I feel like my husband only hires attractive women: Advice?

Nope! You’re the boss’s wife! You should NEVER not be invited. PERIOD!


Hiring women isn’t the issue. Them caring him late at night is. Working till 9pm to me is normal. When we had our construction business my hubs always worked late because I wanted that job done by Friday at 5pm. I did most of the hiring and wanted to hire women but there weren’t many around here who wanted to get dirty and lay shingles or build homes. If I were you I would show up to the jobs with lunch. Grab pizza for everyone. Do a company cookout and invite everyone. Be extra affectionate. Lol.


Yeah idk about that… I would get some evidence

The ladies cant help because they are pretty.maybe they dont feel that they are

Definitely sounds fishy and he’s making you sound paranoid. I had an ex like this. Don’t tolerate it. Can you work there full time? Play him at his own game. Interview and hire hunky men.!! X

Oh hell no girl
Not cool.

Since you do own half the business you can always do the hiring and firing there is also no reason u can’t go on outings to plus I agree tf do they have to talk about in the middle of the night I understand once or twice with the I can’t be in tomorrow but oftenly finally if he really wants to be that stupid he wasn’t worth ur time


You are being deceived

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent! Put your foot down girl, there’s lines to be drawn, family time is family time! As far as him hiring beautiful women that could just be your own insecurities but if you feel there’s more to it, simply ask to read the work related messages his employee feels the need to send late at night, it will either ease your mind or prove your point!


Take over the the phone calls and texts, be his personal secretary (the middle man) and if he has an issue with it …D-I-V-O-R-C-E C-O-U-R-T!!! Hiring only attractive women and they’re texting him in the middle of the night!!! GTFOH


Bishhh it’s Time to PULL up on that ass and let your presence be known and put that woman messaging at all times in her damn place. Your husband aswell. No more outings not accompanied and start getting involved in the business.

Sounds like a dog to me.

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Oh hell no, your gut instinct is ALWAYS RIGHT, TRUST IT !!!


Make yourself known! Regardless that’s your business too. Pop up unannounced don’t wait for something to come crashing down

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Yep…was thinking you were being petty until you got to the part about coming home after dark and middle of the night texts. Divorce court…


When a woman tells another woman she has nothing to worry about girl worry.


He’s a dog I’m sorry. Been there.

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As far as working late, that’s normal… especially summer time, sun doesn’t go down till late and if he’s doing office stuff that can be done late in the day too. As for her calling him, he should be setting limits. After hours work related stuff can wait till the next day. She shouldn’t be messaging after work.


Answer his phone and straight up tell them this is his wife, what business is so important that it can’t wait until the am? If he has a problem with it - :v:and start your own business. Put your foot down


Not good, transparency is crucial in a marriage…

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You better go and check her a$$ now…and let his a$$ know too that you’re not stupid.

So if someone is attractive that means they should never be hired by a man who owns his own company?!?

I feel like your issue is with your husband and a lack of trust for him. Has he crossed the line in the past? Does he make you feel inadequate? Is he secretive?
I can see the issue with the co-workers texting through the night, Thats not appropriate what so ever.

Talk to your husband about how your feeling, See how he reacts and go from there. Chances are if you feel like something is off, it usually is.


Oh hell no! My friend (I do not condone this at all) was the employee and she and her boss were having an affair.


Seems sketchy to me. Boundries need to be in place, texts shouldn’t happen after X time until X time. Business hours. Anything beyond that is no longer business, it’s personal.

:triangular_flag_on_post: girl that is a huge red flag. On top of that if you have expressed concern and issue with the late night texts and he continues it, that shows a lack of care and respect. A husband shouldn’t want his wife feeling any type of way if he cares about her. Boundary issue on his part. Why isn’t he setting a boundary for her in order to make his wife happy? Especially since there is in fact no reason for late night communication. Men don’t usually change. They usually get better at hiding. Set boundaries and if he can’t meet them, make your decision. Sorry you’re dealing with this.


Pretty sure it’s time for a divorce or you to begin surveillance build a case then present him with the papers. :wink:

If it was me in your shoes when he goes to sleep and you know he’s sleeping hard would check his phone for the messages between him n the women he works with just to put your mind at ease. Either u find something or don’t. But until u figure it out you won’t be able to stop feeling a certain type of way trust me. If something is going on then u can decide on what to do from there…. Also make yourself well known at his Job by taking him lunch or popping up unexpectedly that there will tell ya if something is going happening.

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Go with your gut ! If your not invited there is a reason . And no she should not be texting him all hours of the night !

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Go with your gut feeling!!!

Just as any job there is a stop time unless there is an emergency no one should be calling your home all hours and he should since he’s the boss set boundary, or there is something going on.


Surprise him by showing up with a homemade plate of dinner at work, some time when he tells you he has to work late. If you manage to entirely surprise him, you could satisfy your curiosity. You might find that he really is working - maybe on paperwork or billing he can’t do during the day. Owning a business does involve long hours. That part doesn’t particularly worry me.


I have a landscape company right down from me…and they do come in that late sometimes. Most of the times its around 8pm they are flying down my street. Why cant you work there? If it was my husbands business it would be OUR business and I would be the office lady.


Being paranoid is normal. I will say that i worked in a greenhouse and on numerous occasions texted the bosss and yes his wife got pissed. Over and over for absolutely no reason. Your insecurities are your problem. And yes I worked til after 9 all the time. I had no intentions on anything and was there for years. Her being that way made me quit and leave him with no one there. No idea how your actions affect his company. Make sure your not just jealous. It could cost him thousands. For no reason.

Read the messages- see what you need to see- leave.


Honestly it is not uncommon for business owners to work until 9pm. After a day of landscaping there is still paperwork to complete, payroll to run, billing for costumers, maintenance on any machinery… however as a boss I feel he should set boundaries on when he reply’s to peoples messages. There’s nothing that needs to be said after 10pm.


My husband works in that field and they never work that late even in the summer. Sometimes it’s too hot. He is always home by 5/6pm. He is telling you that you don’t need to worry then I would unless he is willing to show you the messages without issue. No reason for so many outings either. My husband’s company has 1 a yr. Find your proof and leave. He doesn’t respect you or your marriage.
Edit to add she should not text after work hours. It’s pretty standard. If she must then she can contact a manager or supervisor who can relay the info if need be. Always trust your gut.

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Yeah the fact he said you have nothing to worry about is the biggest red flag that you definitely have something to worry about, especially with the “late nights” and the women messaging him all hours of the night!

Definitely not “work related “ at a certain point.

But I’m suspicious about his not inviting you to work functions, and the texting during the night. That is not normal. At all. Show up at one of his work functions unexpectedly, with good reason (something you had to bring him, or something). I’m afraid it sounds like he has something to hide there. I am so sorry.


Don’t second guess yourself. What makes sense ? You know dam well she should not be texting your husband in the middle of the night and you know dam well he should have put a stop to it. More than likely things have are are going to cross a line. What do you mean you aren’t invited to work stuff? You go and see how he acts. You will have your answer.

Never question your gut feelings

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He’s smart you want more business hire babes hahaha it just works


If it’s her spouse and it’s His business(THEIRS) why would she need an INVITE to a company outing? Would the assumption automatically be, that you would be there with your spouse?


Go make friends with them, hire some hot guys. It’s your business too


Like mama always said : trust your gut


Sounds like hes lying to you. She definitely shouldnt be messaging him all hrs. Go through his phone and read them. If he doesnt let you then hes cheating.


No he’s up to something, mine used to say he’d hired someone plain and 50+ but they were all young,red heads and very pretty. I trusted him, but after almost 40 years of marriage he left so he could have his choice. Same excuses, its work etc etc. Trust your gut.


Your gut feeling is ALWAYS right, ishould know and thank goodness idid! Sorry to say love, but hes creepin …


Red flag central. She has 0 reason to be texting him after hours. A call for a question every now and again, cool. And “you have nothing to worry about,” seriously, I would say there is a 98.9% chance you do. Sorry girl. I’d have him followed.


Umm yeah he’s definitely cheating :woman_facepalming: run


Do you have access to the business finances and any credit cards of his or does he keep his own accounts without your name on it ? I always go with my gut feeling and as soon as I read this none of it sounds right, he’s definitely up to something. Any partner that doesn’t trust the other is not a good thing at all. When this female worker calls again late at night or any hour of the night, start talking… LOUD to your hubby…lol, if he gets mad you’ll know why… start saving $$ that he doesn’t know about and start making your exit plan as well… I’m so sorry this is happening to you but you deserve alot better, make yourself and your kids a priority


I feel like communicating how you really feel and asking him to set boundaries would be a good start. I personally think that if he says there’s nothing to worry about you should trust him… trust is a big part of a relationship of any kind. I’m also insecure but I voice my opinion and feelings when I don’t like something that I see.

You either trust him or u dont


No woman should be texting him all hours of the night especially if she ain’t you or his mother. If that were my situation I’d be gone!


I personally you definitely feel the same way you do. I think it’s inappropriate and unprofessional for staff to be contacting their boss in the middle of the night especially for a landscaping company when there is obviously no emergency questions that are going to arising at that time. I would do some digging, look at his texts, emails, call log etc. and start asking ALL the questions. I would also reiterate how uncomfortable it makes you and how inappropriate you find it and let him know it needs to stop. You shouldn’t have to live in an constant state of worry and feeling less than because of other women. If he’s not actually cheating he needs to put up some serious boundaries with his employees if he wants to salvage his marriage :woman_shrugging:t2:


Trust your gut!!! He is hiding something


I worked for a small landscaping company for a couple years and every female that my boss dated during that time was the same way :roll_eyes:
Yes we DO still work until 9 sometimes, our job isn’t done because it’s dark equipment has lights. And I also used to text my boss at all hours, sometimes I forgot to mention something that day and it was important for the next day.
He totally could be up to something, no one here can SEE what he’s doing, but all these examples sound like he’s just trying to run a business…


Get a better man that will put u first lady❤

You said yourself that you’re insecure. Fix it. Be more comfortable with who you are.

When you have your own business… there are no business hours ! Sure he may not be cutting grass after dark. But there are still books that need to be kept . :roll_eyes: your insecurities are yours and yours alone ! Stop protecting them on to him ! Smh . Has for work ladies calling him at all hours … tell him work stops when you get home and can deal with it in the AM.
When you get proof he’s " cheating " just stop. Smh

Let me tell you this……We also have our own business. My husband gives everyone my phone number(for employment, clients, etc). I go through and check the qualifications, the interviews, the hiring, literally everything. Why don’t you try to be more involved in his business. That way if it goes through you, then you can make sure the right people are being hired that have the qualifications and it’s not just based off of someone’s looks!


ALWAYS Go with Your Gut Feeling!


If your hubby is only hiring because they are pretty, the company will collapse.

Thats a hell no for me. I wish my man would have outings with other woman. Try me. :rofl::rofl:


Sounds like something is going on.

Warning, :warning: warning, Red flags galore!!


Girl he’s cheating on u


Doesn’t sound right to me. Nope something sounds fishy.


He’s the owner & you’re not invited to the work outings?? Oh hell no. You’re married… that’s your business, too!! Also not appropriate for him to be communicating all hours of the night with a female coworker… for a landscaping business. Ever hear “nothing good happens after dark” ? If you’ve voiced your concern & he isn’t respectful of that, it’s time to start thinking other options rather than be married to someone who doesn’t respect your feelings.


Trust your gut, any time they say there’s nothing to worry about, there’s something to worry about.


Yeah he owns the company so there is absolutely no reason you can’t attend the outings. Also you should be included in the decisions and hiring process. It sounds sketchy to me


No married man should only hire women to work for him. He’s playing on the devil’s playground where temptation is concerned.

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This is very weird. My husband also has his own landscape company. He hires men to help… Nothing against the women, I have landscaped as well but to only have women working for him is odd. Plus I would never allow him to be going on outings with them all the time and nit inviting me… and texting a female employee all night? Nah that is wrong. Something is up with that


I’m curious why you don’t work with him - no children were mentioned so just assuming there isn’t any and if that’s the case you should be working right along with him in his business. And hiring pretty women that know their job is a benefit in it’s own way bc women tend to be more perfectionistic about how things are done and it’s done right the first time around and people tend to adjust to women bc there is no lagging when they get going on a job. You should take it upon yourself to get to know the workers he hires at least their names and communicate with them and help your husband out if there seems to be an issue with anything concerning the work or workers. And if he owns this company and has outings whatever that means then you should know in advance about them and be there as well not sitting at home with an idle mind wondering about the situations. Step up to the plate and let him know you are going to be a part of the business just as you are part of the marriage. If he says “no way” then walk away from it all bc your gut was right for the suspension. Good Luck in whatever you choose to do.


Listen to your gut feeling

Hell no trust youre gut feeling

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I feel that cut off time for work related matters should be at 5:30 then it’s family time from that point onward. And if it makes you feel better, ask him respectfully to take these calls over speakerphone if it’s nothing for you to worry about. I get he has a business to run and all, however he also has a family and a wife to tend to. Never get so side tracked and busy making a living that you forget to make a life. But that is just my opinion as a man. And as far as hiring only “attractive women” goes he should always assure you that of all them women, only you reign superior above all of them. If ge can’t comply with your wishes and requests then id say It is a red flag l. Follow your gut and your heart.


Show up to outings plan and simple


What kind of landscaping needs to be addressed in the middle of the night?? Why are you not invited are not part owner too?? I would be putting a stop to her texting him at night that’s so not okay.


No .nobody should be texing someone husband at that hour work related can wait till next day during normal time


Um hell no. That wouldn’t be OK with me at all

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I would tell her myself that I am not okay with it since he doesn’t seem to think it’s a big deal…

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If closing time is 6pm she shouldn’t be contacting him after 6 pm unless it’s a call off or emergency… I would be losing my shit. But I’m the kind to just show up and take care of it myself lol

Oh hell nah!
It’s one thing to be good looking and it’s another to be texting a married man at unusual hours of the night.
I say step in and have a convo with her. Be nice and calm. Don’t do it until you can have a professional conversation. Do not do this over text. Has to be in person.


Here’s the thing. That would not fly with me AT ALL. And I’m not even jealous or insecure. I’ve always felt it’s a waste of energy to worry about that. But there’s a difference between being insecure and being disrespected and hunny you are being disrespected right to your face.


I have the same issues however I don’t know what these women look like, never met any of them as they either work in the office or in another state on the job site. Texting all types of things like “ I had nobody to mess with today” when he took the day off for our daughters graduation!? Really!? Just rude and flat out disrespectful and we aren’t supposed to think anything of it!?

Landscape related business messages at midnight??? He does think your an idiot doesn’t he


I’d probably file for divorce. But I had a jackass for a husband.

Listen to yourself… what would you say to your friend that comes to you with the same scenario? It most definitely can happen to you. Somethings not right… Somethings just not right…


I work for a lawn service. I’m the only chick on the crew and I run a weed eater… We spend so much time together it’s almost like a small family. We are always asking each other bout this and that and blah blah blah. You get what I’m saying BUT I would never text my boss in the middle of the night. I’ve texted in the early am hours to let him know I’m sick or I’m gonna be late over a kid but that’s about as far as the “late night” talking goes. I will say I do talk to my boss and co workers everyday but not like constant all day long when we are off. As far as work outtings go we are always welcome to bring family. At Christmas we do a lunch thing every year and my kids get to go every time. No questions asked. I would be concerned hun


That’s a big ol red flag.


That sounds hinkey and I’d follow that gut! I’d also just start showing up with out notice to these “outings” :roll_eyes:


trust your gut, you should work at your business too :woman_shrugging:t2:


lol first off what you mean you are not invited ?? what you need an invite for a business that is half yours for ??? second off as half the business owner fire her ass !!!

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You should complained that he works too hard and doesn’t spend enough time with you, and then when he spends more time with you in his business crashes you take his house and and kick him out and move your boyfriend in. You know, like half the women in America.

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Never text any boss I ever had in the middle of the night :woman_shrugging:


Nothing work related is acceptable to be contacting your boss all hours of the night, work related texts should stay between when the company opens to 7pm (latest) unless it’s an absolute emergency.


Simple grab his phone go through it. Show up at his job its technically your buisness too. Pop up out of the blue and surprise him often. Being left out of everything is for a reason. Tell the employees in front of him that you don’t want any of them texting or calling him after 5pm. That whatever it is could wait since it’s inappropriate and it’s pissing you off. I would trust me.

Show me that work related text!


After reading all these comments, you should have your answer!!!

Haha, at this point, I’d confront HER if she’s texting HIM.