I feel trapped in my relationship please help me

I’ve been a SAHM since our eldest was born. I’ve been with my partner for 13 yrs. We have 3 children together 10, 5 and 3. He has done and said a few things in the last 4/5 years that have hurt me very much and I’m struggling to forgive him for them. He is financially well off but I have no access to money. He will not get a joint bank account or involve me in any of our finances. I don’t even know what he brings home each week for his paycheck. He likes to remind me all the time that it’s ‘his’ money and ‘his’ house bc he is the one who’s earning it. I have been saying to him for years that I can’t go on like this. A few years ago he came home with a 70,000 dollar jeep without even discussing it with me first and I was struggling that exact week to feed my kids. He left me when I was in labour for 6 hours on my own with our 5yr old to go and buy a few scrap cars and just made it back in time for his birth knowing that I was scared bc we lost our previous pregnancy at 6 months. I can’t go out with friends as I’ve no money and I just have to wait until he hands me money which I find so degrading. It makes me feel like I’m back home waiting for my father to hand me pocket money. I feel like I’m only there to cook and clean for him and mind my own business when it comes to everything else. He does not help me around the house and has no connection with the kids whatsoever. They don’t bother with him back. I’m so tired all the time. When it comes to bedroom stuff I’m exhausted which progresses into an argument in which he tells me ‘your tired all the time’ so I just do it then to keep him happy and stop an argument. Please help me realise that he will never change and that I’m worth more than this. I’m desperate