I feel like my husband and I are just roommates...advice?

So I need a little help. My husband and I have been together for quite some time. I feel like we are definitely in the “roommate stage” again. We go back and forth. I’m trying to find an app or something to connect us in ways that maybe we are struggling. We’ve tried a few out and liked them but we just don’t want to pay for an app rn. I know I know, why have an app then when ypu can talk about things in person??? Right. I get that but I feel like we just can never find the right things to talk about or question about and the apps really help guide us with that. Any suggestions? Where is actually free or not a lot of money at all??


try cutting Tv out in the evenings and do something you think you both would enjoy. Wine and a charcutier board? Those Trivial games on the phone are fun? get laughing again.

My husband and I do the free version of the paired app. First thing in the morning when we wake up, we each answer our free daily question. Once we’ve both answered, we frequently discuss the topic and our answers.

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Do a date night, something youve never done before and super fun. You’ll re-fall in love

No advice, same situation here sorry it’s the worst feeling…hope things get better for you soon

An app, counseling and dating would still be cheaper than a divorce. Figure out where your priorities lie and just work on it. If you truly want to fix your marriage then date, talk, get counseling and what ever else is required. Make it a priority no matter the cost. If you don’t you’ll just be out more eventually for the cost of the divorce.

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Ughh we’re in the Same Boat. Following for ideas.

There’s a game called Lifestories. It’s wonderful. You can play it with your kids & it gets you talking, thinking and reminiscing.

Questions are like, if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Describe dinner time at your house now or when younger, or what do you think is your biggest achievement? If something is a sore spot you pick a card that gives you something fun to do, like balance an olive on your nose or laugh like one of the other players.

It’s a cooperative game so you only win when everyone gets to the center, and you cheer each other on. Sometimes I just take the cards and ask people questions without playing the board game part.

Me and my partner just went through the ‘room mate stage’ we have 6 children and get no alone time and we are exhausted so those things contributed as well as money worries etc we kind of went into our own little worlds. I spoke to him the other day about how I feel and we had a long in depth chat, we then made sure that night phones were off and we tucked up with a movie once the kids were in bed. We’ve made sure to make conversations happen when we are together tonight we played charades with the kids which was hilarious and we feel so much more connected again now I’m hoping this feeling stays. Just make time for each other. Make a point of chatting about both of your feelings, your wants and needs from the relationship. Do some family games and have a laugh hopefully things will sort themselves out again

Try this game to help you reconnect.

Go to Amazon and get these cards called talking point and do those every night.

I’m going to get some heat for this but men are very simple creatures. Sex is nice but we really love to feel needed and desired. If you walk past him and complement him on how he looks it will really pick him up. If he just feels like a wallet and doesn’t seem to make you happy with anything then after a while it really gets us down.

Prayer … it’s free and 100% effective.:pray:t3::hugs:

Wonder what people did before apps were a thing :thinking:. SMH!!! I bet they communicated


You dont need an app you need to put your phones down and pay attention to each other