I feel like I am constantly hot: Advice?

I used to be the girl who always needed a sweatshirt because it was too cold. Ever since I got pregnant (6 years ago), that all changed. I’m the girl who sleeps with a fan all year round. I had my AC and fan going two weeks ago. I cannot stand to be hot. Are there any other momma’s like me out there? I’m a few years shy of 40. Am I possibly going thru early changes? I cannot regulate my body temperature for the life of me.


My daughter is 3 and I’ll be 32 this year and I’m the same way. Ever since I had her I get SO hot, especially when I sleep. Just hormone changes, but shouldn’t be the “big change” yet! Dreading that. Idk how this can get worse :hot_face:

I’m only 24 and my son is 1.5 and I am exactly like this. I was always freezing but since I had him I’m so hot all the time.

My son is 3 and I’m 24, I feel this way all the time

Omg me too I was like damn I’m hot as hell every night and I’m 7 months pp! Also almost 32 :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I went into premenopause in my thirties but check with a dr could be something else

Me​:raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman:…I hate it I keep telling my mom that maybe I have menopause…after my 3 baby I started to feel these way :pensive::pensive:

i used to be skinny after 5 kids ive gained weight i always was cold now it could be below 0 and i need air on

Almost 30 and been doing this for 3 years now. Have two kids. Doctors say it mostly hormones but I have no sign of premenopausal yet. But I also have mental disorders and low thyroid many factors change your heat regulation…it’s sucks but completely normal

I was 18 when I had my now 15 year old son. It was the exact same experience for me!

I’m the opposite lol. I use to always be hot, but after the birth of my youngest 2 years ago I’m always freezing. I’m 30 and I don’t think I’m close to any kind of change so idk what up with me

I had my daughter 7 years ago when I was 40 and I have been like I blast furnace ever since. I am also seriously convinced that her birth started the change in me, too.

Yeah, both kids and perimenopause will do it. I used to be skinny and freezing, now I’m bigger & hotter (and not always in the good way). My then husband said we never needed to turn on the heat in winter because I radiated so much heat. Enjoy wearing sexy, flimsy clothes all year!

Thank goodness I’m past the end of menopause now. Still have slight fluctuations, but so much better. Am more normal, neither too hot like in my 40s-50s, nor freezing like when I was younger. Started about age 43 for me. The pill helped me somewhat, so did exercise (if you sweat a lot it looks like you were really going hard!) but otherwise did not use hormone therapy.

My daughter is 1 1/2 I am 20 and I used to be the exact same way but after having her the fan is on and my window is open.

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I have been this way since having my 2nd daughter, shes 1 1/2. I’ll be 26 soon. I used to wake up drenched in sweat for about 6 months after she was born. Thankfully that’s stopped but I still get so hot and sweaty.

I get hot easy my doctor said its because I have a thyroid condition

Bro, I could have written this myself. I always used to be freezing, and now I’m constantly sweaty and clammy. I’m 35 and my mom went through early menopause (around 32 I think) and now I’m terrified its happening to me too. I’m with you, sister

I’m 37 and I’m the exact same way! Like my husband cant lay close to me, because he can feel the heat coming off my body… It drives me crazy… I asked my momma if it could be pre menopausal… She seems to think that’s what is happening… IT Sucks!

Im the same way. Always hot. Always been like this but got worse after i had 2 kids. I am 25 and my primary care doctor told me it’s cause im “overweight” and should try to lose weight

Me, I’m 25, 2 kids, sleep with fan on, 59 degrees, still sweat when asleep. Not so bad during the day. My temp changes fast

Me. Full blown menopause

Menopause and can last for years. Dr can provide estrogen and/or Proveren that will help this. Mine started when I was 32.

Get labs drawn for your thyroid + hormones ASAP. While on your cycle between days 3-5.

My daughter is 5 and half and I used to be the cold girl. Now I’m always warm. They just warm up your blood I guess :slight_smile:

Man same here but now I go from being hot and then I can’t get warm enough

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You need to check your thyroid !
Then if it’s normal you can think of other normal stuff.
But you have to exclude hyperthyroidism

Yep! During pregnancy I started having hot flashes and feeling extremely hot or cold in regular temperatures and it never stopped. I think pregnancy just messes with you.
I’m 24, not going through menopause to the best of my knowledge :woman_shrugging:t3: