I feel like my husband expects to much out of our kids...advice?

I feel like my husband has too high of expectations for our 2 and 5 year old. Asking for opinions. We take the kids to the park for an hour ish and when we say it’s time to go, they get upset, don’t want to leave. My daughter cries as he carries her to the car. It’s noon, 90degrees so they’re hot, tired, probably hungry. Wondering if this is normal behavior for their ages? My husband expects them to be grateful that we took them and leave with no attitude or tears. Also he didn’t play with them at all while we were there…


At 2 which mine is a little over a week before she’s 2 I still consider that a baby! It’s totally normal for the baby to act like that, as far as the 5 year old I wouldn’t expect a tantrum but I would expect it to be an “oh man” situation. I mean come on what reaction is expected? Yay we’re leaving the park? :roll_eyes:


Same I do t have the energy I use to lol

Yeah, he definitely expects too much. Adults expect kids to regulate their emotions, but almost every adult I know has a hard time regulating their own emotions. It never makes sense to me. :laughing: This is definitely normal behavior at this age. They will outgrow it eventually. :woman_shrugging:


That’s totally normal behavior. My son is hit or miss, sometimes he’s fine leaving, sometimes he’s cranky leaving if he’s overly tired and it’s hot. I always give him a 10 minute heads up to leave. Some times he just pouts a bit, and then he gets over it.

I’m an adult and I still am not 100% at regulating my emotions. I don’t think anyone is. It’s hard for kids to learn to regulate their emotions, they’re such tiny humans with big feelings. I think it’s okay to give them some grace and understanding.


I mean yeah, pretty typical behavior for the 2 year old but the 5 year old should be easier. I tell my 5 year old if he acts up when it’s time to go then we won’t go back. Where as my 2 year old always acts like she’s being abducted. Also I start a count down when it gets close to time to leave. I’ll do 30 mins, 10 mins, 5 mins, time to go.


Uhhh honestly what kid wants to leave the park lol meltdowns are gonna happen with any kid that needs to leave somewhere they’re having fun especially the park

If at least one parent isn’t telling them this stuff then how and when will they learn those lessons? I agree with husband, I wouldn’t punish them for those behaviors but telling them expected behaviors is apart of parenting…


My husband also expects to much from our kids at times. They’re 3 and 6 and he gets upset that they’re not more grateful or know how to keep the house spotless.

Give the kids a heads up that you’re leaving tell them 10 minutes before you are ready to go hey guys I know you’re having fun but just so you know we’re getting ready to leave in a little bit that way they know it’s coming and to expect it instead of just saying hey let’s go now you give them no warning they’re going to get upset


My kids still do this and one is 17 (not like he did when he was a kid). They don’t learn appreciation or gratefulness until they are in a position of not having it or start doing it themselves

Try giving your kids a timer. Say 5 minutes and we will go. Set a timer. Let them know when they have 1 minute left. My kids no longer cry.

Remember they are children. If he enjoys fishing and had to come home earlier he’d probably be disappointed too.


I’m assuming your husband comes from a home that very much the same way as a kid and isn’t recognising the patterns of behaviour

Always say your going for ice cream and actually do it even if it’s a homemade popsicle they will always want to leave

My son is 7, acts the same way it’s literally because he’s exhausted. He should be grateful the kiddos love the park/outdoors that much there’s some that doesn’t.


Oh it gets a whole lot worse then that, tell hubby to buckle up… :sweat_smile:

I don’t think he’s unreasonable by teaching them but it takes time. 5 year old should have already learned. Give a count down to help the transition.

I don’t think your husband is unreasonable for teaching the children to be greatful and appreciate things like this and no they should not carry on, but it’s a learning process that needs to be taught


It’s normal behavior. My husband is the same exact way like at amusement parks or vacation but his reasoning is bc he didn’t have it as a child and wants to give our kids everything which I get to a certain extent. I work in child welfare so I see what kind of lives other kids live and I try explaining to him that some kids never see the beach or an amusement park or anything perks we give our kids. Parenting is super hard especially if 2 parents aren’t on the same page. And that’s one of our biggest fights!


Needs to chill. Kids need to be kids

It’s normal. They are still young. I’d understand better if they were older but they are not. They wanted to play longer. I’d try and give them heads up say 5 or 10 minutes then we are leaving. All kids act like that.


It’s normal for everyone it’s normal for a 2 yr old to do that idk about the 5 yr old some of mine throw fits about leaving parks at that age and some didn’t either way it’s normal it’s also normal for a parent to get frustrated in that situation I’m sure dad was hot and hungry also just like it’s ok for the kids to feel some kind of way it’s ok for dad to feel some kind of way it’s all in the way the emotions are handled……being frustrated and nicely caring a child throwing a fit is different from being frustrated and dragging a scream kid from a park. High stress is high stress even for grownups and it’s ok as long as those moments are being handled appropriately. Also to avoid fits make sure your expectations are clear….we are playing at the park for an hour then we have to go eat lunch tell them when it’s time to go u don’t want fits and yelling it’s just time to go give them a 5 min warning. ud be surprised how understanding small kids can be when they know what to expect.


Very normal always gave my girls a heads up 15 mins before we were going to go

Totally normal behaviour. My five year old doesn’t cry when we leave anymore but she does give us a hard time because she wants to stay.


I don’t play with my kids at the park. I sit on a bench and enjoy watching them be kids.
It’s understandable that they fuss about leaving if they’re having a good time. It’s completely normal and will continue until adulthood


Typical behavior but it’s a dad’s job to get the kids to act right. It’s mom’s job to be loving and nurturing. Let him parent, because while it’s normal behavior for that age, it’s not appropriate and it sounds like he’s trying to correct the behavior…


Tell him they’ve been in this world for 2 and 5 years and quit trying to make them act like adults. They’re being kids. I would just leave him at home.


I always give my daughter a count down timer. Then I remind her that even though we are leaving the park, there’s still fun to be had at home too. Her dad plays with her the whole time we go to the park. It’s one of their favorite things to do together.

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My kids are 7 and older and still throws a fit when it’s time to leave the park


Very expected for their ages. All 3 of my kids did this as well. Take home feed and nap time is what I did. After nap time I would gentle parent at that age to remind them that If they wanted to go back to park they would need to be in good behavior. I used this tactic as well when taking them with me to the store. If hubby goes and 1 would act up he would take the one to the car until I was done. Just idea and it worked. Hugs and tell husband to stop and think of the ages and have him relax a little.

I honestly have never met anyone happy about leaving a place where they’re having so much fun… 2 to 5yr olds simply express how most of us would feel, just dramatically louder😆

I can be normal reaction but also good to teach them.yes we came we had fun we will come back another day, it is never fun to have to drag the kids out kicking and screaming when it is time to go.
My 5 and 6 year.olds were like this but we talk to them and explain that there’s no need for a tantrum and we will come back.
I also find it helpful to give them warnings ans say ok we are leaving in 10 mins then agsin ok we are leaving in 5 mins go down the slide a few more times ( or what ever they are enjoying doing ( then let’s get ready to go.

Oh my goodness they’re little, they don’t have the capability to think and process like we do. They are going to cry, and be kids. You both need to teach expectations. Kids like to know what is coming next, kids thrive on schedules when they go to somewhere fun it’s like time doesn’t exist. Say ok we’re leaving in this amount of time… they’ll still kinda be upset but not surprised.

It’s normal. U have to give reminders before leaving to try and stop and tell them they have something special at home like a certain movie. But letting the kids play is fine but transitions are hard on their brains. So the reminders help. Kids will cry, others will gives looks and complain. Kids cry. Boy or girl. They are learning. Just don’t let society get to you. Your the kids momma not the world’s. Ya know? Control what ya can and navigate through the rest.

Both sides are valid. Kids will always feel upset when it’s time to leave somewhere fun, give them a 5 minute and 2 minute warning before leaving. Dad is right to feel annoyed too. We don’t really play with our kids at the park either. They are usually busy running around with other kids.

Sounds like normal behavior to me. I don’t play with my kids at the park either. Thats the good part about having multiple kids. They can play with each other :joy: I do play basketball with them or push them on the swings but you wont find me on any jungle gyms lol

They are 2 and 5. Your husband needs to lower his expectations!


Plan something fun at home for them to look forward to when leaving the park (baking cookies, getting an ice cream ect) my eldest I can’t remember ever having meltdowns when leaving places she just went along with it but we were out often, 4yr old my show displeasure at leaving and wanting to stay “2 more hours” but comes along eventually Mr 3 has just started tantrums in the last 6ish months when leaving places but I’ve also been busy at home where before we would cook , create sensory activities , garden so they loved coming home to do stuff.
We do play cafes weekly an don’t play with them , they’re there to socialise and use their imagination

Totally normal. You can’t expect that age to be able to regulate their emotions like adults do

It’s normal for both ages. Children don’t start thinking and understanding the way we do until 7 years old.


Expecting two little kids to be greatful is stupid. A 2 year old definitely doesn’t know how to be greatful nor does a 5 year old. They don’t learn empathy or sympathy until age 8 and 9. Until then they literally can not think past their own needs and wants and even at age 8 or 9 they are learning it they haven’t mastered it. He needs to lower his expectations of these kids. They are babies still.

The 1,2,3 rule tapes and books in library
I did the above because I saw a Mom in action it WORKED for her 3 year old!!!
Also I tell my granddaughters 5 minutes!!

It’s expected for their ages. Heck, my youngest son still got upset at 8 whenever I said that it was time to go home from the park because he loved the slide and would play on it until dark if I let him. Lol. :sweat_smile: He always thought that we weren’t ever coming back. He’s almost 10 now and still loves the slide more than anything else. But, he hasn’t gotten upset like that in the last few years. He’s since learned that we will be back eventually. It’s worse off if he throws a fit because then I am less inclined to want to take him back and deal with the fit all over again. They grow and they learn. It’s a process. I tend to give them grace. After all, everyone has a bad day. Even kids.

Leave the husband at home and pack a lunch and snacks for you and the kids! Stay as long as you want. I bet both kids will sleep good that night!

My kids were like this when it came to pool time. If they could they’d swim all day and night. But I started a count down. I start at 30 minutes left and then I go to 15 then it’s every 5 minutes. After 5 minutes I start doing a minute at a time. It works, they get to finish their activity they’ve been doing while also learning time management. Spend that time wisely. If they threw a fit, they could not get in the pool the next day or next time we got in the pool. My youngest is almost 10 now and I still do this. She doesn’t pitch a fit or anything it’s more of a heads up and start cleaning up type thing now

Give them a time limit. Tell them “ok you have 10 more minutes, then 5 then alarm goes off and it’s time to leave”. Leaving abruptly will cause some upset.

Count them down the time like 10 minutes left 5 minutes 2 minutes now it’s time to go. There age is to young to understand I’m a mum if 9 and this doesn’t kick in until they’re about 8-10

Normal. I play with my 5 and 3 year old and they still throw a fit. Normal babies​:heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I would tell mine…lets have good goodbyes so we can have good hellos…its ok to be sad but we will come back again. It takes a few times but they get it.

Take them at a different time of day, you’re asking for moody kids doing it around lunch or nap time and at a peak temp time.

Did you say 1 hour in 90degree heat? At lunchtime? No wonder they are fussy.

Give them we have 10 more minutes to play then we have to go


They are to small to even grasp the concept of being grateful

I always count down, ten more mins and we are leaving, then couple mins. And it’s worked well for us!

They are young. Daddy need to have some patience.

Don’t sweat the small stuff
Your kids have to learn
When it’s time to go home
It’s time to go
End of story
It’s normal for kids to do that

Leave him home next time. No need for the drama or stress.


Normal for that age range imho

It’s normal. Maybe your husband needs to pick up a parenting book.

2 year olds can’t even regulate there emotions . No child wants to leave the park

How do ya’ll have 2 kids and STILL don’t understand what normal toddler behavior is???

Your husband sounds like an idiot , that needs to get over him self, of course it’s normal for them to cry and not want to leave

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Yes, this is normal behavior. They are 2 & 5.


It’s normal for the kids to want to stay longer.
It’s normal for them to get upset when it’s time to go.
They aren’t developed enough at that age to understand to be grateful. They are living in the moment.
It’s a parents job to teach them routines & consistency & that we can’t always get what we want.
His expectations are unrealistic for children of this age.
Give them a warning that the have 10 minutes & when it’s time, stand up & say time to go. Yes they’ll throw a fit. The parent needs to stay calm & get them in the car to leave.
No lecture, no yelling, no giving them another 10 minutes. Being consistent & calm, will teach them that when you say it’s time to go, it’s time to go.

Normal kids wanting their way…as a patent we have to say no. And yes, your husband should tell them to knock it off. You have to back each other. And yes the park is a treat not an expected outing


Yes that’s normal kids that age don’t understand the way your husband is thinking!!:two_hearts::two_hearts::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Very normal, for the kids to act that way anyway. You always have to plan the escape route and plan for a tantrum. How can they learn to regulate their emotions if he is emotional and expecting small kids to not have a fit?

That’s absolutely normal. The 5yr old may whine a bit but now is when you discuss behavior on their level. The 2yr old, you can try but it’s normal.
Make a countdown. Get some paper and show them before you leave how long you’ll stay. Give time checks. “We’re leaving in 30mins/15mins/10/5” It sets the expectation to leave. It may take a few times but they’ll get it.
As for your husband, tell him to Dad and stop worrying so much. They’re practically babies. This world is new and they do not understand what he means by “be grateful” if he’s never, ya know, parented them and explained it. :woman_shrugging:

Your husband sounds ridiculous.

Totally typical! We did a lot of “choose one more thing” and giving choices/ hyping up the next part of the routine “I’m time to go home and make lunch. Should we have turkey or pizza, etc?

Playing with them depends on wether there is anyone else at the park? If there are plenty of kids their age then it’s good for them to be social. The 2year old should obviously still need help physically with things like swing and flying fox.
Regarding the leaving situation- pretty normal stuff for a 2year old unfortunately :rofl: the 5year old may be less difficult, but still not overjoyed to be leaving. Agree that giving warnings before it’s time to go helps

Everyone has a hard time controlling emotions especially kids. It’s our job as their parents to help them understand their feeling and emotions. How is the kids supposed to learn how to control their emotions when their dad can’t. Getting upset that your kids can’t control their emotions, is just showing them how to not control their emotions. Kids never want to leave parks, it’s their fun space where they can enjoy being a kids. The dad should have bent down to her level and told her, they will come back another day. It’s ok to be sad, or upset. It’s just not ok to take it out on everyone else.

WTH wrong with him there kid’s yo

Tell him to get over it they are normal kids

They’re little! Of course it’s normal, and will be for several more years. Leave him home next time.

Your husband handled the situation right. Only other thing I’d add is warning them “it’s almost time to go”. Then something like “1 more slide & were leaving”.

The drama surrounding leaving fun places is why I don’t take my kids anywhere. It gets worse as they get older. You can’t force them to leave like you can toddlers. They scream that you’re kidnapping them etc.

Your husband is an abusive ah of a parent :woman_facepalming:t3:

Do better