involved in their own lives by giving them more simple choices for things and for God sales, talk to them through out the day because they are stuck in the house with only you for a companion to talk to so make sure you listen and hear them when they speak to you and act interested in what they have to say. Make the most of the day by being involved with projects, helping in the kitchen, helping with small chores, and going for walks.
My older kids are teens now and my youngest is 8, and my house is minimal yelling now and a (mostly) peaceful place to be!
I try to get down to my sons level and ask what he needs. He has some speech delays so it can be difficult to communicate. Sometimes he just needs attention, to be held, to feel like I’m present. Definitely discipline when necessary. It’s difficult to do it all and get wrapped up in life, but sometimes they just need your undivided attention.
Was your child like this before the new baby. She may just be jealous, which is normal, seeking you out for attention. Integrate her as much as possible in the care of the baby, so she feels part of. It’s not good for the baby to hear screaming & yelling all the time. It’s not good for anyone.
If nothing else works possibly, “A Good Old Fashion Ass Whooping Will.”
Look up books/articles on strong willed children and ignore all the advice in here telling you to spank her. She is seeking control and connection. Find ways to show her positive reinforcement so she isn’t just in trouble all the time and remember strong willed children may be tough to parent while young, however they are the ones who will change the world someday.
Following for suggestions because we have a strong willed 4.5 year old and his behavior has gotten drastically worse since his sibling was born. It leveled out for a bit but then she got mobile and started “bugging” him and now it’s back.
Some things we have found do help are limiting screen time, praising/positive reinforcement, and staying consistent. We ignore when the behavior is just negative for attentions sake (ie screaming because he is in time out, once he calms down we talk about it), and we do spank (not beat, we spank with an open hand on the butt only and that is only when he is disrespectful or blantantly does something he was told not to), but I’m always open to other suggestions and things that work that maybe we haven’t thought of. Good luck and hugs momma, I think 4 has been our hardest year so far, prior to this we had very few issues with behavior and listening, so it’s been a challenge now learning what he needs in terms of discipline because prior to about 6 months ago a simple “no” or “stern look” worked nearly always.
Are you able to spend some one on one time with her? Take her out for a milkshake or do a movie night in just you and her? She might just be craving some attention, I know it’s hard with two little ones.
Hug , play with her , cuddle her more often, and ignore the bad behavior as possible
She’s jealous and needs attention
Try to give her more attention in a positive way
Increase your mom-daughter quality time
Believe me it will be far easier than yelling and screaming
Don’t wait for the bad behavior to look at her
Look all the time and tell her how much she’s a lovely good girl and you love her
May God help you
“If I do t give in”
There’s your answer ,she knows who’s in charbe,her not you,follow through whatever it is you decide to do it there is really no point
Sounds exactly like my daughter! Nothing works!! good luck you to you
I feel like I wrote this… girl you are NOT alone. My son is this way daily with me, I’m at my wit’s end and I feel like I yell all the time also. Not to mention I also have a 9-month-old baby girl, I also have a 7-year-old daughter. I always feel as I am being nicer to my daughters and it’s upsetting for me too. I have to be way sterner with my son and it feels so unfair. We’ve come to the conclusion that he has some type of behaviour disorder and we plan on getting him examined.
Don’t give up, I know some days it’s so so hard. We try our best but somedays our best isn’t enough when trying to handle a sour patch child and all we can do is try to do better tomorrow. Good luck!
I can’t believe how many people have said spanking. That’s awful. Do you go around spanking adults that do something you don’t like? No, because if you did it would be assault… but it’s ok to spank a child? Are you for real? If your child fears you because you put your hands on them then it’s not good behavior it’s because they are scared and no child should be scared of their parent.
First off sending you a hug mom! I know it’s not easy. have a strong willed little girl too & I’ve learned to embrace it. Research shows time and time again that SPANKING KIDS IS DETRIMENTAL TO THEIR SOCIOEMOTIONAL & INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT. I also realize that we live in a culture that condones the belittlement of children. I would highly recommend non-violent parenting. ECHO is a great resource that offers parenting classes to shift our paradigm from violent (time outs, screaming, spanking etc) to a holistic connected approach to rearing children. I hope this is helpful & good luck
Do something unexpected. Something neither you or she expects.
Pick her, hold her close, and mean it, tell her you love her.
Keep her with you, hold her close.
Maybe she needs to be loved.
No matter what, don’t let her go.
You know what doesn’t work already.
Let her scream. Don’t give in. It’s a power struggle and she’s winning.
No put her in a corner away from tv ect be consistent every time then do not talk to her when she is on Conroe sit on her if have too she is smart. And testing her limits
So my opinion she’s probably feeling some sort of way because u have a new baby. Which is TOTALL NORMAL. Try some direct one on one with her and u only and show her that she dosnr have to be bad to get the attention she probably wants from u as a mom. Also if all elts fails a good smack on the butt probably wont hurt if it is u have tried everything elts…im nt saying to beat ur child no i dnt condone whoppings but a good tap on the butt never hurt anyone.
Let her scream in her room. It doesn’t hurt her at all.
I know exactly how you feel I have a five year old and a new born and going through same thing so following x
Make sure the attention she is getting is from GOOD behavior. If she is screaming, throwing a tantrum, get up and walk into another room. Step over her if you have to. She is seeking attention. She does this because she can. You are not a bad mom! Lock her in her room, but make sure there’s nothing she can hurt herself with in there as she will throw a spectacular tantrum in there. You could install a baby cam (we were able to watch our daughter’s tantrum from a backyard window…). Eventually, she will simply pass out from sheer exhaustion. Just move on. No need to address “what happened”. When (not if) it happens again, into her room she goes. Door locked. We actually “pennied” her in her room, which puts pressure on the door so she couldn’t open it from the inside. All our info we got from our pediatrician 35 years ago! She’s a normal gal now and doesn’t remember any of this… Let her pick out the baby’s outfits, hand you a diaper, and get some special time for the two of you without the baby. Even in the house, this is possible. You can do this! Take a deeeep breath!
My youngest sister was like this for awhile, she’s 7 now and she is much better abt it. It’s all abt consistency and following through with what you say, because as the parent what you say goes. Show her who is in charge and that screaming and crying will not get her what she wants. I watched my parents crack down on my sister, ignoring the bad behavior and getting on her level once she’s calm to explain why she got sent to her room or why she got something taken away. and I plan to do the same with my daughter one day.
The happy child app is free and u just spend 30mins to an hour on it a week… you will be amazed!
All of you saying to spank her are ridiculous. It’s been proven by countless decade long medical studies that there are absolutely NO benefits to spanking. None. No improvement in “respect” or attitude or anything. So your anecdotal “I turned out great after being spanked!” just shows how many people are still choosing to ignore real facts and be ignorant because it’s the easy way out. You’re using the same reasoning as buckling a 2 year old into a seatbelt with no car seat just because “you survived”.
Educate yourselves and stop being lazy.
I take a wooden spoon to my 4 year olds ass, it works for him. Hardly takes any effort at all, just a couple quick swats enough to put a sting on his ass and he straightens right up. I’ve seen ppl grab their kids by the arm and whack their ass with their hand and it looked like their back was arching from the blows and I thought wow that can physically hurt them, so that’s why a few swats on the bare ass stings enough to get their attention and after they settle down about it then talk about it and make them understand that with bad behavior come consequences. This doesn’t work for everyone but it works for me. A good ass whoopin builds character.
I think that you need to reach out to a doctor and also discuss counseling or psychiatry. That sounds extremely unhealthy and I would want to get it corrected as soon as possible, it definitely sounds like a personality disorder or something that needs to be addressed before she gets older. It could also just be something that could be helped with different parenting tips so maybe having a third person involved would give non biased help. For your mental health and the safety of everyone I would definitely recommend talking to someone and getting help sooner rather than later
And while I’m old school and am not as offended by the spanking comments, I do not think that will help. Research shows that spanking is actually one of the least effective methods of discipline. And from what you’ve described would probably cause her to lash out even more. It sounds like both of you need help. And I don’t mean that in an ugly way. I would definitely reach out to someone who specializes in this kind of thing. Also, positive reinforcement is huge. If it is because she’s jealous, maybe you could find a relative to keep the baby or Mother’s Day our program for the baby and use that to spend one on one time with her and do something fun just the two of you
Is it just you? Like do you have a partner in the house? I’m not asking if you can have them help, I saying if you do, & you’re the main one with the kids… how does your partner treat you when they’re around? Do they yell at you a lot? Only saying because your daughter could be feeding off of that. If that’s not the case, see if there’s something she’s lacking… attention, sleep? Small things can cause big reactions from kids.
I’m from South Georgia where spanking your child is a big sign of discipline, I was spanked as a child but only if I done wrong and refused to listen. My little girl is almost one and is into everything, although she knows better. She knows what NO means so if she is messing with something she shouldn’t be and I tell her now at least 3 times she gets a pop on the hand. Children at young ages have to learn who the boss is and also what NO means. Spanking your child DOES NOT hurt them!!! You can go by ‘what the doctor says’ and the ‘studies’ all you want but a pop on the butt or the hand does indeed work, it happened to me and every child in my family and we are all kind, successful, law abiding citizens.
I’m another note your child could be jealous of new baby. Find ways to spend time with it being just you and her alone. Whether is be watching a movie, or taking her to get a happy meal. Your time means more to her than anything moma
My child acted the same way, she was #3 out of 3. You could spank her, punish her and nothing would work. I finally took her to get evaluated she was very smart and this was at age 4. By the time she was 5 she was medicated. She had ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Impulse Control. She is 14 now and still has trouble coping with everyday issues. Needless to say she was is special private schools because a regular school couldn’t handle her. I was always the parent that was like I would never put my child on medicine but after multiple therapist, etc. I was left with no other choice. Spanking kids that have “issues” don’t work and I believe it just makes the situation worse. I hope this helps.
Look up oppositional defiant disorder… then take her to a “therapist”… it seems like some children show signs of “odd” at a very young age… Sometimes a “reward chart” with stickers to earn for a trip to a “surprise box” you create works… wishing you the best… praying you take time out for yourself from time to time… also understand you are not alone… Good luck!!!
The more you give in, it only takes 1 time to start, she will know there is a point where you give in instead of knowing your authority is absolute. She knows if she keeps pushing she will get what she wants. Never change your mind or she will know she can make you change your mind, do what you said you would. And if she just screams and thrashes, just tell her its not okay, to calm down and come and see you when she’s done, she’ll know she doesn’t get attention when she’s like that. Kids want attention good or bad, they’ll try to get it anyway they can.
You all need to watch this
lol you should have seen me as a toddler
Have you tried fake crying in front of your kid… and when they get concerned say xyz is not on and they need to change their behavior as it hurts mommy? Try it for a few things. And let us know…