I feel like I’ve really became dependent on my husband over a long period of time To where I’m able to be a stay at home mom and like I just feel like I’m a burden and depressed. He does happen to be military and like I do have my own hobbies but I just feel so sad all the time and I’m caught up in my own head.
Can you get a part time job? Being a sahm is mentally draining and caused me issues as well. Working now, I feel better to have my own money, time away from home and adult conversations.
I’m actually going thru the same thing, if I lay in bed all day I will sleep thru the day even if I had a good night sleep, I’m feeling like I need to do something because it gets really depressing the things that I see to help me is listen to happy music thru the day or cleaning even if the house is clean enjoy this time not everyone has this opportunity, if possible take a day just for yourself every two weeks get a massage, spa day or just something you enjoy
rediscover things that you love and see what you can do outside of your home/relationship that are just for you.
Ex. i started going to a kava lounge to work (even bringing the kiddos sometimes), i’ve become a regular and have made friends. I also recently bought a cello - something I’m doing for myself and that’ll help me relax despite the stress, etc.
You just have to figure out what you want/like and try it even if you aren’t good at it. Join fb groups with specific topics (i’m in a black women making friends in their 30s group). and chat, go to things, bring the kids everywhere and learn how to handle them in public if you haven’t already.
Being a military spouse isn’t easy.
Talk to him. Sometimes it’s our perceptions that make us feel a certain way, and usually a conversation for clarity makes it all stop.
I am stay at home mom wife business owner 40 years more it hard no end being mom until they adults they can work everything pay own bills
Go back to school. Even if it’s a few classes online
You’re not a burden, you’re an asset. He would not be able to do what he does without you.
Go get a part time job it will boost your moral get you out of the house for a couple of hours and put a little money in your pocket
Find you a part time job. If you need a sitter for the kids get one. Being around other people will uplift your spirit.
Get screened for depression by a doctor. Get therapy/meds as needed.
Be with people, explore your area with or without the kids: parks, museums, amusements, historic sites, any attractions both natural and man-made, tour major businesses, meet the people who run the town.
Take up a hobby, get a part time job or volunteer someplace.
Sometimes sadness has unknown causes, it could be dysthymia or depression, it is always preferable to seek help.
I believe HE has become “dependent” on you to raise his (and your) children, do not diminish the important and brief roll a parent has in the development of the young
Find something that you enjoy and volunteer or go get a job. You could volunteer at a school, animal shelter, hang out with the elderly. Go volunteer at the military hospital if you’re close to one. Also call militaryonesource and work on your funk you’re in.
Why are people laughing if you don’t want to give advice then scroll on .
I’d look around your area and see what is available as far as gig work(1 time jobs)some examples in my area would be to get your name out to realtors that you can clean a move out or landscape a yard,doodash,babysitting,catering baking whatever your good at and passionate about.you will like the flexibility,make a little money,and it will give you something to look forward to.