I used to work as a teacher assistant before covid, let me tell you, in the state i live in teachers don’t have any rules for what they should or should not say unless it’s a case for domestic violence or abuse that’s where teachers has to be quiet and report. With that said i always thought it’s not ethical, the principal won’t do anything but talk with the teacher about how she shouldn’t talk about this with another student. You did good by removing her although it would be a bummer if that teacher was friends with the new teacher. Help your daughter with confidence and not to listen to teachers negative opinions, in high school and college teachers are too honest for anyones feelings. Good luck.
I would confront that teacher personally.
We have to shield them
In prek my sons teacher was tell ng the kids how stupid they were my son went from counting from 1-100/ adding double digits and subtracting double digits to counting to 10 badly asking his mom if she loved him because he was bad at school. The whole time it was the teacher and the other parents were the ones letting us know when they removed their kids from her class. I would get calls all week to pick him up cause he was trying to run away all the time we had no clue how bad it was we had to put him in a class with his twin and his good teacher. One day his old teacher cornered me said that he still had to go to her class to pass pre k exams I asked her to follow me to the office and told the principal what she said and he confirmed it. I told them in clear terms over their dead bodies. Tried telling there was an investigation and there was no truth to what happened. Do everything you can to get bad teachers fired
I sincerely doubt the teacher would tell another student that your daughter was going to fail. 7th grade girls can be nasty mean little creatures. I don’t know why your daughter’s so called best friend said that to her but when someone figures out the nasty streak in middle school girls, they’ll win that prize they’re always handing out in Sweden.
No teacher is going to confide in any student about another student’s grades. It violates FERPA laws. The teacher, so long as the student is minor, may bring up a student’s performance with that student’s parents/guardians and that’s it. If you don’t tolerate bullying from other children, you might want to reexamine why your daughter is friends with a girl who would play on her anxieties like that.
Regardless, I’d have a chat with the teacher before making a complaint to the school. I can’t entirely recommend pulling your daughter out because she has a meltdown over this teacher. That’s not teaching her how to handle obstacles in life. Today it’s a 7th grade science teacher, tomorrow, it’s her boss at work.
Having said that, I’m a fan of online schooling. Online schooling will teach your daughter time management and she will cover far more subject matter than she would in the classroom setting which only goes as fast as the slowest student.
Will she get “socialization”? She doesn’t need socialization if what she’s getting means girls like her little lie-telling friend. She can get interaction with children of her age in a number of different ways; it does not have to be at that school.
Sadly some teachers suck …I’d have gone and talked to the teacher the first time . I think your right to take her out
I would honestly start and document a discussion with the teacher. Unless you or your daughter heard it it may not be 100% on the mark, kids can perceive things differently and it’s it job as parents to show some conflict resolution skills. Absolutely stand up for your daughter but do it in a way she can learn from. Part of that is having conversation directly with the person you have an issue with.
I have had to deal with a teacher bully… calling my son names, kicking him out of her class and sending to iss, embarrassing him infromt of the entire class… I ended up setting a meeting with the vice principal and all of his teachers… luckily corona hit (not that I’m glad it happened but he got out of her class) and he ended up being virtual the rest of last year… I do NOT tolerate a bully whether child or adult… someone needs to report that teacher immediately, who is to say thats the only child she is treating that way…
Start with the principal and/or counselor. Make sure your daughter is in on it. Using what a friend reported without knowing the whole conversation should not be your primary source. After a similar issue I went to the classroom and actually heard inappropriate comments. I kept my daughter home and waited until I was calm enough to meet with the principal. It was resolved!
Have detailed documentation. Having worked in schools for many years, I have seen first hand (unfortunately) teachers who were bullies to certain students. First start by going to the principal with your details and insist on a change of teacher and action taken against the teacher. If nothing happens, go to superintendent and school board.
I had that problem with my kids in middle school. The teachers even bullied each other there. I moved my kids to K12 online school and my kids are much happier there.
My daughter had a teacher in 4th grade that was similar. She told her once that she wasn’t allowed in her class because she had a rash from poison ivy. She called her out in front of the whole class and made them think she was contagious.
Sucks about the teacher, but good for you Mama! My mom did the same thing with me when I was in 2nd grade. My teacher had me bawling on the second day of school when she dug her thumb into my collarbone, she would exclude me in certain events and force me to do past projects that I never heard of and made me do them as the other kids played. She also put so much pressure into me when I was trying to learn math and simple words on English papers. And if I made a mistake she’s tell me to fix it but yet couldn’t erase it. She even had yelled at me as well. I think I only lasted a week or so in her class until my mom pulled me out of school and homeschooled me ever since.
My advice is before reporting her you should talk to her because 7th grade kids lie and exaggerate things like crazy. Hell, even high schoolers makes things up about teacher they don’t like.
I would request a meeting with your daughter, the teacher, and principal if you haven’t already.
Call the principal and set up a meeting with your daughter, the teacher, the principal, and yourself.
You could just take her out the class. I had an almost same situation with a 1st grade teacher. I always got wonderful remarks from teachers and my daughter loved school. Until she met her 1st grade teacher everything changed.
That’s unacceptable. Definitely meet with the principal ASAP
My i ask u what school this is
I had a teacher like this in high school favoured the straight A math students but if you had average grades or were struggling she wanted nothing to do with you. She would offer math help in the morning and I would go and she would make comments like “how do you not know this” and “have you considered college instead of university/how are your other classes grades”. She would also embarrass me in front of my peers handing my failed test shaking her head telling me “not this time hun”. It got so bad I literally just gave up because my own teacher was telling me I was a failure (even though all my grades were excellent in my other classes). I failed the class but the next year I took It again and I passed with a 80 and went on to get a scholarship to University. Tell your daughter to make this her motivation to prove this teacher wrong and don’t allow it to get her down! Some teachers really are not meant to teach.
I’d take my happy ass down there and personally let the teacher know how you feel. Then take my ass to the office and demand action right now!
If her grades are good why would she say this
This is why people make me sick let a teacher bully my kids they wont like that outcome
Unless your daughter actually heard the teacher say this to the other student, then at this point it’s pretty much hearsay.
You dont know that the other student is being 100% honest or that something wasnt taken majorly out of context by that student and then used thier own inference.
If you’re concerned, the best thing to do would be to email the teacher detailing exactly what your daughter told you and go from there.
Teachers bullying students is a major issue, (my son was bullied by his kinder teacher to the point he started having pee accidents), but at the same turn, accusing a teacher of bullying a child when that’s not the case definitely hurts the belief that it happens.
You can have her transferred out of this teacher’s class.
Have you talked to anyone else at the school, principal/guidance counselor, about this in the past? I would start there before pulling her out of school and going to the school board. This could very easily be resolved with reprimanding the teacher and switching classes via the principal/counselor. If you have reported and have a paper trail and the school has done nothing then you should escalate.
Talk too the teacher and get all the facts. I won’t defend the teacher but without getting his side of the story you aren’t doing your daughter justice.
She sounds like a terrible teacher.
I would speak to the teacher before you go to the board. Give her a chance to address your concerns. That said you should always advocate for your child.
You maybe need to have a word with said teacher. My issue would be not that unfortunately kids fib and tbf us mainly girls. Your girl has heard this of someone else so could be a lie. Teacher could be innocent
Id have a polite word or maybe send an email just raising your concerns
Yes contact the board and complain…
I had a teacher tell me that my son wasn’t going to move on , and made her students who needed to use the bathroom pee in there pants and just sit there and not calling their parents . I had the teacher fired and she can never worked for the school system again, but after all this all students went on graduating and other parents were glad that step up and did something about it . Now I have another teacher who is a bully saying something mean to kids while home school and I reported it now waiting to see what happens to him
Go have a few words!!! I have 0 tolerance for it… from other children or adults that think they are something… if your momma didn’t show you how to respect others I’ll tell u
Man, I would’ve been all over that teacher’s ass. She cannot discuss another student’s grades or progress with anyone other than school staff or that child’s parent/guardian. She should lose her job for that alone.
Email everyone. The teacher, vice principal, principal and the superintendent and vice superintendent. Put it in writing or it didn’t happen! Always, always leave a paper trail. If they call you, email them back thanking them for their call and rehashing the general points of the call. Print everything out as soon as they reply. And keep copies of all emails you send too. If you can ask for a read receipt, do that too!
Go to the school and confront her
file charges on her for bulling from Mick