I feel uncomfortable around a co worker that constantly flirts with me: Advice?

Put the dude in his place. I tried to be nice in a situation where someone gave unwanted attention because I was looking for a friend. It’s not worth it. Tell him he shows you disrespect by flirting with you while your with someone you’ve chosen to be with. THEN if he persist remind yourself you’ve been very clear and give him a cold shoulder. It’s not wrong to stand up for what you are working for. For your family. He does not show you respect.

Thats illegal in the work place. You need to talk to HR.


Sounds fine. I grew up with sisters, as a matter of cause, I flirt. Try to keep it above board. Don’t sweat it. Just know your limits. Only cheat if you’re prepared to lose. There is no win.

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How would you feel if you found out your SO was doing the same thing behind your back? You’d be hurt, devastated, angry, betrayed. Flirting is cheating. With all due respect (honestly!) If you desire the attention to feel “wanted” and “noticed” by another man, you are clearly lacking something in your current relationship. I hope you search within yourself to find whatever it is that you want/need. Whether it be to do some soul searching to fix whatever it is in your current relationship that is clearly lacking, or that you come to the realization that you are clearly unhappy in your relationship and you pursue a new adventure. Luck be with you!


You shouldn’t even entertain his attention…that’s pretty rude to ur bf actually…just my opinion :woman_shrugging:


You literally said you feel uncomfortable around the co-worker then further in the post you said should you feel guilty for not being uncomfortable


Completely disrespectful to your man and father of your child. You reap what you sow.


Don’t play with fire you will get burnt. I’m an instant of passion you will burn. Your family. You can draw a line without offending a person. Show pictures of your loved ones and talk about your love for them


Tell the dude to back off. How would you feel if your boyfriend was in the same scenario? Have some respect for these guys and politely tell this guy to back off.


Don’t tell your boyfriend anything that’s unnecessary drama. Tell the co-workers that you feel uncomfortable into please stop doing it and be kind and gentle. Does men have fragile egos

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Cheating starts with a conversation.
If he were “innocently” flirting with a girl at work how would you feel?


You’re obviously doing something back for him to be flirting with you comfortably, that attention is not worth it! Think about your FAMILY! Not only would you ruin your relationship but your family also!


Keep it too yourself

& that’s how it starts!!

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How do you know he’s flirting with you though? Maybe he’s being friendly?

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First thing is how would you feel if he did this to you, would you want him to tell you or to keep it hidden?
I was put in a situation just like this (only my husband did it to me) and lied about it,then told later about what all happened, All right after We had our little one. It created a lot of issues.
My opinion if you flirt with someone else when you’re already committed to someone else it’s cheating.
You need to tell this other guy that he needs to stop.


You said you don’t feel uncomfortable about the mild flirting, just that you may be crossing a line? I think every relationship is different, and as long as you and your boyfriend have the same criteria for what is acceptable, you are good. Personally, I enjoy mild flirtations, and have no problem with my husband of 20+ years talking to other women. It reminds us both that we are still attractive, and it’s good for our egos. We also have absolute trust. Your boyfriend may or may not see it that way.

You better wake up your present boyfriend you say is good to you you don’t know about him.

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Try discussing it with your spouse. For me, when I experienced this type of situation, I told myself I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I could have friends and it didn’t matter if they were attracted to me because I would never reciprocate the behavior. However, when I discussed it with my hubby… he said something that has stayed with me for the past 20 years. What matters is how the behavior you tolerate from your coworker makes your partner feel. If allowing the behavior to continue hurts them or causes emotional doubt in himself (or herself) or in your relationship as a couple (rationale or not), allowing the coworker to continue being flirtatious with you is a disregard or disrespect of your partner’s feelings and this will speak volumes. If it doesn’t bother them, then continue on and no worries.


Either leave your job or move to different department because you will eventually cheat. The longer it goes on it will change into something else and the need to be desired will turn to lust that is too strong to overcome. You will risk everything and jn the end will lose friendship with co-worker. Starts off innocent, but have never seen where it stays that way. If you continue to work with this man yhen you need to tell your boyfriend so he will be aware of the flirting. He may ask you to change jobs. If you act on it, the guilt will eat you up. You will want to stop but wont be able to unless you get away from this co worker for good. And by the way, no man flirts with a women that he doesnt want to sleep with. Most men wont talk to a women unless he wants to sleep with her. Im 58 and have seen this too many times.

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You are playing with fire.

You are enjoying this AND keeping it behind your boyfriends back.

Don’t expect to get married in the future if you think this is acceptable to keep to yourself. A good marriage requires much more than just open communication, something you are already withholding.

It wouldn’t be right for him to be in your shoes, so why wouldn’t be okay for you?

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Although it is nice to feel like someone else finds you attractive I would put a stop to it. ASAP. Right now you don’t feel like things could progress into more than just flirting. But that is how it starts.


I’d definitely tell my boyfriend. Would you want your boyfriend to tell you that if the tables were turned? If you feel like you need to hide it then it’s wrong. Period. Been with my husband for 7 years and we tell each other everything. He needs to leave you alone but he won’t unless YOU make it clear you respect your boyfriend. That’s not cool in my book 🤷


Confused cause the heading states you ARE uncomfortable but at the end it says should you feel guilty for NOT feeling uncomfortable.

Either way…if it DOES make you uncomfortable tell that co worker and don’t let it continue


^I agree with her. Cuz the fact that you’ve reached out to social media about it/him, shows it’s already progressing. If you KNOW you would never entertain it, why is it even a thing? Let it go, move on


You gonna tell your boyfriend you find this co worker attractive too? Or leave that out? Have you even asked them to stop? You’re allowing it. It’s disrespectful to your boyfriend. Period.


You kind of contradicted yourself. You started out saying you are uncomfortable and by the end you’re saying you’re not uncomfortable. If you’re questioning it then something is wrong about it. Trust your gut. Cheating isn’t just the act of sex.


I’m not sure which page of yours I should be following. Help me pick one, please. This shows up in my feed three times :frowning:

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Affairs don’t start in the bedroom, they start with a conversation.


if your hiding it from your boyfriend then your already half way there it’s a slippery slope hun nip it in the bud now x


Tell your boyfriend. Then tell the coworker something like. Oh I told my BF that you like my shirt… He bought it for me and says thank you.


If you feel the need to make a whole ass post then I think you know the answer…


I think you probably should feel guilty for “enjoying” being flirted with and allowing it to continue. That is how unfaithfulness tends to begin.


Does this man behave this way towards all co workers or just you? That separates him having a complementary personality vs. Paying extra attention to you personally. I think people are way to jealous now days. Enjoy the attention and feel good about yourself. You control your behavior. If its special attention specifically towards you then make some boundaries. Hes not aware that your offend or it’s to much attention if you’re showing signs of enjoying it. Ask yourself would you be mad if your husband liked the same attention.


How you feel has nothing to do with your co-worker or your husband. You like the attention and most likely your co-worker has picked up on that. When you are tired of feeling guilty woman up and put an end to it.

I’d be flattered too at first but letting it continue to boost your confidence isnt really fair. Not fair to lead on someone not fair to your boyfriend AT ALL and it could sabotage your current relationship. If you need confidence find another way.


You do realise you’ve contradicted yourself right? First line you’re saying your uncomfortable, then you’re saying your not and you’re enjoying it? Matter of the fact is, the way this is heading, you’re digging yourself a hole. How would you feel if this was your partner and a female worker??!!


Tell your boyfriend . Then have him take you to lunch oneday and let him come in the office and get you,and then you can introduce them and that stop it all no feeling hurt no one mad .

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If you don’t tell its cheating…


Anything you feel the need to keep hidden from your SO, isn’t exactly right. But I’m sure you already knew the answer to that since you made this whole post.


Only attention that’s required is from your partner. Sounds like you are flattered by this persons compliments and attention.


Just my personal rule of thumb. If i ask myself the question of “should i tell my boyfriend?” The answer is always yes.


This is a big :x: for me.

There’s is no point in my happy relationship would I enjoy the attention of another man. Not only would the guilt kill me, but I don’t want anyone else’s attention.

You need to tell this coworker to buzz off, or take a good hard look at why you’re allowing this to go on.

You say now nothing would happen physically, but I’d say you’ve already crossed a line.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing, at the end of the day we’re allowed to think others are attractive just don’t act on it! And liking attention isn’t a crime! It’s nice to feel like you haven’t become a skanky old housewife that’s unnoticeable! I would tell me fella, I always do and am always honest with him about men flirting with me. I’d also tell this guy that I’m flattered but happily taken and am not interested. That way you’ve done the right thing and covered all bases so if this guy takes it too far, you know it’s not because you’ve led him on!


In MY opinion your already emotionally cheating if you enjoy the attention. You really need to put a stop to it before it progresses into something more


The post is contradicting since at the beginning you said he makes you uncomfortable but at the end you’re saying you like him flirting with you? Sounds like you’re half way to cheating if you’re hiding this from your bf and don’t tell this guy to back off. I get its nice to know other people find you attractive but if you love your bf then it doesn’t matter who else finds you attractive. I know if this was the case with my husband I really wouldn’t like it at all. Also if you feel the need to make this whole post about it then you already know something isn’t right here…


Keep it to yourself and stop starting a flame. It’s not a fire, YET! You say you would never do anything, but you’re not bothered by him or his flirting, comments. How would you feel if your man was doing this, maybe he already is? Be careful what you do, it might just come back to you.


Lol… that’s your work husband, joking…


If the roles were reversed and you found out that your hubby was doing this same shit with a girl at his work I can guarantee that you would not be happy about it. You need to stop. Tell your coworker that he needs to knock it off with the comments and you need to stop entertaining it.


why in one breath she says she “feels uncomfortable” and then further down she says she totally fine and enjoys it?? make up your mind lol, IF you have an issue with it then talk to him and tell him, IF you DONT have an issue with it then well im not sure why this post is even up?


Youre a grown woman, you should be able to put a stop to it yourself. Telling anyone just causes more crap than what the situation already is. You need to stop it asap. Its as simple as telling him that your boyfriend wouldn’t like the way he speaks to you, so to stop, and if he doesn’t, follow it up with your boss. You should be able to handle a situation on your own


I wouldn’t tell my man, because it will just create drama and uneasy feelings that are not necessary. Put a stop to the flirting. Just know that you still “have it” and move on.


Does the co-worker know u are in a relationship?

Not a good idea to entertain it… be honest and faithful.


Ridiculous…you can’t even keep your story straight.


Boyfriend? But you have a kid together? Harsh.

This happen with any new recruit.the new recruit is always attractive for many.but give yourself time to adjust to the new department and see the person shall be your good and helpful colleague.its too early to judge.else the reverse can be true if things go wrong.do not mix professional issues with personal .

That’s an affair waiting to happen… :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused: a big no no… that’s my opinion atleast.


Go home and have the most passionate sex with your boyfriend.

You’re “fresh meat”, it’s not a compliment :woman_shrugging:t2: and don’t encourage it!!


In these situations it always goes back to a respect thing. Is it nice. Yes. Does it make you feel desirable yes. But ultimately you’re disrespecting your boyfriend because you allow it to happen. Its one thing to be told hey you look nice today but if its an entertainment ongoing cycle. Its disrespectful.
In every situation i always have to look at it from the other side. Would i want my man doing thos to a woman he works with. Obviously not. That shit hurts.

Its ok to like feeling desirable or having attention. But this is a co worker so its not like hes a random guy passing threw. You’re around that person most of the time and that work standard needs to be maintained before it turns into something more.
Its easy to say oh no i could never.

But you’re already enjoying the attention and feeding from it.
Hate to say it but i would be totally crushed. Nip it in the butt or be single.
I enjoy getting that second glance yada yada. But its not a situation where im working with that person and or around the majority of the time.

This can lead to trouble it may seem harmless but these things escalate. Its clear you’re getting emotionally attatched to this persons attention.
Be single and flirt or be with your man and respect thar some lines shouldn’t be crossed. Epecially in a case you wouldnt want him out doing the same.


So are you uncomfortable or not? Lol


Just dont let them think that they are actually getting anywhere

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Honestly just be honest with him. Be blunt and straight forward, it needs to stop.

This is consider work place harassment and is illegal, you need to stand up and let him know you are not comfortable with it and if he keeps on go to the next person above you. Go to your human resourse also to find out about work place harassment. There is a fine line with harassment but anytime you feel uncomfortable you need to say something to the person and if that don’t work you go to someone higher up about it.

Good grief do you know how to open your mouth an day stop

Your only human…:+1::raised_hands::open_hands::raised_back_of_hand:

There’s nothing wrong with being flattered from a compliment. At all as long as that’s all it is.
You said firstly that you’re uncomfortable. Then said you weren’t. This is either that you’re not being fully honest…with yourself mainly, and you feel more than flattered, which will lead to trouble. Or just an innocent typo/ worded wrong.
I personally wouldn’t be comfortable with that level and fuck people off who do this, because it sounds far too frequently.

If you wouldn’t do it in front of your boyfriend dont do it

It is nice to feel desirable especially constantly whether its 1 or different people. But honestly i just smile and maybe a ty. Unless its disrespectful like one " you a fine bitch"… my husband doesn’t like any of it and doesn’t flirt or compliment another woman so i don’t take it farther than ty…

I think, from your story that you’re worried bc you’re starting to enjoy ALL the attention. And maybe scared it’ll go further.??
Some men, like him, are flirtatious by nature so im sure, hes doing it to all women. If you don’t like it say stop. When i dont stop people, they continue thinking i like it.