I feel my mom is being selfish for not taking me to the ER

Honestly ?
If this were me…
Im a no bullshit type of person. Either you’re with me or you’re not. You’re loyal to me or you’re not. You love me or you don’t. I’m not playing games, no mater who or what you’re suppose to be to me (blood or not. I’ve met better people, who were more loyal to me and love me more than my supposed “blood”) so if this were me, my mom? She can go ahead and leave. I don’t need her. The door is right there.
I said what I said.

My mom would have been there in a heartbeat so sorry


So what did the hospital say it was? Your Mom sounds a little “ self absorbed” but probably figured if you were in a real bad way - you would call 911 - like you said - she was your last resort- you don’t think she knows that - come on- she’s your mom​:wink::v:t4::rose:


Maybe she thought it was your husbands job…IDK…do you call on her often? Its def not something i would do as a mum maybe she thought she would be stuck u there all day…anyway you got there hope your ok. Id be investigating why this happens often…maybe then u could be treated for whatever it is causing this…good luck

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Do you have a diagnosis?
I’m sorry your mom isn’t ‘there’ for you… some moms just aren’t - :broken_heart:


It’s hard but you have to set boundaries and put distance. Im pregnant and havethe same issue i had to go to er and be admitted. My father who had a stroke called immediately when he found out he still calls to see if I’ve eaten. My mom a txt every blue moon .


Honestly…maybe your mom was out of town,in the middle of a party,or something else important. There are ambulances for emergencies such as that. Ive had to drive myself to the hospital with horrible infections where was puking and miserable. Sounds like something could have driven yourself to get seen about. If didnt keep you,then probably wasn’t too bad. Once i had to go in was so bad off they needed to put me on a morphine drip until could get testing done. Ended up being referred to a gastro dr that did endoscopy and colonoscopy a week later. Found out i have diverticulitis with a fluttery stomach valve that was releasing stomach acid into chest and bowels when i got stressed. I have to be on nerve pills plus anti cramp meds with omeprazole.


Next time she calls… be unavailable. For a long long time. Until YOU are ready to forgive her.

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Wow. Mom sounds selfish


I had my 5 year old. And husband puking at the same time for a whole day.that doesn’t warrent a hospital visit. They had a stomach bug… If it was such a emergency you should have called a ambulance. I dont get the blaming your mom cause you were throwing up.


My mom would have helped me. I’m sorry you’re mom didn’t. Hope you’re feeling better.

Two hours of vomiting and you think you need an emergency room visit?
Heck nah.
I vomited for a week, 4-5 days~~~……. Popsicles, Sprite, and let the virus pass. Oh, did I mention diarrhea, many times. :woman_shrugging:t3:.


It sounds like your an adult if you’re married. Mom already raised you. Vomiting one day won’t dehydrate you, but why not call an ambulance if you were that sick?


I wouldn’t ask for anything else.


Love the people that loves you and keep away the negative people. That means even your mom is not good for you or your family ( husband, kids and friends that care about).


I think you’re being dramatic, the Dr has to tell you to go to the hospital for liability reasons. That doesn’t mean it was actually warranted! I get that it sucks but it’s nothing that couldn’t wait until Monday to see your GP. If it was an actual emergency you could have called 911 for an ambulance, and since you didn’t I’m gonna guess part of you knew that it wasn’t in fact an emergency! You’re grown, it’s time to function as such.


My opinion is that your mums lack of concern isn’t good enough.

This has been an ongoing problem which is what warrants the ER. It’s not a case of you panicking as someone has suggested.

If worst case scenario had happened and people knew this was your mother’s response, they’d be outraged.

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TBH, I would like to know what the diagnosis was and the treatment you received. :woman_shrugging:t4:


You don’t need to go to the hospital for vomiting that’s wasting there time for people who actually need hospital assistance!! You just need to get a doctor to come out to you. If there is blood coming out with your vomit then go to the hospital.


I wouldn’t care how sick or not sick my daughter was if she calls me I’m gonna go to her cause that’s what moms do


You couldn’t call an Uber? I mean u were sick and instead of addressing your own health needs you waited for someone else too. 911 works all day.l if you felt there was an emergency.


I wouldn’t expect my mother to drop everything and run to my aid when I was a grown a$s adult :woman_shrugging:


Sometimes even Moms are overwhelmed. Cut her some slack hope your feeling better


Sounds like you are a bit dramatic and 911 (non emergency) could have taken you


Just call 911 next time? :sweat_smile:

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For everyone attacking the mom… Anyone consider this might be frequent and the mom didn’t react for that reason? I could be wrong considering I know nothing about this girl, but there are people in this world that overreact and run to the er every time they’re sick, we don’t know the full story here. Vomiting alone is not an emergency, and the mother reacted accordingly. There’s two sides to every story, not just what is posted on Facebook… just food for thought


This happen to me and the doctor in the ER run test and said it was my gallbladder so you need to see a doctor.

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Please keep in mind if you can’t get through to anyone and you feel it’s an emergency to call an ambulance.

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You are a grown woman, your mom no longer needs to take care of you, after raising kids for 18+ years id be a little selfish too! If it was an emergency for you to go to the hospital there is always 911, non emergency lines, duty doctors


It only took one day of throwing up to be so severely dehydrated my kidneys were shutting down. So I understand why you should have went. I don’t understand why your mom acted like that though. I’m 42 and my mom would still drop everything and help me if I needed her.


If or was as bad as you said there is always an ambulance lyft Uber taxi’s if people are busy and can’t take tou to hospital it’s not thier fault and should t have to stop what they are doing to take you you are a grown adult


I don’t know why your mother didn’t even try to help you. I would have been there asap. No matter how serious it is or a least tell you what you could do, and if that didn’t work I’d have been there as fast as I could get there…

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Well u have a husband so that means u grown af… I could understand being upset if this was a life or death situation like if u didn’t get to a hospital immediately u might die type shit!!! But u wasn’t dying and clearly haven’t been worried about the vomiting up until this point since u said it’s an ongoing issue so how do u expect other people to just jump and run to your aid? I have an 11 yr old and I’m not gonna drop everything and run to the when he says mom I’m throwing up I’m gonna make him drink pedialyte or Gatorade to stay hydrated and then I’m gonna make him a drs appt! Your mom is not in the wrong at all as a grown woman with a husband this vomiting that’s been going on you should have already seen a dr for and you should already know that even if you are throwing the water right back up you still need to drink to stay hydrated

Poor excuse of a so called mother … nothing is important when my children , grandchildren or family and friends call for my help. My parents called me in the day middle of night. I was on my way to them. That’s sorry on her part


I walk to the doctor when I have a migrane and I always have. Why be bitter about no one able to take you.

WOW, just WOW! Self absorbed much? Maybe Mom had appointments herself, and couldn’t change them! My Mom passed away 2 years ago and I would do anything to hear her tell me NO!! Sounds to me like a spoiled little brat.


Not quite enough context about the mom, but whatever. An ambulance will also give you a ride to the hospital if you absolutely need to go and can’t get there. Maybe she really just couldn’t take you. Maybe she had an important meeting? It also doesn’t sound like you had anything life threatening going on.


When was the last time you went out of your way for her?


hey? call 911 if you feel like you’re ill enough to write a novel explaining it…


There has to be history of pain or a backstory. I hope whatever it is, you two can work it out

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Ok I’m going to point out the obvious. This mother getting bashed is just breaking my heart. First you stated you called your husband first but knew he couldn’t answer but he left work right away to be with you. Why didn’t you call his employer then? Surely they would have notified him of an emergency. Is it possible that you knew it wasn’t an emergency to warrant that? You called your mother “selfish” because she couldn’t drop everything and come, but wasn’t upset with your husband who didn’t answer the phone? What other “selfish” acts on your mothers part do you consider selfish? Taking care of herself? Having her own appointments? Based on your very detailed description, this was not a medical emergency, and since you left out any horrible result of her not taking you, I’m going to guess it wasn’t. I’m going to assume you got fluids and sent on your way, which us seasoned moms know you can do at home without being charged thousands for it. Just because our children grow up and move out and on with their lives doesn’t mean our lives stop and we have nothing to do all day. Perhaps she was sitting in an appointment of her own, or had one she couldn’t break for a minor issue. I’m gonna guess she knows you better than anyone, and probably knew you were being dramatic. Which is why you came here to get recognition for your minor issue and to justify to yourself trashing your mother and calling her selfish here. I’m really curious about those other times you claim she was “selfish”. Mothers of grown children still have lives with problems, health issues, and lives of our own and her not being able to drop everything for such a minor issue does not make her selfish.


Man… I wish I could hear my mama tell me no again. Sorry sweetie. Suck it up. Being an adult sucks, I know. Hugs…

That’s what ambulances are for. That said… there has to be a history here. My mom would drop whatever to help me. I’m guessing since your mom was the last of several calls (and admittedly your last result), you probably weren’t surprised. If her actions hurt your feelings, set boundaries and don’t contact her.


Keep gravol suppositories on hand. The flu has been going around and everyone can’t go to the hospital for rehydration :woman_shrugging:. If I was your mom I would say your not going or ER for vomiting a few hours :grimacing:


An adult throwing up for two hours doesn’t equal an emergency. Who wants to sit in an emergency room FOREVER just because they may have a stomach bug…how old are you? People get stomach bugs all the time. And if you regularly throw up in the mornings perhaps see your general practitioner, you probably have GERD. Again, not an emergency situation.


First of all I hope you’re feeling better.

Listen to yourself though. You’re calling your mom selfish for not taking you when you called several people who also had other things going on that they were too busy to answer the phone. Maybe what your mom was doing was just as important to her as the others work is to them. You don’t get to rank others activities.


If your going to bash your mom especially after her being a last resort to you, my question is why not bash literally EVERY person you called? My adult kids go through stuff and I can’t run. You’re bashing your mother and not your Husband… Seriously :woman_facepalming:


I’m a mom of 3 and sometimes I don’t even want to rearrange my own schedule to take myself to the emergency room :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Be thankful you had a slew of other ppl to call and just don’t have expectations of your mom again. She may be going through something of her own.

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Don’t ever call your mom about anything.


Why tell anyone your family business Something seriously wrong if you got dehydrated after being sick a couple of times A dry vomit will not dehydrate anyone What was the outcome of the Hospital visit or are you still on a drip for dehydration and did the Hospital sort out your problem ? What was the reason for the sickness Did you need an emergency operation to solve it If you lived in another Country who would you blame for your problem or what would you have done Something underlying going on there More to this than meets the eye


I can’t believe the first responses I read. “Call an ambulance” “don’t mother bash” If your siblings feel the same there is something seriously wrong in your moms brain!!! This is beyond selfish!


This book my mom and I listened to multiple times. Eye opening if you are open to hearing and understanding. I was baffled at how I looked at my parents before listening to this book. I can say with self growth you will find the answers. You may not like them but at least you will know.

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I call troll this has to be fake it’s to pathetic and looking for bad comments I call bs post


Lol @ all the gross people defending a shitty mom. You can tell whose kids don’t/will not speak to them when they get older :joy:

I am a mother of adult children and I don’t care what I had to do that day. If my child calls asking me to take them to the hospital, because they are sick I am going to take them to the hospital. I can’t comprehend a parent that would not make sure that their child got the medical care that they need!


Do not contact her ever again

Im sorry I will be the odd one out yes ur mom is selfish. U don’t stopping helping and caring about ur kids just cuz they are adults and she should have taken u to the er. Im sorry ur mom is a POS and I hope u get to feeling better


You answered your own question. She is selfish and doesn’t see anything wrong with her behaviors. Can’t expect change from someone who can’t accept their faults. I assume since she was the last person you called your relationship maybe isn’t the best?
Learn from this and don’t ask her for anything again, she probably isn’t worth the hurt she causes.


if she’s unreliable & selfish… I hate saying it… but call an uber & save yourself the time fretting over your selfish mom.

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You’re bashing 1 person here. Why?! You’re a married woman. Your mom isn’t entitled to do anything for you as an adult …
That being said, why did you contact that many people to go to the emergency room. You’re throwing up, if there was blood I’d understand the concern. But tbh it’s just dry heaving. It sucks, but not a hospital visit. My mom would’ve laughed and told me to suck it up at home…
My tonsils were swollen so bad once I couldn’t swallow, I WALKED myself to the hospital at 18 years old, ALONE, in -30 Celsius.
You’re making a molehill out of nothing.

Have you actually spoken to her like the adult you pertain to be and asked why she couldn’t take you?

I cannot understand how woman can,be disrespecting another woman like this. I apologize to you lady that wrote in.


Idk man it doesn’t sound like an emergency. As you said it happens often. Which leads me to believe you’ve been diagnosed with nothing that serious, or haven’t yet been diagnosed because the Drs don’t feel it is that serious…The nurse told you to go to the hospital”if only for dehydration” . That’s an “I have to tell you that just in case to cover our ass” answer. You’re an adult. You should be able to handle a throwing up episode even a severe one. Yes your Mom is your Mom. But sounds like she also has a busy life and responsibilities- just like all the other people you called did. Also, if she knows this is not a serious emergency( since you already stated that it’s been happening often) then I can see her choosing to handle her own life necessities first

I have advice. Don’t turn to social media for advice :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:

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Mt kids are grown and I still drop everything to take care of them evwn buy supplies when they are sick and take it to them
Your mom sounds selfish and so uncaring


For all you brilliant “doctors” I reread her post and never it it say she was only vomiting for only two hours read again!

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Yeah, at the end of the day only YOU have you… don’t put so much into another person that you know is going to let you down anyways

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If she has always been this way, she isn’t going to change. As much as you would like her to respond in a nurturing manner, how can you be upset when you knew how she was going to respond. That is why you called her last. You knew. It’s okay to be frustrated, but not disappointed since you know her nature. You are only hurting yourself by expecting more than she is capable of.


You sound like your an adult? It would be nice if everyone could drop everything any time you called but is it possible she had important things to do?


Idc what anybody says, if u were bad enough to go to the hospital and couldn’t drive urself, ur mom should have taken u. If it were my own children, I would have done it :woman_shrugging:


WooooW…. That’s pretty selfish & just sad.
Lesson learned.

Just remember how she treats you when you pick her nursing home :joy::joy::joy:


It sounds like to me that you shouldn’t really bother with your mom anymore regarding her taking you places or needing help from her I would stop asking all together that way you won’t be disappointed you realize what she’s like and there’s no changing that but you can let her know that you wouldn’t be asking her for anything anymore anyway that’s my opinion of the situation

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I know it’s hard when it’s your mom but if you know she’s selfish, to save your self heartache, don’t ask her to do anything for you.
The less you expect from her the better off you’ll be.
Not everyone has the same heart.


My mom drove 45 minutes at 10 pm because I had to go to er to be covid tested and couldn’t drive because of being emotionally upset since eight yr old was positive love her I’m sorry your momma is selfish love


On my mom does stuff like this all the time…I mean all the time it’s just how she is…my brother is the only one who is close with her and she kind of for forced that on him… all use kids have just learned she is not that kind of mom she never was even when we were little…therapy lbvs!!! And stop trying to count on her or turn to her understand she just isnt apart of ur support system…she can have a role in ur life just not as a supportive person!


Some ppl are always wanting to go to the doctor or ER just for attention, ( I have a grand daughter like this) Mayb her mom knew she wasn’t bad enough to go to the ER, Mayb she does this a lot No one knows the other side of the story


You answered your own question dear, you said (you called your mom as your last resort, right there is your answer ) most people call there mom as a first resort not last,so you already knew she was gonna disappoint you😪i know over here i always called my mom for everything,even being grown with my own grown kids,and i am the first person my kids call for things ,we cant always jump up and do them,but we help each other figure it out


You said this is “a common thing” and “your not pregnant” go to your doctor and get some answeres…people can make themselves sick and I’m sure your mother has helped plenty in the past…has to be more to this story…


My grandmother was like your mom. Some parents don’t have that loving instinct. When my mom had cancer and her mom had dementia my mom still took care of her very selfish mother. When I asked her why when her mom didn’t care about her, my mom said “because she’s my mom.” My mother is long since deceased but thank god my mom loved her kids. Accept your mom for who she is or disassociate. If I couldn’t reach someone I would have called 911. We are fortunate to have that service.

Your mom should be the first one you can count on.
Give her the same treatment. It may help her to realize what she is doing wrong.
Hopefully she will change.

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Why don’t you just tell your mum you were hurt she didn’t take you .and talk to her .rather than running her down there mite be a good reason .if not then you already no the answer .plus if you were that bad no one could have taken you you should have called ambalance.

You’re an adult. Figure things out. Call a taxi, take a bus or if it’s a real emergency call the ambulance. Sorry not sorry.


Wow is all I can say. When I had pancreatitis caused from a gallbladder full of gallstones my mom took me to the ER and stayed with me watching my son who was 6 months old at the time. I ended up in the hospital for a week then had my gallbladder removed. My mom kept my son that whole time taking care of him and even helped when I came home because I wasn’t suppose to lift anything heavy including my son. That’s a REAL mom! Mom’s are always there for our kids! She sounds like a selfish person!


I’m so sorry your mom let you down. I would file this away in your mind for future reference. If you ever have another emergency, know in advance you can’t count on your mom. This was probably an isolated case. You did finally find someone who could take you. In a pinch you could have called an ambulance, though they cost a fortune. Maybe your health insurance will pick it up. Just steel yourself to the knowledge mom won’t do it.


I’m sorry but I drop dr appointments and anything else that I may have going on that day if one of my now grown k7ds call usually my daughter who has severe anxiety and has 4 girls 8 4 2 1 in ages and her husband works out of town most times and can’t be reached so who does she call because she doesn’t drive and if she calls and she does needing to go to er or a dr appointment I drop what iam doing and take her why because I’m her mom and that’s what I do I have rescheduled my cancer treatments to make sure her or my granddaughters get to the dr I come last always my kids come first always as long as theirs a breath left in me I will always put my kids needs above mine why because that’s what mothers do we are mothers for the rest of our lives we do not stop being mothers because our kids hit 18 and are now considered adults at 18 but can’t smoke or drink till 21 legally but can get sent to war and told to shoot anything that moves this world is so ass backwards anymore its disheartening to say the least so I think that this mom has given up on being a mom and that is something I could never do and yes I still have 2 girls at home with 2 grown kids who are amazing and may ask for help here and ther but that’s OK I wouldn’t have it any other way we are moms always

Who would you blame if your mom wasn’t here, sounds like a personal problem over the flue. I get it your mad no one could take you. But to single out your mom, you being,bitter won’t help. Take some fluids, and feel better.

Back away until she contacts you,this is what she wants.My Dad treated me that way.

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distance yourself, especially when SHE wants something!!!

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If my daughters or son needed me there would no rearranging a schedule! It would be drop everything and get to them as fast as I could!!!


I feel this without a mum.my mum was that one person I could count on or did her best for me.from your experience you will be a better mum to your kids.someone they can count on.dont worry there is people out there who will love you and be there for you.

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I’m so sorry… when you become a mother… you’re a mother for life… send her a letter expressing what you just wrote here…

I don’t care how old my daughter is or how busy I was, I’d be taking her to the ER. I’d be worried! I’ll always be her momma.

Sheesh that sucks my stepmom even comes wen I need her and I’m 43 idk wat to say to you dear but to still honor her as god says and let him deal with her on his own terms

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Please find out what is causing you to be sick like that since it happens a lot. Mine was my gallbladder. Same thing with my brother. They had waited too long to take his out and gangrene had set in. The doctor came out to tell us that it was so bad it literally fell in his hands.

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Some of you dont know what a mothers love is and have no maternal feelings or empathy.
This is why there are so many toxic mother daughter relationships because of such sickening attitudes and mentalities.

Kindness goes a long way. Good positive communication is required in all relationships.

An adult with a stomach bug for 2 hours isn’t a reason to go to the ER.


Thoughtless on her part, I would let her know how disappointed you were. She is your mother!!! 24/7