I feel guilty for leaving my kids for the entire day: Thoughts?

So today is my husband, and I’d like the first anniversary. Both of our kids (2&3) are sick right now, so they’re staying with grandparents instead of going to preschool for the day because of we both work. We had planned to go to dinner tonight and to a spa (we would be gone for about 3 hours), picking them up at 8:45 pm. I am feeling extremely guilty about leaving them for the entire day. I am going to go bring them their medicines before dinner then leaves again. I feel terrible. I want to cancel our date, but my husband gets irritated with my constant anxiety and guilt. I work all day tomorrow from 7 am-7:30 pm because I am a nurse. So I won’t see them all day tomorrow either. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do or any encouragement?


Do watch you feel is right dont let no man tell you what to do even if he is your husband

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Go get the kids. I know when my daughter is sick, all she wants is cuddles.

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We skipped our anniversary dinner because our children were sick last year, it’s sad but it’s a sacrifice you make when your little ones aren’t well.


Don’t feel guilty. You are a working mom. Every mom deserves to relax once in a while.


I’d do what you want to. No point going if you dont want to, you’ll be miserable.

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I know they’re sick but celebrating these mile stones with your husband are very important. Ask your husband what he thinks is best 1st. If he wants to celebrate at home with candles and nice dinner then do that. I know the kids are important but they are safe. A few more hours will be okay


Hey momma you need a day with your husband. Don’t feel guilty got the next 16 & 15 years. They probably won’t even remember this day. Go enjoy yourself.


All my children are grown and on their own. You need to reschedule your date night! You’ll feel so guilty the whole time and sick kiddos need their momma!

That’s a toughie.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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You need to make time for your marriage as well. Or it will fail. I understand the guilt. You will always have mommy guilt. It’s natural. It’s not about quantity its quality that matters. Your husband needs that attention too. So do you. I’ve been married 15 years, if you dont get that time. Its bound to fail. Your marriage and time with your husband is just as important as time with your kids. You are a woman first, then a mother, then a wife. And the same for your husband in that order.

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Your kids are far more important! Tell your husband go take a hike! Obviously he is not much of a father or he would not want to leave his sick children.


U need a night out with ur husband it’s y’all first big milestone

They will be just fine, celebrate with your husband. He seems like hes really looking forward to having some time with you. Take the day off and enjoy yourself!

Oh girl! If the grandparents are ok with it then you’re fine. You guys need to celebrate you’re love as well. It wont make you a “bad mom” I promise. Being a mom is hard being a nurse is hard being both is exhausting. Anxiety sucks but it’s also good for you’re children to be around grandparents. You got this momma


You’re a good momma, the little ones are safe and in good hands, Go and enjoy some dinner and spoiling with your husband. Anniversary is only 1 day out of the year.


Don’t cancel on your husband. This will be your only 1st anniversary with him. The kids won’t remember in a month from now that they stayed at Grandma house for 3 hours while you celebrated. You’re your own worst critic. Enjoy yourselves this evening. Happy anniversary!!


If it is just sniffles and Grand Parents feel comfortable keeping them - Go to dinner and don’t feel guilty. If you feel like they need their mother, go get your babies, the celebration will wait and hopefully many more anniversaries

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Im torn on this because being me i would cancel and be with my babies (yes, im married) but the healthy answer is they are with y’alls parents, one of the safest caring places our children are lucky enough to go and it is SO important to keep a connection and spark with your spouse and IT IS HARD with littles. I say take advantage and go celebrate. Those babies are cared and loved for and sounds like you both need this! Its a few hours mama!

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Maybe you could have them brought to you at your lunch time and you can see them for a little bit ? Then just give them extra hugs and loves and enjoy your night with your man!:wink:

Are they.cold.sick.or flu sick because there was oneone better to be around than a grandma that will.spoil.you rotten holding and rocking and cuddling than your grandparents date nites are just as important but.it.all.depends.on the grand parents because 3 hr isnt that long

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Everyone will tell you something different but I couldn’t ever leave my babies when they get sick. I wouldn’t really enjoy myself but sounds like they’re in good hands. It is your date with hubby I don’t have one and the daddy and I only get along for the kids. So personally I’d stay and reschedule when they aren’t icky. But like I said everyone is different and they’re safe and loved there

You have to remind yourself that if they enjoy time with the grandparents & vice versa, then you’re not hurting them with feeling guilty, only yourself.


I use to feel guilty about running to the store!!! Read this, Feel better and go have fun… Caution: It is a bit hard to read…


You both need a day. We all have to work in life and you both need to have a day to enjoy each other :heart::heart:

I’m no help, I’m sorry.
I’d be with my sick kids & reschedule the date.

You guys need time together without kids. It’ll help your relationship trust me. It’s hard for sure it’s never easy to leave your kiddos but it’s 1 night that I’m sure you guys need. If their grandparents are okay with it then perfect if they’re still awake when you drop off the medicine give them big hugs and lots of kisses. You can always cuddle with them once you’re home. Enjoy your night

Having a strong marriage/relationship is the best to show your kids. They are young and won’t know you are gone for 3 hrs. Connect with your husband and enjoy kid free time here and there… says the mom on a trip with her hubby and no kids.

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I say it depends on how sick they are…if its colds or something that wouldn’t require you to lay out of work with them, then you should go…as long as it’s ok with the grandparents…this is a special occasion. Now if it was just a random date day I wouldn’t but it’s special. Wish you luck on whatever you choose to do…it is always a balancing act when it comes to husband and children.

Go celebrate the person’s anniversary that helped you make those kids! Without him, they wouldn’t exist. Have your celebration—it’s only 3 HOURS! They will be happy knowing as they age that their parents appreciate one another. As far as constant anxiety and guilt, get a day job. School nurse, clinic, walk in, facility that has 7-3 hours, home health, hospice. Don’t take one with on call—you’ll miss everything in life if you do, because you’ll be worked to death on your time off.

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Ita okay to leave them. You need time to ur self for a little bit. They will be okay.

You are truly blessed to have the gr.parents that want to do this for you and your husband with complaining - take this opportunity to spend some quality time with your husband it’s not like you do this to your little ones everyday - mom and dad need just mom and dad time to keep a healthy relationship and family going. And your loving parents need that loving time with the gr.kids. It’s not like you are leaving them over night and not seeing them until the following night - go enjoy yourself with your husband and I’m sure if the little ones need you in that short time period the grands will immediately contact you.

There won’t be too many opportunities to enjoy one-on-one time with your husband. I’m guessing you have a cell phone and can be contacted in case of an emergency.

Go, enjoy, relax. Put your anxieties aside and have a great anniversary.

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If grandparents are ok with it leaving them shouldnt be a problem if they are getting the care they need

It was you and your husband 1st before you had kids. (And yes i’m a mom and a grandma). Make your husband the priority for the night. If you trust the grandparents enough to keep them while you work why wouldn’t you trust them enough to keep them tonight. Did you stay home today to take care of them? Are you taking off work tomorrow? Nope. Then devote this time to your husband before you become a single parent who truly never has any time for her children. Give your husband the same dedication you are giving to your job today. Show up and be present and celebrate that your love is what produced your children.

Married couples, even parents, need to take the time to nurture your relationship. It’s hard to do that when you constantly have children with you when you’re off. I don’t think there is any reason to feel bad about it as long as whoever you’re leaving them with is okay with it and they are safe


I say go on that date.

have a day with your husband, then the next day you can spent it together with your kids :slightly_smiling_face: it’s always nice to have a break and one on one time once in a while! enjoy your anniversary

Your mum knows what she is doing she raised you when you were sick and you are here safe and well.shes got the maternal instincts.also you are a nurse and therefore wouldn’t even consider it if it was that bad.its mum guilt.you don’t need it . please go out and have a good time Mumma. your mum has your number if she needs your help.(promise she doesn’t) much love

Id go with my husband and than call out of work, Dont feel guilty for taking time off to take care of your babies. Family first always. :heartbeat:

Relax and enjoy the little break.

Meh, they’ll live… enjoy your time :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s okay really you can’t be a good mom if you don’t take of yourself and husband


You need time together without the kids. They’ll be fine


I’m really surprised at all the pro going on the date comments :hushed: I’m also the guilty conscience sort so seeing these responses is kind of encouraging


Its only for a day… you’re not leaving them for days or weeks. Go enjoy yourself and husband . Be thankful he wants to have dates with you and spend time. Both of you need your own quality time without kids from time to time .


You are a great mom. Enjoy your date. I’d call off the next day to spend it with my kids. I work 12 hour nightshift so I understand. I never miss work unless it’s an honest to God emergency which is so rare that my supervisor texts me to make sure everything is ok and I took pride in that. My little one had a fever but seemed to have turned a corner and looked much better so I took a nap with her before going to work and woke up to her feeling hot. It was too late to call off so I gave her her meds and left her with my husband. On my way to work, she had a seizure. I raced home ( through traffic) but was too late as the ambulance had picked her up. Tears me up inside still but I learned a valuable lesson. Take the day off mom. Enjoy tonight with your hubby since it’s only 3 hours you’ll be gone and then dedicate the whole day tomorrow to your sick kids. Family first on this one.


Grandma is going to absolutely spoil them, it’s going to give you some relaxation and intimate time with your husband, which in turn will leave you more energized to take better care of them. You already have plans and it would hurt my husbands feelings if I cancelled a date because the kids have a little cold when they have their grandparents to take care of them. It’s not like they’re having surgery or are terminally ill and they won’t ever remember it. Have a good time with your hubby♥️


It depends on how sick they are, if its just a cold go.

You’re not ditching them to go party. Focus on your husband. Enjoy your night. Let me tell you, 10 years from now they will not remember this but your hubby sure will.

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Your kids are only young once. They are sick. Stay home with them and get snuggles and love on them instead of going out. You will have plenty of time to go you when they are older.

Enjoy the peace and freedom

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You must remember to be alone with the husband…it will hurt the relationship if u dont. You two need to reconnect and remember the romance and to be a couple. Kids will be fine. Their grandparents raised kids…so they know what they are doing, and if they need you, they can call. Dont stay home. Go celebrate with your husband. Tonight is all about you and your hubby.


I would stay with my sick kids. For us, they come first always. We can reschedule the date for another day. The point for us is to celebrate it and spend time together doesn’t matter if it’s on the day or not.


First of all, its completely normal for a good mom to worry about her Cubs. I agree with most of the comments. Gram is probably the most qualified caregiver next to you. The one on one time with your hubby is oh so important. Have faith in grandma. Know that she will call if anything happens. Yes, it’s a long stretch, especially when they are sick, but they will be alright. Try to enjoy a little time with your guy. I’m sure you both need that little break.

Go. Don’t be a martyr. Your kids will be fine.

Go enjoy yourself. Sometimes you have to have some time for yourself. It’s not just helping you, but makes you a more happy person which ends up being good for your kiddos. It doesn’t sound like you get to very often and you have a busy schedule. Go have fun, momma! When you get back cuddle them babies! :grinning:


Make sure your Mom is okay with them with her. Don’t want Grandma sick too. Grandma’s usually are good with caring for the sick. But how sick are they? That should make the decision for you.

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Go enjoy your anniversary. They are little and in very capable hands. It’s not like you leave them all of the time. Enjoy your ni6


When u bring the medecine bring some treats a new stuffy maybe their fav blanket and cheer em up a bit go on the date and enjoy it dont stress otherwise it wont be worth it!!!

Wouldn’t it be the same if they went to school? Go enjoy your anniversary. Use parents need a break too.

I’m leaving my kids for 4 nights and 5 days in March, hell yeah I need to rejuvenate too !

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They are with someone they love, they’ll be great…its good to have a break, the kids like it as much as the parents…

Don’t cancel they’ll be ok


The time you and the hubby have, is vital…A strong bond with you guys, helps the kiddos. Mom guilt is always there, but you NEED to keep the dating going. Happy Anniversary! They will be ok, promise. :slight_smile:


Maybe your husband gets upset because he wants time with you too - if the kids are okay then I’d say enjoy your night, I mean you said you’re a nurse so you should know if the kids are just sick with maybe a common cold or if it’s something more serious, if it’s just a cold and no fever and they are otherwise fine then go and enjoy your night.

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Go and have a good night out. They are with grandparents so it will be fine.


You need to take care of yourself also, a few hours away from them isn’t going to hurt them as long as they are in a safe place🙃

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You deserve adult time!

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That is a long day to saddle seniors with two sick toddlers. Reschedule your date for when you can fully enjoy the time with your husband.


You deserve a break. It’s just one day. Not like you’re gonna be away from them for a week


They are with their grandparents who love them like you do and will take good care of them. I understand the guilt but your relationship with your husband and yourself is just as important ! Go and relax, they will be ok & they’ll never remember this!


So have your parents ever successfully raised kids before?? Oh wait! :joy:. I’m sure they will be fine but you, on the other hand, possibly won’t in your relationship with hubs if you can’t or won’t ever make him a priority every once in a while.


Your anexiety is probably stronger this time since they’re sick /: they’ll be ok with grandma and grandpa! Enjoy the day relaxing bc you’ll need to have full energy to attend to the sick needs when you get back :pleading_face:

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How sick is sick? If they aren’t feverish, and the folks are okay with having them go enjoy yourselves! The rejuvenation will help.
Also I recommend you douse yourself with lavender and roses for their calm, soothing effect.

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I never leave my kids in anyone else’s care when they are sick unless it’s the other parent. While the grandparents may be willing, your babies most likely just want their momma. You can always plan to go out another time. Things happen with kids and you have to adjust. I’ve had to cancel entire vacations when my kids were sick. It’s life. Your husband is an adult and should understand. Just my opinion.


Go on your date. The kids will be fine.


After your kids are grown and gone, all you’ll have is each other. Make sure your relationship is the priority. Go and enjoy


Relax girl. You need not feel guilty. However I admire the heart you have for your Kids


Do what you need to do. You all can go another time since you’re missing your kids… They’re only little for such a short time

Your parents have raised kids. They’ll be fine. Enjoy your night…you guys need this. It’s important that you take time for yourselves. Makes you better partners and parents.

Sounds like you really need a break. Sometimes it’s hard to fight that guilty feeling. It’s totally normal but don’t let it stop you from enjoying a date night with your husband.

You guys need that time together. It’s hard not to but dont feel guilty and try to have a good time

I get it. I hate being away from my kids too. You need time away, to relax & reconnect with hunny. Enjoy your dinner!

Depends for me … if they’re not running any kind of fever or something serious like that I would definitely stay home just to monitor If it’s like a stuffy nose or sore throat I’d enjoy myself and hubby :heart::heart:

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They’re only little once. I’d take care of them and postpone your date night to next week.

Eh, if the kids are sick they’ll probably sleep a lot, so won’t miss you then. They’ll get cuddles from grandparents who won’t likely be around for their whole lives. Go out and have fun.

go out! have the grandparents call if needed.

I can see both sides… if they’re slickly and the grandparents don’t have an issue watching them then keep your plans

But, if you would feel better staying with them then reschedule your date night

you have to do what’s best for your family but when I’ve been in the same place (with minor illnesses) we left them with the grandparents

I’m a single working mum. If I could do this when my kids are sick, I absolutely would! Let the grandparents have the kids, go and enjoy your date and never feel guilty about going to work.

When i was married to my ex. We d go out for a few drinks and dinner and by 9 thirty i wad ready to go home to my kids he d get mad at me but i needed to be with my kids he d always get jealous about some dumb thing and i hated that so my choice was to go home

It’s absolutely normal to feel guilty, but their grandparents have experience caring for children and can care for the babies when they are sick for a few hours. After all if you and your husband don’t take time for yourselves even for a few hours you may not be able to be the best you can be. We all get tired and overwhelmed and need a little break, you have to keep the fire pit in your marriage. You deserve it go relax and eat a meal without picking up sippy cups and food off the floor. The babies will be fine.

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been there … and just go momma… i promise they will be fine if neeed be call and check on them every hour or so… it will do you and hubby some goood

You can go but remember your parents will need to rest some. They will be wonderful with their grandchildren,but you must recognize their age and realize,they also worry about the kids and if they are capableofgivingthemthebestcarw.