I feel like my daughters teachers failed her...advice?

Some schools don’t test for that until they reach a certain age. Teachers will make notes on students through out the years and pass them along in their files, and then eventually they’ll get enough info to suggest testing and ipe(idk what it’s called) the first couple of years is hard to pin point cause they’re still learning. Once they get to like 1st-3rd is when they really start paying attention cause they’re learning more than just the basics and it’s easier to tell if they have dyslexia and other learning issues.

When doing homework, spelling words, sight words, etc… you didnt notice her struggling while trying to do these things at home?

This needs to be brought to your childs pediatrician for concerns to see if there is a disability as they would be the ones to diagnose, not the teacher or school district.

It is your job to advocate for your daughter… did you not see the strugle in Kindergarten or 1st grade. You dont wait 6 years and say its teachers fault. Learning starts at home.

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You are the parent. It’s ur responsibility to voice ur concerns with her pediatrician to get her tested. Teachers are there to teach not diagnosis. You said it’s been 6years and u have yet to act on it? Oof…

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Public school doesn’t care about your child at all. They just want a butt in a seat to get funding. She’s just profit to them. They get paid the same as long as she’s there. They don’t care if she “does well” or not. The worse she does, she’ll be held back and thats just more profit for them. Public school is about indoctrination and not education. The fact she’s not doing well by their guidelines means she’s actually smart and not just a robot spitting back useless info they’ve forced on her.

Stop pushing the kids through if they fail, fail them. Only way they’re gonna learn if they can’t pass grade one, how are they gonna pass grade 6

Teachers can hint at you, but one they arent trained in diagnosis, two they have way to many kids to really KNOW because they dont have one on one time, and three, can you imagine if they suggested that to the wrong parent. They could lose all their credibility through lies and accusations. The fact is, teachers can only do so much and see so much. You were helping her with her homework for 6 years and even you, her parent didn’t realize. And that’s not me saying it’s your fault. Thats me saying you know her better than anyone probably and if you didn’t pick up on it, teachers will have a hard time picking up on it in their classroom of 20 to 35 kids that they teach for 9 or 10 months :woman_shrugging: Just be happy you know now and you can get the tools to help her.

Education starts AT HOME! Too many people blame teachers for their own lack of involvement in their children’s education. Hold yourself accountable FIRST.

No, you failed her, not the teachers.
However, it’s only a you fail if you don’t push for your daughter to be tested and get her the help she needs.

I KNEW my kiddo had ADHD in kindergarten. First grade it was even more obvious, now in 2nd I had her evaluated. She’s on meds and is doing SO MUCH BETTER.

YOU have to advocate for your child. You can see those learning disabilities at home. When you noticed it you should have asked the teacher if they did as well & went from there.

Teachers cannot be everything to every kid.

It is a shame that the school has failed your daughter. Don’t they have special education teachers on staff, what about dialog between teacher and parent. Can you get your child tested if she has a learning disability?

I had to pull both my neurodivergent children out of school because their school refused to enroll them in an IEP and didn’t want to do the right thing even after they were diagnosed. They are 6 and 7 :roll_eyes:

It’s been 6 years and you clearly noticed something was off. Why not do something about it sooner rather then waiting for a teacher that has 24+ other kids to call you? Do you do anything with her after school like reading or helping with homework? You can’t blame it all on teachers. You have the kid more then they do.

Because most parents get offended when teachers bring up something like that. Now days everything is offensive, by demanding too much freedom we lost it on the way

No. It’s not their job. It’s yours. And their dr. The teachers job is to accommodate your child’s diagnosed learning disability. Yes, teachers do often take it upon themselves to inform parents if signs they may notice or talk with them about potential concerns but they have 20-30 kids to pay attention to you cat expect them to know the difference in every single kid of actual learning difficulties and just kid behavior of not wanting to do things “correctly” or at all, or getting vied easily and disengaging.
You didn’t notice it in the last six years and you’re one on one with her significantly more often than her 6 teachers over 6 years, but you expect then to have noticed and poinedit out to you? And if you have noiced you’ve done nothing about it.
How does this equate to the school or teachers failing her?

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Did you notice her grades ? As soon as I noticed my son’s grades were poor I had the school give him tests to see if he had ADD or auditory processing disorder. And as soon as we were all on the same page we quickly got him the help he needed. Please check to see if your child has auditory processing disorder. It’s more common than you think. You have to be your child’s top advocate !

As a preschool teacher and mom to a child with ADHD, yes the teachers should have mentioned “hey I’ve noticed she struggles in these areas. Have you noticed it to?” During a parent/teacher conference But you as the parent also could have said to them during a parent/teacher conference “hey I noticed she’s been struggling with XYZ homework, have you notice this in school to?” My sons kindergarten teacher waited til spring conference to say she notice he can’t sit still or focus. But I knew this was a thing as I saw it at home which is why she started noticing it. I had mentioned it at fall conferences

They get report cards … you knew she was struggling

I can only speak from my experience but my mom said something to all my teachers this was in the 80s and no one till my 3rd grade math teacher helped. My 3rd grade math teacher asked my mom if she looked into Dislexia as a possible diagnosis for me the second my mom had a starting point she called everyone she could to find out how to get me tested and get me help but you have to know what you are looking for to get help ( Well now their is the Internet to Google around in but their is a stigma of people trying to self diagnose so that doesn’t mean anyone will listen to you either). Once I had to diagnose it was like pulling teeth to get anyone to actually do the accomodations I was asking for. The amount of trouble I had in High school trying to get the help I was entitled to was insane. People told me it would be better if I was in a public school, well now my kid is and it is exactly the same way only we have even had a hard time getting the diagnosis. It has been just as horrible as it was in the 80s but at least in the 80s I didn’t have to struggle and practically fist fight to get a diagnosis to even start. So the blame game is fun but stupid you can do everything right know going in something is going on and teacher and therapist will still tell you bullshit like you can’t have a disability your grades are fine. :roll_eyes: I never got below a C in my life and in Highschool never below a B but I am as the woman who diagnosed me said extremely dislexic but I have a high IQ and learned ways to get around it that worked for me pretty early on. I think I might have PTSD from all the fighting I had to do to get my accomodations and from people telling me I shouldn’t go to college cause of it. I have an associates degree and a Bachelor’s and was thing of getting a Master’s or a doctorate but life happened and I didn’t. All this to say teacher’s should be better when it comes to kids with disabilities as a whole and parents should fight to figure out what to do if their child is struggling, but as a parent you can do everything right and it can still be a huge up hill battle to get help.

Its not the teachers responsibilty to organise extra help or testing your child for a learning issue
If a teacher had to do that for all students
There would be no time to do lesson planning and less time she can spend in the classroom
I suggest you stop doing research especially from Google
And taking your child to your gp for acurate testing

Teachers cannot handle all the IEP 's in classrooms. It’s hurting the children immensely not receiving the supports needed to succeed. They are left behind but still pass on to the next grades without completing the ones they are in.

I see you are trying. Maybe you homeschooling will help you decide in what areas she needs help. If you can’t help her in those, please get a tutor. Moma’s can’t do everything.

Teachers teach from a standard curriculum to 22 to 35 students. Your daughter received report cards, did you even notice or try to help her? How many PTA meetings did you go to, how many times during a school year did you meet with teachers or councilors. Most schools send paperwork home noting trouble areas. Waiting 6 years to notice that she was having issues is on you!

<3 with all due respect you didnt notice she had a learning disability? Are you not involved in her schooling? You don’t help with homework? Flashcards? Studying? You didn’t notice poor report cards? Did you not check homework grades or test grades? You weren’t required to do parent/teacher conferences? Not one person said she was struggling? When was the first time you noticed she was struggling? When my son was diagnosed with a learning disability and put on an IEP, it was me who initiated the help. The Teachers are not the reason your child is struggling. You have to be a proactive parent and get involved with your child at school.

If you as her mom can’t see it why do you think the teachers will? Sounds like misplaced blame.

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My son has Asperger’s (high functioning autism), anxiety, and sensory processing disorder. So rushing from task to task, overly bright rooms, loud sudden noises would cause him to have an anxiety and sensory overload and he would hurt himself (pinching, accidently walking into doors, tables ECT) and I would point this out and would get asked do I have medical proof. I brought in 1000 pages from 5 doctors and the school agreed with the papers but said because he wasn’t struggling in his academics I should just put him in therapy because all he does at school is normal kid stuff and I’m an overbearing parent. I struggled for 4k-2nd grade when they called CPS on me because his ESA died. So we took a tour of a near by school and in a 15 min walk through the aid and staff noticed his “normal kid behavior” and instantly were working with him durig the walk through. He begged me as we said good bye to not send him back to his old school. I felt like I failed as hard as I fought but it wasn’t me. And there are options.

Why haven’t u written in to the principal requesting the schools psychiatrist evaluate your child???

I feel if the teachers say what you really wanted them to say, some parents would be pissed & want them fired, If you thought there could be a problem with your daughter, why didn’t you go to the board & ask them to evaluate her? Or you take her to a Dr/Child Study Team & ask them to evaluate her? I did with my son, (he will be 51 in a few months) when his teaches in kindergarten & 1st grade told me they think he should be left back (he would have graduated when he was 17yrs old) so I took him, to a Child Study team at a local hospital & his IQ at 6 yrs old was 145, One of the problems the teachers thought was he was too immature, he never paid attention, always looking out the window or drawing but always got everything correct, But there were a few things he couldn’t do, & that was sounding out words, He had to say them over & over, write them down & say them again, He never failed & he always was drawing & graduated. So in English class he was in a special class, A few others in was in a advance class. The Child Study Dr wanted me to try him on Ritalin, but he was NOT disruptive or always out of his seat, So I refused, he didn’t need that drug or any other drugs. He was always quiet, very quiet & he liked looking out of the window & drawing. But still passed all of his tests So I researched a lot of different foods & changed some of his diet, Plus he was always outside playing & slept 12 hrs a night. So as a mother, you are respectable for your children & you are the one who should be advocating for them!!!

You are your child’s advocate. If she’s struggling it’s up to you to request the appropriate evaluations from the school district. Do it today. Email the principal requesting a special education evaluation. That gets the ball rolling.

as the daughter of a teacher, they can’t make legal a diagnosis. they also are dealing with MULTIPLE students a day. depending on what they teach, they could have anywhere from 25-33 kids in one class & multiply those numbers the higher the grade level.

as a parent to a child with a learning disability & another who’s autistic, you need to take accountability. why did it take you 6 years to say something? my autistic child i knew something wasn’t right when he was about 6-8 months old & contacted his pediatrician who put me in touch with specialists. my other child with the learning disability, i picked up on it when she was in pre-k & started reaching out to teachers and the school then… if your daughter has a learning disability, homeschool may actually NOT be beneficial to her as you are not a teacher.

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Its your job to get her diagnosed. Teachers can say the kids struggling but their not doctors & cant diagnose a kid. If you saw she was struggling thats on you to take her to get help.

Teachers should absolutely pick this up, 6 teachers didn’t.
But neither do you as her only mother.
Lots of blame here and none on the kid

This comments section is disgusting​:flushed::flushed::flushed: Ya’ll must be real privileged​:woman_shrugging: Cause I’m in the hood, and I haven’t had a fraction of the luck ya’ll seem to, and that’s with me already knowing my kids diagnosis’.

What if these parents have their own learning disabilities? What if they NEVER got any intervention? What if they literally don’t even know today they have it and they were just always labeled as what my school’s called “remedial” which was a bunch of kids who had diagnosis’ that interventions would’ve helped with, but they never got any of that​:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If all the kids teachers saw it… It absolutely WAS their responsibility to express something, whether to the parents, or the school and let them deal with the parents!

The way ya’ll frame the school system today is just so gross​:roll_eyes: And if teachers want so much less “responsibility” that we’re to these points, then please stop saying it’s not “just childcare” bc wtf would you call any school that’s not interested in actually TEACHING your child exactly​:woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

The school does have a responsibility to evaluate a student if a disability is suspected. I’m my state, it’s called Child Find. There is a process that should be followed to determine if the student is responding to interventions. Teachers saying, in hindsight, that there may be a learning disability most likely points to a systemic problem with the school or districts process for identifying students with disabilities. I wouldn’t blame the teachers.

The amount of people on this thread who have zero clue it is REQUIRED BY LAW for schools and teachers to
Fund and evaluate children with suspected learning disabilities blows my mind

Per IDEA child find is a LAW !’n

Ok listen…teachers suck sometimes. They have so many kids they often let the ones struggling slip through the cracks. My son almost died and they did nothing. He was so sick, mean, miserable and sleeping all the time at school. He looked like a cancer patient he was so skinny, his eyes sunk in, scraggly hair. He ate like he was starved at home. Literally ate more at lunch than I did all day, and I’m fat! And he was drinking like crazy. I asked them numerous times if he seemed different than the other kids. If he was drinking or eating more then them, they said no. Then, after going every 3 weeks for 8 months to the dr, he finally tested him for type 1 diabetes. I asked at 3 separate appts if he were diabetic and the doctor laughed at me. Everyone was failing my son. When the test results came they called and told me to get him to the er immediately or he would die likely that day….

Here’s the issue. We are the parents. WE are supposed to know when something doesn’t seem right. So sure, you can blame all the teachers,…but the real person you’re angry with is yourself. YOU missed it. The same way my son was dying in front of me and I blindly trusted the doctor I took him too every 3 weeks. We are at fault, not the school. My son looked and behaved abused and they didn’t report me to childrens aid. SMH.

I believe you were right to feel that way. Someone else should have said something as well, sometimes as parents we feel we are always second guessing ourselves especially if you are a working mother. Now you are aware so just move on from here momma nothing will get better by doubting or blaming, just pick up and move forward! :wink: ! You are more capable of teaching your child anyways. Better than some teacher who has 25-50 kids and can’t give personal time to any individual one :rage:

Part of the blame is on you

My son started struggling in kindergarten. His teacher told me it was normal for his age. I didn’t believe her and fought to get him the help he needed by the middle of first grade he finally had an iep. Every year I fought to keep that iep until he no longer needed it and now he is closely monitored so of he starts struggling again they will intervene. It’s not the teachers responsibility. It’s yours. You should’ve stepped in the moment you found out she was struggling. Did you go to any of the parent teacher conferences? Parent conferences is where you discuss one on one your child academics. The only way I can see how the teachers can be blamed is if you went and they lied

You have failed her for the past 6 years :pensive:

It took us 4 1/2 years to get our son tested for an IEP in math, most teachers are hesitant to tell parents or are limited. We had to threaten the school with a law suit.
In writing request her to get tested. Email the teacher, admin and principal of the school. They are required to act on a formal written request from parents. Do the follow up and keep pushing.
My son scored in the 1% for math, and they told us they were not sure he would qualify for help! :rage:. And my hubby is a high school teacher. His 5th grade teacher was great and really helped us and him.
Within a week he has his IEP

I think everyone is at fault. As a teacher myself I try to do everything to make each student succeed. If my days shows that nothing is working, I speak with parents and if they are okay with me referring them I speak with our SPED department… unfortunately some parents are denial and don’t really understand what SPED is for… however I have worked with teachers that don’t want the extra work that comes along with referring a student; more paperwork, trying more strategies, recording data for X amount of weeks, etc. and it’s a longer process if the student doesn’t speak English as their first language.

Most parents send their child to school thinking the teachers are taking care of everything, but that’s not always the case. At the end of the day, if you knew your child had a learning disability you should have said something. You are your child biggest advocate at the end of the day.

Some schools will not even test kids for special ed unless they are not 2 years behind. Its sad

We had to mention my son’s adhd to his pediatrician and get referrals for testing. Not the schools responsibility until you tell them she for sure does have a learning disability and figure out how to put a learning plan in place with her and the school.

I asked the school about my daughers struggles for quite some time. She was failing and knew she was having trouble reading. It wasn’t until 10th grade when her grades got so bad that she became ineligible for basketball when they really took my concerns seriously. They started IEP with her and her grades went from failing to all A’s and B’s. She did great the last few years of high school with their help. Fast forward, first semester of college, she was on her own without the help and struggles on her own without the help and ended up failing her English class. Whatever route you decide to go, make sure that what/how they learn can be carried on beyond k-12. Good luck! Don’t give up, keep fighting for your child. And fir those that say that the teachers aren’t allowed to say anything, isn’t that what parent teacher conferences are for??

You have to get an official diagnosis before a school will do anything. I struggled in school only to find out I have severe dyslexia when I was 32, had I been diagnosed at a young age it would have spared me of so much mental anguish and decades of feeling too stupid to learn…

Ppl its called a I.E.P the school district sets all up for da child, it follows them all thru 12 if needed.chk with ur school district get ur kid tested no charge!!

Whilst I understand you blaming the school is your initial reaction, do you not get reports every year on her progress? Maybe it’s different in Australia where I live. We get reports half year with ratings on where our child should be at based on their year level and where they are actually performing. However if my child was falling behind for a reason, behaviour, anxiety or simply just finding the work too hard I would be requesting a meeting with a school whether that comes from the school reports, the child telling me they’re having a tough time keeping up etc. You need to take some responsibility as well, you would be getting school reports, I’m assuming you’re reading them? Then you need to take action. Get your child assessed for any learning difficulties, request letters from the school about her current work and effort, take previous reports with you.

Not sure where you are but here in the UK yes it is the teachers responsibility to notify you if they have noticed something in your child that would require them to need additional help as they can make referrals and/or will be required to support your request if you take them to a doctor about it, I think your feelings of her being failed are very much valid!