So I recently became a SAHM and I feel like I don’t do enough? Going from working to staying home is a big change. Kinda useless feeling, not bringing home a paycheck. I just wanted to share this this new…different feeling I’m trying to adjust to.
Being a stay at home mom is the most important job you’ll ever have. Keeping tiny humans alive, happy & healthy isn’t easy! But they’ll never forget that you were there.
Do you not pay someone to watch your kids if you were working? I know I personally pay $600 a week in childcare, if you were to pay a house cleaner it’d be $100-200 a week, personal chef, another $100-300 a week. Those things are your job, therefore you may not be “making” that money, but you are saving it.
I’m right there, since I was 15 I worked my butt off, sometimes 100 hours a week after I had my oldest. I’m now a SAHM with my 2 year old and it’s been a daily mental breakdown. I’ve found hobbies, plants and I’ve gotten really into fishing. That turns into fine outside with my son to play in the sand, even if it’s for an hour fishing the time does go by faster. I try to visit with friends and family, stay in touch even on the phone to make hours go by. It’s extremely tough, never mind the financial aspect of it. Keep swimming mama
I know that for some people that financial change is hard mentally. Tally up all the money being saved by you staying at home. Daycare will of course be the big one, but I bet there are others. Do you eat out less? Have you cut other household help? Are you saving on dry cleaning or travel expenses?
Im a mother to 3, 6 years ago I became a SAHM and I will tell you some days are harder then others with that feeling.
For everyone it’s different, I have good to bad days fighting the feeling.
I KNOW how much I save with them being in my care and not in someone else’s. The beauty in being able to watch all the firsts! The extra time you get to have with them and going to do things with them is amazing.
Keep in mind ALL you do between, cleaning, cooking, raising that sweet little baby. The mental and physical energy that being a mother takes. You have a 24/7 job. Work while we sleep, work while we’re up, we work when they go to grandparents for a few hours, it never stops.
Give it a bit of time and hopefully it will get better.
I will say this, I’ve known and seen that for some it’s just not for them. And if that becomes the case Do Not Let Others get you down! Some need the work flow instead of the SAHM flow, and that’s fine! Just consider ALL.