I feel I keep failing as a mom. I try to be there help more than I should make myself absolve to my daughter, and somehow it’s just not enough. She has been spoiled her life, and when the answer is no I’m sorry, I can’t. She stops talking to me, relying on my niece her cousin saying she is always there for her this hurts when I am here and if I don’t give my last penny do things her way I’m the bad guy she is having a baby I chose to buy gifts that others wouldn’t feel burdened to buy expensive things parents should by still not enough the shower I backed out of to extravagant for my wallet we aren’t like that she hangs with these people that money grows on trees it does not I work hard barely make ends meet help a mother be a mom.
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From your post, it sounds like a lot of manipulation to get her way. Hopefully as she becomes a mother she’ll realize that money/positions can’t buy love. I can absolutely see why this would hurt your feelings but don’t break yourself trying to buy her love.
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Time to get tough hard love
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