I feel guilty for applying for WIC: Advice?

Don’t. If we do not take care of each other in times of need, then who are we?

A student once asked anthropologist Margaret Mead, “What is the earliest sign of civilization?” The student expected her to say a clay pot, a grinding stone, or maybe a weapon.

Margaret Mead thought for a moment, then she said, “A healed femur.”

A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. A healed femur shows that someone cared for the injured person, did their hunting and gathering, stayed with them, and offered physical protection and human companionship until the injury could mend.

Mead explained that where the law of the jungle—the survival of the fittest—rules, no healed femurs are found. The first sign of civilization is compassion, seen in a healed femur.

Ira Byock


You do what gets your kids fed, period. There is no shame in getting help when help is needed.


There is absolutely no reason to feel guilty! I work full time, not much of an income for the hours I work but I receive food stamps as well as wic for my children as well as for me (18 weeks pregnant) if it weren’t for those benefits my children and I wouldn’t eat because after all the bills and necessities are taken care of I may have 10-20 left to my name but we make every dollar stretch and make it work! Plus wic was an AMAZING help when I breastfed my first two children. I couldn’t get a proper latch and after talking with the specialist there, and them showing me how to pump, everything was amazing.

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No its to feed your baby. Never feel guilty for getting help especially to care for your child

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I had it and the only time that it really helped me was when I was buying formula. They only gave me about half the formula I needed though. I don’t get any assistance now but I have friends that do. Definitely get food stamps, it’ll help you a lot more.

Take the help a healthy baby is what counts dont feel guilty

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Do not feel guilty. Wic is there to help. You are doing what’s best for you & your baby!

WIC is Not intended to Pay for ALL formula needs, etc. But it helps… and anything that helps is good.

Majority of families are on, have been on wic, or will be on wic.
It helps until the child or children are 5 years old. Use it if you’re able.

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Girl, do what you gotta do! No shame in asking for help.

Why feel guilty. It is there to help you :hugs:

I did as well
I applied when mine was 4 months old. Her daddy was doing roofing then and it was winter so not many jobs had it 2 months and felt so damn guilty. But after the 2 months I never had to get assistance again. Almost 6 years later hes an iron worker and things gotten alot better. It’s okay to feel bad but it’s not bad getting help. You’ll be fine, things will get better.

Nothing wrong in getting assistance when you need it. ESP for your baby. Don’t feel guilty sis … Allah’s provisions come from all angles Alhamdulilah

I was in Medicaid and WIC with my oldest. There’s no shame in using a system that was put into place for people who need it.

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Dont feel guilty. People will make comments and have their opinions, but don’t let it get to you.

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Yeah, but you get over it. It’s food for your baby. And it’s a resource that is there for you to utilize to make aure baby is as healthy as possible.

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Nooooo don’t feel guilty asking for help for you and your son! Many people can’t afford what is it $300 in formula A Month? I may be wrong because I breast fed, but I got my pump and foods through WIC for 4 years and just reapplied now that I’m 28 weeks pregnant

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Don’t feel guilty. No shame in utilizing a system that you have or will help pay for. Your tax dollars are your insurance so that if you need the program it’s available for you.

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I get WIC because I’m pregnant and I dont feel guilty. The reason is because my husband lost 10-12 hours of work a week and they’re here to help me feed the baby. We also dont know if he’ll fully be back to work when the baby is born and we know that if he isn’t then WIC will help us buy formula for our son when he’s born.

Nothing to feel guilty about. It is there to help make sure your baby gets proper nutrition.

Look ,every once in awhile You need help. Dont feel guilty . Im sure you have or will have worked and paid taxes. So then your putting taxes in the program and dont need it . It works out. If you are approved, hold your head high and dont feel quilty … Good luck little Momma .

I never felt ashamed for applying for wic. I wanted to make sure my child had everything he needs and sometimes a person/new mom needs a little help

Do not feel guilty applying for any type of assistance.

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Wic is the reason my children had formula


I’m a 56yr. old grandma and sweetie there is no reason whatsoever to feel guilty for applying for WIC that is what it’s for to be used after having a baby and making sure you are both being taken care of in areas of needs. God Bless and congrats on your sweet bundle of love.

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Initially I did too; until I saw how much my son benefited! my caseworker at DSHS also told me once that the resources are out there for a reason, and if people don’t use them, they just go to waste. So accept the help and be grateful that you now have extra money to spend on things like diapers and wipes and TOYS!

Honestly I have it. It helps out so much especially when I lost me job at first. Knowing that my daughter was still able to get her food was a huge stress relief

WIC is different from public assistance. WIC wants you to use their system because if you don’t they don’t get funding and the program will cease! They also educate on healthy eating. No need to be ashamed.

Don’t feel guilty for needing help. It’s one thing to take advantage and stay on for years and it’s another to actually need the help and better your situation

Why would you feel guilty? Its helping the baby . I’m on WIC as well as EBT and people hate on it but it helps me keep my kid’s tummys full and I am beyond grateful for it .

I honestly am a little embarrassed to have it but formula is frikin expensive!

Don’t! That’s what is for. I’d rather my tax dollars go to moms and babies rather than to bail out huge corporations. Take all you need momma!

Don’t feel guilty, ever. You are providing a way to get any food for your baby. That is what they’re for. Moms do need help!
My husband and I had our third child and still needed help! Rent goes up, other bills, food and more!

Don’t you ever feel guilty. If you are doing everything you can for your child, you are MORE than enough. You’re everything to your little one❤️

Absolutely not formula is expensive and they have the guidelines the way they do so more mother can qualify

I did but at the end of the day I had to do what had to be done to make sure my lo was taken care of. I could have done it but once I got laid off for covid I signed up for everything I could get

I’ll be honest. It’s the very last thing I wanted to do. But I had gotten to a point where I didnt have a choice. But that’s what it’s there for. Not to use and abuse but use when you have to. It’s okay, it really is. You arent alone. And sometimes giu gotta put your pride away and do what you gotta do. :heart:

I don’t get approved for absolutely anything, WIC is the only thing I am able to get. I pay everything else out of pocket. So with all the taxes I pay in a week from work; nope I don’t feel one bit of guilt :woman_shrugging:t2:. Besides, you do what you gotta do to keep your baby fed and healthy! :wink:

Don’t ever feel ashamed of getting help! Do what you have to do to take care of that baby! :blue_heart:

Yes but you have do what you have to do is take care of you and babys

I cried to our case manager when we had to apply for foodstamps and TANF a few years ago because we were doing so well and then fell on hard times. I was ok applying WIC back when I was pregnant because I was getting things my babies needed and seeing a nutritionalist through WIC

I have wic for my baby, she is 1. It’s a big help, the fruit/veggies is mostly what I use it for, and it’s a life saver.

Formula is very expensive! You’d be very surprised at who all qualifies for WIC. Nothing to feel guilty about just do the best you can in life. As long as you are trying your best you have nothing to feel guilty for.

Never feel guilty for doing what you need to do to feed and care for your baby :heart:

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Honey dont feel guilty. Wic is there to help you and your child.

My son was on WIC until he was five, youngest is still on it, and they are on BadgerCare. Formula and insurance is expensive. No need to feel guilty for having help. If you are honest applying for assistance and you qualify, why not use it? People who are on welfare for life and refuse to work should feel guilty. A new mom should not. Congratulations on your little one!

No way. Formula is pricey. If you need it, you need it.

I loved WIC!!! All 3 of my kids had WIC until they were 5 years old.

It is there for everyone could make a million and could get it.

WIC isn’t just for low income.

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Absolutely I felt guilty. The reality is it’s there for people who TRULY need it, and if that’s you, graciously accept it and continue to do things to better your position. When I was on it, I just made sure I remembered that and I didn’t spend money on stuff that wasn’t necessary. Eventually, you’ll be telling other moms it’s okay to get a helping hand when it’s NEEDED. It’s not there to live off of, but a stepping stone to help during difficult times. Use it as such. Times are HARD for a lot of families right now.


Never feel guilty for using resources that are there to help us. You qualify for it and that’s that. It helps your kids and that’s what matters! I was like that too and the wic office was in a doctors office when I first got it and she was like. GIRL! If you can get it USE it! Because any little bit helps for your child. And she helped me fill out the application. The stress relief of knowing I can feed my baby if something happens with work (because we know some jobs aren’t as good with us taking time for our kids no matter how much they say so) I was covered .


I feel guilty as well, and still ashamed when I pull out my WIC card at the grocery store. But 1) paid into it for many years and 2) it saves me quite a bit on groceries.


I work for WIC and we love having a high caseload. WIC wants to promote and educate on breastfeeding. Support it. But also supplement the food bill a bit.


We’ve been on it a majority of the time since I had my 1st child at 16, that was almost 12 years ago now. I’m on baby #6 now. It’s a helpful thing when you have a baby needing formula or children going through milk like crazy or a breastfeeding mom needing help getting some nutrition. It’s gotten better over the years with adding yogurt and fruits and vegetables. I think it’s a great resource to provide some relief when it comes to buying healthy groceries.


I had 4 children and used WIC. I was also a Breastfeeding peer counselor for WIC. and I agree with all the positive comments…if you’ve ever worked outside the home this is your tax dollars at work. You need this nutrition to support your baby whether you’re breastfeeding or buying formula which is very expensive. If you can breastfeed it is more economical and builds antibodies in your baby. Plus gets you back in shape
But it’s also an emotional tie. Sorry for the soapbox …back to Feeling guilty …DON’T! Making the effort to do this is a good thing! Especially if money is tight …then that frees up $$ for other necessities! Enjoy your baby…sweet smells and snuggles…baby smiles and giggles and cooos. They grow so fast!:purple_heart:


When cans of formula cost average $20-30,hell no.It is there for anyone who needs it.Never feel guilty for doing something to help your children be healthy.The people at WIC care about you and your kids,we need more programs like this for moms and dads with children regardless of status or income.


I only felt ashamed of myself! I was a teen mom and had 2 kids while in an domestic violence relationship. But I felt like I should of done better as a person and not brought babies into this world that I could not financially support. I would not of been able to feed my babies if it wasn’t for Wic because right before my 2nd baby at the age of 22 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and could not. And with my 1st baby at 17 the nurses refused to help as they said I had a child out of wedlock (I gave birth at a 7 day Adventist hospital :woman_facepalming:t5:) anyways WIC is amazing i was disappointed in myself :pensive:


My babes currently stuck in nicu and they had us apply for medicaid, disability and asked us to try for wic too…(shes being put on early intervention):disappointed_relieved: There is no shame in needing extra help to provide for your baby, And with the current madness moms are needing more and more help to provide. Just keep you and baby happy and healthy thats all that matters.

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I think WIC is a great program that benefits many. If you apply and they grant it to you then your deserve it. I am a single mom and I can’t afford everything all the time. Use the help to your advantage.


I did at first, it was rough. I needed food stamps and all the help I could get. My boys dad abandoned us…but after the shame I learned to really appreciate the support. Because of those programs my children’s needs were ment and that what really matters.


Yes I did. But at the time I had 2 kids at 21. And I felt like irresponsible . I told what I needed as long as I needed which is until my child turned 2. The both my bf and i could do without wic. And i decided to not apply
Dont feel bad take the help if you need it we all need help at some point. When you feel like you are good you can drop out of the program.

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I used WIC with my twins while employed with the state helping people get food stamps. No do not feel guilty. As some one who works for the “system” all we want to do is help people and connecting people with benefits. After seeing a pregnant mom to help her get insurance I always immediately send her to WIC to get more help.


Don’t feel guilty. I felt guilty too. But, I have worked since I was 14, my parents worked and never requested services. My Dad told me I was the one who deserved help. We paid into taxes for services like these when we need them. Don’t feel guilty at all! If you qualify you deserve to get the help.

I felt guilty for awhile and when I expressed this at one of my appointments, the lady told me not to because I work and have since I was 14 and pay taxes that pays for things this WIC, etc. I didn’t feel quite as bad after


When my oldest was born almost 17 years ago we needed to apply for wick and probably food stamps as well. We did not because we felt embarrassed and we didn’t want to be seen using them. In hindsight we should have. The end result was that we wrapped up a bunch of credit card debt just to pay for things like car repairs and utilities and food. We joined the military and we were able to get out of the debt pretty quickly, but it would have been nice to have not you had that debt to begin with. Use the assistance is there knowing that it is temporary. Your tax dollars go to pay for it so you shouldn’t let it help you get out of trouble.


Never feel guilty to ask for help when you need it. When the time comes you no longer need help remember to return the favor. Your child is your priority so set your pride a side and do what is needed to fulfill your child’s needs! Good luck!


I applied with my first baby because we were reeeealllllyyyy broke, the cashier told me an American family could be using it instead of me so I left the shit there and never used it again even if I really needed it. We made it without it and grateful that I don’t need to use assistance anymore.


Its when you take advantage of the system and using it when you dont need it, is when you should feel guilty. If you are in need or its helping you, never feel guilty for it. Theres too many people on the system that take advantage of it, when people like you may actually need it and feel guilty.


Dont feel guilty most mothers get WIC for themselves and for the baby. I had to with both of my kids and still do until the end of July when she turns 5. If you qualify there is a reason why you have it and never should feel less of yourself. Because the next mom next to you at the store most likely has it too.


The only way I’d feel guilty asking for help is if I had a chance to help myself first. Sometimes you got ask for help to take care of your family. You do what’s best for you.

Nope been on it since I got pregnant with my almost 3 year old and had another baby during that time. I see nothing shameful about needing extra help. Formula shouldn’t be 20$ a can


But I sucked it up and did it anyway . Having twins threw us and I lost my job six weeks after returning from maternity leave. WIC is a godsend. I’ve worked since I was 15 - it’s not like I didn’t put my time in and this is not forever. Don’t feel guilty! It’s best for your babies.


Why would you feel guilty? I had WIC for 2 1/2 years when I had my daughter as my husband was the only income for the first 6 months and I only worked part time after that point. She was formula fed and we paid nothing for it. She also received baby food and we got additional food for the house at no cost. It was a big help at the time.

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Food stamps maybe but never feel bad for participating in WIC, women infants and children, it is a program thru the health dept for new young mothers, all of them, great educational programs also, a God send.

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These resources are a powerful tool to help women get on their feet, provide nutrition and education to women and their babies, and help women have better lives. I am were I am today thanks to these programs.

You should only feel guilty if AFTER you use these wonderful resources, you speak badly about them, others who use them, or vote to end these resources. Then yes, you should feel bad.


Your tax dollars, and your loved ones tax dollars go towards WIC. Do not feel bad for accepting assistance through a program you have helped pay for :sparkling_heart:.


Girl…you better get that WIC! That’s your tax dollars, your parents, and so on. It’s there for a reason so I say if you can get it, GET IT!


No we pay taxes which funds things like that, and hey formula is expensive. I mean sometimes we all need a little help. I’ve been out of work so much with this last pregnancy, it’s been such a blessing to me.


Not at all! We never did WIC but both my daughter and I have had medicaid since I found out I was pregnant with her. Nothing wrong with it if you qualify for it and need it momma. :kissing_heart:


I hated that I had to apply for WIC and additional services but try to think of it as a blessing. :heart: no judgements here.

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Side effect of being raised by a generation that could fill a grocery cart for $25.
Look at it this way: if you qualify, you need it, if you use it, you have that much more disposable income to provide for your children. You’re also contributing that much more to our struggling economy.
If you can, use your vouchers at a local buisness or franchise, you’ll be contributing that much more with them.
You pay in, this is one the of few benefits you’ll directly see from that.


I did at first but what I saved thru that could go to another bill and you stress a little less. Which is better for everyone.

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Extremely, but with covid, my husbands job cut everyone’s pay because there just isn’t being any money made so asking for extra help when we need it is OK. Took me forever to go ahead and apply

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Do not feel guilty…I did not work when my daughter was young and my Pediatrician sent her paperwork over to WIC. Formula is expensive …Right now with so many of us out of work. It is there for you … Use it…

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I’m on WIC with my 2yr old daughter and 2month old son! I don’t feel bad for it because he literally goes through all 8 cans a month plus more so I know I would be struggling to figure out how to afford them for him!

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I was made to feel guilty about it by friends and family so I stopped accepting the benefits. Now I wish I hadn’t done that.

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As my mom told me u work u pay ur taxes that’s part of ur tax money use it. I felt guilty too but when I seen how much was coming out of my taxes hell ya I’ll get that wic instead of struggling

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Theres nothing wrong with applying for assistance. I’m on WIC and have been since I had my oldest at 17. Theres a reason if you qualify. Everyone needs help and that’s why these programs exist.

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The baby has to eat and if you need a little assistance to make it happen you shouldn’t feel bad. This program is funded by the money you pay in for taxes.

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I didn’t like the feeling of people standing behind me in line judging.
So when I wasn’t inline with WIC and a mom in front of me was using it and look back with a “sorry for holding up the line” look on her face, I would just say oh no worries no rush, even if I was in a hurry.


Yes it is very common to feel that way but remember the important thing is your child is provided for and everyone needs help from time to time

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Never feel guilty for feeding your child that’s what the program is there for!! They offer so much support to new mom’s u will luv it :heart:


Those programs are there for temporary relief so if you need temporary relief use it

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I felt guilty too. As a nation, none among us benefit from any of our number starving or stressed about food and maternal/child health education. It’s there when you need it. One day you won’t.

Don’t feel guilty! That’s what it’s there for. The stigma around social assistance programs needs to stop. We pay into these programs to be able to use them if we need to. Formula is expensive. My son was out on a special Formula when he was 6 months old and there is no way I could have afforded it with out wic 52.00 for a normal size can that would last maybe a day and a half :flushed:.

I’ve never used it but my sister did and it helped her tremendously. She was a single mom and without it she wouldn’t have been able to feed her babies. Don’t feel bad, that’s what it’s there for! :heart:

Wic is a great program. I was so grateful when I was able to use it. It’s like the only program out there that isn’t abused and benefits the children more than any other.

This Guilt shows you’re a decent person with a conscious and that you will try to work hard and get yourself out of that situation. Use the guilt to motivate you but do not throw a pity party. Remind yourself that you’re doing this for your baby.

I hated using my wic or stamp card because I feel judged. But my husband has been the sole provider while I go to school and Tend to our children since daycare would take my whole paycheck. But if We don’t need the help I call and close our cases.

I did with my first child. Nothing to be ashamed of although I know how you feel. We all need a little help sometimes especially for our children! Hold your head high Mama and be well.

Yea…only because people assume your scamming the system but I did have a full time job. If you need the extra help,take it. It’s nobody’s business.


There is no reason to feel guilty for applying for assistance when you need it!! It is not embarrassing to take assistance when it’s needed.
The only people that should feel guilty are ones who are abusing the system. If you are not, you should feel no shame/guilt in applying and receiving help.