I feel selfish for not wanting to breastfeed my second: Advice?

Fed is best! Do what feels right! There’s no shame in not breastfeeding. My kids have been breast and formula fed! They are all perfectly healthy!


The best thing for baby is a sane and happy mama! Embrace the age of innovation you live in and use the resources available to you that weren’t previously available to mothers. You’re doing amazing!


Do what’s best for you and your mental health. A happy, mentally healthy momma is what they REALLY need.

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I breastfed my first exclusively for the first 14 months of his life, I only weaned because he became so dependent on comfort nursing at night he would not sleep more than 30 to 40 minute windows before waking for a 30 minute latch session. I think to myself all the time, what will I do if I have a second child and I think the answer is I won’t breastfeed. I love my son with everything in me but the breastfeeding took such a toll on my mental health, and brought about a postpartum depression I couldn’t handle. The hormones whenever I stopped breastfeeding made me have a period for 6 weeks and I thought I was dying. Turns out all of that is a normal part of breastfeeding due to hormonal changes, I love my son and I am so thankful that I did it for him, but I think in the long run as long as he was fed it would have been better for both of us had mommy not been so stressed out with her mental health

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You got a while yet, so you may change your mind by then. BUT no it is not selfish, fed is best! I think though for the sake of your mental health, that it is time to wean your 2 year old off. Good luck! :two_hearts:

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There’s no shame in taking care of yourself and your babies. Formula is perfectly acceptable! Personally, we used the liquid, and it did quite well.

While being a parent often comes with sacrificing for our children, you can’t destroy yourself in the process.

You have to take care of you before you can take care of her.

Absolutely not selfish at all. You have to do what’s best for you and your babies. Wean the eldest and start her on sippy/straw cups. At 2, she should be able to drink from them anyway. The new baby will be fine with formula, as long as it’s being fed, it doesn’t matter if it’s bottle or breast. Good luck!!! :hugs:

Say these words out loud FED IS BEST…breast, formula still being fed

Fed is best it’s not selfish for doing what you feel you need to do. Tried breast feeding the boys made it a few months had to do formula.

Feeding your child is emotional as ever!!! With my twins I struggle hard. 1 was in the NICu while 1 was home. After like 3 months I said f this!! So yes the feelings are going to always be there but I rather have mom comfortable. Lucky we have plenty of food items nowadays

I tried to nurse both my boys, who were large babies when they were born. I was unable to make enough milk for either child. When my daughter was born I knew nursing didn’t work for me so immediately put her on formula. The difference was amazing. First of all, I had depression after both boys. When I had my daughter I felt so good when I got home, which was a huge difference the first 2 times. But my daughter was also a much calmer baby from the outset. Which stands to reason since I pretty much starved my boys for the first few weeks. I never regretted the decision to put daughter on formula.

Wean her off. Give her a “special” sippy cup. Tell her that she is a big girl now and big girls use sippy cups. Tell her that the new baby will have to have a bottle till she gets bug enough for sippy cups.

Please don’t beat yourself up! Try to wean your 2yo and give yourself a break! I always wanted so badly to bf my kids. I had such a hard time getting her to latch that i would just pump and feed, supplemented with formula. I did that for 6 months With my 2nd i just couldn’t pump, feed and take are of my 3 yo. So the 2nd child only got breast milk for a few weeks. Your needs and your physical and mental health are very important. Congratulations on your soon to be new one!

Hey mama, you do what’s best for you. I breastfed both my kids only for a few weeks because it takes such a toll on the mental health. It’s definitely not selfish to use formula.

Do whatever feels right for you. My son is 16m and will be 21m when his brother arrives. I do plan on bfing again, but I needed a break. It was painful and I was kind of over it. Plus I knew I didn’t want to tandem feed. We successfully weaned and I now have a few months with my breasts to myself until I give my body over again. We’ll prob wean our second a little after a year as well. I didn’t realize how ‘touched out’ I was until we stopped.

My son was constantly comfort nursing which was very painful and weighed on me emotionally. I didn’t think he’d take to weaning so well, but he actually took it better than I thought. One month in and he doesn’t seem the slightest bit interested in boob anymore.

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My daughter had a heart condition and I exclusively pumped for her for 14 months…you have to do what is best for you and your situation, as long as baby is fed, it shouldn’t matter!

Ive breastfed 2/3 of my kids and if i were to ever have a fourth i dont think i could do it again.

Fed is best. If breastfeeding is taking a toll on your mental health, use formula. You aren’t a bad mom.

my opinion would be that it is not selfish to have those feelings … but on the other hand, if it were me (and it was at one point) I would at least breastfeed for the first 3 months while you are at home with him to give him some antibodies … then switch to a formula when you prepare to go back to work.

You can always pump, if you don’t want new baby exclusively formula. But either way your baby will still love you all the same

With your second breast pump and only give them the bottle. So at least they are getting the nutrients and you are not only getting help but you can wean them to milk easier.

I thought breast feeding was so important back when formula wasn’t as advanced as it now. To be honest I wouldn’t feel guilt but don’t they say that about everything to mothers? You have to decide for yourself whether the guilt would weigh too much on you. As much as everyone will tell you not to feel “guilty” it’s you who has to feel it! It’s easier said than done. I said the same thing (only breastfeeding) about my son. I quit after 4 weeks because it was so unbearable. I was making enough milk for triplets! I felt guilt, but now I don’t. A fed baby is what’s important and the health and mental stability of you is what’s important. Take care of yourself!!! Do what you feel will be the least stressful on you because breast fed or formula fed doesn’t matter. If you’re worried about bonding time there is so many things to do to have the same effect!! And your baby will bond with you regardless. Please don’t feel guilty, please take care of yourself and do what is best for you, other people opinions do not matter!!

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Why don’t you nurse the new baby for 4 to 6 months…at 5 weeks start introducing 1 bottle a day of formula or breast milk.

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I’m due in Aug and I’m thinking of breastfeeding only the first month or two… and actually pumping so that she will still adapt to bottles

Not at all selfish!!! You do what is best for you.

No - you need to do what’s best for you
Maybe try cutting off your 1st child and taking a break and then re-evaluate with baby 2 :woman_shrugging:t2:


As long as you feed that baby I couldn’t care less!

I am going to do the same thing too for my no 2.:smile:.

Take her off cold turkey introduce sippy cup maybe you will change your mind with new baby if not as long as they eat who cares right lol

Do what feels right for you. You are not selfish

Not selfish AT ALL! Breastfeeding is hard. And it’s really only healthier while you’re doing it. Once you stop there’s no difference health wise in formula fed babies and breastfed babies

I’m going to be the odd one out here and idc.
While of course fed is best we don’t want babies to starve to death.

I would like to say… she’s TWO. It’s up to YOU to stop that habit. Not her. Just like you would have to stop the bottle usage if she was on formula, pacifier and baby blanket.

I had 3 children in 5 years and breastfed every single one of them up until right before their 2nd birthday Not a drop of formula.
I had a 6 month break between my 1st and second. Then Stopped breastfeeding my second In early June ‘18 and had my son early July ‘18.

While I understand the mental toll it takes to breastfeed. TRUST ME I really do. It affected me as well. But Id also like to remind you of the metal toll you might put on yourself for not breastfeeding the second when you did so well with the First. You have to think if you’ll have regret for not breastfeeding down the line.

They’re only babies once and in the scheme of things it’s not that long out of the years you’re going to get with them.

Also, while formula does keep baby fed and there has been advancements with it. But simply formula will not and never will produce the natural antibodies and other nutrients that baby needs to stay healthy when sick or needs a little extra iron etc. like breast milk does.

Babies saliva is read by your glands in your bits and literally pulls everything it’s need from you to give to your baby.

My stepmum told my lil brother her boobs hurt wen he wanna milk hes not 6 n my lil sister is 3 and still on the boob xx

Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone. It can be mentally and physically draining. There are so many ways to still develope that bond. Bottle feed without a shirt when you can for skin to skin. Stroke babies cheek and hands while feeding. You are not selfish for wanting to take care of your own health.

you need to do what you feel is best for you and your baby! if you feel like it is not right for you then don’t let anyone pressure you into it. there is nothing wrong with giving a baby a bottle. i hope things work out well for you!!!

Not selfish at all. You don’t have to.

#FedIsBest :upside_down_face: no need to let your mental health deteriorate. Your babies need a healthy mama :heart:

How about breastfeed for 6 months then switch? That way you could have best of both?

It’s absolutely NOT selfish