I feel like I am failing as a mother: Advice?

Get a boppy pillow and lay him on his tummy and pat his back. A tiny bit of pressure on his tummy will help relieve the gas.
Also get some gripe water it’s a miracle worker.
Try burping him in the sitting position.


Put a book under the front 2 legs of the crib, so his head is slightly elevated. It helps with reflux SO much! They sell a foam piece for under the mattress that does the same thing, but try books 1st


I had this with my son, reflux turned into a cows milk allergy and he was tongue tied, so couldn’t latch either. That wasnt picked up until he was over 3 weeks old. The milk allergy at 3 months, because of lockdown hv and docs wouldnt see him, I just about lost my marbles!!! I snapped my mum came over (I know she broke rules but I was desperate) she got on phone doc was here within 2 hours, we had already tried anti reflux meds so they put him on a prescription milk with no cows milk in it and now I have a happy healthy 1yo who’s still on the milk. If it’s getting to much honey get help xxx dont stop bugging docs ect because you know best if something is wrong with your baba x

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Take your baby to a chiropractor no joke you will see a complete difference in your baby. He could have colic and a chiropractor can fix that fast. I did that with two out of three of my babies and it made life so much easier


Personally if I were you I’d revive the breastfeeding 're enact the milk up. Talk to your Dr or lactation specialist it’s very possible. Babies 10 days old. They are craving your body momma. And whatever going on with acid reflux breastmilk will help better.
You can do both breast milk and formula. You got this it’s very stressful those first few weeks but you can do it. Then around 2/3 mos depending on your los appetite give a few bites of baby oatmeal and Apple sauce. This old school tummy soothers and help give baby nourishment and saves the stress of the milk.
And btw- you can totally still breastfeed with infection. You got to cleanse a lot more but it’s completely safe. If painful, you’ll get use to it n won’t notice after awhile of doing.
The biggest cause of infection is usually not getting the milk out consistently. Learn to hand express every half HR for a week. Get a haakaa! Love That thing ! And if you got to pump every HR do it. Store in your fridge for the day til end of day then wash- makes much easier.

Dont feel bad for falling asleep holding your child…ever

mylicon drops and nothing else. give it to him right after he eats and keep him elevated. dont lie him to sleep on his back put him on his sides. and i know u didnt ask but u mentioned it, especially w a fussy baby ur husband HAS to help or ur gonna end up w a breakdown. u are in a very dangerous phase of PPD risk and him working during the day is no excuse for u to handle nights alone, plus u work, plus u homeschool and care for ur other baby. what does he think u are?? and if u let it thats how its gonna be. u need to rest and get ur sleep because even if ur home and even if u didn’t work from home U ARE WORKING, ur basically killing urself.

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It could be the formula. My son cried alot and right after drinking his formula it would come right back up. Try a formula that is lactose free. My daughter was the same i gave her lactose free formula and when she started regular milk I bought the half gallon of lactose free milk. Your baby tummy is hurting and he hungry do the lactose free formula see how that works.

In a similar boat hunny. You are not failing!! Experienced this both my boys and now with my newborn daughter too. Shes 4 weeks old. Ive done gas drops, changed her formula to similac alimentum. Definitely changed dramatically. She is still gassy though. Sometimes she gets constipated too. She does have a milk protein allergy though which is another reason for her switch and stopped breastfeeding immediately because I think my milk was causing an issue too. Plus have to make sure she burps after so many sips/ounces too to avoid gas. Starting her on reflux meds soon too, but I hope you find relief soon!! Even try a Warmies animal maybe (they are microwaveable), or warm compress on belly? Unfortunately every baby is different, what works for one, may not for another, but you are not alone nor failing!! Keep up the good work mama!!:heart:

It’s your diet but I don’t know how to correct it. My daughters a nurse and she did it but I don’t know how. You need help. Any family near by or a close friend who could help a bit?

You’re not failing! Definitely try the meds and have him be at a slight incline while sleeping (they sell bassinets and other things like this) and try swaddling if you havent already. Also gripe water can help and probiotic drops, but beware they can be pricey. And maybe he has an allergy too. Just breathe. You’ve got this and I believe in you!

My kids slept best on a side positioner instead of the back sleeping. My daughter was also very fussy. It does get better! Do you have family or friends than can you time to nap or rest for an hour or so during the day or evening? It was a great help to me.

Just a suggestion but ask your pediatrician to check your son for hernias. My brother had to have double hernia surgery at 6 weeks old because he would always cry and scream when my mother changed his diaper. It’s worth having checked out.

I had 3 colicky/ lactose protein intolerant babies, they all for the most part had to be on a milk protein free formula, One on Gentlease, One was on Soy and one was on Similac Allimentum. I suggest trying the Gentlease and if that doesnt help the Allimentum. Also, he should be old enough in the next few days depending on weight to try Gas drops, and Gripe water…those were also lifesavers. Double check with his pediatrician on those though. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, Know that these days won’t last forever even though it seems like it…and as hard as it is for us mommy’s it’s hard on the baby acclimating to the outside world. He just wants to be close to you. Also try putting him down as soon as he falls asleep, and maybe try in a swing, I also had to do that. Good Luck mama you aren’t failing…You are doing great​:two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

A different milk if you not breastfeeding… goats milk… soft soothing music… a heartbeat machine can sometimes work… ticking sound like a old fashioned time clock…

My baby has been the same way! Gi doctor acid reflux meds & expensive formula that the doctor has to order & he’s been better but the first three months were hell! I didn’t think I would make it … I was so tired & nothing made him happy! Literally nothing, it takes time for the meds & finding a formula that works !!! This to will psss but it’s gonna be a rough few months! You r not failing , it’s ok to cry & break down every now & then I completely get it … do you have family that can help some so you can sleep? My little one is now five months old, he don’t sleep thru the night but I literally had to hold him up the first few months when he slept so I could sleep !!! Hang in there your doing great , this phase will psss !

You aren’t failing as a mama. Keep up the good work. Praying you find what works best for you and baby and you get some mental peace. :hugs::pray:


My daughter was the same. I was breastfeeding and drinking milk because I thought I was supposed to even though I didn’t like it. She was alkergigic to milk,.went off all milk products. one pinnicillin pill will cure clogged milk duct or hot shower. Could not digest formula (if it has corn syrup listed as ingredient DO N O T USE). Good luck. The allergies causedcear aches which is why she cried all the time, put pillow under mattress so ears drain down.

Our doctor recommended us put our son in his swing when he is sleeping because of the incline, we had the mamaroo

Formula feeeed!!! Sometimes you just gotta get a break! And some kids are intolerant of lactose or others and it can be contaminating him through your milk. Also, I truly believe the formula milk is thicker and helps them sleep better (personal experience). Also mama, ask for help! I bet tons of people are just wanting to love on him, say yes to help! I know it’s hard but you can do it :yellow_heart:

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My daughter was out on soy formula due to gas and not sleeping in her crib. We found the one place she slept great was her swing. So every night that is where she slept…it was the only way I could sleep.
You are not failing,you are doing a awesome job. It takes a village and use anyone you can to help get thru this.


Awww…we adopted infant twins, brought them straight home from the hospital, 4# 17" each, and COLIC! I was a living dead. They cried ALL day and night for 3 months! Finally found a formula (expensive) they could tolerate enough to sleep some, but they never slept at same time. I was 43 when they were born. They will be 22 years next month. I know how you feel. I did not, and could not, hold them till they slept, I had 2!!?. Thank God for bouncy seats. Both my feet were busy gently bouncing them to sleep. Try another formula, non-dairy! I forgot name of ours, a long name and hard to find. We had to have 2 local stores special order cases for us! Very expensive! God bless you honey. It’ll get better, I promise. Don’t spoil by holding all night. Hugs!

My son did the same thing . He was breastfeed and they said he was not chronic. I finally got her to believe me and she gave me the best gas drop and he was find after that. Run a warm bath and use Johnson and Johnson lever sleep bath . If you have a bath chair and let him soak. That’s what helped me with my new born .

My baby was similar…we were giving her gas drops like crazy so ended up going to formula…formula can be difficult but once you find the right one its smoother sailing…we tried sensitive didnt work…then went to alimentum but eventually got too expensive and ended up to Total comfort…she is doing great on it and I havent used a gas drop since

Try gas drops and ask the dr about similac for spit up…my son had bad reflux since he was born because he didnt cry enough when he came out and they had to continuously suction out his lungs before we left the hospital… We had put a pillow under the mat thing in his bassinet to keep him a little propped up like the incubators do in the hospital… But ever since they switched him to similac spit up formula hes gotten wayyy better and the gas drops helped alot too…hope everything gets better mama

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You are not failing, every baby is different. You got this.

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I used gas drops & unfortunately the expensive Nutramagin formula but what a night & day difference w/the formula. As he got older, switched to the Walmart brand of gentle formula. I remember my dr telling me for the baby it’s like lighting a match inside. The gas & acid reflux burns, just like in us adults.

Im breastfeeding and my month old had bad acid reflux when he was first born. It has improved. I would nurse and then burp him. After i would change him and then lay him propped up (usually me just holding him) for 15-20 minutes. I know its awful to do at night because you’re so exhausted. But it really helped a ton for us. It gets easier momma! You are doing a great job! :blue_heart::blue_heart: congratulations!

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Chamomile tea works just a little make sure its warm sometimes they want to feel like they are being held so wrap him and pu a pillow behind him.

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Take one day at a time. If baby fall asleep with you holding him. Do that for now til he feels better. You sleep when he sleeps. We all went through this. Be patient with yourself. You are a fantastic mommy! It wii get better. Trust me it will.

One of my kids had gerd they switched him to similac soy (its pink) it helped dramatically he was also on meds but I didnt think they helped. But something that worked for my son was having him sleep in the bouncy seat so he wasnt laying flat.

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My first had colic. Try a very warm shower to release your old milk.

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I had this going on too! I changed his formula to a hypoallergenic one and he’s doing SO much better. It’s incredible. I had tried the drops, gripe water, extra time on burping, sitting him up for 30 mins after each feeding, went to the doctor, etc etc. He might have some kind of allergy. You got this momma, be kind to yourself… you’re doing your best!

Your baby is 10 days and you are back to work? You need maternity leave, are should not be deprived of that by any company this is a very important time in yours and your baby’s life. You are not a failure but please seek help if you are really feeling this way, so many woman experience postpartum depression and even know it and then it’s spiraled out of control, you need rest

There is a machine you can put your baby on yummy down and you strap them in a harness like you would carry on your chest and it glides side to side. The movement rocks them to sleep and on the tummy may help with gas.

I swear by gripe water! It was a life changer for us. And a warm bath before bed. Also maybe consider changing formula. Your ped should have samples you can try. Just be patient while changing, it could take up 2 weeks to see a difference when changing formula.

Know you are enough and doing your best. It’s hard and it’s ok to say that it’s hard. Know that this too shall pass and a new challenge will come. Lean on your support. Ask Dad to take a night shift or two during the week or weekend. Cry when you need to. Try a different formula. If baby is still getting some breast milk try eliminating dairy and gluten from your diet. You got this Momma.

Hold him like a foot ball belly down on ur arm and his head by ur elbow and pad slowly on his back and sing to him as u rock him

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Try using a baby swing type.
My daughter’s had to sleep in one next to my bed .


I’m glad you’re asking for help. Stay strong momma. You’re doing great. :slightly_smiling_face:


I had a colicky baby its hard she sleep in a swing the frist 4 mos

Change formula to
nutramigen or Gentlease

My grandson was same way

Daughter switched formulas like no tomorrow then we found out he had Pyloric stenosis

Try soy based formula.

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My daughter cried like your son. Come to find out she was allergic to the iron the formula. I had to get her NO IRON formula and start her on pepcid for acid reflux. Once I gave that to her her face was relieved. Also try gripe water that helps with fussiness

I had twins that WOULD NOT sleep anywhere but their swings or ur arms lol

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Try a swing or a gentle rocking

Sounds like colic. My son had it very bad. My doctor told me to try colief and it helped a lot (you can buy it on Amazon but talk to your doctor first) also gripe water helped a lot!

I was told to wrap a receiving blanket into 3 (long ways) then wrap it snug around the belly. It helped.
My grandma also told me to put a peppermint Star in bottle w/ water that also seemed to help ( 1/2) in a 4oz bottle

My daughter was born with reflux disease(GERD). I slept upright with her on my chest for 2-3 years. In and out of the hospital for years, too many times to count. I worked full time out of the house.
You are not failing. You are tired. One day at a time. This to shall pass. You’ve got this!

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You’re definitely not failing…I have had my grandson since he was a week old and he was very colicky…they normally get better around 3 months…Amazon has pillows wedges that you can purchase to help prop him

Get a nanny. God bless you. You have had a ruff start.

Firstly you are NOT failing as a mom , even asking this question shows how caring you are , it’s not easy especially when you have other children, my son suffered awful with gas, one dr said I was a fretful 1st time mom, hes nappies were awful constant diarrhoea and projectile vomiting , I went to another dr and I changed him over to infasoy and a baby thickener to add to the formula I only added half a scoop of the thickener I never looked back , plus I put a pillow( kind of flat ) under hes mattress to have him slightly elevated , I wish you all the best

We always rolled up a swaddling blanket and laid the baby slightly tilted on it so they’re slightly tilted on their side. Not enough for them to roll onto their stomach on accident but just enough to slightly lift them up. Hope you find something that works for you. Newborns barely sleeping is very common though, you’ve got months of this to go, good luck and don’t worry it’ll all be worth it.

You should feel like SuperMom, IJS! I remember what it was like at the beginning. To be honest, it terrifies me as we are due with our son in 3 weeks. You have to give yourself some credit though. My daughter had those same issues with gas/being colicky. We finally ended up on Nutramigen. It was a LIFE SAVER. You can try gripe water, gas drops, and/or Gerber probiotics. Talk with dad about helping out a little more. I understand he works, but you can’t do it all and shouldn’t be expected to do so. If you have anyone you trust that can help, I’d definitely reach out. That was part of what saved my sanity with our first. You are not a failure for struggling. You are not a failure for needing help. You are HUMAN & babies are HARD.


Is it his formula maybe that’s keeping him upset. May not be agreeing with his little belly. And You’re not failing as a mom.


Gripe water is amazing and if nursing what you eat affects him maybe a sensitive formula would help!! Here we have Walgreens also and Colic Calm helped my kids alot.


I was not able to breast feed, my daughter is now 23 but she was the same way you’re explaining your son to be, we had to put her on soy based formula. Many many sleepless nights, but the soy done the trick for her. Good luck mama, you’ll pull through :heart:

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Gripe water…do the bike thing with his feet and legs like pedaling it helped both my babies release trapped gas…keep him upright as much as possible and elevate his crib mattress(safetly of course) so his head is above his belly some …it sucks but your doing okay…u got this…seek friends to help some if possible even just so u can get a power nap in here or there…its tough but u will get thru it so will he and youll miss this one day stupid as that sounds.

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Your baby is 10 days old, the adjustment period is always hard. My daughter delt with AR and being on an AR formula did wonders for her. And yes dad works, but he needs to be helping you.

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You are not failing! You are running a house, raising two children and homeschooling! You are doing great and you are definitely not alone in feeling like this :heart:

Don’t look at it all as one big problem/failure
Take a moment and realise what u are achieving, give urself credit and start each day as a fresh!

Sleep - Can the dad take the baby when he’s home to give u a hour or two to nap? Or deal with the kids at the weekend to let u get a long lie? Sleep when the baby sleeps broken sleep is better than no sleep at all :slightly_frowning_face:

Homeschooling - do what u can when u can and don’t be scared to ask the school for some help

Feeding - maybe the meds haven’t started working yet and after a few days they will do their job? But speak to midwife/doctor about any concerns or issues u have and mention the things the girls have mentioned in other comments if these sound similar, sometimes doctors can dismiss things as nothing when there is something so if u feel like the issue isn’t getting better keep on at them to look into it more.

Housework can be a family chore - ask your daughter to help put dirty clothes in the wash after u change baby or nappies in the bin ect

When ur husband gets up for work he can take 5 mins to fill the washing machine so all u have to do is turn it on when u are up :woman_shrugging:t2: Small things like this make such a difference

And just remember it won’t be like this forever :disappointed_relieved: the days are long but the years are short :heart: Take care and hope things get better x


I would look into a milk protein intolerance. My daughter had it and her pediatrician kept blowing me off. Wish I had trusted my gut.
Also remember you are still leveling out your hormones from giving birth. You are not a failure.
Having a newborn is hard on top of homeschooling and having nights fall on you. Sleep deprivation isn’t good either


My daughter had bad reflux when she was little. We got her on meds and then did the added rice formula. I would keep her Upright for a while after giving her the bottle to prevent spitting up. I also rolled a towel to put under the mattress to create an incline to help with the reflux. I used gas drops and we did bycicle kicks and massaged her tummy in a clockwise circle. My husband works nights too …its is definitely difficult. But you got this! Just take a deep breath. You’re an amazing momma!

You Are Not A Failure.
Let me repeat that
babies, especially new borns are difficult, life with a newborn is difficult. Life with a fussy/gassy/perfect newborn is difficult.
Check your diet, it affects their digestive system while you are breastfeeding. Maybe you need more fruit or less fiber or dairy. At your next appointment (for you or the baby whichever comes first, both drs maybe able to help) talk to them about it. You might need to supplement with formula, or just switch over. THIS DOES NOT MAKE YOU A FAILURE. It makes you a tired mama who needs a reprieve. Again, YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. Talk to your husband, he might not be able to feed the baby but he sure can help with everything else, even if he is working. He might balk, newborns are scary, but ease him into it if he does, everyone will win.

You are not failing. Nutramigen!! I also had issues with trying to breast feed my 2 children. They had major digestive issues. I got next to no sleep. Once my Doctors had us try out Nutramigen everything got so much better. My oldest is now 13 and is lactose intolerant, and my 4 yr old has a milk protein allergy.



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My little one had terrible acid reflux as well. She ended up sleeping in a swing in our room with the owlet sock on until she was three months because she could not lay flat. We had her on gentlease formula and acid reflux medicine too. We found this about a month in and the combination worked wonders for us!

U could put boppy under the crib mattress it props them up with nothing in the crib

Not failing first of all. You wouldn’t be worried if you were failing as a mom. With acid reflux it’s harder for babies to sleep flat on backs I would talk to your pediatrician about ways he can get to sleep better. It doesn’t hurt to ask as many questions as you need. Yes being the only one home at night is extremely hard on a mom. I raised three for 3 years I worked days and he worked nights. We struggled but it is worth it I promise. Your baby is also trying to still get a hold of this daily routine. Lots of skin to skin contact is helpful when calming baby also. Hope this helps.

Hello mommy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are doing a great job.
Firstly, the meds will kick in soon, it takes a little while for their bodies to adjust.
Try and keep baby a bit elevated on an incline baby pillow - this should help with the discomfort whilst sleeping. The bicycle movement of the legs or even just pushing the legs a little up as if to curl into a foetal position will help with the trapped gas. My little one cried from 5am in the morning till 8pm at night nonstop before she was diagnosed with reflux and put on meds for 8 months.
I do pray everything will settle soon :hugs: big hugs

My son just turned 4 weeks and has had gas and really stinky farts when I was breastfeeding and formula feeding, I didn’t even have colostrum at first. We were told to try him on nutramigen as he may be sensitive to the milk protein. Not allergic, but sensitive. He was up for hours crying, not colicky but really bad gas, and I swear, he’s been on nutramigen for about 3 weeks now, and he is doing so damn much better. He will actually sleep 3 hours at a time


You’ve got this! I agree with May suggestions above and hopefully one of them will help the baby feel much better so you can both get some much needed rest.
Just remember to not be too hard on your self it will take times to find a new rhythm once everything gets figured out. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too.
Congratulations on your new baby!

My son had this problem, doctor tried acid reflux meds, didnt work. Different formulas. The only formula he could have some Similiac Alumentium!! It literally helped him so much! He was so gassy & he cried an cried for relief. I was so happy it helped him!


Oh mama! I went through that with my son it was rough! Def put some mylicon gas drops into his milk. If you’re using formula do shake the mixture. I stirred with a spoon to decrease the foam bubbles. Then I dropped in the mylicon. I held him at an angle when I fed him, everytime. My son literally had to be burped 6 or more times. After feeding I kept him upright, not laying flat even if he fell asleep after feeding for at least 25mins.

When they have acid reflux, you never want to put them flat on their back for at least 30mins. The gases get trapped and it hurts them.

Big hugs to you! It won’t be forever but it will get better.

I had the same problem an a nurse told me to take the baby to a chiropractor.
An within 7 days my baby was fine

You are not failing. He is only 10 days old and need mommy. Put him in a wrap and keep him against you. Helps alot with gas. Hold him… He doesn’t know much abt this cold world where mom puts him down.

We had to strap our son in bed at almost a 45 degree angle. After a month, he was fine. Just a thought. I was out of town 90% of the the time, wife did it.

Could be colic my sun had that he stomach hurt to I had to wrap him right in a blanket

Try infant probiotics they are amazing I used them with my two year old it’s the only thing that helped

Girl i know how hard it is. But it wont last forever he is only 10 days old. You just do the best you can, and the best you know how. Your doing great. Failing is really not an option for you momma. That baby needs you. Have a convo with your man and let him know its getting. Overwhelming for you and he has got to step up. You can message me anytime when your feeling overwhelmed. Never think your failing because you absolutely are not.


This to shall pass. I’m sorry. And you’re not a bad mom.

Maybe a special formula?

Have you tried Gas drops?

Tell the dad to step up and do days or you’ll let him cry next to him all night :woman_shrugging:t3: you deserve help any way you can


First of all. I am sorry :disappointed: The fourth trimester is a bitch.

Second, give yourself some slack. Putting baby on formula is NOT failing. STOP breastfeeding, I struggled with it as it made my post partum even worse, SO I stopped and put her formula. If you have family near or close friends, ask them for help, even if it’s while you take a nap while they hold baby, trust me, they will more willing than you think.

Let baby sleep on his tummy if he’s more comfortable that way, in fact, acid reflux babies per my doctor should sleep on tummies or inclined. If you can find a Rock and Play still, both my babies slept in that next toy bed until 6 months old. Otherwise you can incline the crib with some big books under the legs on one end. One of my friends swears by Gerber Good Start for the reflux. Or, if he’s comfortable in a swing, let him sleep in that in your room. My niece had horrible reflux and she slept in that until 4 months old.

Don’t let articles you read shame you or steer you from doing what you need to do. This chapter has a short shelf life and it WILL pass. It is so hard though…I went through horrible post partum last year with my second baby and thought I’d never get out of the dark, but I did.

Ask for help and don’t be afraid to ask friends and family.


Have him checked for tongue tie

Momma don’t be so hard on yourself! Keep your Chin up… ur an awesome mom ! We all been there as moms! Nutramigrn is the best to use! Look up coupons online! Warm up the water b4 you make the formula they like it better. Make the husband watch the baby on a day he has off the next day…it’s only right

My 18 day old daughter is struggling with colic too… Am switching her onto comfort milk and adding colic drops (infacol) … Can’t use Gripe water under 1 month old… Also I put her on her side to sleep as the minute I lay her on her back she screams and HV told me if its the only way I can sleep so be it as the advice changes every few years anyway… My eldest was advised front sleeping (10 years ago)… Don’t get disheartened or upset mumma you’re doing great x

Gas drops. And white grape juice

You may try goats milk

Look it up goggle it

You are a good mommy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I recommend you get this wedge pillow. It helped my son when he had acid reflux :pray::pray:

A sleep sack might help , one that swaddles. Also Nutramigen formula . also have his ears looked at, I don’t know how common ear infections are in newborns but crying while laying on his back can be a signal for one it was for all of my babies.

You are NOT failing.
You are worried.
You are tired.
You’re child is going through something you did not contribute to, nor can you control.
And you are there.
You are doing everything everything you can do, which is listen to the doctor, watch, and worry.
I seriously doubt you would EVER think these thoughts about someone else in your situation.
So try to get through this with the motivation of knowing that things WILL calm down. Your child will either grow out of this, or you will figure a way to calm it. Just hold out with hard work till then! You’re a mom and you’ve got this!
Also if you could maybe have a family member come over early in the morning once or twice a week so you can get some sleep. :heart:

Gas drops, gripe water. Get a baby carrier, Those work miracles for fussy, gassy babies.

Did you keep your kids alive so far? Relatively safe, and cared for? If so you are succeeding as a mom. Some days, and phases, months and even some years are mostly just hard, and exhausting.
You will get through it, even if it feels like you won’t. If you see this—YOU GOT THIS!!!
The love and baby smiles will keep you going even on the hardest of days.

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I had this with my little girl . She was literally awake from one bottle to the next and like you I was falling asleep holding her from the sheer exhaustion which I hated myself for . I feel your pain as while trying to heal myself I just wanted to ease the discomfort she was in. She held her breath at one point and I ended up in the children’s with her where she was finally prescribed gaviscon for reflux . I kept getting told it was colic and she’d outgrow it ! I tried gripe water which helped slightly, tried colief which upset her tummy . She would not settle whenever I lay her down to sleep . In the end with gaviscon in her bottles and a change of formula ( she was on sma ) to cow and gate it seemed to be a finer powder and worked miracles. Maybe try a change of formula- the health visitor kept advising me against it initially as her digestive system needed to get used to it however it was a last resort and it worked wonders.

Don’t doubt yourself I had it for around 3 months with my little one and the day it finally eased for her was such a relief. You got this momma you will come out the other end x

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Try raise the cot a little and i hes gassy and had trapped wind keep trying warm baths and different winding methods my daughter had terrible trapped wind etc… when feeding him try and keep him more upright than laying down and use gripe water or colic drops in milk. Never think ur failing as a mother your doing amazing mumma its hard when theyre colicy and u dont get mich sleep or help but know that ur bossing it :purple_heart: xxx

I had to put my daughter on formula with added rice starch (and only 1 brand worked for her). Its thicker so it stays down better and helps with reflux and vomiting. I also had an overactive letdown so she was getting too much milk too fast and then would vomit it all back up, also causing gas and discomfort. For awhile I tried nursing then giving her a bottle but it was still coming up. I tried mixing what I had pumped with the formula in a bottle, but that didn’t work either. I was so disappointed but saw a huge difference when we switched fully to the formula. Every baby is different however, so what works for one may not work for another. But DO NOT be ashamed or feel guilty about using formula if thats what works. Breast is best, if it works! If baby is in pain its not best. And if you’re exhausted you can’t be your best either. Unfortunately it really takes some trial and error, but you’re doing the right thing keeping the doctor involved. They should be able to suggest more ways to help. Best of luck momma, you’re doing great!!

My daughter was diagnosed with acid reflux at 8weeks old- her pediatrician put her on Soy based formula & it was night/day difference. At 1yr we switched her to milk & she is completely fine & loves milk to this day- 9yrs later. No more acid reflux.

Please listen to Gabrielle.