I feel like my marriage is over

I feel like my marriage love life is dead. My husband doesn't do anything special for me. He doesn't take me on any kind of date I haven't been on a date in over a year. He never wants to be entement with me. He does so much at home he isn't lazy but I feel like us is just not their

Communication is key. Everyone goes thru a tough time in marriage and if you guys truly love eachother than you guys will make it work. Don’t just give up yet. Communicate with him about all of this and ask what he’s feeling also. It takes two to make the relationship not just one and maybe he’s feeling the same way as you are but doesn’t know how to talk about it. Once you’ve communicated than maybe you guys need marriage counseling.


Definitely bring up these concerns with him. Tell him you feel like your relationship is dying because the spark is disappearing. Tell him you want to do a date night once a month/ week. If you’re having concerns there’s a chance he is too, or that he hasn’t noticed at all. Regardless it’s better to talk about it than to worry on your own :heart:


this is common. talk to him, find ways to make things spiced up

Take the initiative to get what you want! Set up date nights, initiate sexy time.

If he doesn’t respond, ask him what’s going on with him. Is he stewing about something at work? Worried about a health problem? ED? Depressed in general? Feeling like he’s getting old or in a rut? Just exhaustion? Worried about parents or others? In deep debt or other money worries?

Guys are notoriously tight-lipped, especially when it comes to vulnerability, so you may have to pry it out of him with a crowbar. Once you do, you can start to fix it together. Don’t be mad or accusatory, just say you’re in this together and you want to reignite the marriage so you’re BOTH happier.

Ballroom dance can be very romantic. Lessons almost saved my marriage. See if he’d be willing to join you. Is he an introvert? Maybe private lessons would work better than group in that case.

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Welcome to married life / life

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As we age, our bodies change. He could be facing low testosterone. Sit down and have an actual conversation with him- you’ll want to avoid it coming off as accusatory, because as humans we will automatically get defensive if we are being accused of something (male or female), but with genuine concern and care. Voice your feelings, ask him what he’s feeling and then talk about counseling.


As we age bodies change. Also, welcome to real adult life. 


It’s not over, you’ve both just been busy with life. It just means you need more planned date nights and hobbies to do together. Try buying a game to help intimacy between couples(getting to know each other again, asking flirty questions). Don’t just wait for him. Do something romantic or flirt with him. You can plan things too. All that being said, remember that marriage is not always going to feel like butterflies and fireworks. Marriage is hard work and it means choosing to be by each other’s side everyday no matter how hard or boring it can be. If he’s not hurting you and you’re not hurting him, then this is what a successful marriage looks like. You can always add the romance or fun to it though. Just talk with him and plan things yourself too.

You should take him on a date , a man doesn’t need to be the initiator all the time

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Simple honeymoon is over.this is normal for alot of relationships. Do a suprise date ect

If he is working a lot it might be just stress or just not able to concentrate on anything else. You need to tell him you want to go on dates and such and how you feel,
To men … no news is good news so if you don’t say anything then he will assume everything is ok.