This momma needs help. I feel like I am failing as a mom. My babies are twins and 6 months old. They were born 2 months prematurely, so technically they’re 4 months, but they are absolutely healthy as can be now. Most babies by 6 months are sitting up on their own and rolling over. My babies are not doing either. I know babies are different and love at different paces. Buy what are some ways I can help them. I let them sit in a chair that supports with them (with supervision) and other things and then I try my hardest to teach the to roll back and forth.
That’s okay, my first two kids weren’t sitting up till almost a year old. They are now healthy strong kids. You are doing fantastic, don’t stress!
Your doing wonderful. Like you said your babies are preemies are are doing what 4 month babies do. Don’t compare them to others. As long as they are healthy and thriving they will roll when they are ready. Way to go Mom. Keep doing the great job you’re doing. You’re awesome
Hugs mama, like others have said they are preemies and aren’t at 6months yet. It will happen. I’m a twin mom who’s kids were 2months early as well. They are now almost 12 and healthy as could be and meet all there milestones. I know it’s hard but don’t compare and they will do there thing.
My girl just turned 7 months and just started sitting. Not enough to let her sit on a rug or anything but she’s getting there. Your doing good keep up their tummy time and it will come
You’re not failing mama not one little bit every child is different for example my youngest (1year old)
Didn’t sit by herself unaided until 8/9months she was born full term just took her time and now she’s 13 months and climbing around the furniture, crawling, sitting ext I know how hard it is but I’m sure you’re doing amazing give them time as you said yes they’re 6 months old but technically 4 as they were born premature they’ll do it in their own time try not to worry
If they are healthy and loved you are NOT failing!! They may be 6 months on the calendar but they were preemies and are only 4 months. Just give them time. I bet within the next two months they will be sitting and rolling. Just keep encouraging them.
I’ve read that Dr’s will look at the due date for the age and milestones. So really if your twins are doing the 4 mo milestones than they’re doing great!
Give them time and they will do everything but in their own time there is no text book be proud of yourself you are looking after two beautiful babys who are happy and healthy my twin grand daughters were prem and they do things at different stages its normal love xx
Welcome to motherhood where you’re always second guessing yourself and feel like a failure. (Those feelings never go away even when they are grown and out of the house). In other words little momma do what you can with what you can and extend grace to yourself. You’re doing great little momma. Hang in there. At least right now you know where they are and what they are doing. It ain’t always going to be this good.
They are so little. Too little to worry the way that you worry…give yourself some grace. Do tummy time and lay them on the floor and assist them rolling over slowly. That’s all you need to do.
My premie (28weeker) didn’t walk until well after being 1yr old, my daughter (born full term) walked at 9mo. All kiddos are different, and since they are corrected to 4mo, you still have plenty of time. The age gap doesn’t even out until the 2nd birthday mama, you got this
My 2.5 month premature baby was delayed in all skills. Didn’t roll over til 8 months. By 2yo she graduated early intervention services one year early. Low muscle tone is common and tummy time is helpful. But most of all just time and patience.
I’m sure you’re a great mom and you’re doing your best! They’ll get the hang of it in time, don’t stress.
Some babies skip things to mine never rolled on his own. I would help him by doing it with him but he really never didn’t it and he never crawled he scooted and got up and started walking. Just talk to the pediatrician about and it shouldn’t be a concern but if it is worry when a professional tells you they are behind or something like it.
My youngest is 5 months and was 6 weeks premature and spent a month in the NIcu, her PCP isn’t worried about any miles stones as long as the baby seems content, and makes eye contact and tries babbling.
My daughter does sit on her own and rolls.
I sit her in my lap a lot so she can look around, I feel like that has helped.
You aren’t failing as a mother, as long as they are fed, loved, and cared for, you’re doing great.
Chin up, mama. Premies have to catch up, true. Also very true, and the bigger facts in this, all babies have their own pace… even twins won’t usually be fully on the same developmental page. Keep teaching them until they get it, then teach them new things. You’re doing fine and your worry is totally normal. Our job as moms is to shape them into amazing humans, the pace is theirs.
Some of the best advice you will ever get as a parent…stop comparing them to other kids!
They sound perfect and normal for premmies you are NOT failing. You’re doing great
It happens to babies that are born super early.Their little bodies will catch up when theyre ready.Just keep doing what youre doing.
They will catch up and do it in their own time. Don’t be so hard on them or yourself, they was prem and have had set backs. I have 3 under 3 and one is a cardiac baby so she didnt do a lot. She didnt walk until over the age of 2. One boy was about 15 months and my other boy is 13 months and only crawls using his elbows. Honestly they are all so different and go at different speeds but they will definitely make up for it. Then you shall have your work cut out for sure xx
It’s ok momma. Your babies were 2 months early so their adjusted age is 4 months. Their development is likely going to be that of a 4 month old. Also, babies do things at their pace. Do lots of tummy time. Put a blanket down in the floor and get down there and play with them. Oh, and you’re doing a wonderful job momma!
They were premature. They’re still not fully caught up to a “normal” 6 month old. They’re bodies are tiny, they will get there in their own. I had a premature baby, and she is so incredibly smart but she was delayed for a bit due to her being early. It’s okay, they’ll catch up a lot quicker than you think.
My 32 weeker didn’t sit unassisted until 9.5 months. Didn’t go from flat to sitting until 10.5 months. Didn’t start walking until 15 months. They are all different!
My son was 12 weeks early. He didn’t sit up by himself until around eight months, he didn’t walk until about fifteen months. He was 2lbs 9ounces. Goodness, I’m not sure he slept through the night until he was about fifteen months old. Cut yourselves some slack, they will be a little behind until around a year or two but will catch up.
I put mine in a round clothes basket with a blanket for support.
Don’t worry mama they’re doing well! My girl didn’t start sitting on her own until she was closer to 8 months old and she wasn’t a premie. I even took her to a physiotherapist thinking she wasn’t ok. She is, I’m just worried about nothing lmao.
I’ve had two premature babies. It’s actually quite normal for them to be behind until they are about 3 years old. They’ll catch up. Also you are not failure! Keep strong mama!
First of all you are a good mom. You are doing everything right. You’ve got this . Do not worry about what everyone else is doing. Kids do everything at their own pace.
Patience mama. I remember worrying that my daughter would never walk or talk. All of the sudden she got up and has been running ever since. And once she started talking, she NEVER shut up. . You’ll spend your life worrying that you are doing something wrong. That’s the nature of motherhood. You are doing great.
Don’t get discouraged mama. Every baby progresses differently and premies are no exception. If their pediatrician isn’t concerned then I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
I did a lot of tummy time with mine she didn’t enjoy it for very long so I did short periods of time multiple times a day.
Take them out of the chair and work on tummy time and exercises that will help them develop muscles. There’s alot of research on these sit me up style chairs that show it actually hinders later development because the wrong muscles groups are being worked through early sitting up. Give them time. They’ll get there.
Lots of tummy time. That’s what helped my baby. He has down syndrome and is behind on some of his developments…but it just takes time mama…they’ll get there but I understand completely feeling like a failure…my boy is 16 months and isn’t walking or really crawling and it’s so frustrating and devastating as a mom cause you feel like you should be doing so much more to help your babies…but every baby is different and your babies will get there. I promise
My twins are now 10 and you’d never know they were early🥰 One of them did require some OT to catch up. Tummy time, “baby sit ups” (with baby laying on their back you slowly help them sit up by pulling up by their arms).
Hey mama first off don’t be so hard on yourself!! All kids are different. Some will be so advanced than others in certain areas and “behind” than others or the sujested markings maybe I should say instead of others… it’s normal. I do not have advice on preemie babies. But with my children I have them practice tummy time and it makes their back neck and stomachs more strong. Put some toys for them to reach too… some babies just don’t like tummy time but start off little time then add more till theh get used to it… xoxo
My premie baby did everything early somehow. He was almost 2 months early and was walking at 9 months out the womb (7 months technically)
My daughter was born on her due date at 40 weeks and didn’t walk til well after a year old.
Aaaaall babies are different!
This will come with time. Giving them opportunities to move and play is great, but these are developmental milestones, not things you can teach them to do. Time to release the pressure on yourself, mama - this is a marathon, not a sprint.
Preemies take longer to do things. If you talk to your pediatrician about it you will see its absolutely normal. They will catch up, don’t worry
They were preemies. Give them time.
Don’t rush it! Soon they will be graduating and you’ll wonder where the time went!
I had twin girls born at 30 weeks. They were 10 months before sitting without help. They were about 16 months before walking. They also are healthy as can be now as well. And even right after birth. Now they will be two on the 11th and discharged from all therapies. They give preemies 2 years to be caught up milestones. You’re not failing. Just keep encouraging and it will all be ok
My twins are 8 now, but we’re born at 32 weeks.
They were behind on almost everything…but eventually started to catch up. My suggestion is (technically they are 4 months old) I’d wait a little bit longer…and around 12 months if they are still behind, talk to their pediatrician and see what can be done. All babies are different, don’t compare yours to others.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you!
Being a twin momma is a entire different struggle on its own.
Its absolutely normal. My baby didn’t sit up til closer to 7-8 months and he was born in time. Every baby is different. Nothing you do will make them develop any faster. Honestly it’s just about when the baby is ready
Plenty of floor time. my son was doing all of the above by 5 months, but my daughter with the same routine did it around 9 months. Each child develops differently. Be strong mumma
First of all - they will be developing slowly because of their prematurity.
Second, tummy time! Lay them on a blanket on the floor. That’s when babies learn to turn over.
Most don’t like it and begin to cry and fuss. They’ll flail around and then “poof” they’ll roll over!
You’re doing great mom! Congratulations on your twins!!!
For sitting, have them in a seated position on the floor, you sit behind them and hold them at their waist, to control the wobble back and forth. Place toys on each side to encourage them to use their upper trunk muscles. Do it several times a day and they will gain the muscle control to sit on their own. They will need to have the body strength and structure of a 6 month old vs a 4 month old. PM me if you would like additional help.
The bad Moms never question whether or not they are doing a good job. Good ones always feel like they’re failing. Just do your best. My son never crawled. He went from scooting rolling to walking, they’re all different. Those well child check mile stones are just a generalized guess at what a kid should be doing by when. Don’t put too much stock in them.
Some baby’s don’t sit up til 7 -8 mo. Especially preemies. Just breath. It’s gonna be ok.
Tummy time will work for them , don’t worry it might take awhile for them
We had a one pound and seven ounce little boy. He was such a good baby. Walked at around 15-16 monthes. He will be 3 in June. Somehow during the walking months he got turned up. He is hell on wheels. Talks and laughs nonstop. BUSY!!! When I tell you they catch up… they catch up and run past anybody else in their way. Simmer, and wait. It’s going to get real soon enough. 
You can also talk to your pediatrician and maybe suggest physical therapy! My daughter was born with erbs palsy and torticollis. She was slightly behind and physical therapy helped reach her Milestones but she also done things on her own time but they give you some techniques to show you how to help them…
What I learned is babies develop at their own time. The “book” is just an estimate. My older son was early with everything and my younger son late. My older son didn’t crawl he scooted on his butt starting at almost a year and didn’t walk until he was 20 months. Keep contact with your doctor but also don’t put too much emphasis on the books value of when babies should being do this or that
why would you feel like a failure over something they’re not doing? all babies do things in their own time. relax.
Give it time and find some premmie specific advice from medical professionals if you’re concerned about development. But by no means are you failing. Your babies will be fine, they’ll be running the hall ways before you can even blink so just enjoy them being little.
They are just behind
That’s normal
My girls now 3, she didn’t sit up unaided till around 8m, didn’t crawl until 11month. My 9mo has been so quick in everything, he crawls and stands up holding furniture. Every baby is so different, I have 3 completely different children. it’s not your fault, They’ll get there when they’re ready
I went by the adjusted age. So they should be where 4 month olds are developmentally. They will learn. Mine were 2 months premature and my dr told me to go by the adjuster age not the actual age and by 3 years they should be caught up with other 3 yr olds
They were premature, be patient. You’re doing nothing wrong.
You said they are two months premature so only four months give them time and there’s no problem.
All babies develop differently but with yours being premature they might develop a little slower. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. But you can always ask your pediatrician
So since they’re 4 months adjusted, you expect them to hit 4 month milestones, not 6 months. Most likely, in 2/3 months, they’ll be sitting up just fine on their own. My babies all sat early and they were sitting up around 4.5 months (I have 3 full term babies). I bet yours will be just fine.
Also, I suggest Bluey’s episode Baby Race. You’ll see why by the end of
You said it yourself they’re technically 4 months old. They shouldn’t be sitting up at this point. Give them a couple months. I had my son 2 months early and it took him a little longer to reach those milestones. You’d never know know though.
They’re not going to advance at normal rates. They’re preemies and twins. They’re technically 4 months old. Slow down.
They were premature it takes time hun. My bff had a premie too and at 8 months, he still tiny. And you are not a failure not one bit! You are a great mom! A failure mother wouldn’t post on here or give a f***
Give yourself a break! If you’re questioning whether you’re doing enough, then you’re doing a good job. And I hate to be cynical but, until they’re grown, you’re gonna be wondering if you’re doing a good job!! My twins are 11, in middle school, and OMG…just wait…
Seriously though, do everything with love in your heart, and all will be well. You’ve got this Mama!!
When it comes to development with a preemie baby, go off their adjusted instead of their actual. If they’re doin g everything a typical 4-6 month old would do, don’t worry. They’ll catch up! My daughter was a preemie as well and her pediatrician always went off her due date instead of actual birthdate. You’re doing great mama.
Your babies are 6 months (4 months adjusted) just because they came out 6 months ago doesn’t mean their bodies and coordination is 6 months old. They will likely be slightly delayed up to a certain point behind their peers in certain aspects.
Hey. My little girl couldn’t lift her head up until she was 9months old , there were no health issues (had lots of tests done ) she didn’t start walking till she was a year and a half . She’ll be three in June and you would never know she had those issues. Kids develop at all different stages . Give yourself a break , you’re not a bad mum because clearly you care . Speak to your Health Visitor for a bit of reassurance .
They are like you said 4 mos old
Are you registered with birth to three? They will assess your babies and provide occupational therapy if needed. They will reassure you that your babies are progressing perfectly. Speak to the pediatrician about your concerns.
Your not failing as a mom, all kids will do thing at there own pace. Dont puch them to fast.
You said it yourself, they are essentially only 4 months old…measure milestones at their level not 6 month milestones
Our girls are in similar situation feel free to message me. Our girls just turned 7 months they were born 7 weeks early. Zoey can sit for couple mins if u sit her up n she can roll from back to side her sister Erin on other hand she can only prompt sit a min before she leaning n she’s rolling. They’re seeing a therapist that comes n works with them. They both babble n chat with each other but Zoey plays with toys miss Erin not as interested in toys as her sister.
They are preemies they will take longer. Their adjusted age is 4 months not 6 months so think of them as the younger age❤️ they’ll get there mama.
Ask your pediatrician not strangers on facebook
Hi mama. I had twins at 33 weeks. I understand. It can be stressful and you worry they aren’t matching everyone else’s milestones. I always felt the say way. They will catch up, it does take longer. My twins are now 8 years old and considered gifted at school, reading and doing math two grade levels above them.
I would say if it concerns you, just talk with the pediatrician about it. They will reassure you that everything is perfectly fine.
Your babies are developmentally 4 months old; they’re not going to be doing that yet. Continue working on tummy time. I have had 3 premature babies; current little one is 5 mths adjusted to 3 mths.