I feel so hurt since giving birth: Advice?

I’m 2.5 weeks postpartum and everything is hitting me. While I was 7 months pregnant I found out that my husband (together for 10 years and married for 5, whom I already had a toddler with) was having an affair throughout the whole 7 months of my pregnancy. My dog of 10 years and my grandmother passed away. I had to host my own baby shower because no one offered to and when the day came, NO ONE showed up, which hurt because people knew what I was going through and couldn’t even be there to celebrate my baby with me. I held it all together as best as possible while I was pregnant because I was already dealing with high blood pressure and was at risk for preeclampsia. Now that my son has been born, everything is hitting me and I’m so incredibly hurt.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I feel so hurt since giving birth: Advice?

You put all that love you have to give into your child. And make sure you talk to someone who will listen.

They say sons are given to us when we are at our darkest points in life.:blue_heart:


I’m so sorry your going through all of this! Do you have any close friends or family you can talk to just to vent things out to start the process of working through it? From what I’ve learned you just have to keep talking about it and acknowledging how your feeling so it doesn’t get worse! In the meantime I’d be kicking that so called husband out and doing what’s best for you and your children


I’m so sorry that you are dealing with this heartache during what should be a time of joy. It’s hard to understand why friends and family didn’t rally around you during your time of need.
As for your husband, unless the two of you agree to work things out and seek counseling, it’s time to move on. File for divorce, file for child support and look for resources as you need them.
Try to be strong for your babies and for yourself. You need to make a plan and live your best life.


I’m so sorry you have to go through this.
I would suggest a therapist. It’s hard when you are going through a hard time and especially hard when you are going through postpartum depression. Your feelings are valid and do NOT let anyone tell you any different. What happened it terrible, and you deserve better and so does your baby.
I’m so so sorry. Seriously try a therapist I promise it will help!!:heart::heart:
There are so many women on here that stand behind you, just know you are not alone! We may not be going through the exact same thing, but I promise everyone is going through something!:heart::heart:


You got this, Mama.

I’m so incredibly sorry you are having to go through so much.

Postpartum is real and it is terrible. I would definitely recommend speaking to your doctor.

Take a little time for yourself too, if you can. That’s okay.

I don’t know where you are or if you have anyone close to talk to, but feel free to message me if you need someone to listen.

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I was in a situation long time ago just like yourself in my second pregnancy and found out he was cheating on me I got up and I left . I chose me and my kids , Best of luck

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I’m so sorry stay strong for you and baby. I have walked in your shoes. I know how it feel.
I don’t know what city and state you live in. If you are close to me. I’m more than happy to help in anyway I can. Feel free to message me.
The father of my child left the moment he found out I was pregnant. My child is all grown up.
Sending prayers and love to you and baby
The least I can do for you two.


I’m so sorry that you have to go through this mama :pensive: I know how this feels. I have been in your shoes. I’m a believer of Jesus. He and my kids got me through. Focus on your babies. It’ll help. Take it one day at a time.

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So sorry u are going through this. I hope you have some family to help you get through this journey. My prayers are with you

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I sure hope things get better for you soon. I’m sure it doesn’t seem like it right now. But if your husband’s going to cheat on you while you’re pregnant or cheat on you in general. You’re much better off without him. I hope you’re able to create a beautiful life with you and your children. And hopefully you will end up with someone that loves you as much as you love them and will treat you great.

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Mama, I am so sorry for your losses and struggles. I would suggest speaking with a therapist. You need to process your feelings and make some decisions regarding your marriage. Sending you prayers

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I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am praying for your strength and comfort. I hope you are also praying for yourself and baby. Put your faith in God.

I’m really sorry for what you’re going through. Please talk to your doctor and get some help. You’ve got this. You’re stronger than you think. Sending hugs :heart:

I’m so sorry, that’s a lot to go through while pregnant and especially with the hormones. Please reach out to someone you trust.

I’m so sorry. I’d talk to someone perhaps pp depression or just anyone as you have a lot on your plate. I have 6 living and 2 angels. I’ve literally never had a baby shower as I know I have no one. Please please please talk to someone skilled not just a doctor. There are people who are trained specifically for pp and just someone to talk to for all of these hardships you’re facing.

I’m so sorry, having a baby should be joyous. Hug that precious miracle.

So sorry for all that you are dealing with. Any one of those things would be tough. All of them are just unimaginable. Hugs and prayers and listen to all this advice and go to a therapist even if you have no money most insurance and Medicaid will cover a certain number of postpartum visits :heart:

I’m praying for you sweetheart! Trust in Jesus!!! :pray::pray::pray:

Talk to someone about postnatal depression. Get yourself out there to mum and baby groups. It sounds like a lot of loss and change and that showed up the main cause for post natal depression in the group I did with others so definitely find someone to talk to. Don’t let it get lonely because honestly I’d feel so lonely and let down. Love for you and your babies with the thought that you can’t make someone be there for you :woman_shrugging:t2: your family may have been going through the loss of your grandmother too and not have been in a place to celebrate although I feel they should have come to you to talk

If it’s possible maybe a Friend or family member can watch the children for you to have some processing time cause you need some time.

Ohhh my gosh. I’m sorry. I would have came to your shower, i bet alot of us would, if you have an Amazon wish list for baby I think it’d be great to put up and link it, I bet a few us wouldn’t mind sending your baby some cool stuff to help you along, definitely put diapers and wipes up there, medicines and anything you may need. I’m sorry people are shitty. You and baby deserve the world​:kissing_heart::innocent:

I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better soon. You can do it.

Praying for you sis :pray:t2::heavy_heart_exclamation:

I’m so sorry I couldn’t imagine

Maybe some counseling to let it all out would help. Postpartum doesn’t make everything better either I feel for you. Sending :heart:

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Stay strong and dump his body he’s not worth this heartache life is to short

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I mean your hormones are all over the place when you have just given birth and can take a while to get right but with all of the stuff that you’ve been put through while carrying a baby I can’t imagine how you feel if I’m honest! I never had a baby shower for any of my girls because I don’t have friends so no one would of come anyway. I tbink speaking to someone will be good idea for you tbh xxx

I’m so sorry :pray:, I hope it gets better. Everything you’ve been dealing with , plus everything you have to deal with now , it’s just a lot for anybody to take on. I don’t have much advice , besides you should make some serious decisions about your marriage. Good luck .

Sounds like postpartum depression, brought on by all that you’ve been through. Please see your doctor!

My heart is breaking for you. I want to give you the biggest hug ever. I don’t have any advice for you, I just hope you find peace. :heart:

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I’m so sorry you have been dealing with all of this.
I am a therapist. I do all of my sessions remotely like your physician uses TeleMed. If you would feel better talking it through with an experienced therapist/Counselor you can call or text me to set up a few sessions. As your new baby gift I won’t invoice you for at least 8 weeks. We can talk this over thoroughly before you start. My phone number for a call or to text me is 443-526-8866. If I am in a session be sure to leave me a return number and a good time to return the call. Please realize none of any of this is your fault.

Something I realized. Everyone is going through a lot alone and there is so many people on this planet how is it possible to be alone in this

You and your husband is now delivered in Jesus mighty name Amene. Their will be sure changes in his life. Amene Amene Amene

Scream…cry…vent…do whatever is necessary to help you release… remember that it’s okay to feel however you need to at that time…just please try not to get stuck there…therapy may be beneficial…if it’s not affordable or attainable at this time…get you a journal and write out your feelings…sorta like a Dear Me letter…I don’t recommend speaking with family or friends cause they tend to judge…find a neutral party to vent to…my inbox will be open…I pray that this too shall pass so that PPD can be avoided and that you may enjoy your new blessings…hugs and prayers of peace are sent your way …again my inbox is open :purple_heart:

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1- I’m so sorry
2- seek help
3- lose the husband and make sure the divorce paper work states he cheated
4- again seek help talk, to your doctor

Oh mama I am so so sorry all that’s happening. You don’t deserve that. Talk to your doctor about how you feel and make sure you soak in all those newborn cuddles they’re amazing for healing​:sparkling_heart::blue_heart:

That is a lot to go through hun. I’m sorry, hugs. Anyone would be upset and hurt over these things, especially in such a short time frame. Are you predisposed to depression? I would talk to your Doc about PPD just to rule it out or if yiu do have it, to get some help. Your hormones are out of wack still even if that’s not the case and it can make you go a little haywire. There is never any shame in reaching out to a councellor or doctor for help. Also focus on your littles as much as possible. They love you and look up to you. You are their hero and they will provide all of the love that others have been lacking in showing. Big hugs


It’s tragic that you have had to go through so much, when you should be celebrating the birth of your child.

Please know, that you are not alone.

I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


I understand you and I relate to you. You are not alone. We never forget those who werent present when we needed them the most. Sending you hugs.

Hugs. Sorry. Take a few hours to yourself if possible. Cry it all out. Then dust them shoulders off. You got this mama!

Talk to a councillor asap . Get help healing and focus on those beautiful babies who want mommy happy again.

Wow that sucks people suck and

First of all if you havent already get tested, then protect yourself and your children, then decide if you are a zero tolerance person or doormat, future trust is out the door and change on his part is statistically unlikely

Get a new tribe n partner

I’m sorry that you are struggling right now. You are going through a lot with no support.
Have you contacted your local mental health office? Maybe seek out some therapy to help you with ways of getting through this?

Dont make any decisions right now. Youre hormones are all over the place and youve suffered losses…im so sorry :disappointed:… but in a few weeks when your head is straight…pack his bags and send him to his gf. Cheating is bad at anytime but while you are carrying his baby ,? Thats unforgivable imo.