I feel sad that my daughter wanted to sleep in her own bed

My daughter is 3 (in November) she has been sleeping in my bed with me for months now she just always says “I want to sleep in mommy’s bed” well tonight she asked to sleep in her bedroom and I feel so sad and lonely it’s 5am she’s been asleep for hours now I can’t sleep because I don’t have my baby at my side and someone told me tonight that I’m whining and she’s fine and I should take the break and it’s stupid to cry about it does anyone else feel like your baby is attached to you like you always have to be with them or you feel like something huge is missing she’s getting so independent and I love that for her but it’s making me so sad


Go lay in her bed and give her a cuddle then hop back in yours and get some rest xx


I wouldn’t stress it mama, she will be back in your bed before the week is out more than likely.

It’s okay to be sad. It’s not okay that it’s disrupting your life like that.


I’ve got 3 boys, ages 5, 8 and 10. I found myself missing the toddler stage last week. Something I never thought I’d say lol. You’re not stupid for being sad that your kid is growing up. Whoever said that to you is an A-hole. You can be both happy and sad about your kids milestones/achievements. Time is fleeting, much more so when you become a parent. It’s easy to look back and remember the first time you held your child, it’s harder to look forward and realize that they’ll be completely independent from you someday.

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I feel like you need therapy


Your obsession with your daughter sleeping in your bed is not healthy. Please talk to your doctor about this. Your need to put your daughters needs before your own.

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i wish my 3 year old would sleep in his own bed. We ask him every night and he says “no i sleep in big bed with mama and dada” :skull:


My boys are seven and four and they still always want to sleep in my bed and if I fall asleep on the couch they almost always wake me up in the middle of the night asking if they can lay with me and when the time comes that they dont want to anymore I will be sad too. Your kids are only kids for so long it’s perfectly normal for kids to want their mom at night time, and its perfectly normal for moms to be sad when theh dont anymore, the people on here calling you mental and saying grow up were probably shit parents with very little emotial connection to their kids.

Holy crap. Not to be too mean but seriously. Your child is not spouse substitute. Not only are you setting them up for issues in their future, your also creating issues for yourself. You can be sad your kiddo is becoming more independent to an extent but if it’s making it so your life is being that disrupted, you need therapy to see where this is coming from. Everyone says that I get it and I assure you I’m not saying it flippant but for real you need to figure out why you can’t sleep without someone else in your bed with you. Otherwise get a dog and let it on the bed…


Tough crowd, unfortunately mommy there are very few safe spaces left for us in society. Your feelings are valid and it’s hard for us when our babies grow up and it will take some getting used to. Be gentle with yourself, this is normal but everything will be OK and you will experience many times where it’s harder for you as the parent to let go but let her lead you and you guys will be just fine. You’re doing a great job. Many kids would love to feel loved and adored as I’m sure your little one does. Everything that is new takes some getting used to. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Normal. Kids brain development. They become thier own little human around 3, much more independant.


Be sad or adjusting why would you not miss ya girl close xxxx sending love … but , whine be sad be curious be excited too and also enjoy —— having also to adjust , to her being in her own space now , will I hear her if she wakes ? calls for me ? , is she covered ok ? warm enough ? cool enough ? Is it safe if I sleep deep ? Lovely lady it’s early days x it’s different so you might not sleep for a bit you might still turn to check you might listen out till 5 am that’s ok - your a momma ! very sure you and her will work it out sure ! x and after you done 5 am will be 3 am then maybe 1 am then maybe 11pm ,…….thats a momma … mom does ! she will come kick ya in the head or fart on ya and love ya when she is relaxed and refreshed in her space and you will wonder why you stressed xxx

Sounds codependent. Don’t put that responsibility on a child.


It made me sad, until she asked me to sleep in her bed with her. It was so uncomfortable that I snuck out, and I’d sneak back in around 6:00am. If I didn’t, she’d come and crawl into bed with me and her daddy and fall fast asleep in my arms. She’s 22 now and engaged, living with him. Her daddy passed 16 months ago…what I would give for a snuggle with my daughter all night long. I miss them both so much.

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I agree. She is not your spouse!!!

You are allowed to feel whatever emotions you need to feel. It IS hard watching our kids grow up and feel like we aren’t needed anymore. Don’t let anyone tell you different!


it’s normal to be sad about it but it’s also 10000% time for the child to be able to sleep alone.
I try to remind myself that my feelings aren’t a good enough reason to stunt my child’s advancement


You are too dependent…learn from your 3 year old…:grinning:

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Don’t teach them co dependency. It’s a hard habit to break. Be thankful she’s showing independece


It’s normal to be sad about kids growing up. You can have your moment about it.
And then shift focus to the excitement of kids growing up :slight_smile:

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